6 research outputs found
Pendidikan Multikultural (Telaah Terhadap Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dan Pendidikan Agama Islam)
Indonesia is a country which has pluralistic varieties. The varieties can be viewed from two perspectives namely horizontal perspective and vertical perspective. The horizontal perspective covers the varieties of religions, ethnics, local languages, cloth, food and culture. Meanwhile, the vertical perspectives are included as the varieties of level of education, economic, shelters, jobs and the varieties of social – cultural. The varieties of our nation leads us the take into account the importance of multicultural education as an anticipation to the negative social phenomena which possibly derives from the varieties of races and tribes, religions, and varieties of values which exist in the society. The multicultural education can be implemented through learning models substantially by admitting and honoring the cultural diversities
Pembelajaran Passing Atas Media Bola Karet pada Siswa Sdn 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas
This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomespassing over volleyball mini via media approach to learning a rubber ball. Thisresearch method is quantitative descriptive method with techniques percentage.Subjects were fifth grade students of SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh, who totaled 16students . While the study sample is to use the technique of test actions(performance ). Data collection techniques used on the sample test is a techniquethat is equipped with instrument ratings as a measurement tool, which is used totest the skills of passing over . Passing the above test results are known in cycle 2pesentase mastery learning students by 87.50 % resulting in a very good criterion.So there is an increase of implementation of the test results with the test cycle 2cycle 1 was 87.50 % - 43.75 % = 43.75 % , so improvement results learning ofstudents passing SDN 11 Tanjung Buluh Kabupaten Sambas is 43,75%
Hacking The Geneology and Typology of Reforming Malay-Nusantara Islamic Thought In Singapore's Al-Imam Magazine (1906-1908)
Al-Imam is the first magazine in Persada Alam Melayu-Nusantara that promotes the renewal of Islamic thought and voices the awakening of the backwardness and stagnation of Muslims in this region in the first decade of the 20th century. The managers of Al-Imam magazine claim to be students of Sheikh al-Imam Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Ridha. Thus, in terms of spirit, material, and publishing format, Al-Imam magazine is a "duplication" and "extension" of Al-Manar magazine, which was published by Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Ridha in Cairo, Egypt, from 1898 to 1935. On this basis, the genealogy and typology of the renewal of thought voiced by Al-Imam magazine in the Malay-Nusantara region are based on and get a strong influence from the rational-progressive renewal of Islamic thought by Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Ridha, especially as stated in Al-Manar. Although Al-Imam magazine was only published for two years (1906–1908), its role and influence were large and wide in this region. The most obvious influence of Al-Imam Magazine is seen in the publication of Al-Munir magazine by Abdullah Ahmad in Padang in 1911–1915.Keywords: Al-Imam Magazine; Renewal of Islamic Thought; Malay-Nusantar
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Agroekowisata untuk Pelestarian Fungsi Waduk Jaro
In order that Waduk Jaro remain stable, but economically produce, including through tourism approach agroecototurism. Cultivation are including the vast landscape of green as the most attractive mountains, and waterfalls spewing water and the most attractive. This research is kind or survey research using multistage sampling, where is society of sub district Jaro, district Tabalong, South Borneo Province selected with purposive sampling, from nine vilage chossing three village with reservoir location on three village (Nalui, Jaro and Garagata) taking sample at those three village using simple random sampling, where is respondence who will be chosen is head of family and visitor or tourist taking with accidental sampling, that is technique taking sample accidentally with interviewing visitor or tourist who come to location Waduk Jaro. The result shows that the perception of society which living around Waduk Jaro shows 93,6% respondence says agree that Waduk Jaro becoming tourist destination, 4,3% disagreed and 11,1%claimed not to know and 1,0% did not comment. From 94 respondence who interview, 89,4% says agree if forms of tourism which developing is agroecotourism, 5,3% says do not agree, 2% says do not know and 3,2% do not comment. Respondence from visitor or tourist society who visiting to Waduk Jaro, 98,3% agree becoming object tourism and 1,7% do not agree. And than 95,0% agree about forms of tourism which developing is agroecotourism, 3,3% did not agree and 1,7% not commen