69 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Tanning Leather Using Gambir on PH 4 and 8

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    Tannery production process in Indonesia is still using chromium sulfate or mimosa in general. Gambier (Uncaria gambier Roxb.) extract could be used as material for tanners because it contains tannin. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of tanned leather using gambier solution at pH 4 and 8. Standard tanning method was used which includes the processing of goat leather with salt, acid and then tanned with gambier extracts. Observation of tanned leather refers to the SNI-06-0463-1989-A and ISO 0234:2009. The results showed that characteristics of tanned leather with solution of gambier at pH 4 and 8 respectively i.e.: degrees of tanning 29.87% and 39.55%, tensile strength 279.94 kg/cm2 and 433.85 kg/cm2, leather conditions was limp, light gray colour and yellow, thickness of 0.12 mm and 0.11 mm, and density 0.74 g/cm3 and 0.74 g/cm3. Tanned leather from different pH conditions generally has the same characteristic and meet standards

    The yield and quality of cassiavera (Cinnamomum burmanii L.) oil at different harvest ages from Malalak farmers in West Sumatra

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    This study compared the oil yield and identified the quality of cassiavera with plants ages 7 years, 18 years, and random (broken) one. Parameters measured included yield, physicochemical properties, and chemical composition. Based on the results, the oil yield was 1%, 0.9%, and 0.7% at ages 8 and 7 years of upper and lower stem parts, as well as for the broken form. This indicates that the longer plant age correlates with a higher yield. The yield at 7 and 18 years is not much different, hence the harvest can be performed at the age of 7 years considering a shorter waiting period. The physicochemical test of oil solubility in 70% ethanol showed a ratio of 1:1 and a clear appearance according to the maximum requirements of INS (Indonesian National Standard) 06-3734:2006, namely 1:3 clear. Meanwhile, the refractive index (RI) test indicated 1.56 as the best value for cassiavera scion at the age of 7 years in line with INS 06-3734:2006 conditions of 1.559 - 1.595. The chemical composition test for the oil as a whole complied with the minimum standard of INS 06-3734:2006, namely 50% cinnamaldehyde

    Pengembangan Mesin Pengurai Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) untuk Menghasilkan Serat Mekanis

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    The purpose of this research was to design shredded oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) fiber extractor machine, to conduct technical evaluation on the machine performance, and to conduct fiber chemical analysis. This prototype is expected to increase added value on EFB waste as it is not maximally utilized. The machine must be both technically and economically feasible to be applied in particle board industry to produce oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber. Based on its design, the machine has ± 200 kg/hours capacity and 5 HP motor. The evaluation of machine performance on 600 RPM and 900 RPM rotations resulted on similar numbers of fiber and mixed fiber percentage. From 10 shredded EFB extracted, 7.6 kg (76%) clean fiber, 2.05 kg (20%) mixed fiber, and 1.35 kg ash were obtained. Three times extracting process on 600 RPM rotation resulted on fiber percentage based on its length as follows: 4.6% long fiber (>10 cm), 32.3% medium fiber (5-10 cm), and 61.4% short fiber (2-4 cm). Meanwhile, the percentages on 900 RPM rotation were 0% of long fiber, 22.37% of medium fiber, and short fiber of 77.3%. There were five types of composition of extracted fiber level; 1) clean fiber on 600 RPM, 2) clean fiber on 900 RPM, 3) mixed fiber (medium fiber 2-3 cm + petal), 4) mixed fiber (short fiber <2 cm + petal), 5) mixed fiber (soft fiber + pollens). The result of chemical analysis showed that those five types of fibers contained 9.3% water, 5.6% extractive, 1.4% fat, 33.1% lignin, 58.33% holocellulose, and 39.2% cellulose contents. Finally the analysis showed that it had a similar chemical composition compared to the fibers of softwood and Red Meranti wood.ABSTRAKPengembangan mesin pengurai serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit dilakukan untuk menghasilkan serat mekanis sebagai penguat papan partikel. Didalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan mesin, pembuatan mesin dan evaluasi teknis kinerja mesin. Evaluasi teknis dilakukan pada putaran 600 rpm dan 900 rpm dengan masing-masing putaran 2 kali penguraian, dan masing-masing penguraian 3 ulangan. Dari hasil rancangan mesin didapatkan kapasitas mesin ± 200 kg/jam dan daya penggerak  5 HP. Hasil evaluasi teknis kinerja mesin didapatkan persentase serat dan serat campuran pada putaran 900 rpm pada pengujian 1 dan 2 tidak berbeda jauh dengan pengujian pada putaran 600 rpm. Dari 10 kg TKKS cacahan masing-masing putaran, didapatkan rata-rata serat bersih  82%, serat campuran 14%, dan 4% menjadi debu. Dari hasil penguraian pada putaran 600 rpm dan 900 rpm didapatkan 5 macam komposisi tingkatan serat yaitu, a) serat bersih 600 rpm, b) serat bersih 900 rpm, c) serat campuran (2-3 cm+kelopak), d) serat campuran (<2 cm + kelopak), e) serat campuran (serat halus + serbuk). Hasil analisis kimia ke lima serat tersebut yaitu,  rata-rata kadar air serat 9,3%, kadar ekstraktif 5,6%, kadar lemak 1,4%, kadar lignin 33,1%, kadar holoselulosa 58,33%, dan selulosa 39,2%. Dibandingkan dengan serat kayu daun jarum dan kayu meranti merah, kandungan kimia serat tersebut hampir sama atau tidak berbeda jauh


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    Science of Nahwu is recognized as a discipline that is loaded with a variety of rules and theories, as the result of a process of a long journey in the history of Arabic linguistics. Starting from the codification and systemization activities of Arabic vocabulary is quite time consuming, then linguists (al-Lughawiyyûn / linguist) construct and lay the basic principles of the rules of the language. The basic principles of nahwu at first is  very simple then evolved into a "science" which is very complicated and cumbersome. Nahwu is no longer just functions as a deductive rule or a grammar, but it also has become one of the instruments to understand the Qur'an itself, which in turn gave rise to many theories nahwu developed by experts nahwu (nuhât / Grammarian). This, of course, more difficult to understand and learn the science of Nahwu itself. For the purposes of education and teaching that is deemed necessary rethinking and renewal (tajdid) in the field of teaching and teaching nahwa materials simplification

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Senyawa Pengomplek dan Bahan Tambahan Terhadap Mutu Tinta Pemilu dari Ekstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb)

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    Election ink is applied to the forefinger of voters during election in order to prevent electoral frauds such as double voting. The current election inks contain silver nitrate solutions to make it more durable which stains the skin on exposure to ultraviolet light, leaving a mark that is impossible to wash off and is only removed as external skin cells are replaced. But the silver nitrate solution may damage the human skins and is poisonous to the environment. This research was carried out to investigate the use of gambir extracts for election inks as environment-friendly raw materials. The aim of this study was to obtain the optimal ink from gambir extrac which technically could meet quality requirements of the election ink. In this study, gambir was extracted through the following refinement process; heating in boiling water, stirring, cooling, filtering, molding, and drying. The cube black then was dissolved in technical ethanol, added one of the complexing compounds FeSO4 and FeNO3 depending on the formula used. The best ink composition was 70% gambier extract in ethanol, 22% of FeSO4 saturated solution in ethanol, 5% of turmeric extract, and 3% of crystal violet solution 4%. This ink was more homogenous with violet color at pH 3.86 which gave rub resistant to water and soap. The ink stains could stay on finger skin for 3 days. Analytical results showed that the ink did not contain Pb, Cd, and Hg while Cu 65.04 ppm and fulfill the requirement of general election commitee number 16/2013.ABSTRAK Tinta pemilu  digunakan untuk identifikasi pada jari tangan pada waktu pemilihan umum atau kegiatan sejenis lainnya guna mencegah terjadinya kecurangan. Pada tinta pemilu saat ini digunakan bahan perak nitrat agar lebih tahan lama, namun penggunaan perak nitrat dapat merusak kulit dan bersifat racun. Untuk itu telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh jenis bahan senyawa pengomplek dan bahan tambahan terhadap mutu tinta pemilu dari ekstrak gambir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tinta dari ekstrak gambir yang secara teknis dapat memenuhi persyaratan kualitas tinta pemilu. Dalam penelitian ini gambir diolah menjadi cube black gambir melalui proses penghalusan, pemanasan dalam air mendidih, pengadukan, pendinginan, penyaringan, pencetakan, dan pengeringan. Selanjutnya cube black gambir dilarutkan dalam etanol teknis, ditambahkan salah satu dari senyawa pengomplek, FeSO4 dan FeNO3 tergantung formula yang digunakan. Komposisi tinta terbaik adalah 70 bagian ekstrak gambir dalam etanol, 22 bagian larutan jenuh FeSO4 dalam etanol, 5 bagian ektrak kunyit serta 3 bagian larutan kristal violet 4%. Tinta lebih homogen dengan warna yang dihasilkan violet, pH 3,86, tahan gosok terhadap air dan  sabun. Daya tahan tinta dapat tahan sampai tiga hari, kandungan logam Pb, Cd, Hg tidak terdeteksi dan kandungan Cu sebesar 65,04 ppm, tinta memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum nomor 16 tahun 2013.


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    Ma’had Al-Jami’ah IAIN Kerinci merupakan program pesantren mahasiswa bilingual dalam naungan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci yang mengajarkan bahasa asing yaitu bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris kepada mahasantrinya. Lembaga ini mencoba menerapkan penggunaan bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sehari-hari di lingkungan Ma’had. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Arab dan Inggris di Ma’had Al-jami’ah IAIN Kerinci. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa di Ma’had Al-Jami’ah IAIN Kerinci dilaksanakan perkelas, dan setiap kelas terdapat tutor/pendamping, metode yang digunakan tutor dalam setiap pembelajaran umumnya metode DRILL dan metode langsung (Direct Method).Dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan bahasa, tutor mempunyai tugas membimbing, mengajarkan, mentransfer ilmu kepada peserta didik serta beberapa ketrampilan seperti pidato bahasa asing, story telling, debat bahasa asing, dll.Ma’had Al-Jami’ah IAIN Kerinci merupakan program pesantren mahasiswa bilingual dalam naungan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci yang mengajarkan bahasa asing yaitu bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris kepada mahasantrinya. Lembaga ini mencoba menerapkan penggunaan bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sehari-hari di lingkungan Ma’had. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Arab dan Inggris di Ma’had Al-jami’ah IAIN Kerinci. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa di Ma’had Al-Jami’ah IAIN Kerinci dilaksanakan perkelas, dan setiap kelas terdapat tutor/pendamping, metode yang digunakan tutor dalam setiap pembelajaran umumnya metode DRILL dan metode langsung (Direct Method).Dalam meningkatkan ketrampilan bahasa, tutor mempunyai tugas membimbing, mengajarkan, mentransfer ilmu kepada peserta didik serta beberapa ketrampilan seperti pidato bahasa asing, story telling, debat bahasa asing, dll

    Characteristics of Tanning Leather Using Gambir on pH 4 and 8

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    Tannery production process in Indonesia is still using chromium sulfate or mimosa in general. Gambier (Uncaria gambier Roxb.) extract could be used as material for tanners because it contains tannin. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of tanned leather using gambier solution at pH 4 and 8. Standard tanning method was used which includes the processing of goat leather with salt, acid and then tanned with gambier extracts. Observation of tanned leather refers to the SNI-06-0463-1989-A and ISO 0234:2009. The results showed that characteristics of tanned leather with solution of gambier at pH 4 and 8 respectively i.e.: degrees of tanning 29.87% and 39.55%, tensile strength 279.94 kg/cm2 and 433.85 kg/cm2, leather conditions was limp, light gray colour and yellow, thickness of 0.12 mm and 0.11 mm, and density 0.74 g/cm3 and 0.74 g/cm3. Tanned leather from different pH conditions generally has the same characteristic and meet standards

    Perilaku Krom Dalam Limbah Cair Penyamakan Kombinasi Krom-Gambir dan Krom-Mimosa Pada Penyamakan Kulit

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    This study aims to determine the amount of chrome that come out together with tannery waste in a tanned combination process of chrome-gambier and chrome-mimosa. the process research performed by 2 stages. The 1st stage  using chrome with 5 concentration,    they were 2,4,6 and 8 %. Then it followed by the 2nd stage  tanning process by using vegetable tanning, gambier and mimosa, with each 7% and 9% concentration. The results showed that the combination of chrome-gambier tanned at the same concentration disposed chromium waste less than the combination of chrome-mimosa tanned. The lowest total chrome waste on the chrome-gambier tanning combination was 3.9 ppm at  2% chromium and 7% gambier concentration and the highest was 146.6 ppm at 8% chromium and 9% gambier concentrations.  The lowest total chrome waste on the combination of chrome-mimosa tanning was 2.2 ppm at  2% chromium and 7% mimosa concentration and the highest was 170.4 ppm at 8 % chromium and 9% mimosa concentration. The 2ndtanning, was combination tanning process, chrome-gambier able to reduce chromium levels more than the chrome-mimosa tanning.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah krom yang ikut terbuang bersama limbah proses penyamakan kulit yang di samak kombinasi krom-gambir dan krom-mimosa. Pelaksanaan penelitian proses penyamakan kulit  dilakukan dengan 2 tahap. Tahap I menggunakan krom dengan 5 variasi  konsentrasi yaitu 2, 4, 6 dan 8%. Setelah penyamakan tahap I kemudian dilanjutkan penyamakan tahap II dengan menggunakan penyamakan nabati, gambir dan mimosa, dengan variasi konsentrasi masing-masing 7 dan 9%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penyamakan kombinasi krom-gambir pada konsentrasi yang sama menghasilkan limbah krom yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan samak kombinasi krom-mimosa. Jumlah limbah krom pada penyamak kombinasi krom-gambir terendah adalah 3,9 ppm pada konsentrasi krom 2% dan gambir 7% dan tertinggi 146,6 ppm pada konsentasi krom 8% dan gambir 9%. Jumlah limbah krom pada penyamak kombinasi krom-mimosa terendah adalah 2,2 ppm pada konsentrasi krom 2% dan mimosa 7% dan tertinggi 170,4 ppm pada konsentasi krom 8% dan mimosa 9%. Penyamakan tahap II, yang merupakan samak kombinasi, krom-gambir dapat menurunkan kadar krom lebih banyak dibandingkan kombinasi krom-mimosa
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