25 research outputs found


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    UMKM sebagai sektor penggerak perekonomian yang paling banyak di Indonesia, mengalami dampak yang sangat serius dari adanya pandemi COVID-19. Hal ini ditandai dengan 56 persen melaporkan terjadi penurunan penjualan, 22 persen melaporkan permasalahan pada aspek pembiayaan, 15 persen melaporkan pada masalah distribusi barang dan 4 persen melaporkan kesulitan mendapatkan bahan baku mentah. Azky Collection sebagai salah satu UMKM di Gresik, merupakan yang terdampak dan telah melakukan perencanaan strategi sebelumnya semenjak pandemic. Menggunakan metode penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan model implementasi strategi yang digunakan di UMKM Azky Collection, dan faktor-faktor pendukung maupun penghambat yang berpengaruhi pada pencapaian kinerja terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi strategi yang dilakukan UKM Azky Collection memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap laporan penjualan sebagai determinan kinerja. Hal ini terlihat dari meskipun kondisi pandemi COVID-19, Azky Collection bisa survive dengan strategi yang dipilih yaitu pengembangan produk dan mampu menjadikan penjualan naik menjadi 3600 pcs pada 2021. Faktor pendukung implementasi strategi terdiri (1) eksternal, terdiri dari (a) jumlah konsumen jilbab yang banyak, (b)  market yang tumbuh dan berkembang serta kebutuhan pengguna jilbab yang masih terus ada,  (2) internal, terdiri dari (a) tim yang solid, (b) pengalaman, (c) harga terjangkau, (d) kualitas. Sedangkan faktor penghambat implementasi strategi adalah (1) Promosi, (2) Struktur, (3) Manajemen keuangan

    Development of Increasing Business Competitiveness In Betoyoguci Village Gresik Regency

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    Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia has not ended. The existence of the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector which plays a very important role in economic development and growth is the most affected by this pandemic. Various problems experienced by MSMEs include decreased sales, capital, hampered distribution, difficulty in raw materials, decreased production and layoffs of workers which pose a threat to the national economy. In addition, MSMEs lack resilience and flexibility in dealing with this pandemic, due to several things such as the low level of digitalization, difficulties in accessing technology and a lack of understanding of strategies to survive in business (OECD, 2020). The purpose of the service activity is to develop the competitiveness of MSMEs through information technology and innovation in Betoyoguci Village, Gresik Regency. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), namely approaches and techniques for involving the community in thought processes that take place during planning, implementing, as well as monitoring, and evaluating community development programs (Hamid, 2018). The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner, with 24 offline participants at the Betoyoguci Village meeting hall. To make it easier for coaching, in addition to explaining the forms of innovation that can be done during the COVID-19 pandemic, activities are supported by the practice of using information technology with the Shopee E-Commerce platform, starting from downloading in the appstore to uploading products, so that an increase in the ability of participants can be obtained. still survive during the pandemic that is still ongoing today. &nbsp

    Formulasi Strategi Ukm Jilbab Azky Collection Untuk Meningkatkann Daya Saing Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Background - The corona virus (Covid-19) has rocked the world, WHO even declared this a pandemic, so that various policies have also been carried out by the Indonesian government to reduce the spread of the virus. However, the business world is the most affected, especially SMEs as the tip of the economy in Indonesia. Therefore, SMEs need to create a business strategy that can continue to maintain their business in the midst of a pandemic situation that is still ongoing today. Purpose - to identify internal and external conditions and formulate business strategies to improve competitiveness in the small business of the Azky Collection hijab in Melirang Wetan Village, Bungah District, Gresik Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic which is still ongoing until October 2020. Design / Methodology / Approach - This study uses a case study approach with an explanative qualitative research method. Data analysis using Expert Choice V11 software. Results and Discussion - The results showed that the analysis of the internali and externali environmenti at the Azky Collection was above average (stabel). The right strategy formulation used by Azky Collection in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic through matrix analysis of IFE, EFE, SWOT, IE, CPM, Grand Strategy and QSPM which can increase its competitiveness is product development. Conclusion - The right strategy formulation used by Azky Collection in facing the challenges of environmental change due to the Covid-19 pandemic is product development. Research implications - This study provides a contribution to the application of strategic management related to the determination (formulation) of strategy in SMEs which are the driving force of the largest economic sector. Research limitations - The study was conducted by conducting interviews and questionnaires given via telephone and WhatsApp because they were still in a pandemic situation

    Model Evaluasi Strategi Wisata Lontar Sewu Dalam Meningkatkan Citra Destinasi

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    Background – The development of a tourist village can improve welfare and preserve local cultural and customary values. Lontar Sewu Tourism is a tourism village in Gresik district with a uniqueness in the many step trees called lontar which are created with playing and learning arenas. However, currently lontar sewu tourism is faced with competition between natural and artificial tourism in Gresik, especially those that require control and evaluation to increase competitiveness. Aim – To evaluate the Lontar Sewu Tourism strategy in enhancing the image of the destination. Design / Methodology / Approach – This study uses qualitative methods. The research location used as the research location is Gresik Regency. The site in this research is Lontar Sewu Tourism, located in Hendrosari Village, Gresik Regency. Primary data in this study were taken from interviews and observations of 13 informants consisting of 3 managers and 10 consumers or visitors to the lontar sewu tour. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use content analysis, content analysis and matrix as instruments. The matrices used for strategy evaluation tools are Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal-External (IE) and Balance Score Card (BSC). Findings – The current condition of Lontar Sewu Tourism has an IFE score of 3.57 and an EFE score of 3.05. This indicates a strong position in the competition, so that the IE matrix is in quadrant I, namely growing and developing. In the evaluation using the Balance Scorecard, it is known based on 5 perspectives namely: customers, employees, business processes, business ethics and social responsibility, currently the performance of lontar sewu tourism is quite good, but there is no balance yet because it has not been able to display strategic goals from a financial perspective linked from a customer perspective. The image of the Lontar Sewu Tourism destination is currently still quite good, so it needs development referring to the results of the Balance Scorecard. This finding aligns the strategic manager's that strategy evaluation is very important for organizational well-being; timely evaluation can alert management of problems or potential problems before a situation becomes critical. Conclusion - Lontar Sewu Tourism has tourism potential that will continue to grow, however, there is a need for synergy between the financial perspective and the customer in the Balance Scorecard. Research Implication – The results of this study can be used as a reference regarding the practice of strategic management studies and marketing management related to competition in the tourism business and tourism villages in particular. Limitations – Research is limited to financial data owned by strategic managers, so that the evaluation of the Balance Scorecard related to the financial perspective cannot be displayed because there is no data regarding Return of Equity (ROE)

    Pendampingan Strategi Pemasaran Pada Young Entrepreneurs Start-Up Di Gresik Pada Era New Normal

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    The New Normal era provides a great opportunity for companies to increase their turnover, but under different conditions the company faces marketing constraints (Ahmad, A.and, Nurhidaya, 2020). Facing the New Normal era, new economic drivers are needed, namely MSMEs and entrepreneurs, or what is now widely known as start-up. Entrepreneurship needs to be encouraged to increase national economic growth. This is because this sector is able to absorb as much as 97 percent of the total national workforce. In addition, the New Normal Era is a new challenge for MSMEs, including Young Entrepreneurs Start-up. They have become MSMEs which are now starting to be taken into account and dominated by Millennials, including in Gresik. This service aims to provide marketing strategy assistance using e-marketing by utilizing the currently trending TikTok Shop. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), namely approaches and techniques for involving the community in thought processes that take place during planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of community development programs. At the time of implementation, the activity was followed by 12 Young Entrepreneurs Start-up in Gresik. E-marketing assistance activities use the "TikTok Shop" application which is currently a trending social media among millennials through Google Playstore via Playstore with the search key "TikTok". As a result of the implementation of this service, there was an increase in the ability of Young Entrepreneurs Start-up to utilize social media TikTok for e-marketing as well as in terms of business development and product promotion at low cost and affordable and up to date

    Dampak Covid-19 terhadap Perubahan Psikologis, Sosial dan Ekonomi Pasien Covid-19 di Kelurahan Dendang, Langkat, Sumatera Utara

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    The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused unrest for all levels of society. The virus, whose symptoms are similar to SARS, not only affects a person's physical condition, but also affects psychological, social, and economic conditions. Among the general population, people infected with this virus or COVID-19 patients are more likely to experience changes in psychological, social, and economic conditions. This study aims to describe the impact of COVID-19 on psychological, social, and economic changes in patients in Dendang village Langkat regency, North Sumatera. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with interview techniques to patients who have undergone treatment and recovered. The results showed that there were changes in the psychological, social, and economic aspects of COVID-19 patients. Psychologically, patients experience changes ranging from fear, sadness, depression, decreased motivation to trauma. While the social impact, patients get different treatment and views from society. Then, economically, patients experience a decrease in income so that it is difficult to meet their food needs


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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of individual counseling services terdahap self-development behavior in SMK Negeri sisiwa 4 Banjarmasin . Developing students' abilities optimally is a major responsibility of the educational activities . In this study the research method used is qualitative ethnographic approach. potential is the capabilities and qualities of a person that has not been used optimally. For that efforts to implement individual counseling services should be done seriously.

    Model Partnership Sebagai Upaya Strategis Peningkatan Pelayanan Air Bersih (Studi Terhadap Public Private Partnership Di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Gresik)

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    : Strategic Partnership Model for Increasing Efforts to Water Services (Public Private Partnership against Studies in Regional Water Company Gresik). Water is a basic human needs. Therefore Millennium Development Goals is targeting that by 2015 access to basic sanitation clean water should be 68.87% filled. But in Indonesia, just 47.56% (BPS, 2011). This study problem formulation is: 1) how does a model partnership in PDAM Gresik, 2) how do the impact of the partnership as a strategic improvement of water services in Gresik. The purpose is: 1) to describe and analyse a model partnership in PDAM Gresik, 2) to describe and analyse the impact of the partnership as a strategic improvement of water services in Gresik. The research method used is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The results of the study appointment that the government's limited capacity can be transferred to the private sector's involvement it. Conclusion, the PDAM Gresik success improve water services


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    This research aims to determine the effect of Total Assets Turnover, Debt to Asset Ratio, Current Ratio to Return On Asset. By using the food and beverage companies as population, and technically the  sample in this study used purposive sampling, namely 13 companies. The sources used in this study were obtained on the BEI website. The results showed that Total Assets Turnover (TATO) had a negative and insignificant effect on Return On Assets (ROA), Debt ro Asset Ratio (DAR) had a negative and significant effect on Return On Asset (ROA), and Current Ratio (CR) had a positive and significant effect on Return On Asset (ROA


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    Indonesian people play an active role in the world economy. Through the world of banking, all economic actors can realize national development in order to increase economic growth. Economic actors have the ability to use credit facilities provided by banking financial institutions. Therefore, analysis of credit granting procedures is important in credit granting procedures to assess whether a credit application is feasible for approval. The bank, before extending credit, is required to conduct an assessment and analysis of prospective debtors to minimize the occurrence of non-performing loans. This study aims to formulate procedures for granting credit and identify factors that cause problem loans in order to get debtors who meet the criteria of Perumda BPR Bank Gresik. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The result of this research is that the researchers found a credit analysis procedure to minimize non-performing loans used by Perumda BPR Bank Gresik. The procedure for extending credit is through credit procedural policies, verification of prospective customer data, assessing the feasibility of granting credit, credit analysis. The steps taken by Perumda BPR Bank Gresik to minimize non-performing loans are by analyzing the factors that cause non-performing loans and through credit monitoring