12 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Pengajaran Metode Eksperimen Tak Terintegrasi Didahului Pemberian Peta Konsep Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas II Semester III Smu Batik 2 Surakarta

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    The purpose of this research is to compare the un-integrated experimental and lecture teaching methods. In the un-integrated experimental teaching method, the students are given a concept chart first. The subject matter of this research is the movement on plants.This research used experimental method with randomized control-group only design. The populations are the second grade students of SMU Batik 2 Surakarta, year 2002/2003. The sample is 86 students that taken using cluster random sampling technique. The first data are taken from the value of once grade students of a quarter monthly III. They are used to test the early ability of students. The second data are gotten from post test. Data are analyzed using t-test.The conclusion of this research is that the teaching using un-integrated experimental methods is more effective to increase the achievement of students than lecture method

    Aplikasi Magnetometer Dan Side Scan Sonar Untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Anomali Kemagnetan Dasar Laut (Studi Kasus : Perairan Lohgung, Palang,tuban, Jawa Timur)

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    Medan magnet menyerupai suatu medan dari batang magnet yang sangat besar dan pusatnya berhimpitan dengan bumi serta mempunyai gaya tarik magnet yang melingkar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa di seluruh permukaan bumi memiliki kuat medan magnet tersendiri. Pada perairan Lohgung, Palang, Tuban Jawa Timur merupakan daerah yang tersebar ranjau karena area tersebut merupakan bekas perang dunia ke-II. Untuk mendeteksi tingkat kemagnetan logam yang dimiliki tiap daerah perairan, maka dilakukan survei kemagnetan dengan menggunakan alat magnetometer dan side sca sonar,maka dilakukan survei kemagnetan logam serta penggambaran citra sehingga diperlukannyapembuatan peta logam sebaran anomali kemagnetan.Penelitian ini menggunakan software Oasis Montaj, MagMap, SonarWiz, dan C-Max untuk mengolah data kemagnetan dan image yang dihasilkan side scan sonar sehingga dapat mengetahui klasifikasi medan magnet, dan sumber anomali terdapat dibawah dasar laut atau disekitar perairan dari hasil image yang dihasilkan side scan sonar.Hasil yang diperoleh berupa peta sebaran anomali kemagnetan dasar laut dengan karakteristik sebaran anomali memiliki variasi intensitas magnet regional yang tidak sama dan menunjukkan adanya variasi pembentukkan dasar laut yang berbeda. Dari peta sebaran anomali kemagnetan yang didapat serta hasil validasi dari image side scansonar dan bantuan data imagesub bottom profiling yang menunjukkan posisi logam yang berbahaya dan telah dinetralisir sehingga dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan keselamatan navigasi serta kegiatan lain yang berhubungan dengan hidrografi

    Karakter Musik Etnik dan Representasi Identitas Musik Etnik

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    Representasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan tanda untuk menggambarkan sesuatu, yakni karakter musik yang memiliki elemen, di antaranya teknik permainan dan garapan/pengolahan. Sedangkan tanda adalah segala sesuatu yang merepresentasikan sesuatu, yakni penampilan tanda-tanda seperti cengkok, imbal. Cengkok, imbal diperlakukan sebagai identitas yang merepresentasikan identitas musik etnik Jawa, begitu pula penampilan tanda-tanda yakni ugal, cecandetan, kotekan diperlakukan sebagai identitas yang merepresentasikan identitas musik etnik Bali

    Kajian Kerentanan Pantai Di Pesisir Kabupaten Rembang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Kabupaten Rembang merupakan wilayah yang secara langsung menerima dampak dari aktivitas erosi akibat arus dan gelombang. Erosi memiliki sifat merusak yang dapat menganggu keseimbangan ekosistem dan dapat merusak infrastruktur yang telah dibangun pada daerah tersebut dan daerah sekitarnya. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mangrove terhadap tingkat kerentanan pantai dan untuk memetakan Indeks Kerentanan Pantai berdasarkan pada lima variabel yang digunakan yaitu: tipologi pantai, geomorfologi pantai, vegetasi mangrove, kemiringan pantai dan penggunaan lahan pesisir. Terdapat empat kelas kerentanan pantai di Kabupaten Rembang yaitu rendah, sedang, tinggi dan sangat tinggi. Pengaruh Mangrove untuk Kecamatan Kaliori tidak terlalu tampak, sedangkan di Kecamatan Rembang terjadi Perubahan nilai kerentanan pantai dari tingkat kerentanan rendah menjadi tingkat kerentanan sedang

    The efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Broj cestovnih vozila povećava se svakoga dana, a sukladno tome povećava se i potrošnja pogonskih goriva. Poznato je kako je izgaranje pogonskih goriva jedan od glavnih uzročnika efekta staklenika te općenito onečišćenja okoliša. Razvojem cestovnih vozila su se postupno razvijale i ideje o ekološkoj svijesti te sukladno tome i ideje o upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivijih pogona i pogonskih goriva. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada je kroz analizu i usporedbu utjecaja na okoliš konvencionalnih i alternativnih goriva za pogon vozila prikazati prednosti i nedostatke svih goriva. Pomoću podataka iz prakse te rezultata računa za emisije CO2 svakog goriva pojedinačno, načinjen je redoslijed najviše, odnosno najmanje pogodnih pogona i pogonskih goriva za korištenje u svrhu očuvanja okoliša.The number of road vehicles increases daily in accordance with the enhancement of the fuel consumption. It is clear that the fuel combustion represents one of the main causes for the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution generally. Development of road vehicles induced the growth of ecological consciousness ideas and also the ideas for using ecologically acceptable drives and fuels. The main objective of this final assignment is to present the positive and negative sides of conventional and alternative fuels through analysis and comparison of each one individually. With the information about CO2 emissions from literature and from results of task computing, it is created order from the least favourable to the most favourable drive and fuel with the aim of environmental protection

    Efektivitas Reinforcing Competing Behaviors terhadap Perilaku Tantrum pada Anak Usia Toddler di Rw 5 Kelurahan Gundih Kecamatan Bubutan Surabaya

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    Pendahuluan: Anak toddler adalah anak usia 12–36 bulan, dimana masa eksplorasi lingkungan yang intensif karena anak berusaha mencari tahu bagaimana semua terjadi. Tantrum yaitu luapan emosi yang meledak-ledak dan tidak terkontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas reinforcing competing behaviors terhadap perilaku tantrum anak toddler. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimental. Populasi sebanyak 65 anak usia 1-3 tahun yang tantrum. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling sebanyak 56 anak usia 1-3 tahun yang tantrum, dan dibagi dalam kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, dan analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kelompok intervensi (pre test) didapatkan hampir setengah 13 responden (46.4%) anak mengalami tantrum sedang, sedangkan (post test) setengahnya yaitu 14 responden (50.0%) anak mengalami tantrum sedang. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan nilai P = 0,003 < 0,05 H0 ditolak sehingga ada perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan reinforcing competing behaviors terhadap perilaku tantrum. Kesimpulan: Implikasi hasil penelitian menunjukkan reinforcing competing behaviors dapat mempengaruhi perilaku tantrum. Diharapkan orang tua dapat menerapkan reinforcing competing behaviors saat anak tantru


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    This study was to describe the various kacapi as unique Sundanese arts. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that there are various kacapi Sunda, ie Boat Kacapi, Zither Kacapi and Rhythmic Kacapi. Each kacapi has the function of art, depending on the place and time played. There is also kacapi that performs as entertainment. Most kacapi that are played simultaneously ferform as melody and accompaniment. Which include these kacapi are kacapi Calempungan and Wanda Anyar. Other type is fl ute Kacapi . It is development of the kacapi.This can be seen from the development of techniques and composition

    Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return Keuangan pada Sektor Consumer Goods Industry Sebelum dan Saat Pengumuman Pandemi COVID – 19 di Bursa Efek Indonesia ( Event Study pada Sub Sektor Food and Beverages dan Sub Sektor Pharmaceuticals periode Februari – April 2020 )

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    AbstractThis study aims to analyze whether there are differences in financial abnormal return to the consumer goods industry sector, especially in the food and beverages sub-sector and the pharmaceuticals sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange before and during the right issue. This research was conducted with 2 right issues, the first case of Covid - 19 which occurred on March 2, 2020 and the implementation of the first PSBB by the government on March 30, 2020 with observation periods of 3 days before and 3 days after the announcement respectively. This type of research is an event study using quantitative descriptive methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling, with a total sample of 13 food and beverages companies and 7 pharmaceuticals companies. The data used in this study include stock prices, daily closings, stock indexes. The data analysis technique used to answer the research hypothesis was paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The results of this study indicate that there is no difference in abnormal returns in the two research sub-sectors before and after the announcement of the first Covid-19 case, while before and after the implementation of PSBB by the government there are differences in abnormal returns in these two subsectors.  Key Words : Right Issue, Financial Abnormal Return, Event Study, Food and Beverages Sub                              Sector and Pharmaceuticals Sub Sector

    The efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Rhinos® SR is a fixed combination of 5 mg loratadine and 60 mg pseudoephedrine immediate release and 60 mg pseudoephedrine sustained release. The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal airway resistance (NAR) objectively using rhinomanometer and on nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) in a tropical country. This was a randomized, double-blind, parallel group study in 59 PAR patients who visited the ENT clinic at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya. Outpatients of both gender, having moderate to severe PAR for a minimal of 2 years, aged 12 years or older, with a total nasal symptom score (TNSS) > 6 and a nasal congestion score > 2, received Rhinos® SR or placebo twice daily for 7 days. The primary efficacy parameter was the decrease in the NAR values (measured by rhinomanometer on Day 1) of Rhinos® SR from those of placebo. The NAR values were calculated as the area under the curve (AUC) of NAR versus time. The secondary efficacy parameters were the percentage reduction of the clinical symptoms (nasal and nonnasal) evaluated by both the patient and the physician after 1 week use of Rhinos® SR or placebo. From 59 eligible patients, all completed this 1-week trial. For NAR values, after the baseline were considered as 100%, the AUC0-10 h were not significantly different between Rhinos® SR and placebo. However, as the pseudoephedrine reached its peak concentration, i.e. 2 hrs for the immediate release and 6 hrs for the sustained release, then AUC0-2 h and AUC0-6 h of Rhinos® SR were significantly lower compared to those of placebo. Total nasal symptom score (TNSS) evaluated by the patient (sum of the last 3 mornings) for Rhinos® SR decreased 33.0% from baseline (p < 0.001), for placebo decreased 21.9% from baseline (p = 0.002), but the decrease by Rhinos® SR was not significantly different from the decrease by placebo. TNSS evaluated by the physician, nasal congestion score (NCS) and total symptom score (TSS, total nasal and nonnasal), and even the individual symptom scores, evaluated by the patient and the physician, showed similar pattern, i.e. both Rhinos® SR and placebo decreased the symptoms significantly from baseline, and the decreases by Rhinos® SR were larger than the decreases by placebo, but the decreases by Rhinos® SR and placebo were not statistically different. No adverse event was found in this study. From the present study it was concluded that in patients with moderate to severe PAR in a tropical country, Rhinos® SR was effective in relieving nasal congestion by objective measurements of NAR. Rhinos® SR twice a day for 7 days was also effective in reducing the clinical symptoms of PAR although the reductions did not reach statistical significance compared to those by placebo, and was well tolerated. (Med J Indones 2008; 17: 114-26) Keywords: loratadine, pseudoephedrine, rhinomanometry, perennial allergic rhiniti