10 research outputs found
Problematika Guru PAI Dalam Menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka Di SMP Pahlawan Nasional Medan
Kurikulum Merdeka yang diterapkan di SMP Pahlawan Nasional Medan kelas VII saat ini masih menjadi problematika khususnya bagi guru PAI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui problematika yang dihadapi guru PAI dalam menerapkan kurikulum merdeka dan bagaimana solusi untuk mengatasi problematika yang dihadapi guru PAI tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan data hasil observasi dan juga wawancara selama penelitian berlangsung sehingga menjadi informasi yang mudah dipahami dan menjadi data yang bermanfaat positif dalam dunia Pendidikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya pemahaman guru PAI terhadap Kurikulum merdeka, sulitnya mengubah kebiasaan/mindset guru PAI terhadap kurikulum merdeka dan juga kurang responnya siswa terhadap pembelajaran. Kebaharuan dalam penelitian ini, upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam mengatasi problematika guru PAI dalam menerapkan kurikulum merdeka yaitu dengan melaksanakan seminar rutin setiap minggunya
Kajian terhadap berbagai cara menyampaikan materi pelajaran bisa ditelusuri melalui tafsir tarbawi, yang disebut dengan wawasan Alqur’an terhadap metode pendidikan. Dikatakan wawasan Alquran karena kajian terhadap metode tidak harus mengikuti lafal thariqah dalam Alqur’an, tetapi ayat-ayat yang tidak memiliki lafal thariqah namun maknanya mengandung cara penyamaian pendidikan
The Leadership of Shaikh H. Bahruddin Talib Lubis in the Education Sector
This research aims to answer the problems: (1) To comprehensively analyze the history and struggle of H. Syaikh Bahruddin Talib Lubis in establishing and carrying out his leadership in the field of education in madrasas in particular and the relevance of the education system in North Sumatra to date, (2) Providing color in the education system and development across generations of different ages and periods, as well as providing learning lessons for the importance of strengthening the foundations of educational leadership that cadres and regenerates. This research method uses qualitative library research with a semantic approach, which means that language studies consist of structures to reveal meaning, when meaning is connected to objects in human experience. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach emphasizes descriptive analysis techniques in the qualitative comparison process of literature, regarding the dynamics of relationships between observed phenomena using scientific logic based on observation data, interviews and documentation . Based on the qualitative comparative research process of literature, this research produces results; 1) Implementation of the Leadership of Shaikh H. Bahruddin Talib Lubis in the Education Sector; a) The Shaikh is descended from a prominent and respected family with a strong Islamic religious knowledge by emulating his predecessors, and is loved by the public and admired by his contemporary ulama. b) The Shaikh has visionary leadership, characterized by an education system that is implemented beyond his time. 2) Influence and Leadership Reputation of Sheikh H. Bahruddin Talib Lubis in the Education Sector; a) The Shaykh has a very broad scientific caliber and exceeds the scientific knowledge of the average person of his contemporaries, b) The Shaykh has a firm, consistent and disciplined character. Be tough on those who are wrong and deceitful, soft on people who are committed to education and Islamic teachings. 3) Community Support for the Leadership of Shaikh H. Bahruddin Talib Lubis in the Education Sector; a) The Shaikh is very tolerant and open to accepting suggestions and criticism from society, b) The Shaikh focuses on da'wah and education. preaching personally and organizationally. Educated culturally and institutionally. 4) Strengths and Weaknesses of Sheikh H. Bahruddin Talib's Leadership in the Education Sector; a) Strength, positive character, consistent focus in the mission of preaching and education. Resilient and never giving up from being hit by the problems of the social order of life, b) Weaknesses, cadre formation and regeneration in sustainable education
Student Perception Relationships About Teacher And Pedagogy Learning Motivation With Education Learning Results Islamic Religion In SMP Negeri 12 Medan
This research aims to determine: (1) relationship between students'
perceptions of teacher’s pedagogy and learning outcomes of Islamic
education, (2) relationship between students’ learning motivation and
students’ learning outcomes of Islamic education?, and (3)
relationship in line between students' perceptions of teacher’s
pedagogy and learning motivation with the learning outcomes of
Islamic education. The type of this research is Quantitative
Descriptive Correlational, with descriptive analysis. Data collection
tools are using a likert scale questionnaire. The questionnaire was
compiled based on the indicators of each variable and checked with
the thesis supervisor, then the instrument test was carried out on the
respondents and not the research sample. The results showed that
students' perception about teacher’s pedagogy and learning motivation
had a relationship with the learning outcomes of Islamic education. In
the research hypothesis test, the correlation (1) X1 and Y = r calculate
was greater than the r table value (0.461 > 0.339) and the significance
value was less than 0.05 (0.006 < 0.05). (2) the correlation of X2 with
Y = r calculate is greater than the value of r table (0.409 > 0.339) and
the significance value is less than 0.05 (0.016 < 0.05). (3) The
correlation of X1 and X2 in line with Y = F calculate is greater than F
table (5.089 > 3.30) and the significance value is less than 0.005
(0.012 < 0.05)
Video Design for Clean and Honest Characters Strengthening of Mahasantri Ma'had Al-Jamiah IAIN Padangsidimpuan
Character Education is an important element in developing affective to be good person especially as mahasantri, and it is significant to create the good value of clean and honest. The study aims to design video of ‘clean and honest living characters’ among mahasantri in Ma’had Al-Jami’ah IAIN Padangsidimpuan. Designing video for ‘clean and honest living character’ is resulted by research and development. This study use Focus Group Discussion as the instrument, beside observation and interview. Based on the instrument, it is found that content of video was designed into two videos of ‘clean character’ and ‘honest character’. These two videos contains of four parts: part 1 is monolog about clean and health life character, part 2 is the slogan of clean and health living character, part 3 is the picture that show the contrast of positive and negative condition, and part 4 is short story about clean and health life character.
Keywords: Video design; character education; living characters
Keterampilan Dasar Guru dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam
Keterampilan dasar mengajar merupakan keterampilan harus dimiliki oleh setiap guru yang mengajar, karena keterampilan ini merupakan dasar atau kompetensi yang harus dimiliki dengan tujuan pembelajaran di kelas dapat terwujud dengan semaksimal mungkin sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keterampilan dasar guru dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan cara mengetahui jenis, fungsi dan peran serta tujuan keterampilan dasar guru dalam pendidikan islam. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Berdasarkan analisis dari sumber data, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa keterampilan dasar guru dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam ialah seorang guru harus mampu memberikan tanggung jawab kepada peserta didiknya sehingga peserta didik tersebut merasakan kenyaman dalam belajar agar siswa tersebut nyaman dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar maka seorang guru dituntut memiliki keterampilan
Tafsir Tematik Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (Actuating dalam Al-Qur’an)
Actuating menjadi salah satu fungsi dan juga tahap manajemen. Dalam lembaga pendidikan, aktuating dapat ditafsirkan untuk memobilisasi atau memberikan arah ke sumber daya yang ada di lembaga ini, apakah sumber daya manusia atau sumber daya lainnya. Menggerakkan sumber daya manusia adalah proses yang dari Perencanaan Manusia, perekrutan, pendidikan dan pelatihan, dan motivasi untuk dialokasikan. Ketika memobilisasi upaya memaksimalkan penggunaan sumber daya yang ada atau memindahkan bagian -bagian untuk melaksanakan semua kegiatan yang sudah direncanakan.