13 research outputs found
Phase Resolved Simulation of the Landau–Alber Stability Bifurcation
It has long been known that plane wave solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLS) are linearly unstable. This fact is widely known as modulation instability (MI), and sometimes referred to as Benjamin–Feir instability in the context of water waves. In 1978, I.E. Alber introduced a methodology to perform an analogous linear stability analysis around a sea state with a known power spectrum, instead of around a plane wave. This analysis applies to second moments, and yields a stability criterion for power spectra. Asymptotically, it predicts that sufficiently narrow and high-intensity spectra are unstable, while sufficiently broad and low-intensity spectra are stable, which is consistent with empirical observations. The bifurcation between unstable and stable behaviour has no counterpart in the classical MI (where all plane waves are unstable), and we call it Landau–Alber bifurcation because the stable regime has been shown to be a case of Landau damping. In this paper, we work with the realistic power spectra of ocean waves, and for the first time, we produce clear, direct evidence for an abrupt bifurcation as the spectrum becomes narrow/intense enough. A fundamental ingredient of this work was to look directly at the nonlinear evolution of small, localised inhomogeneities, and whether these can grow dramatically. Indeed, one of the issues affecting previous investigations of this bifurcation seem to have been that they mostly looked for the indirect evidence of instability, such as an increase in overall extreme events. It is also found that a sufficiently large computational domain is crucial for the bifurcation to manifest
Modulation instability and convergence of the random phase approximation for stochastic sea states
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is widely used as an approximate model for the evolution in time of the water wave envelope. In the context of simulating ocean waves, initial conditions are typically generated from a measured power spectrum using the random-phase approximation, and periodized on an interval of length L. It is known that most realistic ocean waves power spectra do not exhibit modulation instability, but the most severe ones do; it is thus a natural question to ask whether the periodized random-phase approximation has the correct stability properties. In this work, we specify a random-phase approximation scaling, so that, in the limit of L → ∞ , the stability properties of the periodized problem are identical to those of the continuous power spectrum on the infinite line. Moreover, it is seen through concrete examples that using a too short computational domain can completely suppress the modulation instability.<br/
Modelling of Ocean Waves with the Alber Equation:Application to Non-Parametric Spectra and Generalisation to Crossing Seas
The Alber equation is a phase-averaged second-moment model for the statistics
of a sea state, which recently has been attracting renewed attention. We extend
it in two ways: firstly, we derive a generalized Alber system starting from a
system of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations, which contains the classical Alber
equation as a special case but can also describe crossing seas, i.e. two
wavesystems with different wavenumbers crossing. (These can be two completely
independent wavenumbers, i.e. in general different directions and different
moduli.) We also derive the associated 2-dimensional scalar instability
condition. This is the first time that a modulation instability condition
applicable to crossing seas has been systematically derived for general
spectra. Secondly, we use the classical Alber equation and its associated
instability condition to quantify how close a given non-parametric spectrum is
to being modulationally unstable. We apply this to a dataset of 100
non-parametric spectra provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, and
find the vast majority of realistic spectra turn out to be stable, but three
extreme sea states are found to be unstable (out of 20 sea states chosen for
their severity). Moreover, we introduce a novel "proximity to instability"
(PTI) metric, inspired by the stability analysis. This is seen to correlate
strongly with the steepness and Benjamin-Feir Index (BFI) for the sea states in
our dataset (>85% Spearman rank correlation). Furthermore, upon comparing with
phase-resolved broadband Monte Carlo simulations, the kurtosis and probability
of rogue waves for each sea state are also seen to correlate well with its PTI
(>85% Spearman rank correlation)
Modulation instability and convergence of the random phase approximation for stochastic sea states
The nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is widely used as an approximate model
for the evolution in time of the water wave envelope. In the context of
simulating ocean waves, initial conditions are typically generated from a
measured power spectrum using the random phase approximation, and periodized on
an interval of length . It is known that most realistic ocean waves power
spectra do not exhibit modulation instability, but the most severe ones do; it
is thus a natural question to ask whether the periodized random phase
approximation has the correct stability properties. In this work we specify a
random phase approximation scaling so that, in the limit of the
stability properties of the periodized problem are identical to those of the
continuous power spectrum on the infinite line. Moreover, it is seen through
concrete examples that using a too short computational domain can completely
suppress the modulation instability
Strong and weak semiclassical limits for some rough Hamiltonians
We present several results concerning the semiclassical limit of the time
dependent Schr\"odinger equation with potentials whose regularity doesn't
guarantee the uniqueness of the underlying classical flow. Different topologies
for the limit are considered and the situation where two bicharateristics can
be obtained out of the same initial point is emphasized
Coarse-scale representations and smoothed Wigner transforms
Smoothed Wigner transforms have been used in signal processing, as a
regularized version of the Wigner transform, and have been proposed as an
alternative to it in the homogenization and / or semiclassical limits of wave
equations. We derive explicit, closed formulations for the coarse-scale
representation of the action of pseudodifferential operators. The resulting
``smoothed operators'' are in general of infinite order. The formulation of an
appropriate framework, resembling the Gelfand-Shilov spaces, is necessary.
Similarly we treat the ``smoothed Wigner calculus''. In particular this allows
us to reformulate any linear equation, as well as certain nonlinear ones (e.g.
Hartree and cubic non-linear Schr\"odinger), as coarse-scale phase-space
equations (e.g. smoothed Vlasov), with spatial and spectral resolutions
controlled by two free parameters. Finally, it is seen that the smoothed Wigner
calculus can be approximated, uniformly on phase-space, by differential
operators in the semiclassical regime. This improves the respective
weak-topology approximation result for the Wigner calculus.Comment: 58 pages, plain Te
Exact equations for smoothed Wigner transforms and homogenization of wave propagation
The Wigner Transform (WT) has been extensively used in the formulation of
phase-space models for a variety of wave propagation problems including
high-frequency limits, nonlinear and random waves. It is well known that the WT
features counterintuitive 'interference terms', which often make computation
impractical. In this connection, we propose the use of the smoothed Wigner
Transform (SWT), and derive new, exact equations for it, covering a broad class
of wave propagation problems. Equations for spectrograms are included as a
special case. The 'taming' of the interference terms by the SWT is illustrated,
and an asymptotic model for the Schroedinger equation is constructed and
numerically verified.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
Modelling of Ocean Waves with the Alber Equation: Application to Non-Parametric Spectra and Generalisation to Crossing Seas
The Alber equation is a phase-averaged second-moment model used to study the statistics of a sea state, which has recently been attracting renewed attention. We extend it in two ways: firstly, we derive a generalized Alber system starting from a system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations, which contains the classical Alber equation as a special case but can also describe crossing seas, i.e., two wavesystems with different wavenumbers crossing. (These can be two completely independent wavenumbers, i.e., in general different directions and different moduli.) We also derive the associated two-dimensional scalar instability condition. This is the first time that a modulation instability condition applicable to crossing seas has been systematically derived for general spectra. Secondly, we use the classical Alber equation and its associated instability condition to quantify how close a given nonparametric spectrum is to being modulationally unstable. We apply this to a dataset of 100 nonparametric spectra provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and find that the vast majority of realistic spectra turn out to be stable, but three extreme sea states are found to be unstable (out of 20 sea states chosen for their severity). Moreover, we introduce a novel “proximity to instability” (PTI) metric, inspired by the stability analysis. This is seen to correlate strongly with the steepness and Benjamin–Feir Index (BFI) for the sea states in our dataset (>85% Spearman rank correlation). Furthermore, upon comparing with phase-resolved broadband Monte Carlo simulations, the kurtosis and probability of rogue waves for each sea state are also seen to correlate well with the PTI (>85% Spearman rank correlation)