434 research outputs found

    High interindividual variability in habitat selection and functional habitat relationships in European nightjars over a period of habitat change

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    An animal's choice of foraging habitat reflects its response to environmental cues and is likely to vary among individuals in a population. Analyzing the magnitude of individual habitat selection can indicate how resilient populations may be to anthropogenic habitat change, where individually varying, broadly generalist populations have the potential to adjust their behavior. We collected GPS point data from 39 European nightjars (Caprimulgus europaeus) at a UK breeding site where restoration measures have altered large areas of habitat between breeding seasons. We calculated individual habitat selection over four breeding seasons to observe changes that might align with change in habitat. We also analyzed change in home range size in line with change in habitat availability, to examine functional relationships that can represent trade‐offs made by the birds related to performance of the habitat.Individual explained more of the variation in population habitat selection than year for most habitat types. Individuals differed in the magnitude of their selection for different habitat types, which created a generalist population composed of both generalist and specialist individuals. Selection also changed over time but only significantly for scrub habitat (60% decrease in selection over 4 years). Across the population, individual home range size was 2% smaller where availability of cleared habitat within the home range was greater, but size increased by 2% where the amount of open water was higher, indicating the presence of trade‐offs related to habitat availability. These results highlight that using individual resource selection and specialization measures, in conjunction with functional responses to change, can lead to better understanding of the needs of a population. Pooling specialist and generalist individuals for analysis could hide divergent responses to change and consequently obscure information that could be important in developing effective conservation strategies

    An in vitro method for determining the bioaccessibility of pharmaceuticals in wildlife

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    Wildlife can be exposed to human pharmaceuticals via prey that have accumulated the compounds from wastewater, surface water, sediment and soil. One factor affecting internal absorption of pharmaceuticals is bioaccessibility, the proportion of the compound that enters solution in the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, the bioaccessibility of most pharmaceuticals in prey remains unknown for most wildlife species. Here, we evaluate the potential of a two-compartment in vitro gastrointestinal tract model to compare the bioaccessibility of the antidepressant fluoxetine from invertebrate prey for birds and mammals. Samples of gizzard (or stomach) and intestinal phase digestive juices were obtained from the in vitro models along with the residual solid material. HPLC analysis revealed that the bioaccessibility of fluoxetine in the avian in vitro models (75.9% and 78.6%) was statistically significantly lower than in the mammalian models (88.2-89.6%) as a percentage of what was recovered; however there were no statistically or biologically significant inter-species difference in terms of the amount recovered per gram of 'food' inserted at the start of the simulation. Nevertheless, this in vitro model provides a useful method of comparing the bioaccessibility of pharmaceuticals in different prey for species with different gastrointestinal conditions. There may be merit for ecological risk assessments in further developing this in vitro approach to improve estimates of internal exposure for organics. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    A national level assessment of metal contamination in bats

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    Abstract Many populations of bat species across the globe are declining, with chemical contamination one of many potential stressors implicated in these demographic changes. Metals still contaminate a wide range of habitats, but the risks to bats remain poorly understood. This study is the first to present a national scale assessment of toxic metal (Cd, Pb) and essential trace metal (Cu, Zn) concentrations in bats. Metal concentrations in tissues (kidneys, liver, stomach -stomach content, bones and fur) were measured in 193 Pipistrellus sp. in England and Wales using ICP-MS, and compared to critical toxic concentrations for small mammals. The concentrations of metals determined in bat tissues were generally lower than those reported elsewhere. Strong positive associations were found between concentrations in tissues for a given metal (liver and kidneys for Cd, Cu and Pb; stomach and fur and fur and bones for Pb), suggesting recent as well as long term exposure to these contaminants. In addition, positive correlations between concentrations of different metals in the same tissues (Cd and Zn, Cu and Zn, Cd and Pb, Pb and Zn) suggest a co-exposure of metals to bats. Approximately 21% of the bats sampled contained residues of at least one metal at concentrations high enough to elicit toxic effects (associated with kidney damage), or to be above the upper level measured in other mammal species. Pb was found to pose the greatest risk (with 7–11% of the bats containing concentrations of toxicological concern), followed by Cu (4–9%), Zn (0.5–5.2%) and Cd (0%). Our data suggest that leaching of metals into our storage matrix, formaldehyde, may have occurred, especially for Cu. The overall findings suggest that metal contamination is an environmental stressor affecting bat populations, and that further research is needed into the direct links between metal contamination and bat population declines worldwide

    Fur : A non-invasive approach to monitor metal exposure in bats

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    This paper presents a novel assessment of the use of fur as a non-invasive proxy to biomonitor metal contamination in insectivorous bats. Concentrations of metals (cadmium, copper, lead and zinc) were measured using ICP-MS in tissues (kidneys, liver, stomach and stomach content, bones and fur) obtained from 193 Pipistrellus pipistrellus/pygmaeus bats. The bats were collected across a gradient of metal pollution in England and Wales. The utility of small samples of fur as an indicator of metal exposure from the environment was demonstrated with strong relationships obtained between the concentrations of non-essential metals in fur with concentrations in stomach content, kidneys, liver and bones. Stronger relationships were observed for non-essential metals than for essential metals. Fur analyses might therefore be a useful non-invasive proxy for understanding recent, as well as long term and chronic, metal exposure of live animals. The use of fur may provide valuable information on the level of endogenous metal exposure and contamination of bat populations and communities

    The trade-off between fix rate and tracking duration on estimates of home range size and habitat selection for small vertebrates

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    Despite advances in technology, there are still constraints on the use of some tracking devices for small species when gathering high temporal and spatial resolution data on movement and resource use. For small species, weight limits imposed on GPS loggers and the consequent impacts on battery life, restrict the volume of data that can be collected. Research on home range and habitat selection for these species should therefore incorporate a consideration of how different sampling parameters and methods may affect the structure of the data and the conclusions drawn. However, factors such as these are seldom explicitly considered. We applied two commonly-used methods of home range estimation, Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation (MKDE) and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) to investigate the influence of fix rate, tracking duration and method on home range size and habitat selection, using GPS tracking data collected at two different fix rates from a small, aerially-insectivorous bird, the European nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus. Effects of tracking parameters varied with home range estimation method. Fix rate and tracking duration most strongly explained change in MKDE and KDE home range size respectively. Total number of fixes and tracking duration had the strongest impact on habitat selection. High between- and within-individual variation strongly influenced outcomes and was most evident when exploring the effects of varying tracking duration. To reduce skew and bias in home range size estimation and especially habitat selection caused by individual variation and estimation method, we recommend tracking animals for the longest period possible even if this results in a reduced fix rate. If accurate movement properties, (e.g. trajectory length and turning angle) and biologically-representative movement occurrence ranges are more important, then a higher fix rate should be used, but priority habitats can still be identified with an infrequent sampling strategy

    Genetic, lifestyle, and health-related characteristics of adults without celiac disease who follow a gluten-free diet: a population-based study of 124,447 participants

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    BACKGROUND: The number of gluten-free diet followers without celiac disease (CD) is increasing. However, little is known about the characteristics of these individuals. OBJECTIVES: We address this issue by investigating a wide range of genetic and phenotypic characteristics in association with following a gluten-free diet. METHODS: The cross-sectional association between lifestyle and health-related characteristics and following a gluten-free diet was investigated in 124,447 women and men aged 40-69 y from the population-based UK Biobank study. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of following a gluten-free diet was performed. RESULTS: A total of 1776 (1.4%) participants reported following a gluten-free diet. Gluten-free diet followers were more likely to be women, nonwhite, highly educated, living in more socioeconomically deprived areas, former smokers, have lost weight in the past year, have poorer self-reported health, and have made dietary changes as a result of illness. Conversely, these individuals were less likely to consume alcohol daily, be overweight or obese, have hypertension, or use cholesterol-lowering medication. Participants with hospital inpatient diagnosed blood and immune mechanism disorders (OR: 1.62; 95% CI: 1.18, 2.21) and non-CD digestive system diseases (OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.42, 1.77) were more likely to follow a gluten-free diet. The GWAS demonstrated that no genetic variants were associated with being a gluten-free diet follower. CONCLUSIONS: Gluten-free diet followers have a better cardiovascular risk profile than non-gluten-free diet followers but poorer self-reported health and a higher prevalence of blood and immune disorders and digestive conditions. Reasons for following a gluten-free diet warrant further investigation

    Dietary antioxidants in life-history trade-offs: differential effects of a-tocopherol supplementation on blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus mothers and offspring during reproduction

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    α-Tocopherol is assumed to be the most biologically active dietary antioxidant in vivo, but despite its potential importance little is known about its impacts on wild birds. Reproduction is presumed to be costly for parents through several routes, including increased oxidative stress, particularly for bird species producing large clutches. If dietary antioxidants can ameliorate oxidative stress associated with reproduction, mothers supplemented with dietary antioxidants are predicted to be in improved condition and/or invest more resources in reproduction than controls. We provided adult blue tit pairs with an α-tocopherol-enriched or control food supplement during nest building and egg laying, then cross-fostered half broods between treatment groups to test the theory that α-tocopherol-supplemented mothers would invest more in self-maintenance or reproduction than controls. We found that α-tocopherol supplementation had no effect on the maternal condition or reproductive investment. However, effects on nestlings were evident: nestlings from α-tocopherol-supplemented mothers were smaller at hatching. There was no effect on chick fledging mass, fledging success or lipid peroxidation, but the catch-up growth exhibited by chicks from α-tocopherol-supplemented parents may be considered costly. Thus, our results do not provide evidence for a benefit of maternal α-tocopherol supplementation at a biologically relevant dose on either themselves or their offspring. We discuss our findings in terms of ongoing research on the multifaceted roles that dietary ‘antioxidants’ can have in vivo, and the issues of disentangling their impacts on physiology and behaviour in the wild

    Individual flexibility in group foraging behaviour of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi)

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    Abstract: Flexibility in animal foraging strategies can increase overall feeding efficiency for individuals. For example, group foraging can increase the efficiency of resource exploitation; conversely solo foraging can reduce intraspecific competition, particularly at low resource densities. The cost–benefit trade-off of such flexibility is likely to differ within and among individuals. Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are large filter-feeding elasmobranchs that often aggregate to feed on ephemeral upwellings of zooplankton. Over three years in the Maldives, we free-dived to film 3106 foraging events involving 343 individually identifiable M. alfredi. Individuals fed either solo or in groups with a clear leader plus between one and eight followers. M. alfredi were significantly more likely to forage in groups than solo at high just prior to high tide and when aggregations were larger. Within aggregations, individuals foraged in larger groups when more food was available, and when the overall aggregations were relatively large suggesting that foraging in large groups was more beneficial when food is abundant, and the costs of intraspecific competition were outweighed by the efficiency resulting from group foraging strategies. Females, the larger sex, were more likely to lead foraging groups than males. The high within-individual variance (over 70%), suggested individuals were unpredictable across all foraging behaviours, thus individual M. alfredi cannot be classified into foraging types or specialists. Instead, each individual was capable of considerable behavioural flexibility, as predicted for a species reliant on spatially and temporally ephemeral resources. Significance statement: Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi), listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List, are at risk from targeted and by-catch fisheries due to their slow life history and aggregative behaviour. M. alfredi feed together in aggregations on short-lived glut of microscopic zooplankton. Over three years in the Maldives, we filmed 3106 foraging events involving 343 individually identifiable M. alfredi. Manta rays were more likely to forage in groups than solo just prior to high tide and when aggregations were larger, attracted by the influx of zooplankton. Foraging groups included more individuals when plankton was more abundant. However, individuals flipped between solo and group foraging and did not specialise. Foraging groups were most often led by females, the larger sex. Individuals were very flexible in how they foraged, which makes sense for a species that relies on a food source that varies enormously in when, where and for how long it is available. Understanding manta ray foraging behaviour will help conservation management efforts and predict their responses to climate change

    Environmentally relevant exposure to an antidepressant alters courtship behaviours in a songbird

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    Pharmaceuticals in the environment are a recently identified global threat to wildlife, including birds. Like other human pharmaceuticals, the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) enters the environment via sewage and has been detected at wastewater treatment plants. Birds foraging on invertebrates at these sites can be exposed to pharmaceuticals, although the implications of exposure are poorly understood. We conducted experiments to test whether chronic exposure to a maximally environmentally relevant concentration of fluoxetine (2.7 μg day-1) altered courtship behaviour and female reproductive physiology in wild-caught starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), a species commonly found foraging on invertebrates at wastewater treatment plants. When paired with a female over two days, males sang less and were more aggressive towards fluoxetine-treated females than controls. Fluoxetine-treated females were initially aggressive towards males, becoming significantly less aggressive by the second day. In contrast, control females expressed intermediate levels of aggression throughout. We found no effect of female treatment on female courtship behaviour. Female body condition, circulating testosterone and circulating oestradiol were unaffected by treatment and did not account for male preference. Our findings suggest that exposure to an antidepressant reduced female attractiveness, adding to growing evidence that environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals can alter important traits related to individual fitness and population dynamics