6 research outputs found
Le notazioni della polifonia vocale dei secoli IX-XVII
Raccolta di saggi sulle problematiche della scrittura musicale e della notazione musicale di testimoni specifici dei secoli IX-XI
Misdiagnosis of High Function Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults: An Italian Case Series
High Function (HF) Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in adulthood is highly prevalent but insufficiently
recognized. In Italy, in particular, awareness of this condition is still insufficient and many psychiatrists have no cases
of HF ASD to mention. Adult patients with HF ASD come to the attention of Mental Health Services complaining of
difficulties within their social context and interpersonal relationships.
Objectives: Describe emblematic clinical examples of misdiagnosed HF ASD to understand reasons that
conducted to misdiagnosis.
Procedure: We contact five specialized Italian Center in diagnosis of ASD. Each center have to describe two
or three emblematic cases of adult patient with diagnosis of ASD validated by ADOS-4 but referred to clinicians with
another diagnosis, discussing about possible reasons of misdiagnosis.
Sample and Results: We have collected 12 case reports (2 from Bologna center, 3 from Torino center, 3
from Pavia center, 2 from Verona center and 2 from Catania center) of adult HF ASD previously misdiagnosed.
These cases shows important similarity across centers and highlight that if are taken into account only problems
or symptoms that conduct patients to ask help, cases can easily suggest other psychiatric or personality disorders.
Diagnosis becomes clear only after considering all the clinical features and a detailed developmental history.
Conclusion: Psychiatrists who have insufficient experience of ASD may overlook some symptoms of the overall
clinical picture and misdiagnose ASD as personality disorders, schizophrenia, phobia or even as a non-psychiatric
condition, so is hopeful for future increased knowledge about HF ASD in adulthood