57 research outputs found

    Analisis Determinan Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study discusses the market structure, conduct, performance (SPK) Islamic banking industry as well as the enforceability SPK Islamic banking industry. Variables include the study of concentration, market share, advertising intensity, the level of financing, financing problems, capital intensity, and the performance of the Islamic banking industry include profitability and operational efficiency, as well as variable dummy macro economic conditions. Source data from the financial statements of Islamic banking, and financial statements of four foreign Islamic banks, namely Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Mega Sraiah, and BNI Syariah. The technique of multiple regression analysis using panel data. The results showed that the market structure of the Islamic banking industry is an oligopoly 2005-2014 period. But in the meantime, there has been a change in the structure of the full oligopoly (2005-2008), a tight oligopoly (2009-2012) and became a monopolistic competition (2013-2014) due to the emergence of new Islamic banks in 2010 up to 2015 amounted to Islamic banks 12. Determinants of real influence on the market share structure is variable and intensity behavioral advertising. Advertising will increase the intensity and the concentration of market share. Perikalanan intensity intensive Islamic banks classified about 25 percent. That is about a quarter of the income allocated to the cost of promotion and advertising. Advertising intensity can improve the structure and market share. Advertising determinants that influence the behavior of Islamic banks is capital intensity, market share, concentration and interaction of market share, expansion financing and capital intensity. SCP variable relationships in the study of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia were tested empirically is the hypothesis of efficiency. Profit performance of the banking industry was not caused by the structure of sharia concentrated or collusion of the oligopoly but because of its efficiency

    Analisis Taraf Hidup Petani Skala Kecil di Sumatera Selatan

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    This study aims to assess the standard of living and the factors that affected on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in South Sumatera. This study covers the factors that affect the living standards of the poor and not poor small scale farmers as the extent of land, productivity, creation of value added, efficiency, and aquaculture farming. Study site purposively determined, namely rice farmers in the district of OKU Timur and palm oil farmers in the district of Muara Enim. Farmers were randomly drawn sample strata based on land area and production. Data taken with a questionnaire and direct interviews with farmers. Total number of samples is 80 farmers. Methods of analysis, starting with the measure of productivity, calculated using the income approach to value-added, and the measure of efficiency. Verification of data on poverty using the poverty line for rural areas in 2010 BPS. The results showed that farmers with poor living conditions caused by low productivity, efficiency is also low, so that its income is low, less intensive farming and there has been stagnation and polarization of the land thus increasing the number of landless peasants. Poverty is also arising from the exploitation by the farmers themselves (self-exploitation) and the exploitation of market institutions are generally structured monopsony. While aspects of the cultivation of less intensive farming. Instead of small-scale farmers are not poor to better their living standards as productive, efficient, and the cultivation of more intensive farming

    Pengaruh Kondisi Ekonomi Makro dan Karakteristik Bank terhadap Efisiensi Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The purpose of study was to analyze the “Effect of Macroeconomic Condition and Bank Charastistics to Efficiency of Islamic Banking in Indonesiaâ€. The main variable studied are economic growth (GGDP), Inflation (INFL), Capital Adequacy Ratio and CAR-Asset Size Ratio (RCSIZE), Financing to deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performance Financing (NPF), and Operational Efficiency (BOPO) of the Islamic Banking industri. The data used are secondary data from Bank Indonesia (BI) and Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) on basis Year 2000-2013. The method uses multiple regression analysis by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation. The finding sowed that the model of operational efficiency (BOPO) the determinan of macroeconomic condition and charastistic of Islamic Banking have real influace with the coefficient of determination is quite high at 69.2 percent. Several independent variable such as economic growth (GGDP), Inflation (INFL), and Non Performance Financing (NPF) has a significant influence on the level of α=0.05 on Operational efficiency (BOPO) Islamic Banking Industri. The other independent variables (RCSIZE, FDR) no significant affecting on the efficiency because the t test its each variables probability less than 5 percenst. Nevertheless, the RCSIZE have relationship the same direction on the movement of BOPO, while FDR had a direction opposite to the BOPO


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    The purpose of study was to analyze the “Effect of Macroeconomic Condition and Bank Charastistics to Efficiency of Islamic Banking in Indonesiaâ€. The main variable studied are economic growth (GGDP), Inflation (INFL), Capital Adequacy Ratio and CAR-Asset Size Ratio (RCSIZE), Financing to deposit Ratio (FDR), Non Performance Financing (NPF), and Operational Efficiency (BOPO) of the Islamic Banking industri. The data used are secondary data from Bank Indonesia (BI) and Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) on basis Year 2000-2013. The method uses multiple regression analysis by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation. The finding sowed that the model of operational efficiency (BOPO) the determinan of macroeconomic condition and charastistic of Islamic Banking have real influace with the coefficient of determination is quite high at 69.2 percent. Several independent variable such as economic growth (GGDP), Inflation (INFL), and Non Performance Financing (NPF) has a significant influence on the level of α=0.05 on Operational efficiency (BOPO) Islamic Banking Industri. The other independent variables (RCSIZE, FDR) no significant affecting on the efficiency because the t test its each variables probability  less than 5 percenst.  Nevertheless, the RCSIZE have relationship the same direction on the movement of BOPO, while FDR had a direction opposite to the BOPO. Keywords: Economic Growth, InflationCapital Adequacy Ratio, CAR Asset Ratio, Financing to Deposit Ratio, Non Performance Financing, Operational Efficienc


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    ABSTRAK Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) adalah jaringan informasi bahwa manajer harus memenuhi tugasnya (untuk kebaikan organisasi), terutama dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Sistem informasi manajemen adalah sebuah sistem, yaitu rangkaian teroganisasi dari sejumlah bagian/komponen yang secara bersama-sama berfungsi atau bergerak menghasilkan informasi untuk digunakan dalam manajemen perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan sumber data penelitiannya adalah kepala sekolah, panitia PPDB SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana sistem informasi manajemen dalam penerimaan peserta didik baru di SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang di lakukan dengan wawancara observasi serta dokumentasi uji keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan trianggulasi sumber dan teknik penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempertanggungjawabkan kredibilitas data dalam penelitian yang penulis lakukan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan terbagi menjadi empat yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem informasi manajemen dalam penerimaan peserta didik di SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah sudah sesuai dengan indikator. Pada sistem penerimaan peserta didik baru sudah berjalan dengan baik dan pihak panitia PPDB sudah mengikuti aturan MKKS. Pada pelaksanaan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru ialah guru melakukan rapat di setiap kenaikan kelas membentuk panitia PPDB buat persiapan penerimaan peserta didik baru dan rapat membahas bagaimana proses, sistematika alur pendaftaran siswa baru dan apa saja yang harus di bawa ketika mendaftar calon penerimaan peserta didik baru dengan menggunakan 3 jalur yaitu jalur zonasi, afirmasi dan prestasi. Pada sistem informasi manajemen Penerimaan peserta didik baru sudah relevan di SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah yang sudah disampaikah oleh operator panitia PPDB bahwa setiap calon peserta didik baru yang akan iv mendaftar menyiapkan pesyaratan. Pada Pelaksanaan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Secara Rinci dengan menggunakan aplikasi PPDB Lampung Tengah atau website yang sudah direkomendasikan oleh MKKS. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Manajemen, PPDB v ABSTRAC A Management Information System (MIS) is an information network that managers must fulfill their duties (for the good of the organization), especially in decision making to achieve organizational goals. A management information system is a system, which is an organized series of a number of parts / components that together function or move to produce information for use in company management. This study used qualitative descriptive, with the source of the research data being the principal, PPDB committee of SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management information system in accepting new students at SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah. The data collection techniques carried out by observation interviews and documentation of data validity tests in this study using trianggulation of sources and research techniques were carried out by comparing the results of interviews, observations, and documentation. The goal is to account for the credibility of the data in the research that the author conducted. The analysis techniques used are divided into four, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that the management information system in the admission of students at SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah was in accordance with the indicators. The new student admission system has been running well and the PPDB committee has followed the MKKS rules. In the implementation of New Student Admission, teachers hold meetings at each class increase, form a PPDB committee to prepare for the admission of new students and meetings discuss how the process, systematics of the flow of new student registration and what must be brought when registering prospective new student admissions using 3 paths, namely zoning, affirmation, and achievement paths. In the management information system, the admission of new students is relevant at SMP N 1 Pubian Lampung Tengah, which has been conveyed by the operator of the PPDB committee that every prospective new student who will register prepares requirements. In the Implementation of Detailed Admission of New Students using the vi PPDB Lampung Tengah application or the website that has been recommended by MKKS. Keywords : Management Information System, PPD


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    The aims of this study are to analyze the farmer’s value added, efficiency and the factors affecting the value added distribution. Location of the research is taken by using purposive sampling method on NES [Nucleus Estate and Smallholders] at the regency of Muara Enim in South Sumatera Province. A sample of Farmer’s selected using stratified random sampling. The qualitative descriptive analysis is also applied in of this study through measuring intermediate cost variables, efficiency and value added distributions. The result of this research showed that farmer’s low of the value added and efficiency performance. Efficient Farmer’s is reached when value added and productivity high, lower cost production, and labor exploitation. Factors inefficiency causing lost of the production surplus, by factors interest rate exploited, and increase disguised unemployment. The height Farmer’s quality and efficiency are to increase the equality for value added distributions. The more rigid on value added distributions influenced by inefficiency, lowest education, and medium productivity ages. All the impacted assumedly exploitation mechanism to impact of decrease farmer’s efficient and increase to gap value added distribution, and it does to affecting on the poverty. Keywords: cost, efficiency, farmer’s quality, exploitation, value added distribution


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    The purpose of this study to identified basic sector and commodity competitive at the Ogan Komering Ulu Timur municipality. The secondary data used from Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) to the basic sector identification by Location Quotient Index (LQ) in period 2001-2006 and primary data in 2007 to analysis commodity on regions competitive by Competitive Productivity for Labor Index (CLI). Focusing that analysis are basic sector and basic employment to determinant by competitive region. The result of the research sow that founding basic sector in OKU Timur that is agriculture sector, coals and mining and services.  Base on commodity and competitive region, Martapura and Belitang district its has hight competitively on indutries commers, hotels and restaurant, and services. The disstric BP Peliung and Madang Suku II has competitive to genteng industries, coals and mining i.e Mineral and Quarrying Type C Production. The paddy field is a basic coomodity in Buay Madang district and competitive at walet, Pedigree Fowl and Domestic Hens, and rice milling unit. The district Belitang II and Belitang III are has highest competitively at food industries, and transportation. Semendawai Suku III, Semendawai Suku Barat, Semendawai Suku Timur, and Cempaka district its has competitive highest at fish production by cultivated, Fresh Water Pond, Paddy Field and open water, palm oil and Rubber of Smallholders Estate. Key Words: Basic sector, basic employment, location quotient, competitive productivity of labor index

    Potensi USAha dan Efisiensi Ekonomi Rakyat di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur

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    The objectives of the study are to analyze economic potential and efficiency on small scale economic or “ekonomi rakyat†of Ogan Komering Ulu Timur (OKU Timur) Municipality. The primary data by used of this research, and the people economies analysis by using efficiency and production approaches. The result of the research shows that “ekonomi rakyat†in OKU Timur has biggest potential based on production approach, sales, profitability and efficiency. In sector of mining, hotels and restaurant have highest efficient and feasible to developed, sector of industry, and paddy production, while wallet nest, Pedigree Fowl and Domestic Hens are also efficient and feasible. Meanwhile, the efficiency while do the opposites of its input production from out-of local area, such as tradable goods and car services is not efficient
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