70 research outputs found
Developments in Supergravity Unified Models
A review is given of developments in supergravity unified models proposed in
1982 and their implications for current and future experiment are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. To appear in "Perspectives on Supersymmetry II"",
edited by Gordon Kan
Very Large Intermediate Breaking Scale In The Gepner Three Generation Model
A detailed study of the intermediate symmetry breaking scale, via the
renormalization group equations, for a three generation heterotic string model
arising from the N=2 superconformal construction is reported. The numerical
study shows that the model admits a very large intermediate breaking scale
\op{>}{\sim}1.0\times10^{16} GeV. The role of the gauge singlets in this
model is studied, and it is found that these fields play a crucial role in
determining the directions and the scale of the intermediate symmetry breaking.
The importance of the mixing in generation space is also studied. The
generation mixing terms are found to have special effects in the intermediate
symmetry breaking. Remarkably these terms can produce some {\it new} Yukawa
couplings (not present at the Planck scale) through loops. These couplings are
in general very small compared to the ones with non-vanishing tree level values
and thus offer a {\it new} mechanism to solve the lepton/quark mass hierarchy
problem.Comment: 19 pages, Plain Tex (Three Figures not included
Hyperbolicity and Constrained Evolution in Linearized Gravity
Solving the 4-d Einstein equations as evolution in time requires solving
equations of two types: the four elliptic initial data (constraint) equations,
followed by the six second order evolution equations. Analytically the
constraint equations remain solved under the action of the evolution, and one
approach is to simply monitor them ({\it unconstrained} evolution). Since
computational solution of differential equations introduces almost inevitable
errors, it is clearly "more correct" to introduce a scheme which actively
maintains the constraints by solution ({\it constrained} evolution). This has
shown promise in computational settings, but the analysis of the resulting
mixed elliptic hyperbolic method has not been completely carried out. We
present such an analysis for one method of constrained evolution, applied to a
simple vacuum system, linearized gravitational waves.
We begin with a study of the hyperbolicity of the unconstrained Einstein
equations. (Because the study of hyperbolicity deals only with the highest
derivative order in the equations, linearization loses no essential details.)
We then give explicit analytical construction of the effect of initial data
setting and constrained evolution for linearized gravitational waves. While
this is clearly a toy model with regard to constrained evolution, certain
interesting features are found which have relevance to the full nonlinear
Einstein equations.Comment: 18 page
Sensitivity of dark matter dectectors to SUSY dark matter
ABSTRACT The sensitivity of dark matter detectors to the lightest neutralino ({\tilde {Z}_1}) is considered within the framework of supergravity grand unification with radiative breaking of SU(2)xU(1). The relic density of the {\tilde {Z}_1} is constrained to obey 0.10 \leq \Omega_{\tilde {Z}_1}h^2 \leq 0.35, consistent with COBE data and current measurements of the Hubble constant. Detectors can be divided into two classes: those most sensitive to spin dependent incoherent scattering of the {\tilde {Z}_1} (e.g. CaF_2) and those most sensitive to spin independent coherent scattering (high A nuclei e.g. Pb). The parameter space is studied over the range of 100GeV \leq m_0, m_{\tilde {g}} \leq 1~TeV; 2 \leq tan\beta \leq 20; and -2 \leq A_t/m_0 \leq 3 and it is found that the latter type detector is generally more sensitive than the former type. Thus at a sensitivity level of R \geq 0.1 events/kg da, a lead detector could scan roughtly 30\% of the ~parameter space studied, and an increase of ~this sensitivity by a factor of 10 ~would lead to coverage of about 70\% of the parameter space. Dark matter detectors are in general more sensitive to the high tan\beta, low m_{\tilde {g}} and low m_0 parts of the parameter space. The conditions of radiative breaking of SU(2)xU(1) enter importantly in analysing the efficiency of dark matter detectors
The Stau Neutralino Co-annihilation Region at an International Linear Collider
We probe the stau-neutralino co-annihilation domain of the parameter space
allowed by the current experimental bounds on the light Higgs mass, the b-> s
\gamma decay, and the amount of neutralino cold dark matter within the
framework of minimal SUGRA models at a 500 GeV e+e- linear collider. The most
favorable signals of SUSY are stau pair production and neutralino pair
production where the small mass difference between the lighter stau and the
lightest neutralino in the co-annihilation region is ~5-15 GeV and hence
generates low-energy tau leptons in the final state. This small mass difference
would be a striking signal of many SUGRA models. We find that a calorimeter
covering down to 1^o from the beams is crucial to reduce the two-photon
background and the mass difference could be measured at a level of 10% with 500
fb^-1 of data where an invariant mass of two-tau jets and missing energy is
used as a discriminator.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
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