5,553 research outputs found
Background: Neurological disorder among male premutation carriers of Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) frequently occurs. In other hand, lacking of information results misdiagnosis of this disorder. Therefore this study is addressed to provide the data about neurological involvement of late-adult premutation carriers of FXS.
Objectives: This research is to know neurological involvement of late-adult premutation carriers of FXS.
Subjects and Methods: This was a descriptive study following cytogenetic, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and neurological examinations on premutation carriers of FXS. Cytogenetic and PCR results were secondary data from Central for biomedical research (CEBIOR) laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University during September 2009 – March 2010. Simple neurological examination techniques were done to observe neurological involment among male premutation carriers.
Results: There were four males carrying premutation allele over the age of 50. Cytogenetic analysis revealed two subjects expressed fragile site. The other two subjects expressed no fragile site. PCR analysis revealed expanded allele from all subjects. Subject III.6 showed intention tremor and gait ataxia, which are two mayor clinical criterions of FXTAS. Subject III.8 showed gait ataxia which is a mayor criterion of FXTAS. Subject III.9 showed intention tremor and gait ataxia, which are two mayor criterions of FXTAS. And Subject III.10 showed gait ataxia which is a mayor criterion of FXTAS.
Conclusion: Some cerebellar manifestations such as intention tremor, limb ataxia, gait ataxia, dysdiadochokinesia, and titubation have been identified in premutation carriers of FXS. Southern Blot is needed to reveal subjects’s molecular status more accurate. Simple techniques to observe mayor and minor clinical criteria in this study had been proved can be used in the future. Radiological imaging is needed to address major and minor radiological criteria of FXTAS is still needed as one of an objectives measurement.
Keywords : Fragile X-associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome, intention tremor, gait ataxia, cerebellar manifestation
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode percobaan. P1:TKKS 60% : 40% feses sapi. P2 : TKKS 50% : 50% feses sapi. P3:TKKS 40%:60% feses sapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan feses sapi terhadap kadar C, kadar N dan Rasio C/N pupuk kompos , serta untuk mendapatkan level terbaik RASIO pupuk kompos . Materi penelitian ini menggunakan tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan feses sapi diambil di kandang experimental Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian TKKS tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) terhadap kadar C-organik yang ada di pupuk kompos feses sapi sedangkan nilai kadar N berpengaruh nyata (P<0.01). Dan nilai Rasio C/N berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Rasio TKKS dan feses sapi dalam proses pembuatan kompos tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar C-organik kompos. Nilai rata rata kadar C organik diperoleh 31.49 %. Rasio TKKS dan feses sapi dalam proses pembuatan kompos berpengaruh terhadap kadar Nitrogen kompos. Nilai terbaik pada rasio 50% TKKS dan 50 % fses sapi dengan kadar Nitrogen 2,2 % Rasio TKKS dan feses sapi dalam proses pembuatan kompos berpengaruh terhadap rasio C/N kompos. Nilai terbaik pada rasio 50% TKKS dan 50 % feses sapi dengan Rasio C/N 14,61. Kadar C-organik kompos adapun nilai rata rata 31,49%. Sedangkan rasio terbaik dari tkks dan feses sapi dalam proses pembuatan kompos terdapat pada kadar N dan Rasio C/N adapun nilai rata-rata kadar N 1,80% sedankan nilai rata-rat Rasio C/N 17,87. Nilai ini masih sesuai dengan SNI pupuk kompos(19-7030- 2004)
Dynamics of Islamic Educational Institutions In Indonesia: Boarding Schools and Madrasah
which are the center of Islamic education activities to the many developing formal and non-formal educational institutions, including Boarding School and madrasas. Therefore, this study aims to determine the development of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia, the Types of Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia, the role of Islamic Education Institutions in Islamic boarding schools and madrasas in Indonesia, and the differences between Islamic boarding schools and madrasas. The research method used is literature with documentation data collection techniques. The results of this study show that Islamic boarding schools are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia which traditional Muslims initially founded. The establishment of Madrasah in Indonesia was driven by two factors: the strengthening of the Islamic renewal movement in Indonesia and the response of Islamic education to the Dutch East Indies' educational policies. Even though they are both Islamic Education Institutions, there are many differences between Boarding School and madrasas, including Boarding School not using a curriculum, madrasah using a curriculum, and so on
Silage Quality of Sorghum Harvested at Different Times and Its Combination with Mixed Legumes or Concentrate Evaluated in Vitro
The experiment was designed to evaluate the silage quality of sorghum forage varieties of Citayam and BMR 3.6 strain at different harvesting times and the effectiveness of a legumes addition as a concentrate substitute in sorghum forage silage-based diets on in vitro fermentability using rumen fluid of beef cattle. Experimental design for silage quality was completely randomized design with 2 x 3 factorial, i.e., forage sorghum types (Citayam and BMR 3.6) and time of harvesting the forage sorghum (85, 95, and 105 d). Experimental design for in vitro fermentability and digestibility was randomized block design with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, i.e. types of ration (with 2 levels i.e., a mixture of legumes and concentrate) and types of sorghum forage silages (with 2 levels i.e., Citayam and BMR 3.6). All silages had a good odor, color, and texture. Silage of sorghum harvested at 105 d had better grades and was selected for in vitro studies. The treatment had no effect on pH and organic matter digestibility. BMR 3.6 based silage had greater values of NH3, total VFA, rumen microbial population, methane, and dry matter digestibility. Substitution of concentrate with a mixture of legumes did not affect fermentability, microbe population and digestibility in the rumen. Silage of sorghum strain BMR 3.6 harvested at 105 d had a very good quality and mixing with legumes could replace concentrate in forage sorghum silage based diet on in vitro fermentability and digestibility using beef cattle rumen fluid
Jalan raya adalah suatu lintasan yang bermanfaat untuk melewatkan lalu lintas dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain, dan berfungsi sebagai sarana perhubungan dimana lalu lintas harus lancar dan aman. Sehubungan dengan pesatnya kota Blitar, dimana terjadi pertambahan lalu lintas yang tidak sepadan dengan pertambahan jalan, sehingga mengakibatkan antrian kendaraan diruas-ruas tertentu. Jalan yang ada saat ini tidak mampu menampung arus lalu lintas yang terus meningkat.
Pada perencanaan ruas jalan Blitar – Srengat ini menggunakan perkerasan lentur dengan umur rencana 10 tahun. Pada umur rencana 10 tahun susunan perkerasannya adalah 15 cm lapisan permukaan (LASTON MS 744), 20 cm lapisan pondasi atas (batu pecah kelas A) dan 40 cm lapisan pondasi bawah (sirtu kelas A).
Perencanaan geometrik pada ruas jalan Blitar – Srengat ini menggunakan alinyemen horisontal dan alinyemen vertikal. Untuk alinyemen horisontal pada Sta 5+700 memakai lengkung full circle (FC), Sta 3+450 memakai lengkung spiralcircle-
spiral (SCS), dan pada Sta 9+400 memakai lengkung spiral-spiral (SS). Untuk alinyemen vertikal pada Sta 4+900 sampai Sta 5+100 memakai vertikal cembung, Sta 7+900 sampai 8+300 memakai vertikal cekung, dan Sta 9+100 sampai Sta 9+450
memakai vertikal cekung.
Perencanaan saluran drainase dengan dimensi saluran tepi menggunakan tipe trapesium. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat diketahui bahwa kemiringan talud tergantung dari besarnya debit aliran (Q. Untuk kemiringan talud 1:1 didapat kedalaman saluran yang tergenang air (d) = 0,52 m, lebar saluran (b) = 0,50 m, dengan tinggi jagaan (w) = 0,51 m, sedangkan untuk menyalurkan air dari saluran samping gorong
– gorong dengan diameter 1,50 m dan tebal 0,17 m untuk menghindari meluapnya air dan sebagai pembuangan akhir.
Kata kunci : Perkerasan Lentur, Metode Analisa komponen,Alinyemen
Horisontal, Alinyemen Vertikal, Saluran Samping
Local Sources of Income, Capital Expenditures and Human Development Index: Evidence from Central Java, Indonesia
The implementation of regional autonomy is to give authority to local governments in managing of local potentials to allocate revenues in fulfilling the public interest and enhance public welfare. The public welfare can be seen from the increasing of Human Development Index of the region through the allocation of capital expenditures. The objective of the research is to recognize the effects of the Local Own-source Revenue (PAD), the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) towards the Capital Expenditures and the Quality of Human Development (which is measured by Human Development Index HDI). The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling method, with total sample of 24 regencies/municipalities in Central Java. The research data used is the secondary data of the Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget of regional government of regencies/municipalities in Central Java, which includes Local Own-source Revenue (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), Special Allocation Fund (DAK), Regional Expenditures Actual Report and Human Development Index (HDI) in the fiscal years of 2010-2012. Â The results of this research show that the Local Own-source Revenue (PAD), the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) have simultaneously influence on the Human Development Index. Partially, only the Local Own-source Revenue (PAD) has positively influences to Human Development Index
Kajian Potensi e-Commerce Terhadap Industri Buku Digital Indonesia
Mobile computing telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat saat ini. Dengan piranti komputer tablet, pengguna semakin dimudahkan untuk mengakses berbagai macam fitur dan aplikasi yang tersedia. Salah satu pemanfaatan dari tablet adalah untuk membaca buku. Sehingga dampak positif dari maraknya komputer tablet adalah bisa mempengaruhi salah satu industri besar di dunia, yaitu buku. Pelan namun pasti industri buku dunia mengalami adaptasi ekosistem baru dalam ranah industri buku. Toko-toko buku besar di dunia mulai tidak hanya menyediakan versi cetak, melainkan juga sudah menerbitkan versi digitalnya. Tidak ketinggalan dengan luar negeri, ternyata sudah terdapat beberapa penerbit hingga toko buku yang sudah fokus dalam hal buku digital atau sering disebut eBook. Makalah ini akan memaparkan sebuah landscape kajian terhadap potensi dan arah industri buku digital di Indonesia terutama dilihat dari aspek e-Commerce. Dari penelitian, interaksi serta terjun langsung sebagai salah satu pelaku industri buku digital, didapatkan bahwa terjadi perubahan cukup signifikan dari mulai proses rantai nilai dan proses produksi buku digital hingga sampai ke pasar. Perubahan ini mulai terlihat dari proses kreatif penulisan yang bergeser ke arah collaborative writing, pemasaran atau digital distribution, online eBook store, social cataloging/reading, hingga sistem backend terpadu.
Kata-kata kunci: buku digital, ebook, digital publishin
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