375 research outputs found
Abrupt transition in the structural formation of interconnected networks
Our current world is linked by a complex mesh of networks where information,
people and goods flow. These networks are interdependent each other, and
present structural and dynamical features different from those observed in
isolated networks. While examples of such "dissimilar" properties are becoming
more abundant, for example diffusion, robustness and competition, it is not yet
clear where these differences are rooted in. Here we show that the composition
of independent networks into an interconnected network of networks undergoes a
structurally sharp transition as the interconnections are formed. Depending of
the relative importance of inter and intra-layer connections, we find that the
entire interdependent system can be tuned between two regimes: in one regime,
the various layers are structurally decoupled and they act as independent
entities; in the other regime, network layers are indistinguishable and the
whole system behave as a single-level network. We analytically show that the
transition between the two regimes is discontinuous even for finite size
networks. Thus, any real-world interconnected system is potentially at risk of
abrupt changes in its structure that may reflect in new dynamical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
Control of coupled oscillator networks with application to microgrid technologies
The control of complex systems and network-coupled dynamical systems is a
topic of vital theoretical importance in mathematics and physics with a wide
range of applications in engineering and various other sciences. Motivated by
recent research into smart grid technologies we study here control of
synchronization and consider the important case of networks of coupled phase
oscillators with nonlinear interactions--a paradigmatic example that has guided
our understanding of self-organization for decades. We develop a method for
control based on identifying and stabilizing problematic oscillators, resulting
in a stable spectrum of eigenvalues, and in turn a linearly stable synchronized
state. Interestingly, the amount of control, i.e., number of oscillators,
required to stabilize the network is primarily dictated by the coupling
strength, dynamical heterogeneity, and mean degree of the network, and depends
little on the structural heterogeneity of the network itself
Centralized and distributed cognitive task processing in the human connectome
A key question in modern neuroscience is how cognitive changes in a human
brain can be quantified and captured by functional connectomes (FC) . A
systematic approach to measure pairwise functional distance at different brain
states is lacking. This would provide a straight-forward way to quantify
differences in cognitive processing across tasks; also, it would help in
relating these differences in task-based FCs to the underlying structural
network. Here we propose a framework, based on the concept of Jensen-Shannon
divergence, to map the task-rest connectivity distance between tasks and
resting-state FC. We show how this information theoretical measure allows for
quantifying connectivity changes in distributed and centralized processing in
functional networks. We study resting-state and seven tasks from the Human
Connectome Project dataset to obtain the most distant links across tasks. We
investigate how these changes are associated to different functional brain
networks, and use the proposed measure to infer changes in the information
processing regimes. Furthermore, we show how the FC distance from resting state
is shaped by structural connectivity, and to what extent this relationship
depends on the task. This framework provides a well grounded mathematical
quantification of connectivity changes associated to cognitive processing in
large-scale brain networks.Comment: 22 pages main, 6 pages supplementary, 6 figures, 5 supplementary
figures, 1 table, 1 supplementary table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
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