3 research outputs found

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja TCP Sack Menggunakan Antrian Random Early Detection

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    As time goes by, the current technology is also developing very rapidly, the rapid development of technology, especially on the internet network is also developing so that it is expected to continue to provide the best quality to meet the growing and fast information needs. An internet network is highly demanded of its best quality, one of which is in the spotlight to be developed, namely TCP Transmission Control Protocol. The efficiency and smoothness of the data transmission process is the most important thing in a communication network. TCP is one aspect that supports today’s fast internet, with TCP we can exchange information accurately, quickly, and well. In this study, researchers are interested in analyzing the performance of TCP Sack using the Random Early Detection queue. By doing this research is expected to know the performance of TCP Sack by looking at the parameter values of packet delivery ratio, throughput, end to end delay, and packet drop. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that end-to-end delay parameter testing on the TCP Sack still has poor performance, while for testing the packet delivery ratio, throughput, and packet drop TCP Sack already has good performance


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    This research is motivated by the number of drug cases in Indonesia, so that the number of users in 2017 reached 3,376,115 users in the 10-59 years age group. This is a very serious problem, and to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem it is recommended that parents, neighbors and relatives need to take the first step by identifying drug users through their characteristics. This study aims to build an expert system to diagnose the characteristics of drug users using the forward chaining method. The research method used is Research & Development and for system testing using black box testing techniques. Then the user acceptance of the system is tested and the results obtained are positive responses with a percentage rate of 86%, which means that the expert system that is designed is very feasible so that it can provide convenience


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    The use of information technology is currently becoming an important thing in life, this can be seen by the use of technology as a means of supporting human activities in various fields, one of which is in the field of education. One of the uses of information technology in universities can be realized by using a system that will provide academic-related information for students. This research is located in two universities, namely UIN Ar-Raniry and Syiahkuala University, the information system used at UIN Ar-Raniry is called the Academic Information System (SIAKAD) while the information system used at Syiahkuala University is called the Online KRS System. Evaluation of the successful use of information systems in this study Information System Success Model. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a sample size of 392 from UIN Ar-Raniry and 394 from Syiahkuala University. In this study there are 6 variables used with 9 hypotheses, the four variables consist of information quality, system quality, service quality, intention to use, user satisfaction and net benefits. The results show that all hypotheses in this study can be accepted because they have a t-statistic value above 1.96