995 research outputs found
Biologically meaningful distribution models highlight the benefits of the Paris Agreement for demersal fishing targets in the North Atlantic Ocean
Aim: With climate change challenging marine biodiversity and resource management,
it is crucial to anticipate future latitudinal and depth shifts under contrasting global
change scenarios to support policy-relevant
biodiversity impact assessments [e.g.,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)]. We aim to demonstrate the benefits
of complying with the Paris Agreement (United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change) and limiting environmental changes, by assessing future distributional
shifts of 10 commercially important demersal fish species.
Location: Northern Atlantic Ocean.
Time period: Analyses of distributional shifts compared near present-day
with two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios of future
climate changes (2090–2100):
one following the Paris Agreement climate forcing
(RCP2.6) and another without stringent mitigation measures (RCP8.5).
Major taxa studied: Demersal fish.
Methods: We use machine learning distribution models coupled with biologically
meaningful predictors to project future latitudinal and depth shifts. Structuring projections
with information beyond temperature-based
predictors allowed us to encompass
the physiological limitations of species better.
Results: Our models highlighted the additional roles of temperature, primary productivity
and dissolved oxygen in shaping fish distributions (average relative contribution
to the models of 32.12 ± 10.24, 15.6 ± 7.5 and 12.1 ± 6.1%, respectively). We anticipated
a generalized trend of poleward shifts in both future scenarios, with aggravated
changes in suitable area with RCP8.5 (average area loss with RCP2.6 = 13.3 ± 4.1%;
RCP8.5 = 40.9 ± 13.3%). Shifts to deeper waters were also predicted to be of greater
magnitude with RCP8.5 (average depth gain = 25.4 ± 21.5 m) than with RCP2.6
(average depth gain = 10.4 ± 7.9 m). Habitat losses were projected mostly in the
Mediterranean, Celtic and Irish Seas, the southern areas of the North Sea and along
the NE coast of North America.
Main conclusions: Inclusion of biologically meaningful predictors beyond temperature
in species distribution modelling can improve predictive performances. Limiting
future climate changes by complying with the Paris Agreement can translate into reduced distributional shifts, supporting biodiversity conservation and resource
management.MAR2020; European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; Fundação para a Ciência e a
Sistemas de innovación y promoción tecnológica regional y local en el Brasil
Reconhecer a importância do conhecimento para o desenvolvimento econômico renovou os debates sobre o tema do desenvolvimento regional. O Sistema Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (SNDCT) articula sistemas setoriais, redes de organizações e estruturas estaduais e municipais de inovação, conduzindo iniciativas voltadas à promoção tecnológica de regiões e localidades, tais como cadeias produtivas, parques tecnológicos e incubadoras de empresas; plataformas tecnológicas e arranjos produtivos e as redes de tecnologia. Estados e Municípios contam com novos elementos para a discussão de estratégias de desenvolvimento e para a definição de medidas e projetos de crescimento econômico. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe relevance of knowledge for economic development renovates the debates about regional development. The National Science and Technology Development System (SNDCT) articulates sectorial systems, networks and state and municipal structures for innovation besides leading directed initiatives for technology promotion of regions and localities, such as productive chains, technology parks and business incubators, technology platforms and productive arrangements and technology networks. State and counties count on new elements for development strategies and economic growth projects. __________________________________________________________________________________ RÉSUMÉReconnaître l'importance de la connaissance pour le développement économique a renouvelé les débats sur le thème du développement régional. Le système National de Développement Scientifique et Technologique (SNDCT) articule des systèmes sectoriels, des réseaux d'organisations et des structures provinciales et municipales de l'innovation, qui conduit des initiatives dirigées vers la promotion technologique des régions et localités, comme les chaînes de productions, parques technologiques et couveuses d'entreprises, plates-formes technologiques et arrangements productifs et les réseaux de technologie. Provinces et municipes comptent sur de nouveaux éléments pour la discussion des stratégies de développement et pour la définition de mesures et de projets de croissance économique. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENReconocer la importancia del conocimiento para el desarrollo económico renovó los debates sobre el tema del desarrollo regional. El Sistema Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (SNDCT) articula sistemas sectoriales, redes de organizaciones y estructuras estatales y municipales de innovación, conduciendo iniciativas volcadas a la promoción tecnológica de regiones y localidades, tales como cadenas productivas, parques tecnológicos e incubadoras de empresas; plataformas tecnológicas y condicionamientos productivos y las redes de tecnología. Estados y Municipios cuentan con nuevos elementos para la discusión de estrategias de desarrollo y para la definición de medidas y proyectos de crecimiento económico
National innovation system and regional and local economic promotion in Brazil
Este ensaio caracteriza os arranjos institucionais e as políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação adotadas no país, nas últimas décadas, focalizando aspectos relevantes para o desenvolvimento regional e local. A pesquisa descreve o Sistema Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (SNDCT), levanta as organizações nãogovernamentais atuantes e as estruturas estaduais e municipais de ciência e tecnologia e identifica as principais iniciativas voltadas à promoção econômica regional. Tem por finalidade contribuir para o debate sobre políticas de desenvolvimento regional/local no país e para as atividades de planejamento econômico em estados e municípios. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper discusses institutional aspects and science, technology and innovation policies adopted in Brazil in the last decades, focusing on relevant items for regional and local development. It describes science and technology national system, non-governmental organizations in the area, state and local innovation systems and indicates relevant initiatives for economic promotion. It intends to contribute to regional/local development debates and to economic planning at state and local levels
Biophysical modelling and graph theory identify key connectivity hubs in the Mediterranean marine reserve network
Connectivity plays a key role in the effectiveness of MPA networks ensuring metapopulation resilience through gene flow and recruitment effect. Yet, despite its recognized importance for proper MPA network functioning, connectivity is not often assessed and is very seldomly used in marine spatial planning. Here, we combined biophysical modelling with graph theory to identify Mediterranean marine reserves that support connectivity between different ecoregions through stepping-stone processes, thus preventing network fragmentation, and those that have an important role as propagule source areas contributing to the recruitment and rescue effects. We identified 19 reserves that play a key role towards the functioning of the network, serving either as stepping-stones or as propagule sources, yet with distinct patterns between ecological groups with contrasting propagule duration (PD). The Cote D'Azur marine reserves are important both as stepping-stones and propagule sources for several ecological groups. Also, key is the Capo Rizzuto and Plemmirio marine reserves due to their role as stepping stones between different marine ecoregions, particularly for species with longer PD (Pisces, Crustacea and Echinodermata). These results provide stakeholders and managers with crucial information for the implementation and management of an efficient marine reserve network in the Mediterranean.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Reduced global genetic differentiation of exploited marine fish species
Knowledge on genetic structure is key to understand species connectivity patterns and to define the spatiotemporal scales over which conservation management plans should be designed and implemented. The distribution of genetic diversity (within and among populations) greatly influences species ability to cope and adapt to environmental changes, ultimately determining their long-term resilience to ecological disturbances. Yet, the drivers shaping connectivity and structure in marine fish populations remain elusive, as are the effects of fishing activities on genetic subdivision. To investigate these questions, we conducted a meta-analysis and compiled genetic differentiation data (FST/ΦST estimates) for more than 170 fish species from over 200 published studies globally distributed. We modeled the effects of multiple life-history traits, distance metrics, and methodological factors on observed population differentiation indices and specifically tested whether any signal arising from different exposure to fishing exploitation could be detected. Although the myriad of variables shaping genetic structure makes it challenging to isolate the influence of single drivers, results showed a significant correlation between commercial importance and genetic structure, with widespread lower population differentiation in commercially exploited species. Moreover, models indicate that variables commonly used as proxy for connectivity, such as larval pelagic duration, might be insufficient, and suggest that deep-sea species may disperse further. Overall, these results contribute to the growing body of knowledge on marine genetic connectivity and suggest a potential effect of commercial fisheries on the homogenization of genetic diversity, highlighting the need for additional research focused on dispersal ecology to ensure long-term sustainability of exploited marine species.MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0015, UIDB/04326/2020, PTDC/BIA-CBI/6515/2020, DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0035, DL 57/2016/CP1361/CT0036info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Modeling aquaculture suitability in a climate change future
Aquaculture has become the primary supplier of fish for
human consumption, with production increasing every
year since 1990 (FAO, 2020). At the same time, up to
89% of the world’s capture fisheries are fully exploited,
overexploited, or collapsed. While some fisheries may
have increased yields due to climate change in the short
term, global fisheries catch is projected to fall by 10% by
2050 (Barange et al., 2014; Ramos Martins et al., 2021).
However, the security of aquaculture production will
depend on how future climate change affects productive
regions as species’ optimal climatic conditions shift poleward (Chaudhary et al., 2021). This makes the forecasting
of climate impacts on key aquaculture species a top priority in order to facilitate adaptation of this industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Crimes dolosos contra a vida praticados por militares contra civis
- Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 344.13(81) C929d- Organizado por: Jorge Cesar de Assis
O presente estudo é um diálogo que se relaciona com a teoria pós-colonial e decolonial a partir de reflexões de minha pesquisa no mestrado intitulada Perspectivas de rappers brancos/as brasileiros/as sobre as relações raciais - um olhar sobre a branquitude (MIRANDA, 2015). Reflete sobre o pensamento de autores africanos e da diáspora, negros e não-negros, desenvolvendo conceitos, algumas vezes próprios, que se conectam com a temática da branquitude na busca de maior entendimento do tema sob novas abordagens. Analiso letras de música Rap. Proponho uma discussão na perspectiva de vislumbrar o movimento de descolonização para além dos subalternizados, tentando responder se é possível que o próprio colonizador, possa expurgar de si o complexo de superioridade, mudando valores, enxergando a humanidade do outro, assumindo-se responsável em ações pela equidade e justiça racial. Em termos contemporâneos estendemos para todo indivíduo branco que se omite frente ao racismo
Os Anambé do Alto Cairari: paisagens da memória
Mediante o diálogo com os Anambé, com autores que os visitaram em diferentes momentos e personagens não indígenas do entorno da Terra Indígena Anambé, a intenção neste artigo é refletir a relação entre memória e esquecimento presentes na história deste povo, o caráter polissêmico desses fenômenos, as diferentes paisagens que deles decorrem possibilitando com isso o entendimento da dinâmica da vida social e cultural desse povo. Os Anambé passaram por períodos de instabilidade que se traduziram na baixa densidade demográfica ameaçando sua sobrevivência, e em dado momento considerados extintos. Hoje tecem suas parcerias e se articulam com atores institucionais diversos favorecendo que saiam do âmbito local para o global. O artigo se baseia na pesquisa que está sendo feita no âmbito do projeto Observatório da Educação Escolar Indígena que prevê levantamento e ações junto ao grupo estudado.Palavras- Chave: Anambé do Cairari. Memória e Esquecimento. Paisagem e Memória. THE ANAMBÉ OF CAIRARI: LANDSCAPES OF MEMORY Abstract Through dialogue with Anambé, with authors who have visited at different times and characters surrounding the non-indigenous, and Anambé Land, the intention of this article is to reflect the relationship between memory and forgetfulness present in the history of this people, the ambiguous character of these phenomena, different landscapes derived therefrom enabling it to understand the dynamics of social and cultural life of these people. The Anambé experienced periods of instability that resulted in low population density threatening their survival, and at one point considered extinct. Today weave their partnerships and articulate with various institutional actors favoring outside the scope local to the global. The article is based on research that is being done under the project Indigenous Education Observatory, which provides survey and shares with the group studied.Keywords: Anambé of Cairari River. Memory and Oblivion. Landscape and Memory.
Wie wird Grammatik in Lehrwerken präsentiert? : eine Analyse von drei aktuellen Lehrwerken im Hinblick auf die Grammtikprsentation
Orientadora : Profª Drª Ruth BohunovskyDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 01/04/2015Inclui referênciasLinha de pesquisa: Estudos linguísticosResumo: Embora a literatura especializada de hoje em dia em didática de língua estrangeira dê um valor menor a gramática do que tradionalmente era dado, alunos continuam a associar bastante o domínio da língua estrangeira com o domínio de sua gramática. Mesmo que a literatura afirme que a gramática não desempenha um papel fundamental, ela não menospreza, contudo, o seu valor, uma vez que a mesma tem seu papel na aprendizagem da língua estrangeira. A forma como ela é apresentada para o aluno depende tanto da ação do professor em sala de aula quanto do material didático utilizado. O aluno tende a aprender determinado conteúdo gramatical melhor, quando o mesmo é apresentado de forma clara e em um contexto significativo e, também, quando o mesmo é bem exercitado. No presente trabalho, analisar-se-á a apresentação de conteúdos gramaticais em três materiais didáticos diferentes de ensino de alemão para adultos que foram lançados nos últimos anos no mercado mundial e que são utilizados frequentemente no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira no Brasil. Partindo de discussões atuais no campo do ensino de gramática e da análise de materiais didáticos, será confeccionado um catálogo de perguntas que norteará a análise aqui proposta. Palavras-chave: Ensino de língua estrangeira; Análise de material didático; Ensino de gramáticaZusammenfassung: Obgleich Grammatik heute keine so zentrale Rolle im Fremdsprachenunterricht mehr spielt wie früher, verbinden Lernende immer noch die Beherrschung einer Fremdsprache mit der Beherrschung von deren Grammatik. Ihre Präsentation hängt sowohl vom Lehrer im Klassenzimmer als auch vom verwendeten Lehrwerk ab. Lernende können ein grammatisches Phänomen besser begreifen, wenn es klar und in einem bedeutungsvollen Kontext vorgestellt wird und auch, wenn es intensiv geübt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit der Grammatikdarstellung in drei kürzlich erschienenen Lehrwerken von Deutsch als Fremdsprache, die für Erwachsene konzipiert wurden und in Brasilien häufig zum Einsatz kommen. Man geht von aktuellen Diskussionen im Rahmen der Grammatikvermittlung und Lehrwerkanalyse aus, um einen eigenen Fragenkatalog zu erstellen, der zur Analyse der Lehrwerke in Hinblick auf die Grammatikdarstellung dient. Stichwörter: Fremdsprachendidaktik; Lehrwerkanalyse; GrammatikvermittlungAbstract: Although teaching of foreign languages nowadays does not focus on grammar as in the past, students tend to think that they are only able to master a language, when they master its grammar. Even though grammar does not play a fundamental role anymore, it does have its value while learning a foreign language. The way grammar is presented to the learner depends not only on the teacher, but also on the textbook. The success of learning a grammatical content is based on its clear presentation and meaningful context and also on its practice. This work aims at analyzing the presentation of grammatical contents in three different German as a foreign language textbooks designed for adults that have been published lately at the market and that are being currently used in Brazil. From a modern discussion of grammar teaching and textbook analysis, we developed a set of question that orientates the analysis of the textbooks. Keywords: Foreign language learning and teaching; textbook analysis; Grammar learning and teachin
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