27 research outputs found

    Application of Constructivism Approach in the Learning of Initial Value Matter and Boundary Requirement Course

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    The purpose of this research is to repair the mathematic learning process of Initial Value Matter and Boundary Requirement (IVMBR) course. The variables which have been examined (1) the activities of lecturer and students in learning process, (2) the development of student grades, and (3) the completeness of student result in studying of IVBVP. These actions have been done in three cycles based on data's analysis, we get the result (1) the lecturer and students activities in learning process have been improved, (2) the development of student grades is rather the same in three of the cycles, and (3) the student who could reach the studying completely. After first cycle, these students get A or B increasing to 62,50,`4%, and after second cycle, the completeness of study has increased to 66,67%, and after third cycle, the completeness of studying have increased to 75,00%. Based on these informations, the constrctivism learning is good to use in learing of IVMBR course

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas X.4 SMA Negeri 1 Kateman Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    The background of this study was students' low achievement at X.4 class of SMA Negeri 1 Kateman in learning Math that reached KKM on the material Shape Rank, Roots, and logarithm that 15 of 35 students with a percentage of 42.85%. The aim of this study was to improve learning process and learning outcomes of the students in Math by applying Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Cooperative Learning type. The design of this research was the Classroom Action Research consisted of two cycles and at the end of each cycle conducted tests. The subjects of this research were students class X.4 of SMA Negeri 1 Kateman at the second semester of the school year 2015/2016. The students consisted of 10 males and 25 females. The data collection instrument was the observation sheet both of teacher and students activities and Math test. Observations were conducted to collect data on the activities of teachers and students. Math test are used to gather data on the results of students' in learning Math. Based on data analysis of the teacher's and students' activities, it shows that teaching and learning process in Math by applying TSTS cooperative learning type was getting better because the learning process was conducted according to what was planned in the lesson plan. The results show that improvement in students' learning outcomes was 40% on the basic score became 54.29% in the first cycle and 80% in the second cycle. This study concluded that the application of TSTS cooperative learning type can improve the students' learning process and learning outcomes of X.4 class of SMA Negeri 1 Kateman at second semester of academic year 2015/2016

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Strukutural Numbered Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X.6 SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

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    This research was based on the students\u27 math achievement at class X.6 SMAN 5 Pekanbaru the Mastery Minimum Criteria with percentage of 17,07%, there are only 7 students from 41 students who achieve the passing grade on the main discussion about relevancy with logica mathematic and then the learning process still teacher center. The research is class room action research. This research aims to increase learning process and students\u27 math achievement at clas X.6 SMAN 5 Pekanbaru through the implementation cooperative learning model of structural Numbered Heads Together. The subject of the research are 41 students from class X.6 SMAN 5 Pekanbaru consist of 18 male and 23 female students with the heterogenous level. The instruments of data collection in this research were observation sheets and students Mathematic tests. The research instrument consist of learning devices that involve Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Student Worksheet, and instrument data collector that involve the observation sheet and math achievement test. The observation sheets were analyzed in qualitative desciptive, while the students\u27 Mathematic tests were analyzed in quantitative descriptive. The qualitative descriptive showed an improvement of learning process prior to the action on the first and second cycle. The results of this research showed an increasing number of students\u27 math achievement from the basic score with the percentage 17.07% to 26.8% on the first daily test and 78.05% on the second daily test. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that the implementation of Cooperative Learning Model of structural approach Numbered Heads Together can improve students\u27 math achievement at class X.6 SMAN 5 Pekanbaru in the second semester academic years 2015/2016

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Square (Tps) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Vii.2 SMP Negeri 9 Pekanbaru

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    The background of this research is low of mathematics learning outcomes of class VII.2 SMPN 9 Pekanbaru in second semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. Subject of this research are 36 students, consist of 18 male and 18 female student with heterogenous level of academic capabilities. The type of this research is the Classroom Action Research that has purpose to improve the learning proses and to increase student\u27s mathematic learning outcomes with applied the cooperative learning with Think Pair Square Structural Approach. This research consist of two cycles that each cycle composed of 4 stages, such as planning, implementation, observation and reflection. At every end of a cycle, math achievement test will be held. The research instrument consists of learning devices that involve Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Student Worksheet, and instrument data collector that involve the observation sheet and math achievement test. Observation sheets is analyzed by narrative descriptive analysis and math achievement test analyzed by statistic descriptive analysis. The action is successful if the learning process covenient with the Lesson Plan and the number of students who achieve the score of Minimum Mastery Criteria increase in math achievement test I and II. Most of students were excited and active in learning process, as while they were doing the steps of learning, presenting Student Worksheet, responding to friend\u27s presentation and giving the conclusion of learning. Based on the data analysis, the percentage of students who achieve Minimum Mastery Criteria before the action is as much as 41.67% and at first cycle as much as 55.55% and at second cycle as much as 80.55%. The result of the research show that, the learning process has improved and the student\u27s mathematic learning outcomes also increased after applying the Cooperative Learning with Think Pair Square Structural Approach

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Pair Check Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelasixf SMP Negeri 1 Siak Hulu

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    This research was based on the students achievement in learning mathematics especially grade IXFSMP Negeri 1 Siak who achieve the Criteria of Minimum Achievement percentage is 28,125%. The subject of basic competence were about similarity. The teacher-centered learning was still used to teach materials during the learning process. The research conducted was the Classroom Action Research. This research aims to improve learning process and mathematics learning outcomes in SMP Negeri 1 Siak Hulu by implementingcooperative learning model of Pair Check approach in mathematics lesson.This research is aclassroomaction research with twocycles. Each cyclehas fourstages, thestagesareplanning, action, observationandreflection. Subjects of the research were studentsgrade IXFwhohave theacademicability oftheheterogeneous. The instrument of this research are learning equipment and collected data instrument. The learning equipment are consist of sylabus, learning plan program and student paper work, the collected data instrument are consist of observation paper and student learning outcome test. The technique of collected data of this research are observation and test technique. The analysis data tehnique in this research are teacher and student's activities analysis, mathematic learning outcome analysis and the the success of action.Student mathematic learning outcome analysis are cinsist of development value of individual and group, reached of Criteria of Minimum Achievement for each indicator and reached Criteria of Minimum Achievement.The results showed the activity of teachers and students have done well after doing the action. An increase in the number of students who achieved at UH Criteria of Minimum Achievement end of each cycle compared to the number of students who achieve Criteria of Minimum Achievement on base score. The result of study in the first cycle found that the percentage of students who achieve Criteria of Minimum Achievement is 56,25% and the second cycle is 71,875%. Results of this research indicate that the implementing of cooperative learning model of Pair Check approach canimprove learning process and the mathematics learning outcomes of students grade IXFSMP Negeri 1 Siak Huluin the first semester academic year2013/2014

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Viii2 SMP Negeri 36 Pekanbaru

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    This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve learning process and increase the mathematic learning outcomes by implying Problem Based Learning model. The subject of this research is the student of VIII2 SMP Negeri 36 Pekanbaru on odd semester of 2015/2016. There are 38 students in the class, consist of 20 boys and 18 girls who have heterogeneous academic ability. This research have two cycles, each have four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Each cycles ended by daily examination. The data of teacher and student's activities collected by observation and analised by narrative descriptive. The data of student's mathematic learning outcomes collected by examination and analised by descriptive statistics. The implementation called success if there's positive improvement of the learning process and the number of students who reach minimum completeness criteria increase after the implementation. The result shows that the implementation of the learning process at the second cycle have been improve from the implementation at the first cycle. The weakness at the first cycle has been improved by implementation at the second cycle according to improvement plan after reflection at the first cycle. More than half students actively participated in the learning process, as in group discussion, presented their works, responded to other group, and sum up the learning conclusion. The number of students who reach minimum completeness criteria increase from 36.84% at the base score to 55.26% at the first cycle and 71.05% at the second cycle. Therefore, it can be said that there is an improvement of learning process and mathematic learning outcomes after the implementation. This research conclude that implying Problem Based Learning model can improve learning process and increase mathematic learning outcomes for students of VIII2 SMP Negeri 36 Pekanbaru on odd semester of 2015/2016

    Penerapan Model Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas X Mia 5 Man 2 Model Pekanbaru

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    This research is classroom action research which aims to improve the learning process and the result of learning mathematics by applying Discovery Learning (DL) model. The subject of this research were the second semester students of class X MIA 5 MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru academic year 2016/2017 consisting of 13 male and 17 female students. Instruments on this reserach constisted of syllabus, lesson plans and worksheets; and instruments of data collection which is observation sheets and the test result sheets. The function of observation sheet is to obtain data from the learning process and analyzed in a narrative descriptive, while the function of results sheet of the mathematics learning tests is to obtain the results of the study and analyzed in statistics descriptive. From narrative descriptive analysis can be seen that there was improvement of learning process from before action in cycle I to cycle II. From statistic deskriptive analysis can be seen an increase in the number of students who reach the minimum criteria of mastery learning. The learning result of the student experience an increase from the basic score the Cycle I and Cycle II. On the knowledge competence, from the basic score with percentage 36,67% experience improvement in Cycle I with percentage 50% and 70% in Cycle II. On the skills competence, the number of students who reach the minimum criteria of mastery learning from Cycle I with percentage 23.33% improve to 50% in cycle II. Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the application of the Discovery Learning (DL) model can improve the learning achievement of the second semester students of class X MIA 5 MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru academic year 2016/2017

    Penerapan Quick On The Draw dalam Pembelajaran Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X Mia 3 Sman 10 Pekanbaru

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    The research is classroom action research that aims to improve mathematics achievement by applying Quick On The Draw in cooperative learning. The subject of this research is student of class X MIA SMAN 10 Pekanbaru in the first semester academic years 2014/2015, there are 40 students in the class, consist of 15 boys and 25 girls. This research is exercised in two cycles, and at the end of every cycle carried out mathematics achievement test. Data collecting through observation for the observation of learning activity of teacher and student and also observation of student attitude, portfolio for the assessment of skill and mathematics achievement test for the assessment of knowledge of student. Base on the result of analysis, the amount of student that reaching KKM at attitude interest improves from 74.36 % at first cycle and become 100 % at second cycle. The amount of student that reaching KKM at knowledge interest improves from early score with percentages 48.71%, at first mathematics achievement test with percentages 56.41% and at second mathematics achievement test with percentages 82.05%. The amount of student that reaching KKM at skill interest improves from 92.3 % at first cycle become 100 % at second cycle. The result of research conclude that applying Quick On The Draw in cooperative learning can improves mathematics achievement of X MIA 3 SMAN 10 Pekanbaru in the first semester academic years 2014/201