6 research outputs found
Monitoring and managing lifestyle behaviours using wearable activity trackers: a mixed methods study of views from the Huntington's disease community
There are early indications that lifestyle behaviors, specifically physical activity and sleep, may be associated with the onset and progression of Huntington disease (HD). Wearable activity trackers offer an exciting opportunity to collect long-term activity data to further investigate the role of lifestyle, physical activity, and sleep in disease modification. Given how wearable devices rely on user acceptance and long-term adoption, it is important to understand users’ perspectives on how acceptable any device might be and how users might engage over the longer term.
This study aimed to explore the perceptions, motivators, and potential barriers relating to the adoption of wearable activity trackers by people with HD for monitoring and managing their lifestyle and sleep. This information intended to guide the selection of wearable activity trackers for use in a longitudinal observational clinical study.
We conducted a mixed methods study; this allowed us to draw on the potential strengths of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Opportunistic participant recruitment occurred at 4 Huntington’s Disease Association meetings, including 1 international meeting and 3 United Kingdom–based regional meetings. Individuals with HD, their family members, and carers were invited to complete a user acceptance questionnaire and participate in a focus group discussion. The questionnaire consisted of 35 items across 8 domains using a 0 to 4 Likert scale, along with some additional demographic questions. Average questionnaire responses were recorded as positive (score>2.5), negative (score<1.5), or neutral (score between 1.5 and 2.5) opinions for each domain. Differences owing to demographics were explored using the Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Focus group discussions (conducted in English) were driven by a topic guide, a vignette scenario, and an item ranking exercise. The discussions were audio recorded and then analyzed using thematic analysis.
A total of 105 completed questionnaires were analyzed (47 people with HD and 58 family members or carers). All sections of the questionnaire produced median scores >2.5, indicating a tendency toward positive opinions on wearable activity trackers, such as the devices being advantageous, easy and enjoyable to use, and compatible with lifestyle and users being able to understand the information from trackers and willing to wear them. People with HD reported a more positive attitude toward wearable activity trackers than their family members or caregivers (P=.02). A total of 15 participants participated in 3 focus groups. Device compatibility and accuracy, data security, impact on relationships, and the ability to monitor and self-manage lifestyle behaviors have emerged as important considerations in device use and user preferences
General neurology: Current challenges and future implications
Background and purpose
In the coming decades, the world will face an increasing burden of neurological disorders (ND) and an urgent need to promote brain health. These challenges contrast with an insufficient neurological workforce in most countries, as well as decreasing numbers of general neurologists and neurologists attracted to work in general neurology (GN). This white paper aims to review the current situation of GN and reflect on its future.
The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) task force (TF) met nine times between November 2021 and June 2023. During the 2023 EAN annual meeting, attendees were asked to answer five questions concerning the future of GN. The document was sent for suggestions and eventually approval to the board and the presidents of the 47 national societies of the EAN.
The TF first identified four relevant current and future challenges related to GN: (i) definition, (ii) practice, (iii) education, and (iv) research. The TF then identified seven initiatives to further develop GN at both the academic and community level. Finally, the TF formulated 16 recommendations to promote GN in the future.
GN will remain essential in the coming decades to provide rapid, accessible, and comprehensive management of patients with ND that is affordable and cost-effective. There is also a need for research, education, and other initiatives aiming to facilitate improved working conditions, recognition, and prestige for those pursuing a career in GN
Research priorities for rare neurological diseases: a representative view of patient representatives and healthcare professionals from the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases
Background: Patient involvement in research increases the impact of research and the likelihood of adoption in clinical practice. A first step is to know which research themes are important for patients. We distributed a survey on research priorities to ERN-RND members, both patient representatives and healthcare professionals, asking them to prioritize five research themes for rare neurological diseases on a scale ranging from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important). A follow-up e-mail interview was conducted with patient representatives and professionals to assess potential reasons for differences in opinions between these two groups. Results: In total, 156 responses were analysed: 61 from professionals and 95 from patient representatives. They covered all ERN-RND disease groups and came from 20 different EU countries. Almost half of the respondents considered ‘Developing therapies and preventive strategies’ the most important research theme. In particular, patient representatives prioritized this theme more often than professionals, while professionals prioritized ‘Disease mechanisms and models’.Patient representatives indicated that therapies and prevention were of the utmost importance to them, because their lives are often heavily impacted by the disease and their main goal is to relief the burden of disease. Professionals indicated that investigating disease mechanisms will lead to more knowledge and is indispensable for finding new treatments. Conclusions: Patients and professionals have different opinions on which research theme should have priority. A qualitative follow-up shows that they respect each others’ view points. Different stakeholders involved in research should be aware of their differences in research theme priority. Explaining these differences to each other leads to more understanding, and could improve patient engagement in research. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
What we don\u27t need to prove but need to do in multidisciplinary treatment and care in Huntington\u27s disease: A position paper
Background: Huntington’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative hereditary disease with symptoms in all domains of a person’s functioning. It begins after a healthy start in life and leads through the relentless progression over many years to complete care dependency and finally death. To date, the disease is incurable. The long progressive complex nature of the disease demands multiple disciplines for treatment and care of patient and family. These health care providers need inter- and multidisciplinary collaboration to persevere and be efficacious in this devastating disease trajectory. Discussion: The position paper outlines current knowledge and experience alongside the experience and consensus of a recognised group of HD multidisciplinary experts. Additionally the patient’s voice is clear and calls for health care providers with a holistic view on patient and family. Building long-term trust is a cornerstone of the network around the patient. This paper describes a managed care network comprising all the needed professionals and services. In the health care system, the role of a central coordinator or case manager is of key importance but lacks an appropriate guideline. Other disciplines currently without guidelines are general practitioners, nurses, psychologists, and social workers. Guidelines for neurologists, psychiatrists, geneticists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, and dentists are being discussed. Apart from all these profession-specific guidelines, distinctive inter- and multidisciplinary collaboration requirements must be met. Conclusions and recommendations: The complex nature of Huntington\u27s disease demands multidisciplinary treatment and care endorsed by international regulations and the lay association. Available guidelines as reviewed in this paper should be used, made available by a central body, and updated every 3 – 5 years. Time needs to be invested in developing missing guidelines but the lack of this ‘proof’ should not prevent the ‘doing’ of good care
Economic Burden of Huntington's Disease in Europe and the USA: Results from the Huntington's Disease Burden of Illness Study (HDBOI)
From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2022-06-16, revised 2022-11-18, accepted 2022-11-21Publication status: aheadofprintThe prevalence of Huntington's Disease (HD) has increased over time, however there is a lack of up-to-date evidence documenting the economic burden of HD by disease stage. This study provides an estimate of the annual direct medical, non-medical and indirect costs associated with HD from participants of the Huntington's Disease Burden of Illness Study (HDBOI) in five European countries and the USA. The HDBOI is a retrospective, cross-sectional study. Data collection was conducted between September 2020 and May 2021. Participants were recruited by their HD-treating physicians and categorized as early (ES), mid (MS) or advanced stage (AS) HD. Data was collected via three questionnaires: a Case Report Form, completed by physicians that collected healthcare resource use associated with HD to compute direct medical cost, and optional patient and caregiver questionnaires which included information used to compute on non-direct medical and indirect costs. Country-specific unit cost sources were used. HDBOI cost estimates were: €12,663 (N= 2,094) for direct medical costs, €2,984 (N= 359) for non-direct medical and €47,576 (N= 436) for indirect cost. Costs are higher in patients who are at later stages of disease e.g., direct medical costs estimates were €9,220 (N=846), €11,885 (N= 701) and €18,985 (N=547) for ES, MS, and AS, respectively. Similar trends were observed for non-direct and indirect costs. Costs show large variations between patients and countries CONCLUSION: Cost estimates from the HDBOI study show that people with HD and their caregivers bear a large economic burden, that increases as disease progresses. [Abstract copyright: This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
General neurology: Current challenges and future implications.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In the coming decades, the world will face an increasing burden of neurological disorders (ND) and an urgent need to promote brain health. These challenges contrast with an insufficient neurological workforce in most countries, as well as decreasing numbers of general neurologists and neurologists attracted to work in general neurology (GN). This white paper aims to review the current situation of GN and reflect on its future.
METHODS: The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) task force (TF) met nine times between November 2021 and June 2023. During the 2023 EAN annual meeting, attendees were asked to answer five questions concerning the future of GN. The document was sent for suggestions and eventually approval to the board and the presidents of the 47 national societies of the EAN.
RESULTS: The TF first identified four relevant current and future challenges related to GN: (i) definition, (ii) practice, (iii) education, and (iv) research. The TF then identified seven initiatives to further develop GN at both the academic and community level. Finally, the TF formulated 16 recommendations to promote GN in the future.
CONCLUSIONS: GN will remain essential in the coming decades to provide rapid, accessible, and comprehensive management of patients with ND that is affordable and cost-effective. There is also a need for research, education, and other initiatives aiming to facilitate improved working conditions, recognition, and prestige for those pursuing a career in GN