11 research outputs found

    Implikasi Faktor Individu Terhadap Stigma Sosial Tuberkulosis di Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Semarang

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    Stigma dapat memperparah penyakit tuberkulosis paru sehingga dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan pengobatan dan berdampak negatif terhadap kelangsungan berobat penderita. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka perlu diketahui bagaimanakah peran faktor internal dan eksternal masyarakat terhadap stigma sosial pada penyakit tuberkulosis di wilayah Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Semarang. Populasi terjangkau penelitian ini adalah masyarakat di Kelurahan Tanjung Mas Semarang dengan sampel sebesar 219 responden. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa umur yang lebih muda lebih rentan terhadap stigma (p=0,011). Status pernikahan akan memperkecil stigma karena lebih adanya perhatian dari keluarga dan anak-anak mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status pernikahan berhubungan dengan stigma (p-value=0,011). Informasi tuberkulosis menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan dengan keterkaitan seseorang pernah ataupun tidak pernah mendapatkan stigma dengan nilai (p=0,233). Nilai stigma yang tinggi sangat berbanding terbalik dengan nilai informasi tinggi yang diterima. Stigma tuberkulosis pada analisis multivariat menunjukkan tingkat kemaknaan p<0,25 yaitu variabel umur dan status pernikahan berdasarkan keterkaitan kandidat yang masuk dalam uji regresi logistik menunjukkan pada stigma tuberkulosis β‰₯32 adalah sebesar 60% sedangkan 40% disumbang oleh faktor lain. Status pernikahan terutama pada kategori tidak pernah menikah sangat berpengaruh lebih besar dengan stigma tuberkulosis contohnya di negara India dan negara Malawi. Stigma terkait tuberkulosis tetap menjadi tantangan dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian penyakit tuberkulosis. Pengurangan stigma baik di keluarga maupun masyarakat dengan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pengaruh tuberkulosis perlu ditinggatkan agar penemuan penderita dapat meningkat karena menurunnya stigma negatif di masyarakat

    Pengolahan Air Sungai Gambut Dengan Metode Filtrasi

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    The people of Teluk Pulai Village use the water of the Red River, which is peat water, as a source of clean water. Not all residents use the water because it is brown to reddish in color. The results of the water test show that the turbidity parameter is 37 NTU, the iron (Fe) content is 4.57 mg/L, and the manganese (Mn) content is 2.39 mg/L; therefore, it is necessary to treat the water so that it is suitable as clean water and raw water for drinking water. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of media thickness and contact time on reducing turbidity, pH, temperature, Fe content, and Mn content in river water by filtration. The research design was an experiment with a pretest-posttest design with one control group and six replications. The independent variables were media thickness of 20 and 40 cm and contact time of 5 and 10 minutes, while the dependent variables were turbidity, pH, temperature, Fe content, and Mn content. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively based on Permenkes No. 32 of 2017. The results of the initial measurement of turbidity, Fe, and Mn levels before each treatment were above the quality standard according to Permenkes No. 32 of 2017. After processing using the filtration method, the results were in accordance with the quality standards, namely turbidity < 1 to 4 NTU, pH 6.5–6.9, temperature 25.8–26.4 oC, Fe content 0.024-0.126 mg/L, and Mn content 0.31–1.78. Although maximum effectiveness is achieved with a thickness of 40 cm and a contact time of 10 minutes, it is economically advisable for the community to treat river water using zeolite and activated sand filtration media with a thickness of 20 cm and a contact time of 5 minutes

    Factors Of Pregnant Women On Environmental Health In Semarang, Indonesia

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    Pregnancy are still high in developing countries despite national and international efforts to redress this problem. This study was conducted to investigate pregnancy in this area who knowledge and attitudes environmental health the risk factors that affect abaou pregnancy outcomes in Semarang. The study with process to observation in area was conducted among 40 pregant women attending antenatal clinics from their all trimesters to term. The subject research is wastewater disposal site, prevention of disease transmission, state of the room with lighting, floor, humidity and the type of water. Results showed that, majority pregnant women (> 75%, n= 40) were aware of the risk factors that could adversely affect the pregnancy outcomes, however they did not know the exact mechanisms by which risk factors acted to the environmental health this effects to woman pregnancy. Occurrence of risk factors among with waswater disposal site all pregnant have the waswater, prevention disease with mosquito net (35%) and the lowest preventation with mosquito racket (2,5%), bedroom lighting is enough (60%), floor with ceramics (65%) soil (2,5%) the lowest in floor, the humidity (62,5%) and the type water with drink water gallon (77,5%) and cooking (50%) and personal hygiene water tank (60%). It was concluded from this study that, although most woman were aware of the pregnancy factors, they lacked the knowledge on how the factors affected the pregnancy outcome. The pregnancy was outcame were good to examination from goverment. It is recommended that women pregnancy to begin their clinic early prevention of environmental disease

    Mobile Health Intervensi untuk Peningkatan Perawatan Ibu Hamil di Kota Semarang

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    Mobile health with its popularity and availability has considerable potential to increase access to health care, especially in improving maternal health. Mobile health-based interventions are used to spread health information because of its availability, cheap and does not require large technological expertise, can be accessed at any time. Previous research has proven that periodic message reminders using cellphones effectively encourage and strengthen healthy behavior. This research is part of a health promotion intervention for pregnant women based on mobile health which aims to evaluate the use of mobile health to promote the health of pregnant women qualitatively.Descriptive qualitative research design with an observational approach from the results of the intervention of pregnant women groups conducted in April - July 2018. A purposive sampling technique, the number of samples 102. Qualitative data analysis in this study.The number of respondents using whatsapp application 102 people, 47% active respondents. Mobile health for effective health promotion (97%) and acceptable. Interesting content (98%) in general assessment of positive content: increasing knowledge of pregnant women (68%). The most questions about the daily care of pregnant women, the response to the intervention: can continue until the respondent gives birth.Mobile health for health promotion of pregnant women is effective and acceptable


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    Latar belakang: Kasus HIV/AIDS di Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan jumlahnya meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Jumlah kasus positif HIV/AIDS sebagian besar terdapat pada kelompok usia kerja produktif yang akan berdampak negatif terhadap produktivitas perusahaan.Metode: Jenis penelitian diskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, mencatat, menganalisis dan menginterprestasikan kondisi yang sekarang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang Tahun 2018. Hasil: Kasus kematian karena AIDS pada warga Kota Semarang mencapai rasio 1:8 dibanding dengan jumlah penderitanya. Jumlah kasus AIDS tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2012 dengan 104 kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang. Berdasarkan jenis pekerjaannya, kasus AIDS paling banyak diderita oleh karyawan dengan jumlah kasus 109 penderita. Jenis pekerjaan seperti tukang parkir, pemulung, pramugara, operatorkaraoke, seniman, dan petani/nelayan menempati posisi terendah. Kasus AIDS di Kota Semarang, paling banyak ditemukan pada kelompok umur 31-40 dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 177 pasien.Kesimpulan: Penderita AIDS terus mengalami kenaikan sejak 2005 hingga tahun 2012, memasuki tahun 2013, hingga 2018 saat ini, penderita AIDS cenderung menurun dari tahun ke tahun. Kasus AIDS paling banyak diderita oleh pekerja dengan jenis pekerjaan karyawan. Kelompok umur 31-40 merupakan kelompok dengan jumlah penderita AIDS tertinggi dalam 12 tahun terakhir.Kata kunci: AIDS pada pekerja, AIDS, pekerj

    Self Efficacy dan Self Motivation Kader dalam Melakukan Active Case Finding untuk Menurunkan Epidemi Tuberculosis dalam Mewujudkan Target SDGs 2030

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    Active case inding maximize the role of cadres for the discovery of new TB cases. Semarang city emergency TB in 2016. Puskesmas Mijen one who has high TB patients with case notiication number of 53%. This research is observational research with cross sectional method. This study uses questionnaires as a tool in taking data. The ield samples were chosen by simple random. The sample size is 55 cadres in the working area of Mijen Semarang Public Health Center. The results of the good category of 36,4% self eicacy conident cadre performancein TB case inding in the community at least once a day. There are 38,2% self motivation of additional income knowledge of cadres including less in the case inding of Tb in the working environment of the Mijen Puskesmas. Self eicacy factors and self-motivation of cadre showed no signiicant relationship with cadre performance on the implementation process at family visit to get target of SDGS 2030. It is suggested to all health center cadres to always follow training on health especially related to TB to maximize the role of cadre for discovery New TB caseKeywords: Self eicay, self motivation, tuberculosi

    Hubungan Kadar Merkuri (Hg) dengan Profil Darah Pekerja Pertambangan Emas Tradisional di Desa Jendi Kecamatan Selogiri Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Background: mercury is neurotoxic substance which can produce some health effect, depends on impact ofduration of exposure and quantity mercury used. Gold miner had a high risk of continously impact which maycause many health disorder, one of them is blood profile interference.The purpose of this reasearch was to know the relationship between mercury concentration in blood with bloodprofile of traditional mining gold worker in Jendi village, Selogiri Sub District, Wonogiri District.Methods: The study design was an analytic observational research. Research subject were whole of workers whowere working in mining gold. Variables in this research were mercury (Hg) in blood and blood profile. Datacollection using interview, observation, and measurement technique. Data would be analyzed using Kendal's Taucorrelation.Result: The results showed that the average of Hg in blood was 7,819 ppb. It was over toxic level (eˆ 5,8 ppb) andaverage blood profile consist of haemoglobin, erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelet, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, andMCHC were 14,771 gr/dl; 4,9536 jt/mmk; 7,5679 rb/mmk; 334,26 rb/mmk; 43,833%, 88,6333 fl; 29,8833 pg;33,6976. Bivariate analysis showed the significant relationship between mercury (Hg) in blood with bloodprofile (amount of leukocyte) p-value 0,017 and rho 0,257.Conclusion: The conclusion of the research was Hg rates in blood had a toxic limit standard so it can change theblood profile (decreased amount of leukocyte). It was recommended for gold miner to used a personal protectiveequipment like mask, lowering smoking habbit, checked-up, and make lots of green area at mining gold


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    Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tugurejo menghasilkan limbah cair dengan kadar amoniak yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 4,534 mg/L. Penurunan kadar amoniak dapat dilakukan dengan proses adsorpsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas berbagai variasi ketebalan arang aktif untuk menurunkan kadar amoniak dalam limbah cair Rumah Sakit. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah True Experimental dengan The Posttest-Only Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh air limbah yang ada di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Sampel diambil pada outlet IPAL RSUD Tugurejo sebelum dibuang di sungai Tugu. Pada penelitian ini, variasi ketebalan arang aktif yang digunakan adalah 45cm, 55cm, 65cm, 75cm dan 85cm. Pada ketebalan 85cm mampu menurunkan kadar amoniak hingga rata-rata 0,078 mg/L atau sebesar 97,96%. Berdasarkan Uji Shapiro-Wilk diketahui nilai signifikansi 0,032 atau p<0,05, sehingga data berdistribusi tidak normal. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis (ANOVA Non-Parametrik) . Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa nilai p=0,0001. Karena nilai p<0,05 maka Ho ditolak berarti ada perbedaan rata-rata penurunan kadar amoniak dari kelima variasi ketebalan tersebut. Variasi ketebalan arang aktif yang paling efektif adalah ketebalan 85 cm yang mampu menurunkan kadar amoniak hingga 0,078 mg/L Kata Kunci: ketebalan arang aktif, amoniak, limbah Rumah saki