19 research outputs found


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    Buku ini disusun sebagai salah satu bahan ajar untuk menunjang pelaksanaan kegiatan perkuliahan. Dalam buku ini disajikan berbagai materi yang berkaitan dengan linguistik dan sastra yang mencakup konsep perkembangan bahasa, morfologi, fonologi, kesusastraan Indonesia dan apresiasi sastra. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan rangkuman materi dan soal evaluasi di tiap-tiap akhir bab sehingga memudahkan para mahasiswa dalam mendalami materi

    Analisis Perbandingan Kualitas Buku Teks Bahasa Arab Ta’lim Al-Lughoh Al-Arobiyah Dan Al-‘Ashri : Kajian Isi, Penyajian Dan Bahasa

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    This study analyzed the comparison of the quality of Arabic textbooks Ta’im Al-Lughoh Al-Arobiyah and Al- Ashri based on the content review, presentation and language aspects aimed to describe and compare the quality of Ta'lim Al-Lughoh Al-Arobiyah and Al-'Ashri in terms of content, presentation and language. This research usedContent Analysis method. Respondents in this research are Arabic language teachers of SMA Al-Fattah Buduran and SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan. Data collection in this research using questionnaire filling technique, documentation and literature study.The results of this study are (1.1) Arabic Text Book al-'Ashri class X for SMA / SMK / MA Muhammadiyah published by PT. DMU has complied with standard of content / material review, presentation, and language aspects based on BSNP. This is indicated by the average score on the content / content assessment aspect 85.03%, presentation aspect 78.05%, and the language aspect 90.62%, (1.2) Arabic Textbook Ta'lim al-Lughoh al-'Arobiyah class X for SMA / SMK / MA written by Dr. D. Hidayat with the publisher Pt. Toha Putra has fulfilled the standard aspects of content / material review, presentation, and language based on BSNP. This is indicated by the average score acquisition on content / content review aspect 95,64%, presentation aspect 81,82%, and language aspect 96,49%


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    The use of organic fertilizers on plants is not only useful for increasing soil fertility while increasing plant growth and productivity, organic fertilizers also have relatively cheap prices.  This research aims to determine the right type of organic fertilizer on the growth and production of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt).The research was conducted from May to July 2019 in Srimenanti Village, Tanjung LagoSub District, Banyuasin District, South Sumatra Province.The research method used a completely block randomized design (CBRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The results of the analysis of diversity showed that the treatment of the type of organic fertilizer had a very significant effect on the number of leaves, but had no significant effect on the other observed variables.  Baraplus organic fertilizer provides the highest number of leaves

    Integration of Islamic Values into English Language Teaching in the Digital Era: Challenges and Prospectives

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    The development of technology in the digital era brings significant changes in everyday life, particularly in the area of education. On the other side, technological development has negative effects on the behavior of the young generation. As a result, real efforts are required, such as incorporating Islamic beliefs into English language at school. This study focuses at how to integrate Islamic values into English language learning in the digital era. This study conducts literature reviews using a number of sources, including papers and research journals from prior and recent relevant studies. This study reveals that the integration of Islamic values occurs in all phases of learning. The challenge in integrating Islamic values are not only from the teachers, but from students and parents. The prospective of integrating Islamic values in teaching and learning English in the digital era has a positive implication, including the use of technology in learning, cultural understanding, and theoretical and pedagogical aspects of learning

    Governance and Conservation Effectiveness in Protected Areas and Indigenous and Locally Managed Areas

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    Increased conservation action to protect more habitat and species is fueling a vigorous debate about the relative effectiveness of different sorts of protected areas. Here we review the literature that compares the effectiveness of protected areas managed by states and areas managed by Indigenous peoples and/or local communities. We argue that these can be hard comparisons to make. Robust comparative case studies are rare, and the epistemic communities producing them are fractured by language, discipline, and geography. Furthermore the distinction between these different forms of protection on the ground can be blurred. We also have to be careful about the value of this sort of comparison as the consequences of different forms of conservation for people and nonhuman nature are messy and diverse. Measures of effectiveness, moreover, focus on specific dimensions of conservation performance, which can omit other important dimensions. With these caveats, we report on findings observed by multiple study groups focusing on different regions and issues whose reports have been compiled into this article. There is a tendency in the data for community-based or co-managed governance arrangements to produce beneficial outcomes for people and nature. These arrangements are often accompanied by struggles between rural groups and powerful states. Findings are highly context specific and global generalizations have limited value

    Metode Incidental melalui Retelling untuk peningkatan penguasaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas IV di SD Islam Terpadu Ahmad Yani Malang

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas IV di SD Islam Terpadu Ahmad Yani Malang melalui retelling. Retelling digunakan sebagai metode untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata karena memiliki banyak kelebihan, diantaranya dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana cara membangun makna dalam suatu teks dan bagaimana mengorganisasikan informasi dalam suatu teks. Dengan menerapkan retelling dalam pembelajaran kosakata, kemampuan berbahasa dan penguasaan kosakata siswa akan meningkat. Disamping itu, retelling merupakan langkah yang penting dalam membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan merangkum bacaan baik secara lisan maupun tulis. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) kolaboratif, dimana peneliti bertindak sebagai guru yang menerapkan model pembelajaran yang direncanakan, sedangkan kolaborator bertindak sebagai observer yang bertugas mengamati kegiatan guru dan siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 27 siswa kelas IV SD Islam Terpadu Ahmad Yani Malang tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Siklus penelitian tindakan ini terdiri dari empat langkah, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi dan refleksi. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari dua jenis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif mencakup hasil observasi dan catatan lapangan. Sedangkan data kuantitatif mencakup hasil tes awal dan tes akhir di akhir tindakan. Penerapan retelling dalam penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan skor rata-rata siswa pada saat tes awal dan tes akhir tiap tindakan. Skor rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa saat pelaksanaan tes awal yaitu 68,6, rata-rata skor saat tes akhir tindakan I adalah 70, 37, rata-rata pada saat tes akhir tindakan II 77, 40 dan saat tes akhir tindakan III skor rata-rata yang diperoleh siswa 89,25. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan retelling. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan retelling dalam pembelajaran kosakata tidak hanya meningkatkan hasil belajar (kosakata) siswa akan tetapi dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar kosakata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, peneliti merekomendasikan kepada pihak-pihak yang tertarik dalam pembelajaran kosakata. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan retelling dengan variasi game pada siswa kelas empat, bagi peneliti selanjutnya disarankan agar menerapkan retelling pada siswa kelas bawah dengan menggunakan variasi teknik lain misalnya dengan menggunakan kartu bergambar. ABSTRACT This study is aimed to increase the vocabulary mastery of the fourth year students of SD Islam Terpadu Ahmad Yani Malang through retelling. Retelling is selected to increase students’ vocabulary mastery because it has several advantages, such it provides insights about children’s way of constructing meaning from texts and their ability to organize information, by allowing students to practice retelling, their language ability as well as their vocabulary will improve. Besides, retellings are an important precursor to helping students develops summarization skill, both oral and written. This study employs collaborative classroom action research design in which the researcher acts as the teacher who conducts the teaching activity while the collaborator is positioned as the observer who observes the teacher’s performances and the students’ activities during the teaching and learning process. The subjects of this study are 27 students of fourth year of SD Islam Terpadu Ahmad Yani Malang of 2011/2012 academic year. The cycle of the research consists of four major steps: planning of action, implementation of action, observation and evaluation, and analysis and reflection. The data are obtained from two major sources, the qualitative and quantitative one. The qualitative data covers the result of the observation checklists and field notes. Meanwhile, quantitative data covers the result of the pre test and post test given at the end of each cycle. The finding of the study shows that the implementation of retelling can improve students’ vocabulary mastery, it contains two major procedures: the general and specific procedure. The general procedure refers to prior preparation that needs to be done before retelling is implemented, such as preparing the materials, conducting pre-test, and defining the students’ group. The specific procedure refers to the implementation of retelling in teaching and learning process with three phase activities: pre-activity, whilst-activity and post-activity. Whilst activity contains three activities, such exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The implementation of retelling in this study can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. It is shown by the improvement of average score of the students, which is 68.6 on pre test, 70.37 on cycle I, 77.40 on Cycle II, and 89.25 on Cycle III. The students also give positive response toward the model applied as reflected from the results of the questionnaire. However, it can be concluded that learning vocabulary using retelling not only increase the students learning result but also their motivation as reflected from their answers in the questionnaire. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are made. For people interested in teaching vocabulary, this study has implemented retelling with game variation technique on fourth year students. Future related research could make use of relevant finding from the present study to implement retelling at lower grade students by another variation technique, such drawing card

    Metaphorical meanings of discourse markers found in “Head Over Heels”

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    ABSTRACT This study examines the use of discourse markers by the characters in the novel of “Head Over Heels”, in which most of discourse markers used among friends. The use of discourse markers in this genre may provide different impacts since the interlocutors are roughly symmetrical in terms of their age. Discourse markers are linguistic expressions used to signal the relation of an utterance to its immediate context, with the primary function of bringing listener’s attention particular kind of linkage of the upcoming utterance with the immediate discourse context. Although discourse markers are often uttered unconsciously by the interlocutors, they are frequent in conversations, where they express the speaker’s attitude to the addressee, negotiate background assumptions, express emotions and contribute to coherence. The descriptive qualitative method is used to conduct this research. This is in relation to the aim of this study: to describe how the discourse markers used by the characters in the novel of “Head Over Heels”. The result of this study shows that discourse markers found in “Head Over Heels” have some metaphorical meanings. Discourse markers well, for example, is used (1) to express resignation, (2) to suggest, (3) to give response to the current information, (4) to express regret, (5) to show disagreement, (6) to accept suggestion, (7) to express reciprocal judgement, (8) to give judgment, (9) to make a plan, and (10) to turn or shift a topic of conversation. Discourse markers okay is used (1) to make a plan, (2) to make an agreement, (3) to command, (4) to give advice, (5) to emphasize of current information, (6) to give suggestion, (7) to emphasize suggestion, (8) to draw conclusion, and (9) to confirm the prior plan. Discourse marker all right is used (1) to express unhappy feeling or jealousy, (2) to confirm a request. Next, discourse markers right were used (1) to respond a prior turn as receipt of information, (2) to support current statement, (3) to emphasize the current statement, and (4) to confirm current request. Discourse markers you know also has some meanings, such as (1) to inform about situation, (2) to provide background information, (3) to make a suggestion, (4) to marking desire, and (5) to highlight or emphasize information. Discourse markers I mean is used (1) to correct the utterances of the speaker just said, (2) to explain and clarify a problem, (3) to clarify a current statement. The meaning of each discourse marker found in the corpus also influenced by their positions: in the opening, middle and final position. In the opening position, the use of discourse markers well tends to mean making a suggestion and in the middle position, it tends to mean turning or shifting a topic of conversation. Discourse marker okay when used in the opening position tends to mean to make agreement and in the middle position, it means emphasizing of current information. Discourse marker all right in the opening position more likely to mean confirming a request. Furthermore, discourse marker right when used in the opening position often meanresponding to a prior turn as receipt of information; in the middle position, it emphasizes the current statement and in final position, it tends to confirm current request. Discourse marker you know in the opening position used to inform about situation; while in the middle position, it means making a suggestion and in final position it tends to emphasize information. Discourse marker I mean in the middle position commonly used to correct the utterances of the speaker just said. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions are made. For people interested in pragmatics, this study has identified a number of discourse markers based on the degree of familiarity of the speakers with their partner of speaking. It suggested future directions for ongoing investigations beyond the areas already noted. Future related research could make use of relevant findings from the present study context to examine the use of discourse marker based on the differential competencies between speakers in order to achieve a better understanding of the differential functions of the discourse markers and their relationship to the quality of the interaction overall

    The Role of Peers on Learning Motivation of Elementary School Students : Peran Teman Sebaya terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of peers and the impact of peers on learning motivation of fifth grade students at Sidokare 1 Public Elementary School. To achieve the research objectives, a descriptive qualitative research method was used. The research subjects were class V students and teachers. The type of data collected is qualitative, while for research data collection using interviews and documentation techniques. The data obtained were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the role of peers can provide motivation to learn through studying together and seeing the achievements of peers who are used as competitors. The impact of peers is a positive impact because peers are used as benchmarks and competitors in achievement

    Impact of Using Gadget on Learning Outcomes of Akidah Akhlak in Elementary School Students: Dampak Penggunaan Gadget terhadap Hasil Belajar Akidah Akhlak Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The technology grows rapidly, almost all activities can be controlled by technology, including in the field of education. Learning system must be adapted to technological developments. This study aims to determine and understand the impact of the use of gadgets on the learning outcomes of the Aqidah Akhlak in grade V elementary schools at Berlian Plaosan Elementary School, Kab. Magetan. This type of research is qualitative using a case study approach.  The results of this study indicate that the use of gadgets by students is used for learning, looking for answers from Google, has benefits also for viewing WhatsApp and games. The existence of this gadget makes it easier for students to get media information quickly