915 research outputs found
Tobacco and Kretek: Indonesian drugs in historical change
"Die Industrie der Nelkenzigaretten (Kretek) ist im Laufe ihrer historischen Entwicklung zum zweigrößten Arbeitgeber Indonesiens nach der indonesischen Regierung avanciert. Die Anzahl an Beschäftigten in dieser Branche wird auf zwischen 4 und 17 Millionen Menschen geschätzt und umfasst Bereiche wie Anbau, Handel, Transport, Werbung und Produktion der Nelkenzigaretten. Aufgrund ihrer bedeutenden ökonomischen Funktion ist die indonesische Regierung von der Kretek-Industrie abhängig. Dieser Artikel möchte einen Beitrag dazu leisten, die historische Entwicklung der Kretek unter Berücksichtigung spezifischer ökonomischer, sozialer und politischer Aspekte nachzuzeichnen. Dabei wird insbesondere folgenden Fragen nachgegangen: Welche Faktoren haben dazu beigetragen, dass der Habitus des Betelkauens zunehmend durch das Rauchen von (Kretek-)Zigaretten ersetzt wurde? Welche wesentlichen Stationen hat die Kretek-Zigarette seit ihrer Erfindung durchlaufen und welche Auswirkungen hatten Faktoren wie Mechanisierung, politische Intervention, Tabakkontrolle und Werbung auf die weitere Entwicklung der Industrie? Welches Image haben Kretek-Zigaretten heute, welches Konsumverhalten ist feststellbar und welchen Einfluss haben multinationale Unternehmen auf die Entwicklung der Kretek-Industrie?" (Autorenreferat)"The clove cigarettes (kretek) industry is the second largest employer in Indonesia, after the Indonesian government. Between 4 and 17 million people are employed in this industry, including areas such as cultivation, trading, transport, advertisement and production of clove cigarettes. The Indonesian government depends on the kretek industry because of its important economic function. This paper contributes to tracing the historical development of kretek, considering economic, social and political aspects. The article raises the question which factors have determined the consumption behavior of smoking? Why has betel chewing increasingly been replaced by smoking kretek cigarettes? Which steps has the kretek cigarette taken since its invention and what factors have mechanization, political intervention, tobacco control and advertisement played for the development of the kretek industry? What image do kretek cigarettes have today, what are its patterns of consumption and what influence do multinational enterprises have on the development of kretek?" (author's abstract
Metáfora, análisis cultural y prensa: repudio a “la amiga
La teoría de la metáfora, elaborada por la lingüística cognitiva, considera que éstaproviene de representaciones conceptuales, culturales y experienciales. Presentadade esa forma, traduce nuestras creencias, sentimientos, valores y conceptos queconforman nuestra visión individual y colectiva. Entonces, su esencia es entendery experimentar un tipo de cosa en términos de otra, es vehículo de comprensión yayuda a la construcción de la realidad por medio de implicaciones, destaca y hacecoherentes ciertos aspectos de la experiencia.Las teorías cognitivas sobre las categorías contribuyen con la investigación e integranlos atributos esenciales categoriales
Cerca del Amanecer. Participación política de las mujeres a partir de la implementación de la Ley de Cuotas en el ámbito municipal en Bolivia
El presente artículo hace un balance de los resultados de la participación política de las mujeres a partir de la implementación de la Ley de Cuotas en el ámbito municipal en Bolivia. Los aspectos a ser abordados son la ampliación de la participación política femenina y las condiciones de inserción política en el país.
Para este propósito, se presenta previamente una reflexión teórica inicial acerca de la dicotomía público/privado como mecanismo de exclusión de las mujeres de la esfera política; y, un breve análisis del marco normativo y el contexto internacional en el que se plantea la Ley de Cuotas en Bolivia
Narrativa fotográfica Usuarios e intervención del espacio público y la resignificación de los usos
Con la aplicación de tres técnicas (análisis fotográfico, encuesta a usuarios y trabajo de campo) se describe cómo la intervención sobre el espacio público ocasionó en la zona estudiada la sobreposición de la transitoriedad peatonal a la recreación turística, a la prevalencia histórica, patrimonial y cultural de Ciudad Botero. Se advierte el protagonismo aplastante de lanueva infraestructura, por sobre la representación del lugar y de los usuarios habituales, que modelan el orden, las prácticas vigentes, los usos, representaciones y oficios cotidianos.La intervención sobre las estructuras arquitectónicas y urbanísticas de la calle Bolívar y de la plazuela Nutibara introdujo resignificaciones culturales, turísticas y artísticas importantes, aunque la intensificación de la función de tránsito con los diez mil usuarios diarios que llegan al sector por la estación ParqueBerrío es entendida en el trabajo, bajo formas de tensión, primero, con ese carácter cultural, segundo con la permanencia de vendedores ambulantes y habitantes de la calle, y tercero,con el paso y el paseo recreativo y cultural, a cuya relación se integra el usuario del sector.El material fotográfico proviene de la Biblioteca del Metro, del Museo de Antioquia, del AHA, y de la BPP, de colecciones particulares y del trabajo de campo
The Development of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) Based Fluent Reading Module for Slow Learners at Grade IV Inclusive Elementary School
This artilce aimed to investigate the practicality of Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT) based module using the experimental indicators consisting of the module’s appearance, performance, the use of module, and the utilization of reading skills, to produce multiple intelligences theory based reading skill learning module assessed by the experts of media and learning materials, and to find out the effectiveness of multiple intelligences theory based reading skill learning module by improving word reading accuracy score. The researchers used ADDIE development model. All respondents are 300 students of SD Negeri Inklusi Tegalpanggung. The data collection technique used interview, questionnaire, and performance assessment. The data were analyzed by using descriptive-qualitative. The improvement of reading accuracy is examined through Normalized-Gain Test. The findings showed that multiple Intelligences theory based word recognition learning module which was used based on the examination with the category of “Very Good”. The products consist of introduction, content, and conclusion; the introduction consists of objectives, significances, and module map; the module consists of 16 learning materials divided into four sub-basic competencies and elaborated into four intelligences area; evaluation. Furthermore, the assessment from the expert 1 towards the learning module namely 3,7 with category “appropriate enough” and the expert II obtain mean value 4,01 classified into “appropriate” category and the media expert obtain mean value 4,47 with category of very appropriate. The effective learning module improves the reading skills assessed from the improvement of fluent reading skill with the post test score 92,6%.
Keywords: Learning Module, Fluent Reading Skill, Multiple Intelligences Theor
Standardization and Innovation within the Green Buildings field: Insights from Europe
A research project was conducted by the two PhD students Markus Arnez Wegelius and Philip Hedestad from the Standardisation Research Centre, within the Institute of Economic Research at Lund University, Sweden, and with the supervision of Mr. Daniele Gerundino, Strategic Adviser to the Secretary-General (ISO). The project was sponsored by ISO (The International Organization for Standardization), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes). The purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between standardization and innovation within the field of Green Buildings, with a focus on insulation materials and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). The research project analysed the activities undertaken by key stakeholders involved, in particular: research and development groups from industry, government agencies and academia, and leading standards experts involved in the field or in closely related areas. The analysis focused on describing existing or potential forms of relations between standardization and innovation, understanding the dynamics, attitudes and perceptions of the concerned parties, considering in detail success stories and failures, and from this information, conclude with recommendations on how to establish and exploit synergies between R&D and standardization. In total, 25 in-depth interviews were undertaken with experts and practitioners within the field
Improving Sitting Endurance with the Use of Economic Tokens in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (Single Subject Research class V at SDN 06 Piai Tangah)
This research focuses on the problems experienced by ADHD students who are unable to stay seated while studying . The aim of this research is to increase endurance while sitting in learning and also to provide enthusiasm in participating in learning by using economic tokens. This research uses an experimental method using SSR (Single Subject Research). This research data was collected through observation and documentation. The results of this research can be said that the use of economic tokens is effective in increasing sitting endurance in children with ADHD.
A novel haptic model and environment for maxillofacial surgical operation planning and manipulation
This paper presents a practical method and a new haptic model to support manipulations of bones and their segments during the planning of a surgical operation in a virtual environment using a haptic interface. To perform an effective dental surgery it is important to have all the operation related information of the patient available beforehand in order to plan the operation and avoid any complications. A haptic interface with a virtual and accurate patient model to support the planning of bone cuts is therefore critical, useful and necessary for the surgeons. The system proposed uses DICOM images taken from a digital tomography scanner and creates a mesh model of the filtered skull, from which the jaw bone can be isolated for further use. A novel solution for cutting the bones has been developed and it uses the haptic tool to determine and define the bone-cutting plane in the bone, and this new approach creates three new meshes of the original model. Using this approach the computational power is optimized and a real time feedback can be achieved during all bone manipulations. During the movement of the mesh cutting, a novel friction profile is predefined in the haptical system to simulate the force feedback feel of different densities in the bone
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