27 research outputs found
Inhibition of Bifidobacterium SP Isolated From Infants Feces Towards Adhesion of Salmonella Typhi on Balb/c Mice Enterocyte
Diarrhea, up to the recent year remains a cause of high morbidity and mortalityworldwide, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. Research concerning ofmanagement, prevention, and medication of the disease have been continually improved. Theaim of this research is searching Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. ThisBifidobacterium was then applied as an anti-adhesion of Salmonella typhi in the hope to gain acure of diarrhea. This research employed two research designs, namely descriptive explorationand true experimental. Exploration was applied in order to obtain isolation and characterizationof Bifidobacterium isolated from infants feces. Adherence ability of this Bifidobacterium sptowards Salmonella typhi adhesion on mice entherocyte was then carried out by applyingRandomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design. In this research, average Bifidobacterium spadhesion index of 1950 on entherocyte was obtained. In simple word, there are 19.5Bifidobacteria adhere to any single entherocyte cell. This adhesion index value is highercompare to Salmonella typhi adhesion of 1504. Conclusions that can be drawn from this researchare the finding of Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. This Bifidobacterium sp has anability to inhibit adhesion of Salmonella typhi on BALB/c mice enterocyte. Future work that canbe carried out are further researches concerning whether these bacteria have an ability to inhibitadherence of other pathogen bacteria. More over, searching of cell wall adhesin ofBifidobacterium sp that can be used as a replacement of life probiotic bacteria is also a greatinterest of research to be carried out
Hubungan antara Masalah Genetik dan Faktor Psikologis dengan Kejadian Obesitas pada Siswa Kelas Enam Sekolah Dasar di Denpasar, Bali
Obesitas pada anak berisiko tinggi menyebabkan terjadinya masalah kesehatan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kejadian Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2, gangguan metabolisme glukosa, penyakit jantung dan penyumbatan pembuluh darah pada anak. Jika obesitas pada anak tidak dideteksi dan dicegah secara dini dapat meningkatkan prevalensi penderita penyakit kronis. Mengidentifikasi hubungan antara masalah genetik dan faktor psikologis dengan kejadian obesitas pada siswa kelas enam sekolah dasar di Denpasar, Bali. Penelitian deskriptif cross-sectional ini melibatkan 382 siswa kelas enam dari delapan sekolah dasar di Denpasar, Bali yang dilaksanakan bulan April sampai Agustus 2015. Data masalah genetik dan faktor psikologis dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti. Variabel penelitian dianalisis menggunakan Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coeicient.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai r = 0,29, p<0,001dan r = 0,30, p <0,001antara masalah genetik dan faktor psikologis dengan kejadian obesitas pada siswa kelas enam sekolah dasar di Denpasar, Bali. Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara masalah genetik dan faktor psikologis dengan kejadian obesitas pada siswa kelas enam sekolah dasar di Denpasar, Bali. Promosi kesehatan terutama yang berkaitan dengan masalah genetik dan faktor psikologis harus menjadi prioritas kegiatan di sekolah dasar. Promosi kesehatan dengan melibatkan pihak sekolah, siswa, orang tua dan lingkungan sekitar juga penting dilaksanakan untuk mencegah meningkatnya kejadian obesitas pada siswa sekolah dasar
Indikasi Keterdapatan Endapan Plaser Pembawa Timah dan Unsur Tanah Jarang (Ree), di Perairan Todak, Singkep, Kepulauan Riau
Penelitian geofisika di Perairan Todak, Singkep, Kepulauan Riau menggunakan seperangkat peralatan seismik pantul dangkal saluran tunggal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjang penelitian keterdapatan endapan plaser pembawa timah dan unsur tanah jarang (REE). Hasil interpretasi rekaman seismik diperoleh terdapatnya lembah/mangkuk yang terbentuk secara alami akibat adanya terobosan batuan granit, di mana lembah/mangkuk-mangkuk ini merupakan tempat terjadinya sedimentasi dari hasil pelapukan batuan di sekitarnya. Hasil interpretasi rekaman seismik pantul saluran tunggal analog di perairan Todak, Singkep, dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 runtunan yaitu runtunan A, B, dan runtunan C.Kata kunci Data seismik, endapan plaser, lembah/mangkuk, Perairan Todak. Geophysical research at Todak, Singkep, Riau Archipelago Province, by using single channel sahllow seismic refletion. The purpose of research is to support placer deposit bearing tin and rare earth element research at this area. From seismic interpretation can be recognized the distribution of valley/bowls which is naturally formed, caused by granite rock intrusion. Those valleys are sedimentation places of wheathered rock from the surrounding area. Beside that, the seismic research also for determining the placer deposit thickness. Interpratation of analog single channel seismic records in the Todak waters, Singkep, result 3 seismic sequences and intrusive feature, A sequences, B, and C
Diarrhea, up to the recent year remains a cause of high morbidity and mortalityworldwide, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. Research concerning ofmanagement, prevention, and medication of the disease have been continually improved. Theaim of this research is searching Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. ThisBifidobacterium was then applied as an anti-adhesion of Salmonella typhi in the hope to gain acure of diarrhea. This research employed two research designs, namely descriptive explorationand true experimental. Exploration was applied in order to obtain isolation and characterizationof Bifidobacterium isolated from infants feces. Adherence ability of this Bifidobacterium sptowards Salmonella typhi adhesion on mice entherocyte was then carried out by applyingRandomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design. In this research, average Bifidobacterium spadhesion index of 1950 on entherocyte was obtained. In simple word, there are 19.5Bifidobacteria adhere to any single entherocyte cell. This adhesion index value is highercompare to Salmonella typhi adhesion of 1504. Conclusions that can be drawn from this researchare the finding of Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. This Bifidobacterium sp has anability to inhibit adhesion of Salmonella typhi on BALB/c mice enterocyte. Future work that canbe carried out are further researches concerning whether these bacteria have an ability to inhibitadherence of other pathogen bacteria. More over, searching of cell wall adhesin ofBifidobacterium sp that can be used as a replacement of life probiotic bacteria is also a greatinterest of research to be carried out