21 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan realitas yang sering dijumpai bahwa kehidupan masyarakat Barurambat di kabupaten Pamekasan, tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemeliharaan atau pelestarian lingkungan masih tergolong rendah, tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitarnya dan lokasi tertentu yang terlihat kotor dan kumuh. Tujuan penelitiannya yaitu untuk mengetahui: (1) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi masyarakat Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan dalam pelestarian lingkungan; (2) hubungan antara etika lingkungan hidup dengan partisipasi anggota masyarakat Barurambat dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup; dan (3) hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dan etika lingkungan secara bersama-sama dengan partisipasinya dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup di Barurambat kabupaten Pamekasan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat. Sampel populasi penelitian ini adalah anggota masyarakat khususnya di wilayah Barurambat Pamekasan yang berjumlah 441 orang, dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada hubungan positif antara pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dengan parisipasi dalam pelestarian lingkungan dalam masyarakat Barurambat kota Pamekasan yang ditunjukkan dengan besaran korelasi antara X1 dan Y yaitu dilihat dari koefisien Beta (β), menunjukkan bahwa H1 diterima, sehingga  terdapat hubungan yang positif antara variabel pengetahuan (X1 ) dengan partisipasi (Y) secara sangat signifikan; (2) pengaruh variabel etika lingkungan di samping sangat signifikan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara variable etika lingkungan (X2 ) dengan partisipasi (Y); (3) setiap kenaikan satu unit rata-rata pengetahuan dan etika lingkungan secara bersama-sama, akan diikuti kenaikan partisipasi sebesar 2.77, sehingga memiliki relevansi yang sangat signifikan

    Shifting Paradigm of Modern Islam Fundamentalism as Islamized Space Autonomy in Indonesia

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    Idealism various groups of political Islam failed to change the political landscape of the Middle East and some other regions. Political Islam is not won power, while the old regimes are still in power. Western powers are increasingly plugging hegemony (political, economic, cultural) in the region. Political Islam is also not always successfully display the values contained in the ideals of fundamentalism in the form of the application of religious laws in politics. Islamic fundamentalists in some places only produce changes that are not significant in the fields of law, politics and economics. In this case, fundamentalism does emphasize the application of Sharia totally, but often do not care about the character of the political system. The variant of the traditional and modern fundamentalism fundamentalism can be seen also shift to the neo-fundamentalism. Orientation and strategy of neo-fundamentalism is the master of society through social action, far from being revolutionary, neo-fundamentalists are now entering into civil society and political classes. Although the character of the revolution is lost, the symbols of Islam seeped into the public and political discourse of Islam. Neo-fundamentalism seeks re-islamization society at grassroots level, and no longer through the country. Fundamentalists are directing the struggle in the birth of an Islamic society and Islamic space. This shift has seen as a symbol of Islamic fundamentalism in the political failure that resulted in a significant change in the weight of thought and movement.Copyright (c) 2017 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v25i1.135


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    Tradisi filsafat Barat sepenuhnya didasarkan pada apa yang disebut sebagai logosentrisme atau ‘metafisika kehadiran’ (metaphysics of presence). Logosentrisme merupakan sistem metafisik yang mengandaikan logos atau kebenaran transendental di balik segala hal yang tampak di permukaan atau segala hal yang terjadi di dunia fenomenal. Makna tidak pernah hadir kecuali dalam intertekstualitas tanda. Derrida mengajak untuk melampaui bahasa seperti yang dihasilkan oleh sistem linguistik dan logika. Hubungan antara bahasa dan pikiran merupakan hubungan yang timpang. Pikiran selalu diperlakukan lebih tinggi danpada kata-kata, Pikiran menjadi sumber dari bahasa, sementara bahasa hanya kepanjangan tangan dari pikiran. Bahasa bertugas menyampaikan sesuatu yang ingin diekspresikan oleh pikiran. Derrida menolak supremasi pikiran sebagai fakultas tersendiri yang bebas dari bahasa, dan sebaliknya menegaskan bahwa pikiran juga terkontaminasi oleh bahasa dan diferensialitas tanda-tanda. Derrida mengoperasikan differance untuk membedah kelemahan internal dari metafisika Barat. Pengaruh dari differance juga melebar ke institusi-institusi pengetahuan lainnya yang membentuk nalar epistemik dari setiap pemikiran yang baku, tertutup, dan final. Differance menjadi anasir yang tak terelakkan dalam setiap disiplin keilmuan. Sistem-sistem pemikiran dibangun di atas ‘teks’ dan beroperasi dengan cara kerja teks, tak dapat menghindar dari differance. Kehadiran differance juga menggerakkan seluruh permukaan teks yang terlihat datar dengan memfungsikan kembali ‘logika permainan’ yang direpresi oleh logika yang dominan. Kebenaran, makna, atau referens dalam teks tidak menjadi prioritas utama yang dicari. Semua ini dialami lebih sebagai proses. Differance secara terus-menerus mempertanyakan asumsi-asumsi yang mapan dan mengujinya dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru yang lebih radikal, paradoksal, atau bahkan absurd

    An Educational Philosophy Perspective On Teaching in Contemporary Curriculum Development

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    Current research supports the significance of critical consciousness development in the educational process. The research on reflective participatory learning and critical consciousness to foster critical consciousness in higher education may be far superior, notwithstanding a few shortcomings. More research is needed to determine the nature of critical consciousness in the higher education curriculum's philosophy of education and the best ways to support these students' vital development of consciousness. The critical consciousness technique was used in this investigation, and critical consciousness as a theoretical paradigm in education philosophy seeks to address multi-systemic oppression. All educational initiatives, including curricular decisions are grounded on philosophy. Critical consciousness encourages educators and students to consider other identities' viewpoints when reading and evaluating texts. It extends the goal of education to a more excellent social environment; this content critique and analysis method humanizes the learning process. Philosophy looks for and makes visible the good that all people should pursue and focus their deliberate education toward. In philosophy, the curriculum is prescriptive since it specifies the broad guidelines, courses, and disciplines that should be completed to earn a particular grade or standard. Like philosophy, the curriculum is normative and has guiding ideas and theories. Philosophy becomes a benchmark by which to evaluate the objectives, curriculum choices, and education delivery methods. Curriculum must be understood that they are constantly faced with making decisions about curricula and that philosophy plays a significant role in the decision-making process

    Pendidikan Humanisme Jean-Paul Sartre

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    Humans are involved in creating themselves and the world through concrete choices and actions, thereby assigning value to those choices and actions. Humans, as etre pour soi can transcendence. Man is not to facticity, to the way of being etre en soi. Sartre on this basis, emphasized existentialism as humanism. Existentialism is not an evil or arbitrary freedom, so it is necessary to explain why existentialism and education are two things that are significantly very influential in the world of contemporary learning. The study in this article uses a distinctive method related to a school of philosophy, namely existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical method that emphasizes individual existence and individual freedom. This school of thought developed rapidly and influenced many writers, especially in the twentieth century. The most prominent characteristic of existentialism is the emergence of human awareness of himself. A theory of the search for self-meaning that every human being asks about his existence. Awareness and personal responsibility are essential issues in human life. It is related to efforts to realize human life as authentic or genuine. Awareness and personal responsibility are related to human attitudes and actions in filling the space of freedom they have, including education. Attitudes and actions taken by every human being do not stand in a space. It must be accounted for against actual human values, for the duties that are the obligations and expectations of others. Awareness and responsibility are human characteristics. Every human being in his heart owns consciousness, so that awareness is generally related to morals in the future, commonly called moral awareness. Moral awareness is often also called the inner voice; it becomes the primary presupposition of human moral action in education. In line with this, every human being has the right. It is also obliged to live according to what has been realized as an obligation and responsibility. Morally, every human being must decide for himself what to do, especially in the field of education, as well as educators

    The Challenge of Madura’s Teacher Organization on The Commitment and Interpersonal Communication

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    This study plans to decide the impact of relational correspondence, authoritative culture, and accomplishment inspiration on hierarchical responsibility. This research uses a quantitative approach through strategic studies. The number of inhabitants in this review was generally educators coming from state secondary schools in Madura island. In the interim, the example was those one hundred and seventy-five educators taken by the complete testing method. The exploration instrument utilizing poll and the information was handled and investigated by way examination, beginning with the several prerequisites examination test. The investigation results show that: i) the immediate impact of relational correspondence on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is very critical; ii) The immediate impact of hierarchical culture on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is less huge; iii) relational correspondence additionally hierarchical culture impact authoritative responsibility are exceptionally huge impact; iv) the effect of relational correspondence on accomplishment inspiration with a way coefficient is very huge; v) the authoritative culture and relational correspondence and hierarchical culture have a concurrent impact straightforwardly on accomplishment inspiration are solid critical; vi) the effect of accomplishment inspiration straightforwardly on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is not huge in any way; vii) relational correspondence, authoritative culture, and accomplishment inspiration at the same time influence the hierarchical responsibility are exceptionally critical. That information shows that relational correspondence, traditional culture, and accomplishment inspiration influence hierarchical responsibility

    CRITICAL THINKING ABOUT TRUTH IN TEACHING (An Educational Philosophy Perspective)

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    Pemikiran kritis harus disesuaikan dengan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Boleh jadi beberapa pertimbangan tentang pemikiran dari tujuan pendidikan harus lebih dikhususkan sesuai dengan bidangnya, serta lebih berharga, yang selanjutnya disebut kritis, berhubungan dengan pertimbangan standar epistemic yang menginformasikan tentang filsafat Barat melalui Thales, lebih jelasnya sejak Socrates dan Plato. Tulisan ini akan lebih memfokuskan pada pertanyaan tentang mengajar kebenaran, pada saat pemikiran terbentuk di dalam suatu epistemologi kehidupan. Hal tersebut akan disertai pembelajaran tentang kebenaran, yang hanya terlihat sama kritisnya dengan pemikiran yang didapatkan


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    This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan. Scientific approach is an approach focusing on investigation techniques on  phenomena, getting new knowledge, or correcting and relating the previous knowledge. Scientific approach is a new approach in teaching English. This research has three study focuses that is: 1) How the English teachers  of the seventh grade plan English learning process by using scientific approach 2) How the implemntation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan 3) What problems or difficulties faced by the English teachers in implementing the scientific approach. The Research result shows  the first,  English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan plan their English learning process by writing the lesson plan first. Second, the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan on the first year does not run well. Third, most of English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan get difficulties in facilitating the students to ask and answer the   questions to their friends or teacher. It means that the teachers still get difficulties in questioning step of scientific approach

    The Symbolic Interaction of Tandhe’ in Sumenep Madurese

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    Local culture everywhere presents meaning space as a guideline for people’s lives, even the presence of tradition can be a medium of social transformation. The tandhe’ as one of the local cultural treasures in Sumenep Madura, emerged as an appreciation of past civilizations that believe that tandhe’ is not a mere spectacle but also as a communication medium that contains the values of goodness. Signs implicitly or explicitly important to learn because it often contains the essence of da’wah which calls on humans to remember God. Tandhe’ as a manifestation of local wisdom will be an effective communication medium for building communities when properly packaged, because cultural anomalies can occur at any time. The researcher uses a qualitative approach in the form of field research so that researchers can directly make observations and even participate in contributing ideas as feedback from informants ideas. The presence of tandhe’ has until now experienced a shift in the function and purpose of tandh’ itself. The ancient kings tandhe’ functioned as the media for the propaganda used by Walisongo in order to spread the teachings of Islam. The religious value of the tandhe’ began to fade because the lovers of the tandhe’ began to abandon the teachings taught by the Walisongo. Tandhe’ at the moment is more dominant in the nature of entertainment which aims only for worldly purposes only. Tandhe’ essentially has a symbolic communication used by Walisongo in preaching Islam to the community which is also a symbol of tirakat by human


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    Tradisi oto’-oto’ merupakan tradisi khas etnis Madura yang berjalan secara turun menurun, semakin lama semakin banyak pengikutnya dan semakin luas jangkauan wilayahnya hingga di kota Surabaya. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat yang berhimpun dalam kelompok organisasi informal. Prinsip dasar oto’-oto’ adalah setiap anggota menyerahkan sejumlah uang kepada yang lungguh (penyelenggara). Jumlah uang yang diserahkan tidak ditentukan besarannya dan uang yang telah diserahkan adalah “simpanan” dan baru bisa dinikmati ketika kelak dia lungguh.  Penelitian difokuskan pada tiga hal, yaitu; Bagaimana pemahaman masyarakat urban Madura terhadap tradisi oto’-oto’; Bagaimana Sistem penyelenggaraannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat urban kota Surabaya yang sangat kompleks; dan bagaimana integrasi sosial masyarakat urban asal Madura melalui tradisi oto’-oto’ tersebut. Melalui tradisi ini masyarakat etnis Madura di Surabaya dapat mengekspresikan eksistensi dirinya dalam masyarakat majemuk. Mereka dapat membangun solidaritas sosial, mengembangkan kerjasama bisnis, serta mampu menjalin integrasi sosial antar etnis Madura maupun dengan etnis lainnya yang ada di kota Surabaya