1,174 research outputs found
Quality education is one that integrates several fields of activity in synergy namely administrative, instructional and guidance and counselling. This research aimed to transform the knowledge into the education system integrally. The type of research used is field research (field resources) with a quantitative approach. In this research, there were two variables, namely Guidance and Counselling as independent variables, and student achievement as a dependent variable. The researcher conducted a study in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro and the researchers selected grade 7 students as population, and assigned 10% of them as samples. Techniques in sampling in the form of random sampling. The source of this research data obtained by the method of observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The results of this research showed that counselling and guidance services affect the process of improving student achievement. This is based on the questionnaire score data that has been calculated with the product moment formula that results in a correlation index value (rxy) of 0.681. This result proved larger than the value at the significance level of 5% of 0.361 and 1% of 0.463. The results of this study indicate that there is influence between Counselling Guidance on the process of improving student achievement in MTs Negeri I Bojonegoro
Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam
that dominated the Arab society in the past was tried to be changed
by Islam. The Islamic education is often called tarbiyah and ta’lim
al-tarbiyah which means education that includes aspects of science
and morality. Therefore, Islamic education is to cultivate humans’
minds and to regulate humans’ characters and attitudes based on the
Islamic teachings. Meanwhile al-ta’lim in Islamic education means
teaching, which only gives knowledge to the students. According to
Islamic teachings, humans have two potentials (evil and piety). The
teachings of Islam acknowledge the differences of people’s talents
but the differences do not mean that they cannot be formed at all. In
order to achieve the goals well, education needs to be adapted with
the development of thestudents.
Keywords: Islam, education, tarbiyah, and ta’lim.
Sejak kemunculannya, Islam adalah agama yang konsen dengan
pendidikan. Ayatyangpertamaturundanmisikenabian Muhammad
menunjukkan hal tersebut. Kondisi kebodohan yang mendominasi
masyarakat Arab pada waktu itu berusaha untuk dirubah oleh
Islam. Pendidikan Islam sering diistilahkan dengan tarbiyah dan
ta’lim al-tarbiyah yang berarti pendidikan yang mencakup aspek
ilmu dan akhlak. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan menurut Islam
ialah menumbuhkan pikiran manusia, serta mengatur akhlak dan
perangainya berdasarkan ajaran Islam. Sedangkan al-ta'lim dalam
dunia pendidikan berarti pengajaran, yang hanya memberikan
ilmu semata kepada anak didik. Menurut ajaran Islam, manusia itu
mempunyai dua potensi (jahat dan takwa atau positif). Ajaran Islam
namun perbedaan tersebut bukan berarti tidak bisa dibentuksama
perlu disesuaikan dengan perkembangan anak didik.
Kata kunci: Islam, pendidikan, tarbiyah, ta’li
The Impact of Teachers Non-Verbal Questioning Behavior on Student Participation in The Classroom
Questioning has been becoming the subject of the study since it is regarded as one of the most important ways to maintain the classroom interaction. Several studies have been carried out on the use of questions but most of them are focused on the type of questions used by the teacher. Moreover, the teacher often neglects their non-verbal behavior when they deliver questions to the students. Hence, this study investigates the impact of teachers nonverbal questioning behavior on the students’ participation. The study was conducted with teacher and students of State University of Surabaya (UNESA). The data were the conversations between teacher and students in the Reading classroom taken through video recording and observation. The result of the study shows that teacher’s nonverbal questioning behavior affects much on the students’ participation in the classroom. Maintaining eye contact to the students while asking questions gives a good effect on keeping the students participation. Moreover, the appropriate use of other nonverbal questioning behaviors such as calling the students while asking , giving a right wait time, handling the students’ answer positively, also give positive effect on the students participation
GLS Role as a Process of Learning Motivation in PAI Lessons in Kedanyang SDN Gresik
echoed by the government was able to form a literate small community, therefore research was very important. The formulation of the problem was about the school literacy movement (GLS) at Kedanyang State Elementary School in Gresik and GLS motivated the learning of third grade students at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik and the role of school literacy movement (GLS) in increasing student learning motivation in educational subjects third class Islamic religion at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik. This research method can be described. This type of field research was qualitative; the objects were the principal, leaders and library staff, PAI teachers and students. The data collection methods: observation, interview, and documentation as well as library studies that were analyzing the data using qualitative descriptive. The findings could be concluded: (1) In the beginning Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik only used reading activities just to read, over time by getting used to reading 15 minutes before the lesson they felt the benefits. (2) GLS also provided learning motivation for third grade students at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik on Islamic religious education subjects through reading the story of the prophet, the companions of the prophet and the guardian of songo or relating to Islamic religious education. Because by reading they learnt to tell stories, summarizing and even portraying characters in the stories they read. Automatically they were increasingly fond of reading. (3) Thus GLS had a very large role for its readers so that they were able to form literate humans by conditioning the environment, completing infrastructure and adding a collection of books
Implementation of Competency-and-conservation-based Curriculum to Improve Graduates' Quality to Be Competent and Conservation-minded
This study was aimed to analyze how the implementation of Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi dan Konservasi or Competency-and-Conservation-Based Curriculum (KBKK) improves the quality of graduates from Faculty of Economics of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). The goal of this study was to provide information and policy recommendations to improve the quality of graduates based on behavior lectures. The respondents of this research were lecturers of Faculty of Economics. Research data were collected using questionnaires to dig up information on the implementation of KBKK, lecturers' ability and commitment to implement KBKK. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical multiple linear regression were employed to analyze data. This study provided empirical support that lecturers' ability and commitment positively contributed to the implementation of KBKK to improve the quality of graduates to be competent and conservation-minded. This study also proved that while lecturers' ability and commitment play an important role, their commitment does not affect the implementation KBKK. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that lecturers' ability to implement KBKK needs to be improved. Workshops and training should be given to lecturers to help them create learning apparatus such as syllabus, lesson plans and teaching materials, as well as the evaluation of KBKK.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana penerapan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi (KBKK) mampu meningkatkan kualitas lulusan Fakultas Ekonomi universitas negeri Semarang. Urgensi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memeberikan informasi dan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk meningkatkankualitas lulusan melalui kompetensi dosen. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap dosen dilingkungan Fakultas Ekonomi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengunakan angket, untuk menggali informasi penerapan Kurikulum berbasis Kompetensi dan onservasi (KBKK), kemampuan dosen, dan komitmenya dalam penerapan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dan konservasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan deskriptif statistik dan statistik inferensial menggunakan regresi berganda
The Impact Of Teachers Non-Verbal Questioning Behavior On Student Participation In The Classroom
Questioning has been becoming the subject of the study since it is regarded as one of the most important ways to maintain the classroom interaction. Several studies have been carried out on the use of questions but most of them are focused on the type of questions used by the teacher. Moreover, the teacher often neglects their non-verbal behavior when they deliver questions to the students. Hence, this study investigates the impact of teachers nonverbal questioning behavior on the students’ participation. The study was conducted with teacher and students of State University of Surabaya (UNESA). The data were the conversations between teacher and students in the Reading classroom taken through video recording and observation. The result of the study shows that teacher’s nonverbal questioning behavior affects much on the students’ participation in the classroom. Maintaining eye contact to the students while asking questions gives a good effect on keeping the students participation. Moreover, the appropriate use of other nonverbal questioning behaviors such as calling the students while asking, giving a right wait time, handling the students’ answer positively, also give positive effect on the students participation
The Function of Class Management in The Improving Effectiveness of Learning Aqidah in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyokauman Gresik
The success of teaching in the sense of achieving teaching objectives, it really depends on the ability of the class. Classes that can create situations to enable students to learn well are a starting point for teaching success. And students can learn well in a normal atmosphere without pressure and in conditions that are stimulating to learn. They need guidance and assistance to understand teaching materials in various learning activities. In learning activities, students need something that allows them to communicate well with the teacher, with friends and with the surrounding environment. This type of research used in this research is a case study. In this case, explaining that a case study is a research conducted on a unified system. This unit can be like a program, activity, event, or group of individuals who are bound by a certain place, time or bond. In short, a case study is a research that is directed to collect data, take meaning, gain understanding of the case. From the results of the author's research at MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik regarding "the function of classroom management in improving the effectiveness of Islamic religious education learning" are: the steps of implementing classroom management in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik are as follows: Increasing self-awareness as a teacher and educator. Selection of appropriate learning methods and media. Giving a reprimand / question for students who violate the classroom rules. Pay attention to all student behavior while in class when receiving lessons. Group students who have problems learning difficulties in Islamic religious education and students who have problems. Mengenai classroom management functions to improve the effectiveness of learning in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik is very important to be noticed by a teacher, especially teachers of Islamic religious education. There are four functions of the teacher as the class manager as follows: Planning this is to arrange a program to be achieved by the teacher in improving the effectiveness of learning in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik. Organizing this is grouping students in the teaching and learning process in the classroom in order to achieve predetermined educational goals. Like the Aqidah  teacher at MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik when teaching using methods, for example the demonstration method. To lead this is the teacher can guide, encourage the behavior of students in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik so that they will be ready to realize their learning goals. Supervise, by supervising the teacher as the manager can pay attention to the behavior of students in MTs Al-Hidayah Betoyo Kauman Gresik so as to achieve the stated learning goals.   Keywords: Classroom Management Functions, Effectiveness of Aqidah Learnin
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Terpadu (Sikadu) Berbasis Perilaku Pengguna Dosen Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Akademik Unnes
The objective of this study is to analyze the development of Integrated Academic Information System (Sistem Informasi Akademik Terpadu/SIKADU) at Semarang State University (UNNES) especially on lecturers as the user. Then, the research problem is there any influence of SIKADU as task-technology fit and utilization toward the lecturers\u27 performance in doing academic tasks? Thus; the aim of the study is to explain the influences of SIKADU for task-technology fit and utilization by using Technology-to-Performance Chain (TPC) model. The sample of this study was 90 UNNES lecturers as the SIKADU user selected by sample random sampling (SRS). The data was collected by questionnaire method, and then analyzed by multiple linier regressions. The result of the research showed that the task-technology fit and utilization of SIKADU was positively significant influencing the performance of UNNES lecturers to perform their academic tasks. Therefore; based on task-technology fit and utilization theory, the result of the research empirically supported the development of SIKADU at UNNES especially on lecturers as the users
Meretas Solusi Problema Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Global
Meretas solusi problema pendidikan dalam perspektif global adalah sebuah pemikiran yang bersifat multidimensional artinya pemikiran komprehensif melihat dari berbagai sudut pandang, namun yang ditulis di sini hanya sebagian kecil saja. Maksud tulisan ini sekedar merangsang berpikir saat ini dalam rangka memprediksi dan menatap masa depan. Masa depan adalah bukan milik kita tapi milik generasi berikutnya namun kita mempunyai kewajiban dan tanggung jawab normatif untuk memikirkan mulai sekarang. Kewajiban saat ini berupa kontribusi pemikiran komprehensif yang dibutuhkan untuk masa depan. Sedangkan kewajiban normatif adalah secara kemanusiaan ikut andil memikirkan dan memberikan suatu konsep-konsep kemanusian yang dapat bermanfaaat bagi pendidikan. Karena pendidikan saat ini tampaknya sudah mulai melepaskan dari rohnya, artinya sudah mulai meninggalkan orientasi dan tujuan kemanusiaan. Mulai menjauh dan melenceng dari akar-akar hakekat manusia, karena pada hakekatnya pendidikan adalah proses perkembangan yang teleologis bertujuan. Tujuan proses perkembangan secara alamiah berupa kedewasan, kematangan potensi-potensi dan kepribadian. Melenceng dari akarnya bahwa aksiologi pendidikan sudah berorientasi kepada orientasi bisnis. Perlu diakui dan disadari bahwa zaman sekarang adalah zaman materi, zaman yang memfokuskan dirinya pada materi. Kita merasakan bahwa pada saat ini eksistensi manusia mulai mengalami keruntuhan, tersisih dan terancam secara psikologis. Banyak permasalahan dan pertimbangan tentang nilai yang terkait dengan pencitraan manusia, seolah-olah tidak ada harganya. Pencitraan dirasakan semakin kuat untuk menjatuhkan komunitas serta golongan maupun kelompok manusia di kawasan dunia ini. Kalaupun ada penghargaan tampaknya hanya terbatas pada nilai-nilai yang berdemensi bisnis dengan ukuran menguntungkan apa tidak. Inilah salah satu indikator masyarakat modern yang disebut globalisasi dimana masyarakat bangsa dan negara sudah menyatu mendunia yang berdampak pada pemikiran dan pola hidup yang terus berubah. Pola perkembangan manusia semakin unik karena pemikiran dan perilakunya harus bisa diselaraskan dengan norma yang fluktuatif yang terjadi dimasyarakat atau bangsanya. Dari sisi lain akan berkembangannya nilai-nilai yang bertentangan dengan identitas diri dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Hal ini akan menjadi ancaman besar baik secara individual maupun sosial, maka sudah saatnya perlu ada perenungan dan pemikiran yang komprehensif. Persoalan inilah yang menjadi pokok pembicaraan dalam tulisan ini dari sisi lain semoga dapat memotivasi dan merangsang pemikiran agar tidak mengalami future shock atau sudah terlanjur present shock
Implementation of Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum to Improve Graduates' Quality to Be Competence and Conservation-Minded
This research aims to analyze the implementation of Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum in order to improve the quality of graduates of Economics Faculty of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). The goal of this study was to provide information, policy, and recommendations to improve the quality of graduates based on lectures behavior. The respondents of this research were lecturers of Faculty of Economics. Research data were collected by using questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical multiple linear regression were employed to analyze data. This study provided empirical support that lecturers' ability and commitment positively contributed to the implementation of Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum to improve the quality of graduates to be competence and conservation-minded. This study also proved that while lecturers' ability and commitment play an important role, their commitments do not affect the implementation of Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that lecturers' ability to implement the Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum needs to be improved. Workshops and training should be given to lecturers in order to help them to create learning apparatus such as syllabus, lesson plans and teaching materials, as well as the evaluation of Competency and Conservation Based Curriculum
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