164 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini menganalisis tesis/disertasi tentang sejarah pendidikan Islam yang diajukan ke Pascasarjana UIN SU Medan. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahawa alasan utama memilih tema sejarah pendidikan Islam adalah kekaguman akan capaian masa lalu dan keyakinan kuat bahwa sejarah relevan terhadap pendidikan Islam masa sekarang. Mayoritas tesis/disertasi adalah tentang topik pendidikan Islam modern (69.4%) dalam setting Indonesia (66.7%) dengan topik yang paling populer adalah lembaga pendidikan Islam (44.4%). Mayoritas tesis/disertasi (69.5%) telah menggunakan metode sejarah secara konsisten, dengan referensi paling banyak adalah Kuntowijoyo dan Dudung Abdurrahman. Mayoritas mutlak (80.5%) telah merujuk kepada sumber-sumber primer dalam pengumpulan data sejarah. Meskipun semua sepakat tentang relevansi sejarah, hanya 10% tesis/disertasi yang secara khusus menjelaskan relevansi penelitiannya terhadap pendidikan Islam kontemporer, itu pun masih pada tataran teoretis. Karenanya, pemanfaatan temuan dari tesis/disertasi tersebut secara praktis masih memerlukan langkah lanjutan, yakni melalui proses modeling atau eksperimentasi.Abstract: The History of Islamic Education as a Theme for Student's Final Thesis at Postgraduate Level of Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara. This study surveys theses on history of Islamic education, submitted to Graduate Studies State Islamic University Medan both for master and doctorate levels. The study concludes that the main reasons to study the topic are admiration of past achievements and strong belief in its relevance to contemporary Islamic education. The majority of the theses concentrate on modern time topics (69.4%) of Indonesian Islamic education (66.7%) with the most popular topic being Islamic education institutions (44.4%). The majority of the theses (69.5%) have consistently used historical method. The most frequently cited works on historical methodology are those of Kuntowijoyo and Dudung Abdurrahman. An absolute majority (80.5%) of the theses refers to primary sources related to their topics. Despite expressive believe in the relevance of history, only 10% of the theses allocate special segment to explain the relevance of their study findings, albeit in rather theoretical tones. As such efforts are needed to further use these study findings into a more practical ways, probably through modeling and experimentation.Keywords: history, Islamic education, post graduat

    Pesantren: Between The Mission to Print Scholars and The Pull of Modernization

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    Indonesia is one of the countries that is able to maintain lembaga pendidikan its traditional educational institutions from the touch of modernization. But even so Pesantren still mendapat tantangan face serious challenges from the current modernization. The challenge itu is related to the existence of Pesantren as an institution pencetakthat produces scholars who are faced with the demands kehidupanof global life. With the approach of library research this paper ini can find that the history pof Islamic education is the oldest in Indonesia. Pesantren with traditional Islamic education system, has played a very important role in improving Indonesia's human resources. In its development, Pesantren print religious figures and as the maintainer of Islamic traditions. In addition, Pesantren also developed as a social institution involved in the process of socio-political change in Indonesia. In the political map, Pesantren is often described as a force of pressure (pressure force) and in other situations Pesantren positioned as a force (integrating force) when the country is faced with difficulties dilemma, dokrtin “hubbu al-wathan min al-iman” sacrifice patriotic spirit to the chest of every child of the nation

    KITAB KUNING AND TRAINING OF ‘ULAMÂ’: The Experience of Madrasah Al Qismul Ali Jalan Ismailiyah Medan

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    Abstract: This article is a result of a history research relying on informants and documents for the larger part of its data. The Madrasah Al Qismul Ali Jalan Ismailiyah Medan was established by Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah in 1953, to cater for the education of young ‘ulamâ’ applying a curriculum almost solely based on Islamic classical books (known popularly as kitab kuning). This madrasa was very successful in fulfilling its mission and was celebrated as an‘ulamâ’-producing institution until mid-1980s. Madrasah Al Qismul Ali strives to combine its old winning curriculum with the new state-sponsored one. After some decades, it is clear that this strategy is not working to expectation. The madrasa fails to deliver graduates of the same quality as it did. Apparently what is left of classical book in the curriculum is not sufficient to prepare younger generation of ‘ulamâ’.Abstrak: Artikel ini didasarkan pada sebuah penelitian sejarah yang terutama mengandalkan data informan dan dokumen. Madrasah Al Qismul Ali Jalan Ismailiyah Medan didirikan oleh Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah pada 1953, dengan visi mendidik calon ulama dengan pembelajaran berbasis kitab kuning. Madrasah ini sangat sukses menjalankan misinya dan terkenal sebagai produsen ulama sekurang-kurangnya hingga pertengahan 1980an. Madrasah Al Qismul Ali berjuang untuk memadukan dua kurikulum sekaligus: kurikulum lama berbasis kitab kuning dan kurikukum baru versi pemerintah. Setelah beberapa dekade, terlihat bahwa siasat pemaduan kurikulum tidak dapat menghasilkan alumni sebagaimana sebelumnya. Porsi pembelajaran kitab kuning yang dikurangi ternyata tidak memadai untuk melahirkan bibit ulama.Keywords: Qismul Ali, kitab kuning, ‘ulamâ’ training, madrasa

    RUKUN NASUTION (1928-1998) AND HIS POETRY CORPUS: A Preliminary Study

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    Abstract: A corpus of poetry by Rukun Nasution (1928-1998) found in 2018 has not been introduced or studied academically. This study is an initial survey that aimed to introduce the poet called Rukun Nasution and map the corpus of his poetry. Biographical writing methods combined with philology and social history found that Rukun Nasution only received formal education from the People's School (Sekolah Rakyat) for three years. He obtained knowledge mainly through religious non-formal learning forums (majlis ta'lim) and independent reading. Rukun Nasution identified available learning potentials around him and maximized it to advance his education. His poetry's creative dimension was manifested using the aa-aa rhyme, with general Islamic themes. This corpus includes three types: 1) his orinigal compositions; 2) translations from Malay to vernacular Mandailing language; and 3) translation of poetries written in Malay script into Latin script. Rukun Nasution's creativity could be considered unique and extraordinary based on his limited education and external environment. Therefore, his corpus of poetry needs further investigation from philological, linguistic, and historical perspectives and an analysis of its content.Keywords: Islamic poetry, Malay literature, vernacular literature, Rukun Nasutio

    Modernization of Education Contents of Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah 1900-1942 in North Sumatera

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    This study aims to reveal how the process of modernization of education content on the organization Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah years 1900-1942. The issues raised are: (1) how the historical background in modernizing education content of the three organizations; (2), how the modernization process of these organizations to arrange their education content; (3), how the these organizations dissemination of education content on the subjects. This is solved by historical method comprising the steps of: heuristics; second, verification; interpretation; historiography, and social history. The findings research informs: First, the three organizations have the same background in determining the education content, those are, first; the spirit leaders spreading Islam in accupation situation by orienting on Islamic education of the occupation, second; the intellectual contact internally an externally to conceive and build on the progress of Islamic education. Third; The strong desire to equate Islamic education progress with the western progress (colonization), fourth; The desire to realize the equality social among communities in receiving education and the world of work. The second finding is; the same formulate of education content material Islamic teaching that originated from AD and ART, but have different ways depending on modern education content. Muhammadiyah with revolutionary and Nahdlatul Ulama with evolutionary, and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah with situasionery. the third finding is; the similarities of education content modernization process using a common and religious material. However they have differences on the distribution of the content in the subjects, Muhammadiyah is innovative and NahdlatulUlama is creative and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah is very selective


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana pemikiran Ikhwân Al-bafâ tentanginteraksi pendidik dan peserta didik. Ada tiga rumusan masalah yang dikemukakan dalam penelitianini: pertama, bagaimana konsep pendidik dan peserta didik dalam pandangan Ikhwân Al-bafâ; kedua,bagaimana pola interaksi pendidik dan peserta didik dalam pandangan Ikhwân al-‘afâ; dan ketiga,bagaimana relevansi interaksi pendidik dan peserta didik dalam pandangan Ikhwân Al-bafâ dengankondisi pendidikan masa kini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan berupa data primer(Rasâil Ikhwân Al-bafâ) maupun data sekunder (sumber tertulis lainnya). Prosedur dari penelitian iniadalah untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data tertulis setelah dilakukan analisis pemikiran(concrete analyze) dari suatu teks. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahpendekatan deskriptif analisis. Data yang ada dalam kepustakaan tersebut dikumpulkan dan diolahdengan cara: editing, organizing, dan penemuan hasil penelitian. Temuan disertasi ini yaitu konseppendidik dan peserta didik dan pola interaksi keduanya dalam pandangan Ikhwân Al-bafâ berupakompetensi yang harus dimiliki setiap pendidik; cara penyampaian ilmu; sifat tercela yang harus dihindari;kesetiaan (loyalitas); etika pendidik dan etika peserta didik; faktor penentu tingkah laku peserta didik;dan peserta didik sebagai objek aktif pendidikan. Sedangkan relevansi pemikiran pendidikan IkhwânAl-bafâ dalam diskursus kekinian berupa pendidikan inklusif dan pluralis; integrasi ilmu naqliyah danaqliyah; dan memurnikan ajaran agama.Kata Kunci: Pemikiran, Pendidik dan Peserta Didi

    Sejarah Maktab al-Islamiyah Tapanuli

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    Hadis-Hadis Pendidikan Sebuah Penelusuran Akar-Akar Ilmu Pendidikan Islam

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