53 research outputs found


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    Abstract   This study aims to determine empirically the relationship of language attitudes  and  knowledge of Indonesian spelling (EBI) with writing narrative competence  in class V SDN Serang 5 Serang City. The study was conducted on the students of class V of the odd semester of the academic year 2016/2017. The research method used in this research is survey method with correlational study approach. The population of this study is all students of class V SDN Serang 5 Serang City  which amounted to 44 students. The data collection in this study is to use test instruments and questionnaires. Based on the results of research and discussion, can be drawn conclusion on the results of research as follows. There is a positive and significant relationship between language attitudes with writing narrative competence . There is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge of Indonesian spelling (EBI) with writing narrative competence . There is a positive and significant relationship between language attitudes and knowledge of Indonesian spelling (EBI) together with writing narrative competence  . Keywords:  Writing Narrative Competence, language attitudes,                      and knowledge of Indonesian spelling (EBI) &nbsp


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    Bahasa dan budaya merupakan dua sisi mata uang yang berbeda, tetapi tidak dapat dipisahkan, karena bahasa merupakan cermin budaya dan identitas diri penuturnya. Toponim dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari aspek budaya setempat sehingga sangat diperlukan untuk melestarikan warisan budaya bangsa. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam penamaan geografis menunjukkan kekayaan budaya suatu bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan toponimi di Kabupaten Pandeglang yang menggunakan mofem Ci- (Bahasa Sunda), lema kadu (Bahasa Sunda), dan lema pasir (Bahasa Sunda). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Data yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini berasal dari sumber data tertulis dan sumber data lisan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan toponim  di Kabupaten Pandeglang yaitu: 1) menggunakan morfem ci- (BI: air); menggunakan lema kadu (BI: buah durian); dan  menggunakan lema pasir (BI: bukit); dan 2) faktor penamaan tersebut berkaitan dengan kondisi geografis dan sosial budaya masyarakat setempat. Language and culture are two sides of a coin; they are inseparable because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of its speaker. Toponyms can be used to study various aspects of the local culture and can help to preserve the nation's cultural heritage. The language used in geographical naming shows the cultural richness of a nation. This study aims to describe the toponymy existing in Pandeglang District, focusing on the morpheme Ci- (Sundanese), kadu entry (Sundanese), and hill entry (Sundanese). This research uses analytical descriptive method. The data used in this paper comes from written as well as oral data sources. The findings revealed that the dominant toponyms in Pandeglang District are as follows: 1) using the morpheme ci- (BI: air); using the entry kadu (BI: durian); and using the entry hill (BI: bukit); 2) the naming factor is related to the geographical and sociocultural conditions of the local community.

    Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan Dalam Cerpen Pembelaan Bah Bela Karya Moh. Wan Anwar

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    Referent Cohesion in Pembelaan Bah Bela a Short Story by Moh. Anwar. From the prespective of oral communication discourse is understood as a communication process between an addresser and an addressee. From written communication perspective, on the other hand, discourse is thought as the expression of the addresser. An integrated discourse is the one that is cohesive and coherent. It is complete when the sentenses constituting it support the topic, and integrated when the sentences are systematic and well-structured. Well structured idea is indicated by the use of cohesive devices. A short story has been chosen to investigate as it is short yet requires a high level of cohesion and coherence to allow it to be a complete reading. This article investigate “Pembelaan Bah Bela” one of best short stories by Moh. Wan Anwar. It tells about a Jawara culture in Banten. All the sentences in the short stories are analyzed. The investigation serves to show how cohesive devices work to construct a discours


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    Many researches on the agricultural lexicon have been carried out, but as far as tracing and studying, no research has been found that specifically examines the agricultural lexicon in the Sundanese community in Sumur District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. This article specifically discusses the agricultural lexicon within the scope of the agricultural culture of the Sumur District community. This article comes from the results of research that uses a descriptive qualitative approach with an ethnographic method with an ecolinguistic design. The data was obtained by conducting participant observations and interviews with informants who were considered to understand and master the problems of agricultural culture in the Sumur District area. This study resulted in the following findings: (1) the lexicon of the name of the process of cultivating a field of 60 pieces; (2) the lexicon of the name of the process of gardening or farming 34 pieces; (3) time lexicon related to rice field, gardening, or farming 28 fruit; and (4) the local wisdom of the community which is represented in the form of taboos related to the farming process, both expressions of prohibition and orders. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that there had been a shift in the agricultural lexicon in the Sumur sub-district triggered by social, economic, cultural, and ecological factor

    Kohesi Gramatikal Konjungsi dalam Karya Sastra dan Implikasinya bagi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA (Conjuction Gramatical Cohesions in a Literary Work and Their Implications for Indonesian Language Learning in Senior High School)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis aspek kohesi gramatikal konjungsi dalan cerita pendek Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif -deskriptif. Berdasarkan uraian hasil dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa wacana cerpen berjudul Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa ini memiliki tingkat kohesi yang cukup baik ditinjau dari aspek gramatikal konjungsi. Dalam wacana cerpen ini ditemukan piranti kohesi gramatikal konjungsi sebanyak 158 buah yang terdiri atas: 1) hubungan penambahan; 2) hubungan peningkatan; 3) hubungan pertentangan; 4) hubungan waktu; 5) hubungan syarat; 6)hubungan tujuan; 7) hubungan kausal atau sebab akibat; 8) hubungan pemilihan; dan 9) hubungan memperlihatkan cara. Kata Kunci: kohesi gramatika, konjungsi, analisis wacana, cerita pendek ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the aspects of conjunction grammatical cohesions in the short story of “Titian Pelangi” by Helvy Tiana Rosa. The research method is qualitative analysis technique to characterize descriptive presentation of data obtained by the research. The result showed short story “Titian Pelangi” has a fairly good degree of cohesions in terms of grammatical conjunction cohesion. In this short story discourse, the number of conjection grammatical cohesions is as many as 158 pairs of sentences. Grammatical cohesions in the aspect of conjunctions include: 1) conjunction relation additions; 2) conjunction enchancement relationship; 3) conjunction relationship contradictions ; 4) time relationship conjunction; 5) terms relationship conjunction relationship terms ; 6) conjunction relationship goals; 7) conjunction of causality; 8) conjunction of election relations ;and 9) conjunctionrelationship way

    Evaluasi Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan di Kelas Awal Sekolah Dasar

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    The objective of the research was to understand comprehensively the early reading learning at  class II Public Elementary School Serang 2, Serang City, Banten Province. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The data were collected through participant observation using interview, observation, and document study. The research finding shows the evaluation on early  reading learning: 1)the result evaluation,  and 2) the process evaluation


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    Abstrak Kohesi Gramatikal Pengacuan dalam Cerpen Pembelaan Bah Bela karya Moh. Anwar. Dipandang sebagai proses komunikasi antara penyapa dan pesapa dalam peristiwa komonukasi secara lisan, sedangkan dalam komunikasi secara tertulis, wacana terlihat sebagai hasil dari pengungkapan ide/gagasan penyapa. Wacana yang padu adalah wacana yang apabila dilihat dari segi hubungan bentuk atau struktur lahir bersifat kohesif dan dilihat dari segihubungan makna atau struktur batinnya bersifat koheren. Wacana dikatakan utuh apabila kalimat-kalimat dalam wacana itu mendukung satu topik yang sedang dibicarakan, sedangkan wacana dikatakan padu apabila kalimatkalimatnya disusun secara teratur dan sistematis, sehingga menunjukan keruntutan ide yang diungkapkan melalui penada kekohesian. Cerpen dipilih sebagai objek kajian dikarenakan bentuk cerpen ringkas namun tetap menuntut tingkat kohesi dan koherensi yang tinggi agar tetap berupa satu wacana utuh. Oleh karena itu, cerpen berjudul Pembelaan Bah Bela diteliti karena cerpen ini merupakan salah satu karya terbaik dari Moh. Wan Anwar yang ceritanya berisi budaya jawara dalam masyarakat Banten. Analisis teks dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan seluruh kalimat yang ada pada wacana cerpen tersebut. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil analisis yang lebih nyata karena masalah kohesi dan konteks situasi menyangkut masalah ketergantungan unsur-unsur dalam wacana.Kata kunci: Kohesi gramatikal pengacuan, wacana, analisis teks, cerpen. Abstract Referent Cohesion in Pembelaan Bah Bela a Short Story by Moh. Anwar. From the prespective of oral communication discourse is understood as a communication process between an addresser and an addressee. From written communication perspective, on the other hand, discourse is thought as the expression of the addresser. An integrated discourse is the one that is cohesive and coherent. It is complete when the sentenses constituting it support the topic, and integrated when the sentences are systematic and well-structured. Well structured idea is indicated by the use of cohesive devices. A short story has been chosen to investigate as it is short yet requires a high level of cohesion and coherence to allow it to be a complete reading. This article investigate “Pembelaan Bah Bela” one of best short stories by Moh. Wan Anwar. It tells about a Jawara culture in Banten. All the sentences in the short stories are analyzed. The investigation serves to show how cohesive devices work to construct a discourseKeywords: referent cohesion, text analysis, short stor


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai prosespembelajaran membaca dan menulis permulaan bahasa Indonesia di kelas II Sekolah DasarNegeri Serang 2 Kota Serang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metodeetnografi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi berupa catatan lapangan, danstudi dokumen. Data yang telah terkumpulkan dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif modelSpradley. Ada dua temuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama adalah temuan tentang pendekatan,metode, dan teknik dalam pembelajaran membaca permulaan yaitu: 1) pendekatan harfiah, bunyi,suku kata, dan kata; 2) metode abjad, bunyi, suku kata, dan kata lembaga; dan 3) teknik teknikceramah, tanya jawab, latihan, pemberian tugas, dan demonstrasi. Kemudian yang kedua adalahtemuan tentang pendekatan, metode, dan teknik dalam pembelajaran menulis permulaan yaitu: 1)pendekatan struktural, harfiah,dan suku kata; 2) metode Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS), abjad,dan Kupas Rangkai Suku Kata (KRSK); dan 3) teknik demonstrasi, ceramah, latihan, tugas, dantanya jawab. The objective of the research was to gain comprehensively understanding of the early reading andwriting learning processes at grade II Public Elementary School Serang 2, Serang City at BantenProvince. The methods in this research is qualitative research with ethnography design. The datawere collected through participant observation using interview, observation, and documentstudy.The data were analyzed based There are two findings in this study. The firstis the finding of approaches, methods, and techniques in learning of early reading, such as: 1) theapproaches are literal, sounds, syllable, and word; 2) the methods are alphabet, sound, syllable,and word institution; and 3) the techniques are discourse, discussion, practice, assignment, anddemonstration. Then the second is the finding of approaches, methods, and techniques in learningearly of writing, such as: 1) te approaches are structural, literal, and syllable; 2) the methods areStructural Analytical Synthetic (SAS), alphabet, and analysis of syllable; and 3) technicaldemonstration, discourse, assigment, and discussion

    Kohesi Gramatikal Konjungsi dalam Karya Sastra dan Implikasinya bagi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA (Conjuction Gramatical Cohesions in a Literary Work and Their Implications for Indonesian Language Learning in Senior High School)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis aspek kohesi gramatikal konjungsi dalan cerita pendek Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif -deskriptif. Berdasarkan uraian hasil dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa wacana cerpen berjudul Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa ini memiliki tingkat kohesi yang cukup baik ditinjau dari aspek gramatikal konjungsi. Dalam wacana cerpen ini ditemukan piranti kohesi gramatikal konjungsi sebanyak 158 buah yang terdiri atas: 1) hubungan penambahan; 2) hubungan peningkatan; 3) hubungan pertentangan; 4) hubungan waktu; 5) hubungan syarat; 6)hubungan tujuan; 7) hubungan kausal atau sebab akibat; 8) hubungan pemilihan; dan 9) hubungan memperlihatkan cara. Kata Kunci: kohesi gramatika, konjungsi, analisis wacana, cerita pendekABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the aspects of conjunction grammatical cohesions in the short story of “Titian Pelangi” by Helvy Tiana Rosa. The research method is qualitative analysis technique to characterize descriptive presentation of data obtained by the research. The result showed short story “Titian Pelangi” has a fairly good degree of cohesions in terms of grammatical conjunction cohesion. In this short story discourse, the number of conjection grammatical cohesions is as many as 158 pairs of sentences. Grammatical cohesions in the aspect of conjunctions include: 1) conjunction relation additions; 2) conjunction enchancement relationship; 3) conjunction relationship contradictions ; 4) time relationship conjunction; 5) terms relationship conjunction relationship terms ; 6) conjunction relationship goals; 7) conjunction of causality; 8) conjunction of election relations ;and 9) conjunctionrelationship way

    Evaluasi Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan di Kelas Awal Sekolah Dasar

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    The objective of the research was to understand comprehensively the early reading learning at  class II Public Elementary School Serang 2, Serang City, Banten Province. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The data were collected through participant observation using interview, observation, and document study. The research finding shows the evaluation on early  reading learning: 1)the result evaluation,  and 2) the process evaluation