885 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Proses Belajar Mengajar Pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 13 Gugus II Kecamatan Palu Selatan Kota Palu

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    The research was based on the there is limitednes in learning and teaching process and teachers\u27 and realization program that influenced toward school effectiveness. This was a descriptive research with qualitative approach and employing effectiveness concept in an organization. The date from receive informans which edefinite olready porposif with method, intervieu and study observation empathy document. There were 7 informants involved consisting of a principle and teachers. The research showed that the principle had run supervision function whereas the teachers functioned as principle staff that run the learning and teaching process in the class olready the run and fine ol trough in limitedness. Besides, the effectiveness of school not yet optimum, was not only influenced by staff leadership, learning process, staff development, the pupose and expectation of the school, school climate, self control and communication and parents invalvement, but also influenced by the availability of facility of facillity and incentive

    MEMBONGKAR AKAR BIAS GENDER DALAM HUKUM ISLAM (Telaah Fiqh Perempuan Perspektif Sejarah Sosial Hukum Islam)

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    This article motivated by the proliferation of gender discourse in recent years and the perception of gender bias in Islamic law which is developed over the years. The article discusses the gender bias in Islamic law (fiqh) by analyzing the social history of Islamic law. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that gender bias in Islamic law is influenced by the condition of socio-cultural time and place, where jurisprudence formulated. Therefore, for the Indonesian context, it takes the efforts of women fiqh development in accordance with contemporary developments and Indonesian culture

    Membongkar Akar Bias Gender dalam Hukum Islam (Telaah Fiqh Perempuan Perspektif Sejarah Sosial Hukum Islam)

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    This article motivated by the proliferation of gender discourse in recent years and the perception of gender bias in Islamic law which is developed over the years. The article discusses the gender bias in Islamic law (fiqh) by analyzing the social history of Islamic law. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that gender bias in Islamic law is influenced by the condition of socio-cultural time and place, where jurisprudence formulated. Therefore, for the Indonesian context, it takes the efforts of women fiqh development in accordance with contemporary developments and Indonesian culture

    Peran Peradilan Islam dalam Penegakan Hukum Islam di Kesultanan Buton

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    This article tries to reveal the existence of the Islamic Courts in the Sultanate of Buton to measure the extent of its role in the enforcement of Islamic Law in the past. History explains that when Islam entered the territory of Southeast Sulawesi, the kingdom of Buton changed its status to Buton Sultanate and applied Islamic law throughout the empire. Using historical approach, the researcher succeeded in revealing the fact that in the area of the past Sultanate of Buton, once stood two institutions of Islamic Court named Syarana Adati and Syarana Hukumu or Syarana Agama. The authority of Syarana Adati was to deal with criminal cases where as Syarana Hukumu or Syarana Agama took care of certain civil cases such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. Despite the separation of authority, the two institutions can be categorized as Islamic Courts because the legal system used as a backdrop was Islamic Law. The study also finds out that the two institutions play a significant role in the upholding of Islamic law in the past as they were supported by the kingdom, and a strong legal culture both among law enforcers and in the communit


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    AbstrakPokok permasalahan penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap pengamalan sya’riat islam di Desa Gunung Silanu. Pokok masalah dibagi dua Sub masalah yakni: 1).Bagaimana   pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap kehidupan masyarakat di Desa Gunung Silanu? 2).Bagaimana pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap pengamalan syariat islam di Desa Gunung Silanu? Hasil yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini antara lain: 1). Pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap dikehidupan masyarakat desa gunung silanu yaitu jumlah penduduk desa gunung silanu 3.745 jiwa dari laki-laki 1882 jiwa dan perempuan 1.863 jiwa yang mempunyai pekerjaan yang bermacam-macam dan diantaranya masih banyak masyarakat mencari pekerjaan secara tidak halal misalnya sabung ayam, rentenir dan pencurian, keadaan social budayanya serta agama dan kepercayaan masyarakat gunung silanu yakni batara maserea (Dewa yang tunggal). 2).pengaruh  Pengamalan syariat islam di Desa Gunung Silanu dalam hal ekonomi berdampak pada penerapan zakat mal, zakat fitrah, infak, sedekah dan juga kurban. Selain itu yang menjadi kurangnya pengamalan syariat islam pada bidang shalat dan berpendidikan rendah.Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Desa Gunung SilanuAbstractThe main problem in this research is how poverty affects the practice of Islamic sya'riat in Gunung Silanu Village. The main problem is divided into two sub-problems, namely: 1) How does poverty affect people's lives in Gunung Silanu Village? 2). How does poverty affect the practice of Islamic law in Gunung Silanu Village? The results obtained from this study include: 1). The effect of poverty on the livelihoods of the people of Gunung Silanu Village is that the total population of Gunung Silanu Village is 3,745 people who come from 1,882 men and 1,863 women who have various jobs and many of them are still looking for illegal work such as cockfighting. , loan sharks and theft. The socio-cultural and religious conditions and beliefs of the people of Mount Silanu are batara maserea (single god). 2). The effect of practicing Islamic law in Gunung Silanu Village from an economic perspective has an impact on the application of zakat mal, zakat fitrah, alms, alms and also zakat. In addition, there is still a lack of practice of Islamic law in the field of prayer and low education.Keywords: Poverty, Gunung Silanu Villag

    Pengaruh Layanan Konseling Kelompok Dengan Teknik Relaksasi Terhadap Stres Akademik Siswa SMAN 99 Jakarta

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    This study's title is "The Effect of Group Counselling Services with Relaxation Techniques on the Academic Stress of Students at SMAN 99 Jakarta" . This project aims to provide class XI students at SMAN 99 Jakarta with group counselling services that include relaxation methods in order to lower their academic stress levels. The study took place from October to May and used a purposive sample of ten students from a population of thirty-six to administer a one-group pretest-posttest. For the academic stress variable, the data collecting tool relied on a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.867 and 40 valid statements out of 52. The data is normally distributed, according to the normalcy test, and the hypothesis testing using Paired-Samples With a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05 as shown by the T-Test, the null hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. As a consequence of participating in group counselling sessions that included relaxation methods, students at SMAN 99 Jakarta reported less academic stress

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Teknik Problem Solving Untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Belajar Pada Peserta Didik

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    This research is entitled "The Effect of Group Tutoring Using Problem Solving Techniques to Improve Learning Discipline in Class VIII Students of YWPM Jakarta Middle School". Learning discipline influences student success. However, many people are undisciplined, such as coming late, disturbing friends while studying, not wearing shoes, and leaving lessons without permission. This research aims to improve learning discipline through group guidance with problem solving techniques for YWPM Jakarta Middle School students. The method used is quantitative with a one group pretest-posttest model. The research population was 33 people and the sample was 10 people, taken by purposive sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire, with validity test results of 42 valid items out of 55 items. The reliability of the calculation shows a value of 0.924. The normality test shows that the data is normally distributed with a significant value > 0.05. Hypothesis testing using the Paired-Samples Test shows Sig (2-Tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, so Ha is accepted. The results and conclusions of the research show that group guidance using problem solving techniques has the effect of improving the learning discipline of class VIII students at YWPM Jakarta Middle School

    Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak dalam Hukum Indonesia : Pendekatan Integratif

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    Pembahasan perempuan dan anak merupakan topik yang tak pernah selesai. Masalah perempuan dan anak selalu aktual untuk dikaji sebab perbincangan mengenai hal tersebut tidak hanya menarik tetapi juga sangat urgen karena meyangkut makhluk Allah Swt yang rentan mengalami ketidakadilan. Hal ini pulalah yang mendasari mengapa masalah ini harus terus menjadi fokus perhatian karena tidak hanya terkait dengan dimensi kemanusiaan tetapi juga keagamaan, khususnya Islam yang menekankan pentingnya menjaga prinsip kemakhlukan dalam bersosialisasi di bumi Allah Swt. Buku ini mencoba mendekati permasalahan perempuan dan anak khususnya dalam ranah hukum melalui dimensi tersebut, sehingga lebih tepatnya menekankan pendekatan integrasi

    Bukti mengajar manajemen BK 4B semester genap 2022-2023

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    This study focuses on the role of women as a head of a family, especially who work as a trader in Baruga Market of Kendari to fulfill their families’ needs. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The data are collected from the interviews of the widows and the head of the Baruga Market, complemented by the results of observation on the activities of the widows in the market. The results indicate that the widows have a very significant role to finance their family. In the Islamic law perspective, this is relevant to aspects of maintenance of offspring as part of the maqasid al-shari'a theory. On the other hand, they have many problems, such as, employment, social, economic problems and the problems related to their families. While the strategies to solve their problems are creating a work motivation, organize family expenses, maintain good relations with the others, do marketing strategy and manage the time between family and work affairs. The implications of this research are the need for special attention from the government, social organizations and society to women as a head of a family and the need to strengthen their position by the state on a normative side and in terms of policies that could improve their live
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