23 research outputs found

    Studi Awal Bioekologi Ikan Geso (Hemibgrus Wyckii, Bagridae)

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    Nowadays, geso fish Hemibagrus wyckii Bagridae is extinction The objective of this research is to analyze the distribution of length and weight of Geso fish, water quality parameter as the characteristic of Geso habitat and reproduction aspect which is the basic data to perform the domestication process. To know the distribution of length and weight of Geso fish, the samples were taken from three research locations, namely Kampar Kanan River, Kampar Kiri River and Koto Panjang Reservoir, each with 15 individual, To analyze the reproduction aspect of Geso fish required 45 samples and to get the data of Geso fish habitat characteristic was taken once monthly water samples in June, July and August 2015 in three research sites, Kampar Kanan River, Kampar Kiri River and Koto Panjang Reservoir. The results showed that the average length of total and weight of geso fish from Kampar Kanan River (491.93 mm, 1390.83g) and Kampar Kiri River (489.73 mm, 1338.97g) was higher than that of Koto Reservoir Length (286.60 mm; 1078 g). The water quality parameters that are the main differentiator between the three habitats are nitrite, nitrate, electric conductivity and COD. Fecundity of geso fish ranges from 2943-9558 eggs with egg diameter ranging from 1.04 to 2.81 mm. Gonad Somatik Index (IGS) of geso female fishingTKG IV between 2.73-3.97%and males between 1.22-2.00%

    Influence of Stocking Density and Feeding Tofu with Different Frequencies Growth of Population Silk Worm (Tubifex SP)

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    Silk worms are one type of live food favored because it has nutrients that are good for the growth of fish larvae. This study aims to determine the effect of stocking density and feeding tofu to a different frequency on the growth of silk worms. This study was conducted in 26 March to 22 May 2016 located at Jln. Kamboja No. 38, Simpang Baru, Panam, Pekanbaru. The media used in the research is a mixture of mud, dung quail, pulp, bran, sand and EM4. The material used is silk worms obtained from collectors. This research was conducted by an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with 2 factors and 3 levels of treatment and repeated three times. The treatment in this treatment: P45F1: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P45F2: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P45F3: stoking density 45 g and Frequency 1x3 days, P55F1: stoking density 55 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P55F2 : Solid Tebar 55 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P55F3: Solid Tebar 55 g and Frequency 1x3 days, P65F1: stoking density 65 g and Frequency 1x1 days, P65F2: stoking density 65 g and Frequency 1x2 days, P65F3: stoking density 65 g and frequency 1x3 days. The data observed in the form of biomass growth, population, length growth and quality of water. The results of the study, indicating that the stocking density and feeding tofu with different frequenci es no significant effect (P> 0.05) on the growth of biomass, population and the growth of length silk worms. The highest growth of biomass was obtained in treatment P55F3 (stocking density 55g and Frequency 1x3 days) is 185.67 g / 0.098 m2. The highest the growth of length obtained in the treatment P45F1 (stocking density 45g and frequency of 1x1 days) is 1.47 cm and for growth of population is highest in treatment P55F2 (stocking density 55g and frequency of 1x2 days) is 41661.33 ind / 0.098 m2. Water quality during the research for the values of temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) are still in a reasonable range. Based on the results of this study concluded that the stocking density and feeding different tofu can promote the growth of silk worm

    Influence Injecting Ovaprim with Different Doses of Ovulation and Hatchery Siban Fish (Cyclocheilictys Apogon)

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    This research was conducted in February to April 2016 in the Laboratoryof Fish Hatchery and Breeding (PPI) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine SciencesUniversity of Riau. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect ovapriminjection of different doses of the ovulation and hatchery siban Fish. The methodused in this research is the method Experiment with direct observation of theobject being treated, by trying ovaprim different doses injected in siban fish _(Cyclocheilicthys Apogon). With completely randomized design (CRD) with afactor of four treatments and three replications. The treatments were P0 (0.9%sodium chloride injection of a dose of 0.2 ml / kg body weight of the mother), P1(ovaprim Injecting a dose of 0.3 ml / kg body weight of the mother), P2 (ovaprimInjecting a dose 0.5 ml / kg body weight of the mother), P3 (ovaprim Injecting adose of 0.7 ml / kg body weight of the mother).From the results of this study showed best treatment there in treatment P3with ovaprim dose of 0.7 ml / kg body weight, with an average latency time of7.07 hours, the number of eggs striping results as much as 365 grains / gramparent, the rate of conception by 77 , 16%, number of hatching at 77.75% and thenumber of survival by 77.98%. Water quality measurements during the study astemperature 28-300 C, pH 5-6 and 4.5 to 6.0 ppm dissolved oxygen

    The Effect Extender of Young Coconut Water in 0,9% Sodium Chloride on Sperm Quality Catfish (Hemibagrus Nemurus) During Storage

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    This study aimed to evaluete the effect of extender coconut water and NaCl on sperm motility, viability, and fertility of riverine bagrid catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) storage. This experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications, namely Treatment P0: 0.1 ml sperm plus coconut water 0% + NaCl 100%, P1: 0.1 ml sperm plus coconut water 40 % + NaCl 60%, P2: 0.1 ml sperm plus coconut water 50% + NaCl 50%, P3 0.1 ml sperm plus coconut water 60 % + NaCl 40%, and P4 0.1 ml sperm plus coconut water 70 % + NaCl 70%. The results showed that the addition of coconut water and NaCl on sperm storage significantly affect sperm quality of catfish and during 96 hours of storage. The result showed that the best quality sperm of catfish treated by P2 was higher than (P<0,05) other treatment. In addition, the optimal storage time was in 48 hours, because it had very good motility and highest viability (63,861%). But after 96 hours in storage, fertility decrease until 21,80%

    Influence of SGnRH-a + Domperidone with Different Doses for Ovulation Stimulation, Egg and Larvae Quality of the Pawas (Osteochilus Hasselti CV)

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    This research was conducted over 60 days, starting on April 20 until June 8 2015, at the Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory at Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, University of Riau. This research aims to determine the effect of sGnRH-a + domperidone with different doses of the ovulation stimulation and the eggs quality of Nilem Carp (O. hasselti CV) which is the first step of research and then the best dosage obtained through observations in the first step will then be injected against gonads mature female brood and then will spawn with the male injected with the best dose (0.4 ml/kg body weight) through research "sGnRH-a + domperidone With Different Doses for Volume, Concentration and Cement Quality of Nilem Carp (O. hasselti CV) as the second step of this research. The results showed that sGnRH-a + domperidone at a dose of 0.6 ml/kg body weight were significant (p<0,05) for the latent time, total eggs ovulation, egg diameter increase, eggs maturity and ovisomatik index value, with the best results for the latent time (6.15 hours), total eggs ovulation (242 eggs/g gonads), egg diameter increase (0.9125 mm), eggs maturity (20 %) and ovisomatik value index (14.75 %). Results of the second step resulted in average: fertility rate (81.33 %), hatching rate (81.76 %), absolute length growth (1.91 cm), absolute weight growth (0.27 g), daily growth rate (10.17 %) and the rate of survival (95.1 %)

    Use of Different Doses of Ovaprim to Induced Signal Barb (Labeobarbus Festivus, Heckel 1843)

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    This research was conducted from April to November 2015. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of ovaprim doses on spawning success of signal barb (Labeobarbus festivus, Heckel 1843). The method used in this research was an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor, four treatments and three replications. The treatment used in this research was an injection of ovaprim with different doses i.e : P0 (0,2 mL NaCl physiology 0,9 %/kg of body weight), P1 (0,5 mL/kg of body weight), P2 (0,7 mL/kg of body weight) and P3 (0,9 mL/kg of body weight). The results showed that ovaprim dose of 0,7 mL/kg of body weight was the best in turn of latency time (5.32 hours), total eggs stripping (14.095 eggs/g gonads), egg diameter (0,91 mm), egg maturity (87,7 %), Ovi Somatic Index (20,15 %), fertility rate (40,39 %), hatching rate (14,85 %), and survival rate (38,07 %)

    Utilization of Flour Maggot (Hermetia Illuncens L) as a Substitute Fish Flour for Growth of Selais Fish (Ompok Hyphoptalmus) Seed

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    This research aims to find out the effect of utilization of flour maggot as asubstitute fish flour in feed to increase the growth of selais fish (Ompokhyphoptalmus)seed. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD)methodwith one factor, five-stage treatment and 3 replicates.Treatment with thesubstitution of flour maggot: fish flour, control P0(0%:100%), P1 (25%:75%), P2(50%:50), P3 (75%:25%), P4 (100%:0%). The protein content 25,04 – 29,43%.The result showed the best treatment at P0 treatment (0%:100%) with a spesificgrowth rate 1,69%, the rate of feed efficiency16,59%,feed digestibility 65,40%and the survival 98,33%

    The Effect of Ovaprim Doses on Ovulation and Egg Quality of Ingir-ingir (Mystus Nigriceps)

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    The research was conducted in June 2014 in the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of the Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty University of Riau. The research was to determine the effect of ovaprim on ovulation and egg quality of ingir-ingir (Mystus nigriceps). The method used is an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Treatment in this study were P0 (NaCl 0,9% dose of 1 ml / kg body weight) P1 (ovaprim dose of 0,5 ml / kg body weight) P2 (ovaprim dose of 0,7 ml/ kg body weight) and P3 (dose ovaprim 0,9 ml / kg body weight).The results of the research showed that the ovaprim doses 0.7 ml / kg body weight gave the optimum result inter of latent period (6,37 hours), number of egg striping (315 eggs / gram broodstock), increase the diameter eggs (0,038 mm) and percent increase egg maturation (14,3%), and the ovisomatik index (9,85%)