4 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the leading food consumed by Indonesian people even in Asia. The various innovations in rice cultivation still being developed to increase the yield both in quantity and quality. In general, rice cultivation is planted in the lowland. This research aims to compare the productivity of rice cultivation in a polybag to rice cultivation in the lowland. Methodology: The size of the polybag that used in the experiment is 40x40 cm with space 50 cm of each other. The experiment was conducted in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia. The variables studied are rice yield and rice varieties. The varieties used are Ciherang and Sertani 12. Main Findings: The result showed that rice production yield includes the number of filled grains, total grain, and panicle number in polybag more than in lowland. Rice cultivation produces 2 kg/m2 in a polybag and 1 kg/m2 in the lowland. The panicle number of rice in polybag is more than in lowland, i.e., 12 in a polybag and 6 in the lowland. For the rice variety, Ciherang and Sertani 12 have the same yield in a polybag. It is 2 kg/m2. Applications of this study: The rice cultivation in polybags has an easy cultivation system and suitable for urban areas where agricultural land is limited. Besides, it can be the solution for decreasing agricultural land from time to time. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this research is the use of polybags as the media of rice cultivation, which is not commonly done in farming


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    Di Kurikulum 2013 pemerintah mencanangkan ada delapan belas nilai karakter yang harus dikuatkan pada peserta didik. Salah satunya adalah nilai toleransi. MI Ma’arif Mangunsari Salatiga tidak hanya memberi pengutan nilai toleransi beragama, toleransi budaya dan toleransi politik saja. Ada satu hal yang ikut serta ditekankan bahwa ada penanaman nilai toleransi bias gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa penanaman nilai toleransi tidak hanya sebatas toleransi yang marak digaungkan pada saat ini, melainkan toleransi bias gender yang diinternalisasikan melalui proses KBM, proses bermain, pembagian kelompok kerja, penempatan tempat duduk dan penjaga kantin sekolah. Model penanaman nilai karakter ini melalui beberapa model yaitu tunjukan teladan, model kontinuitas, model repetition, dan model organisaskan

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Pedagogik Guru MI: Pendampingan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Video

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    The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the world to adapt to a new normal era. Inevitable changes occur in several dimensions of life. One of them is education. The Blended Learning model is also increasingly being used. The Blended Learning Model requires mixed media as well. One of them is learning videos. This research is an actualization of a mentoring program for MI Teachers in the City of Salatiga in making video learning media using the Canva and Kinemaster applications. The aim of this program is to increase teachers' pedagogic abilities in providing a more attractive and efficient learning environment and Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM). But it does not eliminate the interaction of teachers and students. The result of this program is that at the end of the training, teachers have been able to make videos based on these two applications and use them in learning. Apart from using it in their own learning, the teachers also share the videos with the public via their YouTube channel and with their colleagues. They also provide video-making tutoring to other fellow teachers who don't have the opportunity to take part in the training

    The role of parents and teachers in developing students' problem-solving creativity through scout activity

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    This research aims to know parents' and teachers' role in developing problem-solving creativity by Scouting Activity in MIN Salatiga and MI Ma'arif Mangunsari. Besides that, it is to see the form of program to create the problem-solving creativity in the Scouting Activity in these Islamic School.This research is qualitative research, which results from the descriptive data. The technique of collecting the data include interview, documentation, and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using the Data Reduction Method, Data Presentation, and the Data Validity Test using triangulation.This research shows that: 1) Both MIN Salatiga and MI Ma'arif Mangunsari give immense support in developing problem-solving creativity. 2) The development of problem-solving creativity in the Scouting Activity in MIN Salatiga and MI Ma'arif Mangunsari principled on mastering five primary Scouting skills containing Spiritual, Emotional, Social Skill, Managerial Skill, and Physical Skill. From several techniques and material given by the Scouting, guidance can make the students capable of seeking problem-solving, which can be applied to themselves and the society around them