1,018 research outputs found
Determination of electron-nucleus collision geometry with forward neutrons
There are a large number of physics programs one can explore in
electron-nucleus collisions at a future electron-ion collider. Collision
geometry is very important in these studies, while the measurement for an
event-by-event geometric control is rarely discussed in the prior deep
inelastic scattering experiments off a nucleus. This paper seeks to provide
some detailed studies on the potential of tagging collision geometries through
forward neutron multiplicity measurements with a zero degree calorimeter. This
type of geometry handle, if achieved, can be extremely beneficial in
constraining nuclear effects for the electron-nucleus program at an
electron-ion collider
Probing Gluon Saturation through Dihadron Correlations at an Electron-Ion Collider
Two-particle azimuthal angle correlations have been proposed to be one of the
most direct and sensitive probes to access the underlying gluon dynamics
involved in hard scatterings. In anticipation of an Electron-Ion Collider
(EIC), detailed studies of dihadron correlation measurements in electron-proton
and electron-ion collisions at an EIC have been performed. The impact of such
measurements on the understanding of the different gluon distribution
functions, as a clean signature for gluon saturation and to constrain
saturation models further, has been explored. It is shown that dihadron
correlation measurements will be one of the key methods to probe gluon
saturation phenomena at a future EIC.Comment: 13 pages, 13 eps figure
Reply to Comment on "Reevaluation of the parton distribution of strange quarks in the nucleon"
A Comment on the recently published reevaluation of the polarization-averaged
parton distribution of strange quarks in the nucleon using final data on the
multiplicities of charged kaons in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering is
reviewed. Important features of the comparison of one-dimensional projections
of the multidimensional HERMES data are pointed out. A test of the
leading-order extraction of xS(x) using the difference between charged-kaon
multiplicities is repeated. The results are consistent with leading-order
predictions within the uncertainties in the input data, and do not invalidate
the earlier extraction of xS(x).Comment: Reply Comment to arXiv:1407.372
Testrun results from prototype fiber detectors for high rate particle tracking
A fiber detector concept has been realized allowing to registrate particles
within less than 100 nsec with a space point precision of about 0.1 mm at low
occupancy. Three full size prototypes have been build by different producers
and tested at a 3 GeV electron beam at DESY. After 3 m of light guides 8-10
photoelectrons were registrated by multichannel photomultipliers providing an
efficiency of more than 99%. Using all available data a resolution of 0.086 mm
was measured.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figure
Nuclear structure functions at a future electron-ion collider
The quantitative knowledge of heavy nuclei's partonic structure is currently limited to rather large values of momentum fraction x-robust experimental constraints below x similar to 10(-2) at low resolution scale Q(2) are particularly scarce. This is in sharp contrast to the free proton's structure which has been probed in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) measurements down to x similar to 10(-5) at perturbative resolution scales. The construction of an electron-ion collider (EIC) with a possibility to operate with a wide variety of nuclei, will allow one to explore the low-x region in much greater detail. In the present paper we simulate the extraction of the nuclear structure functions from measurements of inclusive and charm reduced cross sections at an EIC. The potential constraints are studied by analyzing simulated data directly in a next-toleading order global fit of nuclear Parton Distribution Functions based on the recent EPPS16 analysis. A special emphasis is placed on studying the impact an EIC would have on extracting the nuclear gluon parton distribution function, the partonic component most prone to nonlinear effects at low Q(2). In comparison to the current knowledge, we find that the gluon parton distribution function can be measured at an EIC with significantly reduced uncertainties.Peer reviewe
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