110 research outputs found
An Appearance-Based Framework for 3D Hand Shape Classification and Camera Viewpoint Estimation
An appearance-based framework for 3D hand shape classification and simultaneous camera viewpoint estimation is presented. Given an input image of a segmented hand, the most similar matches from a large database of synthetic hand images are retrieved. The ground truth labels of those matches, containing hand shape and camera viewpoint information, are returned by the system as estimates for the input image. Database retrieval is done hierarchically, by first quickly rejecting the vast majority of all database views, and then ranking the remaining candidates in order of similarity to the input. Four different similarity measures are employed, based on edge location, edge orientation, finger location and geometric moments.National Science Foundation (IIS-9912573, EIA-9809340
Learning Embeddings for Indexing, Retrieval, and Classification, with Applications to Object and Shape Recognition in Image Databases
Nearest neighbor retrieval is the task of identifying, given a database of objects and a query object, the objects in the database that are the most similar to the query. Retrieving nearest neighbors is a necessary component of many practical applications, in fields as diverse as computer vision, pattern recognition, multimedia databases, bioinformatics, and computer networks. At the same time, finding nearest neighbors accurately and efficiently can be challenging, especially when the database contains a large number of objects, and when the underlying distance measure is computationally expensive. This thesis proposes new methods for improving the efficiency and accuracy of nearest neighbor retrieval and classification in spaces with computationally expensive distance measures. The proposed methods are domain-independent, and can be applied in arbitrary spaces, including non-Euclidean and non-metric spaces. In this thesis particular emphasis is given to computer vision applications related to object and shape recognition, where expensive non-Euclidean distance measures are often needed to achieve high accuracy.
The first contribution of this thesis is the BoostMap algorithm for embedding arbitrary spaces into a vector space with a computationally efficient distance measure. Using this approach, an approximate set of nearest neighbors can be retrieved efficiently - often orders of magnitude faster than retrieval using the exact distance measure in the original space. The BoostMap algorithm has two key distinguishing features with respect to existing embedding methods. First, embedding construction explicitly maximizes the amount of nearest neighbor information preserved by the embedding. Second, embedding construction is treated as a machine learning problem, in contrast to existing methods that are based on geometric considerations.
The second contribution is a method for constructing query-sensitive distance measures for the purposes of nearest neighbor retrieval and classification. In high-dimensional spaces, query-sensitive distance measures allow for automatic selection of the dimensions that are the most informative for each specific query object. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that query-sensitivity increases the modeling power of embeddings, allowing embeddings to capture a larger amount of the nearest neighbor structure of the original space.
The third contribution is a method for speeding up nearest neighbor classification by combining multiple embedding-based nearest neighbor classifiers in a cascade. In a cascade, computationally efficient classifiers are used to quickly classify easy cases, and classifiers that are more computationally expensive and also more accurate are only applied to objects that are harder to classify. An interesting property of the proposed cascade method is that, under certain conditions, classification time actually decreases as the size of the database increases, a behavior that is in stark contrast to the behavior of typical nearest neighbor classification systems.
The proposed methods are evaluated experimentally in several different applications: hand shape recognition, off-line character recognition, online character recognition, and efficient retrieval of time series. In all datasets, the proposed methods lead to significant improvements
in accuracy and efficiency compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. In some datasets, the general-purpose methods introduced in this thesis even outperform domain-specific methods that have been custom-designed for such datasets
Boosting Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Multiclass Recognition
This paper introduces an algorithm that uses boosting to learn a distance measure for multiclass k-nearest neighbor classification. Given a family of distance measures as input, AdaBoost is used to learn a weighted distance measure, that is a linear combination of the input measures. The proposed method can be seen both as a novel way to learn a distance measure from data, and as a novel way to apply boosting to multiclass recognition problems, that does not require output codes. In our approach, multiclass recognition of objects is reduced into a single binary recognition task, defined on triples of objects. Preliminary experiments with eight UCI datasets yield no clear winner among our method, boosting using output codes, and k-nn classification using an unoptimized distance measure. Our algorithm did achieve lower error rates in some of the datasets, which indicates that, in some domains, it may lead to better results than existing methods
Online and Offline Character Recognition Using Alignment to Prototypes
Nearest neighbor classifiers are simple to implement, yet they can model complex non-parametric distributions, and provide state-of-the-art recognition accuracy in OCR databases. At the same time, they may be too slow for practical character recognition, especially when they rely on similarity measures that require computationally expensive pairwise alignments between characters. This paper proposes an efficient method for computing an approximate similarity score between two characters based on their exact alignment to a small number of prototypes. The proposed method is applied to both online and offline character recognition, where similarity is based on widely used and computationally expensive alignment methods, i.e., Dynamic Time Warping and the Hungarian method respectively. In both cases significant recognition speedup is obtained at the expense of only a minor increase in recognition error.Office of Naval Research (N00014-03-1-0108); National Science Foundation (IIS-0308213, EIA-0202067
Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classification Using a Cascade of Approximate Similarity Measures
Nearest neighbor classification using shape context can yield highly accurate results in a number of recognition problems. Unfortunately, the approach can be too slow for practical applications, and thus approximation strategies are needed to make shape context practical. This paper proposes a method for efficient and accurate nearest neighbor classification in non-Euclidean spaces, such as the space induced by the shape context measure. First, a method is introduced for constructing a Euclidean embedding that is optimized for nearest neighbor classification accuracy. Using that embedding, multiple approximations of the underlying non-Euclidean similarity measure are obtained, at different levels of accuracy and efficiency. The approximations are automatically combined to form a cascade classifier, which applies the slower approximations only to the hardest cases. Unlike typical cascade-of-classifiers approaches, that are applied to binary classification problems, our method constructs a cascade for a multiclass problem. Experiments with a standard shape data set indicate that a two-to-three order of magnitude speed up is gained over the standard shape context classifier, with minimal losses in classification accuracy.National Science Foundation (IIS-0308213, IIS-0329009, EIA-0202067); Office of Naval Research (N00014-03-1-0108
Object Detection at the Optimal Scale with Hidden State Shape Models
Hidden State Shape Models (HSSMs) [2], a variant of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) [9], were proposed to detect shape classes of variable structure in cluttered images. In this paper, we formulate a probabilistic framework for HSSMs which provides two major improvements in comparison to the previous method [2]. First, while the method in [2] required the scale of the object to be passed as an input, the method proposed here estimates the scale of the object automatically. This is achieved by introducing a new term for the observation probability that is based on a object-clutter feature model. Second, a segmental HMM [6, 8] is applied to model the "duration probability" of each HMM state, which is learned from the shape statistics in a training set and helps obtain meaningful registration results. Using a segmental HMM provides a principled way to model dependencies between the scales of different parts of the object. In object localization experiments on a dataset of real hand images, the proposed method significantly outperforms the method of [2], reducing the incorrect localization rate from 40% to 15%. The improvement in accuracy becomes more significant if we consider that the method proposed here is scale-independent, whereas the method of [2] takes as input the scale of the object we want to localize
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