89 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Guru dalam Menyusun Perangkat Pembelajaran melalui Training Perangkat Pembelajaran

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    The purpose of this study is to improve teacher skills in developing learning tools. This research method is classroom action research. The results of the first cycle to further improve teacher skills in developing learning tools. In the first cycle, the teacher had begun to understand and was able to arrange the learning kit even though it was not maximal because the scores obtained from observations were 106 with a maximum score criterion 168 The completeness criterion was 75% of the total score which was 126 which meant the teacher's skills in preparing the learning device were sufficient well. In cycle II, the teacher has begun to understand and is able to compile the learning tools and is maximized because the score obtained from observations is 163 with a maximum score criterion of 168, the completeness criterion is 75% of the total score of 126. It was concluded that the teacher's skills in compiling the devices learning has been very good in compiling syllabi, compiling annual programs, and semester programs. Keywords: Teacher Skills, Training, Learning Tool

    Analysis Of Maintenance Activities On Drag Chain Machines To Optimize Failure Time Intervals Using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Approach

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    Drag Chain is a material moving machine whose working method is to deliver material using a continuous dragging method. Drag chain is the optimal choice for cement production, because the chain with conveyor leaves on the right and left side drags along the bottom of the trough to transport the material in a closed state. Under these circumstances the drag chain components will tend to wear out, as the material interacts directly with the chain and can cause problems. This research will explain the maintenance process using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) approach is a maintenance system which is associated with statistics to find the value of the reliability of a component so that we can prevent failure by a combination of various actions


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk organik limbah cair tahu dan dosis pupuk ZA terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada lahan di desa Pladen, Kecamatan Jekulo, Kabupaten Kudus. Ketinggian tempat 12 meter diatas permukaan laut (mdpl) dan jenis tanah grumosol dengan pH 6,8. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan November 2017 sampai Januari 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode faktorial rancangan acak kelompok lengkap (RAKL) yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan 3 kali ulangan (blok sebagai ulangan). Faktor I yaitu konsentrasi pupuk organik limbah cair tahu terdiri dari 3 aras : K1 (15%), K2 (30%) dan K3 (45%). Sedangkan faktor II adalah dosis pupuk ZA terdiri dari 3 aras : D1 (150 kg/ha), D2 (200kg/ha) dan D3 (250 kg/ha). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi pupuk oraganik limbah cair tahu berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah pada semua parameter. Perlakuan terbaik pada K1 (15%) yang ditunjukkan oleh parameter bobot umbi kering konsumsi perpetak hasil tertinggi sebesar 1279,4 g dan terendah (Kontrol) 983,3 g. Pemberian dosis pupuk ZA berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Dosis pupuk ZA terbaik pada D1 (150kg/ha) terhadap bobot umbi kering konsumsi 1256,1 g dibanding kontrol sebesar 983,3 g. Dan terdapat interaksi antara konsentrasi POC limbah cair tahu dan dosis pupuk ZA terhadap tinggi tanaman, bobot berangkasan segar per rumpun, bobot berangkasan kering dan diameter umbi


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    The aim of this research is to measure and to analyze the impact of capability variable, motivation variable and opportunity variable toward employee performance. In this article the writer uses the primary data obtained from 41 respondents. All of respondents are employees at Kelurahan Melayu, Kec. Tenggarong. The result asserts that those variables mentioned above have different impact toward employee performance


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    Sasaran pembangunan kesehatan Indonesia adalah meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat melalui peningkatan akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang mencakup: meningkatnya umur harapan hidup, menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi. Pelayanan continuity of care sudah seharusnya didapatkan oleh ibu hamil, bersalin, nifas, neonatus, hingga KB, namun pada kenyataannya belum semua ibu mendapatkan pelayanan kebidanan secara menyeluruh, berkesinambungan, dan berkualitas. Perlu adanya pemahaman tentang pentingnya asuhan continuity of care agar dapat menerapkan asuhan tersebut kepada ibu hamil TM III, bersalin, nifas, neonatus, dan keluarga berencana secara berkelanjutan, komprehensif dan berkualitas.Untuk menunjang kemampuan dalam memberikan asuhan secara continuity of care, maka perlu dipelajari konsep dan teori yang terkait meliputi asuhan kehamilan, asuhan persalinan, asuhan nifas, asuhan neonatus, dan asuhan KB, menggunakan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan SOAP.Pemberian asuhan kebidanan pada Ny.P G1P00000 usia 24 tahun dimulai dari usia kehamilan 39+5 minggu, dilaksanakan tanggal 19 April 2017- 5 Juni 2017. Kunjungan Antenatal care dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali kunjungan. Ditemukan bahwa ibu termasuk pada kehamilan kelompok resiko tinggi, mengalami anemia ringan dengan Hb 9,6 gr % dan meningkat menjadi 9,8 gr%, mengalami ketidaknyamanan yaitu odema paa tungkai kaki kanan. Sudah dilakukan asuhan sesuai dengan masalah. Ibu melahirkan pada usia kehamilan 41 minggu lebih 6 hari berlangsung secara section cesarean atas indikasi postdate dan CPD, pada tanggal 26 April 2017 pukul 12.40 WIB, bayi lahir ditolong dokter spesialis obstetric ginekologi, menangis langsung keras, gerak aktif, jenis perempuan berat badan 3500 gram, panjang badan 52 cm. Bayi mendapat salep mata dan vit K setelah lahir, mendapat imunisasi Hb0 pada jam kedua kelahiran. Masa nifas dilakukan 4 kali kunjungan, laktasi, involusi dan lochea normal. Pada kunjungan kedua post Sc pengeluaran ASI kurang lancar. Bayi mendapat imunisasi BCG pada usia bayi 1 bulan, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi normal serta bayi masih memperoleh ASI dan susu formula.Secara keseluruhan Ny.P saat hamil merupakan kelompok resiko tinggi karena postdate dan anemia ringan, persalinan section cesarea, nifas dengan keluhan ASI kurang lancar, neonatus normal serta ibu memilih untuk menjadi peserta KB kondom untuk sementara waktu, dan setelah bayinya berusia 6 bulan ibu akan menggunakan KB suntik 3 bulan. Harapannya, bidan dapat menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara continuity of care sehingga deteksi dini adanya kegawatdaruratan bisa segera teridentifikasi dan tertangani dengan bai


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    This research aimed at discovering: (1) the types of profanity uttered by male and female Indonesian Youtubers; (2) the reasons for male and female Indonesian Youtubers in uttering profanity in their videos. This research used qualitative method as the research design. The subjects of this research were male and female Indonesian Youtubers whose videos were analyzed to find out the types of profanity and the reasons for using those profanity. The data collection was done by using observation technique and audio-visual digital materials. The data were analyzed by using interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman which consisted of three steps namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The findings of this research showed that: (1) there were four types of profanity uttered by male and female Indonesian Youtubers in their videos. The types were expletive, abusive, humorous, and auxiliary profanity, and; (2) there were five reasons for male and female Indonesian Youtubers in using profanity. The reasons were to draw attention, to offend, to convey negative thought, to respond pain or misfortune and to make fun or jokes

    Path Analysis: Professional Competence, Teacher Attitude, Motivation and Creativity Towards Learning Outcome

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    The purpose of this study was to 1) explain the influence of professional competence and teacher attitude toward students’ learning motivation of narrative writing, 2) explain the influence of professional competence and teacher attitude towards students’ creativity in narrative writing and 3) explain the influence of professional competence, teacher attitude, motivation, creativity toward students' learning outcomes in narrative writing. This study uses a quantitative approach with experimental research methods and explanatory design.  The population of study was the whole of primary school students of Kartika Jaya 1-11 Padang and sample were students of class VI consists of five classes namely VA to VE, amounting to 94 people. Data were collected by using questionnaires with 5-point Likert scale measurement. Data was obtained from narrative essay tests. Data analysis used path analysis test. Research findings show that the attitude of professional competence and teacher attitude simultaneously and partially effect on student motivation, but partially the teacher attitude did not have significant effect on motivation. As well as professional competence and teacher attitude simultaneously and partially effect on students’ creativity, but partially teacher attitude did not have significant effect on students’ creativity. The influence of all variables simultaneously indicate that professional competence, teacher attitude, motivation and creativity significant effect on learning outcomes of narrative writing to the elementary school students of Kartika Jaya1-11, Padang, but partially not all variables have significant influence, where professional competence had no significant effect to results learning, as well as teacher attitude had no significant effect on learning outcomes

    Karakteristik Kinerja Mesin Diesel Stasioner dengan Bahan Bakar Campuran Biodiesel dari Biji Kemiri Sunan

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    This study aims to investigate the characteristics of stationary diesel engines which use a mixture of diesel fuel - biodiesel from sunan candlenut seed. Experiments were done with diesel fuel, B5, B10, B15, and B20 with a variety of engine rotation and load variations. The results showed that the values of torque, power and thermal efficiency when the engine uses B5, B10, B15, and B20 tends to decrease if compared when engine use diesel fuel. And the specific fuel consumption when use B5, B10, B15, and B20 increased. From the results of experiments and calculations, the maximum power of 3.01 kW, minimum specific fuel consumption of 228.58 g/kWh and maximum thermal efficiency of 37.61% when using diesel fuel. However, exhaust emissions were measured include opacity, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons when the engine using biodiesel B5, B10, B15, and B20 decreased. By using statistical study also obtained correlation and regression equations involving engine performance parameters


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    Penggunaan aluminium yang begitu luas dalam bidang teknik dikarenakan memiliki massa jenis yang ringan dan ketahanan korosi yang baik tetapi aluminium memiliki sifat mekanis yang masih perlu ditingkatkan khususnya aluminium yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran. Pada proses pengecoran sangat banyak variabel yang akan mempengaruhi kekuatan aluminium yang salah satunya adalah temperatur tuang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh temperatur tuang terhadap sifat mekanis aluminium A356 yang meliputi kekerasan,impak,tarik,aus, serta mikrostruktur dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran tipe cooling slope. Cooling slope digunakan untuk mengalirkan alumunium yang sudah mencair ke dalam cetakan. Cooling slope ini sendiri mempunyai 5 sudut kemiringan, yaitu 15˚, 30˚, 45˚, 60˚,dan 75˚. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memvariasikan temperatur tuang 620˚C, 650˚C, 680˚C, 710˚C, dan 740˚C serta sudut dari cooling slope adalah 15˚ menggunakan cetakan permanen. Kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi temperatur tuang 680˚C sebesar 52,8 BHN. Nilai impak tertinggi di dapat pada variasi temperatur tuang 710˚C sebesar 0,18 J/mm². Nilai uji tarik tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi temperatur tuang 680˚C sebesar 106,72 Mpa. Pengujian keausan dilakukan dengan metode pin on disk dengan variasi putaran 150 Rpm, 180 Rpm, dan 210 Rpm. Hasil photo mikro terlihat pada temperatur 680˚C distribus silikon di dalam matrik alumunium lebih merata dibandingkan dengan temperatur yang lainnya
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