30 research outputs found
Hybrid RF-Energy Harvester for IoT Smart Device Applications Low Power Consumption
Energy independence and long battery lifetime, the vision of 5G technology is one of them for IoT smart devices. Focusing on the challenges in this technological vision, the solution for this system is to harvest the energy sources around it as a backup or eliminate the use of batteries. The output of the hybrid energy harvester method as a solution to energy independence using radio frequency (RF) waves has been optimized in this study. The double-T patch microstrip antenna based on CSRR metamaterial as an RF energy harvester works at the ISM band frequency of 2.45 GHz and has return loss, gain and bandwidth values that are in accordance with the concept of the RF-Energy harvester system. This antenna is capable of absorbing energy using a DC converter circuit at a maximum distance of 6.79 V using 2 access points at the position of the transmitting antenna facing each other with a conversion efficiency of 6.68%. One method to maximize the output of the energy harvester is also carried out in this study by doing a hybrid with a mini solar cell, which is able to carry out constant voltage and can charge the load in the form of a cellphone. The hybrid RF-Energy harvester system designed in this research can be used as a source of energy in smart devices with small power requirements
Hybrid Deep Learning Approach For Stress Detection Model Through Speech Signal
Stress is a psychological condition that requires proper treatment due to its potential long-term effects on health and cognitive faculties. This is particularly pertinent when considering pre- and early-school-age children, where stress can yield a range of adverse effects. Furthermore, detection in children requires a particular approach different from adults because of their physical and cognitive limitations. Traditional approaches, such as psychological assessments or the measurement of biosignal parameters prove ineffective in this context. Speech is also one of the approaches used to detect stress without causing discomfort to the subject and does not require prerequisites for a certain level of cognitive ability. Therefore, this study introduced a hybrid deep learning approach using supervised and unsupervised learning in a stress detection model. The model predicted the stress state of the subject and provided positional data point analysis in the form of a cluster map to obtain information on the degree using CNN and GSOM algorithms. The results showed an average accuracy and F1 score of 94.7% and 95%, using the children's voice dataset. To compare with the state-of-the-art, model were tested with the open-source DAIC Woz dataset and obtained average accuracy and F1 scores of 89% and 88%. The cluster map generated by GSOM further underscored the discerning capability in identifying stress and quantifying the degree experienced by the subjects, based on their speech pattern
This research applies the Pinhole (PH) Camera Model method to calculate car speed in a video sequence by taking object displacement distance in the frame. The main contribution in this paper is the new calculation method called Diagonal Pinhole (Diagonal-PH). It has a capability in measuring diagonal and zigzag movement. This research considers three scenarios, i.e. overtaking motion, lane changing path and straight-line movement. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results show that the diagonal-PH method provides smaller RMSE than a vertical-PH method for each scenario. This proves that the modified pinhole has better accuracy for car speed detection in all scenarios
Abstract. POSKO (Center Operation of Communication Community System) Jasuda is a place for micro business communities in tamalanrea sub-district which is partner in the services that have been done during KKN Unhas 99. Analysis result of the situation and condition shows that there are 3 things that need special treatment in POSKO Jasuda to develop business unit opportunity. These three things need to reintroduce BMC, hybrid digital assistance and improvement of existing information system. This service aims to reform management information system of the posko unit that can be used to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that built. Reintroduce BMC to SMEs that built which is the fundamental business feasibility analysis and provide mentoring for business improvement and IT skill for staff in the posko unit so that comunity can develop and raise SMEs that built. In addition, the existing SIM in the posko will be upgraded to fulfill the needs of SMEs and to develop marketing system of social media for each tenant. This service activity is integrated with Hasanuddin University KKN program, especially general debriefing (preparation of the training modul, recruitment/registration and training/student training. Internal debriefing is done separately by each thematic scheme of KKN, adjusting provision for KKN participants’ before joining partner. Joint activities between students and SMEs community in POSKO JASUDA, start from BMC model introduction training, SMEs shaping process that is in line with the SIM advancing program and coaching training and 1 month of mentoring. KKN participants are divided in to 10 groups to assist tenants and 1 group for POSKO JASUDA. Result of this KKN-PPM service shows tremendous impact on the capacity and sustainability of tenants who are all micro-scale businesses.Keywords: ICT technology, BMC, KKN-PPM DiktiAbstrak. POSKO (Pusat Operasi Sistem Komunitas Komunikasi) Jasuda adalah suatu wadah komunitas Usaha Mikro di kecamatan Tamalanrea yang menjadi mitra tempat kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan pada KKN Unhas gel. 99. Hasil analisis situasi dan kondisi menunjukkan terdapat tiga hal yang perlu penanganan khusus di POSKO Jasuda untuk keberlangsungan ataupun peluang berkembangnya unit usaha di dalamnya. Ketiga hal tersebut adalah perlunya reintroduced BMC (Business Model Canvas), pendampingan digital hybrid dan perbaikan sistem informasi eksisting. Tujuan pengabdian yang dilakukan adalah reformasi ulang dari Sistem Informasi Manajemen unit POSKO agar dapat berfungsi efisien untuk UKM binaan; Melakukan reintroduced BMC ke para UKM binaan yang merupakan fundamental analisis kelayakan usaha; dan Memberi mentoring perbaikan usaha dan IT skill bagi para staf di unit POSKO sehingga komunitas dapat mengembangkan dan membesarkan para unit UKM binaan. Selain itu SIM eksisiting di POSKO akan di upgrade untuk memenuhi kebutuhan UKM dan mengembangkan sistem marketing social media bagi setiap tenant. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diintegrasikan dengan program KKN Universitas Hasanuddin khususnya pembekalan umum (Persiapan Modul Latih, Perekrutan/pendaftaran dan pelatihan/pembekalan mahasiswa). Pembekalan internal dilakukan terpisah dan dilaksanakan masing-masing oleh skema tematik KKN, menyesuaikan bekal bagi peserta KKN sebelum bergabung dengan mitra. Aktivitas bersama antara mahasiswa dan masyarakat UKM di POSKO Jasuda, mulai dari pelatihan pengenalan model BMC, proses shaping unit UKM yang sejalan dengan program SIM Advancing dan Coaching Training serta pendampingan selama 1 bulan. Peserta KKN dibagi dalam 10 kelompok untuk mendampingi tenant dan 1 kelompok untuk POSKO Jasuda. Hasil pengabdian KKN-PPM ini menunjukkan impact yang luar biasa terhadap kapasitas maupun keberlangsungan tenant yang semuanya berskala usaha mikro.Kata Kunci: teknologi ICT, BMC, KKN-PPM Dikt
An IoT Based Power Consumption and Losses Monitoring Technique Applied for a Mini Scale Electrical Network
Consumption of the electrical energy increases significantly per year in many consumer segments including a residential power consumption sector, educational institution, industry sectors and government. Calculation and reporting tasks of the up-dated information regarding the power consumption is a crucial issue both for the electrical power service provider and end users. Those require fairly data recording and appropriate computation. In practice, the reported power consumption of each user does not appropriately indicate the actual electrical energy utilized as for the intended purposes. The power electrical consumption profile might be also contributed from the power losses encountered in the entire mini scale electrical network such as house electrical power installation network, building, offices and so on. The traditional standardized method to monitor the electrical power consumption and to analytically compute the corresponding power losses is straightforwardly performed by recording several important electrical parameters indicated on a power electrical meter module well known as kWH meter. To obtain the accurate value of actual power losses it is required the following wasting time and complicated procedures by observing whole particular electrical installation network and recording all data variabilities. Through the extensive conventional monitoring and analytical computing the intended power losses could be obtained. The novel attractive, efficient and robust technique to allow users' to real-timely monitoring the amount of energy consumption and losses for daily basis was proposed in the manuscript. So far, several energy monitoring systems have been developed but have not been able to calculate the amount of lost energy. This information is very important for analyzing energy consumption. In this paper, an Internet of Things-Based Energy Monitoring System is built using the PZEM-004T sensor module which can monitor the amount of energy consumption and lost energy simultaneously. After testing, the built-up monitoring system provided an incredibly high accuracy of 97.96% from the comparison results with two different conventional electrical meter units. The significant impact of using the developed energy monitoring system that the users can simultaneously monitor the consumption and lost energy, at any time and accessed from anywhere via the available internet connection in a flexible and real-time way
An Introduction of Game-Based Interactive Learning at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kabupaten PangkepAbstract. Community service was be carried out at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kab. Pangkep to provide new insights for students regarding learning methods and materials using interactive game as an educational medium for Natural Sciences subjects. This educational game is a type of Role Playing Game (RPG) that will encourage players actively digging up information to enrich knowledge while playing a game that has has complex storytelling elements and role-playing arts that making the player feels like being the character they play in the game. As a part of development in learning medium, this game is expected to add insights to teachers and students at SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Pangkep. In the learning process in schools, the material delivered by the teacher is limited, because students only memorize the names of elements in an inefficient manner or just memorize the sequence of elements from the periodic table. The purpose of this service is to socialize game-based interactive learning methods and conduct training related educational games about the Periodic System of Chemical Elements. In addition, this community service is also a venue for disseminating the results of research conducted by lecturers and students at the Hasanuddin University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Informatics, Engineering Faculty UNHAS regarding the application of interactive learning media.Keywords: Interactive game, chemistry elements, role playing game, socialization, public serviceAbstrak. Pengabdian masyarakat yang akan dilakukan di SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kab. Pangkep ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan baru bagi siswa terkait metode dan materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran game interaktif sebagai media edukasi untuk mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Game edukasi ini merupakan jenis game RPG (Role Playing Game) yang akan yang akan membimbing pemain secara aktif menggali informasi untuk memperkaya pengetahuan saat bermain yang memiliki unsur-unsur penceritaan yang kompleks serta seni peran yang membuat seseorang merasa seperti menjadi tokoh yang diperankannya dalam game tersebut. Pada proses pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah, materi yang disampaikan oleh pengajar menjadi terbatas, karena pelajar hanya menghafal nama-nama unsur dengan cara yang tidak efisien atau hanya sekedar menghafal urutan unsur dari tabel periodik. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk mensosialisasikan metode pembelajaran interaktif berbasis game dan melakukan pelatihan terkait Game edukasi Sistem Periodik Unsur. Game edukatif ini membantu menyampaikan informasi tentang unsur-unsur kimia dengan menggabungkan Objek 2D dan Game edukasi berbasis windows. Sebagai bagian dari pengembangan media pembelajaran, maka diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan bagi para guru dan murid di SDN 14 Bonto-Bonto, Kabupaten Pangkep. Selain itu, pengabdian masyarakat ini juga sebagai ajang sosialisasi hasil-hasil penelitian dosen dan mahasiswa pada Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Departemen Informatika, Fakultas Teknik UNHAS terkait aplikasi media pembelajaran interaktif.Kata Kunci: Game interaktif, senyawa kimia, role playing game, sosialisasi, pengabdian masyaraka
Radiation Detection by Employing Periodic Packets in Power-Line Communication System
The interference with existing radio broadcasting services because of unintentional radiation is a serious\ud
problem in power-line communication (PLC) systems. A radiation detection method based on burst packets,\ud
which had been proposed by the authors and was called scan and sum (SAS) method, was a low cost method\ud
and used to solve the problem. But its measurement took a long time and the burst packets occupied a\ud
channel. To shorten the measurement time, a new method based on periodic packets has been proposed in\ud
this paper, which is called periodic packet sound (PPS) method. Although both methods record the radiated\ud
signal as a sound data, the PPS does not need to scan the frequency of an AM radio receiver but analyses\ud
the sound data by a cross-correlation operation with a reference signal. First, how to generate the reference\ud
signal that depends on the modems is described. Second, an optimization of the packet size is studied, and\ud
finally it is shown that the detection sensitivity of PPS was maintained to be the same as SAS while the\ud
measurement time of PPS was 1/9 shorter than that of SAS. Moreover, the channel occupation of PPS was\ud
reduced to be 2% of SAS when the packet size was optimized to be 1500 bytes
Critical Section Overhead Reduction for OpenMP Program by Nesting a Serial Loop to Increase Task Granularity of Parallel Loop
This paper presents a simple method to reduce performance loss due to a parallel program's massive critical sections of parallel numerical integration. The method transforms a fine-grain parallel loop into a coarse grain parallel loop that nests a sequential loop. The coarse grain parallel loop is by nesting a loop block to make task granularities coarser than that naive one. In addition to the overhead reduction, the method makes the parallel work fraction significantly more significant than the serial fraction. As a result, nesting a serial loop within a parallel loop improves the parallel program's performance. Compared to the naïve method, which does not scale the performance of a parallel program of numerical integration, the nesting serial loop method scales a parallel program up to 3.26 times a fold relative to its sequential program on a quad-core processor. This result shows that the proposed method makes the parallel program much faster than the naïve method.