23 research outputs found
Structure and Performance of Commercial Banks in Pakistan
Commercial banks undertake business of risk in an environment of asymmetric information. This is why, the industrial economists who are interested in theory of incomplete information and principal-agent framework have found the banking industry a promising field of research. There are number of studies on the behavior of commercial banks in various countries under structure-conduct-performance paradigm of industrial economics. However, there is hardly one in the context of Pakistan. This study attempted to analyze the structure and performance of commercial banks in Pakistan under the framework of industrial organization.commercial banks; Pakistan; Structure conduct performance;
Predicting Money Multiplier in Pakistan
The paper has developed time-series models for the monthly money multiplier and its components, viz., currency-deposit ratio, reserve-deposit ratio, etc. A comparison is made between the predictive performance of the aggregate multiplier and the component models. It is found that the projected values of the multiplier on the basis of the aggregate model are closer to actual values as compared to those worked out on the basis of the component models. Thus, for the purposes of projecting the money multiplier, it may be preferable to focus on the aggregate money multiplier model. Stability tests, applied to the identified models for each component and the overall multiplier, suggest that all the models are stable.
Long-run trend, Business Cycle & Short-run shocks in real GDP
Gross domestic product may be considered, a combination of three processes viz., long-run trend, business cycles and short-run shocks. The series of GDP can be decomposed in to its three components by using some statistical method. Such a decomposition of real GDP of Pakistan reveals that the Pakistanâs economy has a declining growth in long-run trend since early 1980s that however, is expected to start rising in 2001-02. Pakistan is also facing a recessionary phase of third business cycle, which is expected to end in 2004-05.business cycles; growth; pakistan
Monetary and fiscal policies coordination - Pakistan's experience
The paper explores how the monetary and fiscal policies have coordinated with each other in Pakistan. It argues that monetary and fiscal policies have been executed independently throughout the study period that is 1964-65 to 2008-09 and there have been very few instances of coordination between the two policies while addressing prevailing economic conditions. The paper does not find any difference between the behavior of monetary and fiscal policies before and after the establishment of Monetary and Fiscal Policies Coordination Board in 1994. Whatever instances of coordination were found were clustered in military regimes; which may be one of the reasons of macroeconomic stability in such regimes.Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy,
State Bank of Pakistan: Evolution, Functions and Organization
This documents attempts to present, in a concise manner the historical evolution,the various functions, as well as the present organizational setup of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). There was a great need for such a study and I am glad that Mr. Farooq Arby, a research economist at SBP has come up with this paper by skilfully presenting different dimensions of this organization.State Bank, Pakistan, Central Bank,
The size of informal economy in Pakistan
This paper estimates the size of informal economy in Pakistan by using monetary approach with some modifications, electricity consumption approach and MIMIC model. Under monetary approach, we take care of the issue of the stationarity of variables and use autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model instead of simple OLS and add education as an additional factor affecting the size of informal economy along with some other technical improvements in the standard monetary models. The electricity consumption approach and MIMIC models are used for the first time in case of Pakistan. The results show that the informal economy in Pakistan has been about 30 percent of the total economy which declined considerably in 2000s. Currently, about 20 percent of the economic transactions are taking place in the informal sector.Informal Economy, ARDL, MIMIC
Structure and Performance of Commercial Banks in Pakistan
Commercial banks undertake business of risk in an environment of asymmetric information. This is why, the industrial economists who are interested in theory of incomplete information and principal-agent framework have found the banking industry a promising field of research. There are number of studies on the behavior of commercial banks in various countries under structure-conduct-performance paradigm of industrial economics. However, there is hardly one in the context of Pakistan. This study attempted to analyze the structure and performance of commercial banks in Pakistan under the framework of industrial organization
Some Issues in the National Income Accounts of Pakistan (Rebasing, Quarterly and Provincial Accounts and Growth Accounting)
This dissertation takes on some important issues related with national accounts of Pakistan including (a) re-estimation of past series of national accounts (prior to the year 1999-00) to make it consistent with the new official series for years 1999-00 onward at new base year prices; (b) quarterisation of annual series of national accounts to remove one of the major stumbling block in research by making available high frequency data, (c) estimation of provincial accounts with new base year prices, and (d) estimation the contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth with the new series of gross domestic product and its sub-sectors.
Thus by embarking upon the above mentioned issues, the dissertation contributes to the economic literature in the following respects:
⢠It provides a new set of national accounts at 1999-00 prices as well as at current prices for a period from 1970-71 to date consistent with the new official estimates for recent years.
⢠It gives quarterly data of GDP and all its sectors/sub-sectors both at constant prices of 1999-00 and at current prices.1 A by-product of this exercise is quarterly GDP deflator (with 1999-00=100) which was earlier not available in Pakistan.
⢠It presents estimates of provincial GDP and all its sectors/sub-sectors covering all the provinces in a consistent framework.2
⢠It provides series of gross fixed capital formation and capital stock estimated at disaggregated level and at prices of 1999-00.
⢠It estimates contribution of TFP, capital and labour to the growth of GDP and its sectors/sub-sectors (growth rates of new series at 1999-00 prices)
Seigniorage Earnings of Commercial Banks and State Bank of Pakistan
The paper reviews the trend of seigniorage earnings by State Bank of Pakistan and commercial banks. It is found that seigniorage revenue of the SBP has declined overtime which indicates autonomy of the central bank as well as less reliance of the government on SBPâs resources for budget financing. In general, a direct relationship has been observed between seigniorage and inflation in Pakistan. However, at the two extremes of very high or very low inflation an inverse relation is detected
Seigniorage Earnings of Commercial Banks and State Bank of Pakistan
The paper reviews the trend of seigniorage earnings by State Bank of Pakistan and commercial banks. It is found that seigniorage revenue of the SBP has declined overtime which indicates autonomy of the central bank as well as less reliance of the government on SBPâs resources for budget financing. In general, a direct relationship has been observed between seigniorage and inflation in Pakistan. However, at the two extremes of very high or very low inflation an inverse relation is detected