132 research outputs found
Real forms of quantum orthogonal groups, q-Lorentz groups in any dimension
We review known real forms of the quantum orthogonal groups SO_q(N). New
*-conjugations are then introduced and we contruct all real forms of quantum
orthogonal groups. We thus give an RTT formulation of the *-conjugations on
SO_q(N) that is complementary to the U_q(g) *-structure classification of
Twietmeyer \cite{Twietmeyer}. In particular we easily find and describe the
real forms SO_q(N-1,1) for any value of N. Quantum subspaces of the q-Minkowski
space are analized.Comment: Latex, 13 pages. Added ref. [4] and [7] (page 12
Deformation quantization of principal bundles
We outline how Drinfeld twist deformation techniques can be applied to the
deformation quantization of principal bundles into noncommutative principal
bundles, and more in general to the deformation of Hopf-Galois extensions.
First we twist deform the structure group in a quantum group, and this leads to
a deformation of the fibers of the principal bundle. Next we twist deform a
subgroup of the group of authomorphisms of the principal bundle, and this leads
to a noncommutative base space. Considering both deformations we obtain
noncommutative principal bundles with noncommutative fiber and base space as
well.Comment: 20 pages. Contribution to the volume in memory of Professor Mauro
Francaviglia. Based on joint work with Pierre Bieliavsky, Chiara Pagani and
Alexander Schenke
On the Geometry of the Quantum Poincare Group
We review the construction of the multiparametric inhomogeneous orthogonal
quantum group ISO_qr(N) as a projection from SO_qr(N+2), and recall the
conjugation that for N=4 leads to the quantum Poincare group. We study the
properties of the universal enveloping algebra U_qr(iso(N)), and give an
R-matrix formulation. A quantum Lie algebra and a bicovariant differential
calculus on twisted ISO(N) are found.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. Contribution to the proceedings of the 30-th
Arhenshoop Symposium on the Theory of Elementary Particles. August 1996. To
appear in Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Sup
Twisting all the way: from algebras to morphisms and connections
Given a Hopf algebra H and an algebra A that is an H-module algebra we
consider the category of left H-modules and A-bimodules, where morphisms are
just right A-linear maps (not necessarily H-equivariant). Given a twist F of H
we then quantize (deform) H to H^F, A to A_\star and correspondingly the
category of left H-modules and A-bimodules to the category of left H^F-modules
and A_\star-bimodules. If we consider a quasitriangular Hopf algebra H, a
quasi-commutative algebra A and quasi-commutative A-bimodules, we can further
construct and study tensor products over A of modules and of morphisms, and
their twist quantization.
This study leads to the definition of arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily
H-equivariant) connections on quasi-commutative A-bimodules, to extend these
connections to tensor product modules and to quantize them to A_\star-bimodule
connections. Their curvatures and those on tensor product modules are also
determined.Comment: 15 pages. Proceedings of the Julius Wess 2001 workshop of the Balkan
Summer Institute 2011, 27-28.8.2011 Donji Milanovac, Serbi
Noncommutative gravity at second order via Seiberg-Witten map
We develop a general strategy to express noncommutative actions in terms of
commutative ones by using a recently developed geometric generalization of the
Seiberg-Witten map (SW map) between noncommutative and commutative fields.
We apply this general scheme to the noncommutative vierbein gravity action
and provide a SW differential equation for the action itself as well as a
recursive solution at all orders in the noncommutativity parameter \theta. We
thus express the action at order \theta^n+2 in terms of noncommutative fields
of order at most \theta^n+1 and, iterating the procedure, in terms of
noncommutative fields of order at most \theta^n.
This in particular provides the explicit expression of the action at order
\theta^2 in terms of the usual commutative spin connection and vierbein fields.
The result is an extended gravity action on commutative spacetime that is
manifestly invariant under local Lorentz rotations and general coordinate
transformations.Comment: 14 page
Noncommutative Chern-Simons gauge and gravity theories and their geometric Seiberg-Witten map
We use a geometric generalization of the Seiberg-Witten map between
noncommutative and commutative gauge theories to find the expansion of
noncommutative Chern-Simons (CS) theory in any odd dimension and at first
order in the noncommutativity parameter . This expansion extends the
classical CS theory with higher powers of the curvatures and their derivatives.
A simple explanation of the equality between noncommutative and commutative
CS actions in and is obtained. The dependent terms are
present for and give a higher derivative theory on commutative space
reducing to classical CS theory for . These terms depend on the
field strength and not on the bare gauge potential.
In particular, as for the Dirac-Born-Infeld action, these terms vanish in the
slowly varying field strength approximation: in this case noncommutative and
commutative CS actions coincide in any dimension.
The Seiberg-Witten map on the noncommutative CS theory is explored in
more detail, and we give its second order -expansion for any gauge
group. The example of extended CS gravity, where the gauge group is
, is treated explicitly.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX. Added clarifications, added reference. Matches
published version on JHE
Global Seiberg-Witten maps for U(n)-bundles on tori and T-duality
Seiberg-Witten maps are a well-established method to locally construct
noncommutative gauge theories starting from commutative gauge theories. We
revisit and classify the ambiguities and the freedom in the definition.
Geometrically, Seiberg-Witten maps provide a quantization of bundles with
connections. We study the case of U(n)-vector bundles on two-dimensional tori,
prove the existence of globally defined Seiberg-Witten maps (induced from the
plane to the torus) and show their compatibility with Morita equivalence.Comment: 28 pages. Revised version: sharpened in Sec. 4.3 the study of the
Seiberg-Witten maps for sections in the adjoint, related to their ordering
ambiguities; added sum of connections for tensor product bundles in Sec. 5;
improved in Sec. 5.1 the compatibility between Seiberg-Witten map and
T-duality transformation
Proof of a Symmetrized Trace Conjecture for the Abelian Born-Infeld Lagrangian
In this paper we prove a conjecture regarding the form of the Born-Infeld
Lagrangian with a U(1)^2n gauge group after the elimination of the auxiliary
fields. We show that the Lagrangian can be written as a symmetrized trace of
Lorentz invariant bilinears in the field strength. More generally we prove a
theorem regarding certain solutions of unilateral matrix equations of arbitrary
order. For solutions which have perturbative expansions in the matrix
coefficients, the solution and all its positive powers are sums of terms which
are symmetrized in all the matrix coefficients and of terms which are
commutators.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures, theorem generalized and a new method of
proof include
Extended gravity theories from dynamical noncommutativity
In this paper we couple noncommutative (NC) vielbein gravity to scalar
fields. Noncommutativity is encoded in a star product between forms, given by
an abelian twist (a twist with commuting vector fields). A geometric
generalization of the Seiberg-Witten map for abelian twists yields an extended
theory of gravity coupled to scalars, where all fields are ordinary
(commutative) fields. The vectors defining the twist can be related to the
scalar fields and their derivatives, and hence acquire dynamics. Higher
derivative corrections to the classical Einstein-Hilbert and Klein-Gordon
actions are organized in successive powers of the noncommutativity parameter
\theta^{AB}.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX. Added section 7 on NC field equations and
perturbative solution
Noncommutative connections on bimodules and Drinfeld twist deformation
Given a Hopf algebra H, we study modules and bimodules over an algebra A that
carry an H-action, as well as their morphisms and connections. Bimodules
naturally arise when considering noncommutative analogues of tensor bundles.
For quasitriangular Hopf algebras and bimodules with an extra
quasi-commutativity property we induce connections on the tensor product over A
of two bimodules from connections on the individual bimodules. This
construction applies to arbitrary connections, i.e. not necessarily
H-equivariant ones, and further extends to the tensor algebra generated by a
bimodule and its dual. Examples of these noncommutative structures arise in
deformation quantization via Drinfeld twists of the commutative differential
geometry of a smooth manifold, where the Hopf algebra H is the universal
enveloping algebra of vector fields (or a finitely generated Hopf subalgebra).
We extend the Drinfeld twist deformation theory of modules and algebras to
morphisms and connections that are not necessarily H-equivariant. The theory
canonically lifts to the tensor product structure.Comment: 74 pages. V2, added remark 3.7 and references therein, accepted
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