60 research outputs found
Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation and Accounting Information Quality
This study investigates the effect of ERP systemimplementation on accounting information quality of firms listedin Indonesian Stock Exchange. The accounting informationquality proxies are relevance and faithful representation.Relevance is measured with time lag between fiscal year-end andearnings announcements date, whereas faithful representation ismeasured with absolute discretionary accrual. The study findsthat the implementation of ERP system increase the absolutediscretionary accrual, thus the faithful representation of theaccounting information decreases. With respect to relevance,firms with incentive to increase the timeliness of earning releasedate experience a decrease in reporting lag after implementingERP system
The Effects of Participation in the Development of Performance Measures on Managerial Performance with Fairness Perception as a Mediating Variable: (An Empirical Study of Hospital Industry in Central Java, Indonesia)
The objective of this research is to provide descriptive
evidence of the performance measures (financial and non-
financial) used in the hospital industry. This research also
provides empirical evidence on the effect participation has in
the development of performance measures on managerial
performance with fairness perception as a mediating
variable. A survey research method is employed to
empirically test the hypotheses developed in this study. The
survey for this study is carried out on the hospital industry in
Central Java, Indonesia with the unit’s manager as the unit
of analysis. The hospitals located in some districts of Central
Java are used as the sampling frame. Statistical analysis
methods and path analysis are used to analyse data. This
study found that participation in the development of
performance measures used in the performance evaluation
process positively influences the managerial performance.
Participation was also found to positively influence the
fairness perception of the performance measures that
eventually influence managerial performance. Hence, this
study demonstrated that fairness perception moderated the
relationship between participation in the development of
performance measures and the managerial performance in
hospital industry in Central Java, Indonesia. This study also
showed that financial measures were perceived fairer than
non-financial measures in the performance evaluation
ABSTRACTThis study aims to give empirical evidence on the development of research on financial distress in Indonesia. We identified articles with a cause-effect relationship where financial distress was used as the dependent variable. This study analyzed twenty-eight articles about financial distress, obtained from eighteen nationally accredited journals indexed under Sinta 2. We classified articles based on the research variables used, then analyzed them by using the charting field method. This study found that internal factors such as financial condition and corporate governance are used more often than external factors such as inflation, exchange rate, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in research about financial distress in Indonesia. Moreover, some variables gave inconsistent results and should be studied further to find such inconsistencies.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris tentang studi perkembangan financial distress di Indonesia. Kami mengidentifikasi artikel yang memiliki hubungan sebab akibat dimana financial distress ditempatkan sebagai variabel dependen. Penelitian ini menganalisis dua puluh delapan artikel tentang financial distress yang berasal dari delapan belas jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan terindeks Sinta 2. Kami mengklasifikasikan artikel berdasarkan variabel penelitian yang digunakan, kemudian melakukan pendekatan pemetaan (charting field). Studi ini menemukan faktor internal seperti kondisi keuangan dan tata kelola perusahaan lebih sering digunakan dibandingkan dengan faktor eksternal seperti inflasi, nilai tukar dan produk domestic bruto (PDB) dalam penelitian financial distress. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa variabel yang menunjukkan ketidakkonsistenan terhadap financial distress. Sehingga, perlu dilakukan pengkajian mendalam untuk mengetahui penyebab ketidakkonsistennya variabel-variabel tersebut
Fraud merupakan permasalahan yang tersebar luas di seluruh negara, termasuk di negara-negara berkembang maupun maju. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi perkembangan fraud theory yang dapat digunakan dalam mendeteksi fraudulent financial reporting di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui fraud theory yang paling sering digunakan di Indonesia. Peneliti menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode meta analisis, penelitian ini mengkaji jurnal yang terindeks di Scopus dalam rentang waktu 2013-2023. Sebanyak 245 artikel telah dianalisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fraud theory terus mengalami perkembangan dari tahun ke tahun, dari mulai fraud triangle theory sampai ke fraud hexagon theory dan fraud theory yang paling sering digunakan adalah fraud triangle theory.
Kata Kunci: Fraud; financial reporting; literature revie
ERP implementation and earnings management: The moderating effect of an independent board of commissioners
This research examines the moderating effect of the Independent Board of Commissioners on the relationship between implementing an enterprise resource planning system (ERP) and earnings management in non-financial companies in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The earnings management variable is proxied through discretionary accruals, which refer to the calculation of the modified Jones model. This research used panel data from 85 companies from 2017 – 2020 to obtain a sample of 340. Employed the moderated regression analysis, the research finds that ERP implementation significantly influences the decline in earnings management. At the same time, the Independent Board of Commissioners can strengthen the relationship between the implementation of ERP systems and earnings management. This study contributes to expanding literature related to company information systems by providing evidence of the influence of ERP implementation on earnings management and how the Independent Board of Commissioner contributes to the relationship.Penelitian ini menguji efek moderasi variabel Komisaris Independen pada hubungan antara implementasi ERP terhadap manajemen laba pada perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel manajemen laba diproksikan dengan discretionary accrual yang dihitung dengan modified Jones model. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel dari 85 perusahaan dari tahun 2017 – 2020 yang menghasilkan data sampel sebanyak 340 observasi. Menggunakan Moderated regression analysis, kami membuktikan bahwa implementasi ERP berpengaruh secara signifikan untuk menurunkan manajemen laba. Di waktu yang sama, penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa Komisaris Independen mampu memperkuat hubungan tersebut. Penelitian ini berkontribusi memperluas literatur terkait peran implementasi ERP terhadap manajemen laba, dan bagaimana peran Komisaris Independen dalam mempengaruhi hubungan tersebut
Impression Management in Indonesia: Critical Analysis and Areas for Future Research
This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the development of impression management research in Indonesia. This study analyzed thirty-four articles on impression management from eighteen nationally accredited journals Sinta 2 during the 2013-2023 observation period. Our articles are analyzed and classified based on topics, financial performance factors, and non-financial performance factors. Then we use a method with a field charting approach. This study found that financial performance factors such as company size, ROA, earnings management, and leverage are used more often than non-financial performance factors such as board size, corporate governance, economic conditions, company age, and analyst coverage. On the other hand, non-financial performance variables are more developed than financial performance as indicated by the variety of variables used. Form a causal model of financial performance and non-financial performance with full impression management using the additive model. We also found that impression management has a relationship with debt costs, agency costs, investment decisions, audit fees, trust, and market reactions. This implies that impression management is used to intervene in company costs. In addition, several variables show inconsistent results and need to be studied further to find these inconsistencies
This research to examine the influence of corporate
governance mechanism on the firm value with earnings
quality as variable intervening. Corporate governance
mechanism used four variables that are managerial
ownership, institusional ownership, board of commissioner
composition and audit committee existence.
Earnings quality was measured with Earnings Response
Coefficient (ERC) and firm value was measured
with Price Book Value (PBV). This research used empirical
data from Indonesian Stock Exchange with 28
manufacturing company as sample. By using multiple
regression analysis as the research method, the results
shown that earnings quality is measured by ERC. Audit
committee existence and managerial ownership influence
earnings quality. The other variables did not
influence earnings quality, that are institusional ownership
and board of commissioner composition. Managerial
ownership and institusional ownership influence
firm value. Board of commissioner composition and
audit committee existence did not influence firm value.
Keywords: corporate governance mechanism, managerial
ownership, institusional ownership, board of commissioner composition, audit committee existence,
earnings quality, Earnings Response Coefficient, firm
value, Price Book Valu
This research aims to present studies regarding transfer pricing or related party transactions in Indonesia. This research explains that 53 articles comprised 33 from 15 accredited national journals (Sinta 2) and 20 from 18 accredited international journals (Scopus). The articles used are from 2002 until September 2023. This research categorized articles into four parts: publication trends, existing research (themes, topics), causes and effects, and future research agenda regarding transfer pricing or related party transactions in Indonesia. Based on the articles on transfer pricing in Indonesia, this research concludes that transfer pricing or related party transactions can be categorized into 2. There are financial variables and corporate governance variables. Previous studies have inconsistent results because of the difference in transfer pricing indicators used
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