96 research outputs found
The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of food security levels against food insecurity using the GIS (Geographic Information System) method. This research was conducted using a survey method during February and June 2019, located in Indragiri Hilir Regency. The data used are indicators of food security, indicators of food access and indicators of food utilization. In order to know the distribution of data resistance levels, it is analyzed using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The results showed that the distribution of food security levels in the twenty sub-districts in Indragiri Hilir Regency had various conditions including food insecurity, somewhat food insecurity, sufficient food resistance, food resistance and very food resistance. % of stunted children and (%) the ratio of health workers are indicators that affect the level of food security and food insecurity. The study concluded that the distribution of food security levels among sub-districts in Indragiri Hilir Regency has conditions, among others, somewhat food insecurity, food resistance, sufficient food resistance and very food resistance. % of stunted children and (%) the ratio of health workers have an effect on the level of food insecurity as indicators of food security)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebaran tingkat ketahanan pangan terhadap kerawanan pangan menggunakan metode GIS (Geographic Information System). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey selama bulan Febuari dan Juni 2019 berlokasi di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Data yang digunakan merupakan indikator katahanan pangan, indikator akses pangan dan indikator pemanfaatan pangan. Guna mengetahui sebaran tingkat ketahanan pangaan data dianalisa menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebaran tngkat ketahanan pangan dua puluh kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir memiliki kondisi yang beragam diantaranya rawan pangan, agak rawan pangan, cukup tahan pangan, tahan pangan dan sangat tahan pangan. % anak stunting dan (%) rasio tenaga kesehatan merupakan indikator yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat ketahanan pangan kerawanan pangan. Penelitian disimpulkan sebaran tingkat ketahanan pangan antar kecamatan di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir memiliki kondisi antar lain agak rawan pangan, tahan pangan, cukup tahan pangan dan sangat tahan pangan. % anak stunting dan (%) rasio tenaga kesehatan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kerawanan pangan merupakan indikator ketahanan pangan
One of the primary missions of Vocational High School is to prepare students to be candidates for labor who are ready to enter the workforce upon graduation. Schools should be able to prepare students in accordance with the National Education Standards in order to produce graduates who are internationally competitive in their fields. The implementation of a skill competency test is intended to assess the level of student achievement in a skil
Penurunan total polifenol, etanol, asam laktat, asam asetat, dan asam amino selama fermentasi biji kakao asalan dengan penambahan inokulum
ABSTRACTBackground: Farmers mostly produced dry beans without fermentation. Attempts to get dry cocoa beans that have a typical cocoa flavor precursors can be done if there is still a substrate which can be fermented by microbes involved in the fermentation of fresh cocoa beans with the appropriate process conditions.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of variety of techniques fermentation of cocoa beans randomly to quality parameters of fermented cocoa beans, and evaluate the precursors of flavor and volatile compounds produced after roasting.Methods: Stages of the research were as follows: fermentation technique was done 3 variations of fermentation technique that were the first, treatment without the addition of inoculum (control), second, treatment with inoculum of S. cerevisiae (FNCC 3056), L. lactis (FNC 0086) and A. aceti (FNCC 0016), about 108 cfu / g of microbes at the beginning of fermentation (IA). Third, yeast inoculum at the start of fermentation, lactic acid bacteria on the hour of 24 and acetic acid bacteria at 48 hours, with the same mount of microbial population with the second treatment (IB). Fermentation was conducted during 120 hours. Temperature was adjusted during fermentation, that were 35° C the first (24 hours), 45° C (the second 24 hours), 55° C (the third 24 hours) and 35° C (the fourth 24 hours). At the end of stage, fermented cocoa beans were roasted and analyzed for its volatile compound.Results: The results showed that total plyphenols decrease in all treatments during fermentation. It have been to produce hydrophobic amino acids, that were: alanine, tyrosine, valine, phenilalanin, isoleucine and methionin as precursors of flavor with a total of hydrophobic amino acids were owned all treatment.Conclusions: Parameter testing, like aroma precursors and volatile compounds in the treatment shown the highest increase gradually inoculum. KEYWORDS: cocoa beans, fermentation, inoculum, poliphenol, and amino acidABSTRAK Latar belakang: Biji kakao kering ditingkat petani sebagian besar dihasilkan tanpa fermentasi tidak menghasilkan prekursor flavour khas kakao. Upaya untuk mendapatkan biji kakao kering yang memiliki prekursor flavour khas kakao dapat dilakukan apabila terdapat subtrat yang dapat difermentasi oleh mikrobia yang terlibat dalam fermentasi biji kakao segar dengan kondisi proses yang sesuaiTujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh variasi teknik fermentasi biji kakao asalan terhadap parameter mutu biji kakao asalan hasil fermentasi, dan mengevaluasi prekursor flavour dan senyawa volatil yang dihasilkan biji kakao hasil fermentasi pasca sangrai.Metode: Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah 3 variasi teknik fermentasi yaitu pertama perlakuan tanpa penambahan inokulum (kontrol), kedua menggunakan inokulum S. cerevisiae (FNCC 3056), L. lactis (FNC 0086) dan A. aceti (FNCC 0016), masing-masing sekitar 108 cfu/g diberikan serentak di awal fermentasi (IA). Ketiga, pemberian inokulum secara bertahap yeast di awal fermentasi, bakteri asam laktat pada jam ke-24, dan bakteri asam asetat pada jam ke 48 dengan populasi mikrobia sama dengan perlakuan kedua (IB). Fermentasi dilaksanakan selama 120 jam. Suhu diatur selama fermentasi, berturut-turut 35oC (24 jam pertama), 45oC (24 jam kedua), 55oC (24 jam ketiga) dan 35oC (48 jam terakhir), Tahap ketiga, biji kakao hasil fermentasi dari tiga perlakuan tersebut disangrai dan dianalisis senyawa volatilnya.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama fermentasi biji kakao asalan menunjukan total polifenol turun pada ketiga perlakuan. Biji kakao asalan pasca fermentasi menghasilkan asam amino hidrofobik yaitu alanin, tirosin, valin, phenilalanin, isoleusin dan methionin sebagai prekursor flavor dengan total asam amino hidrofobik dimiliki oleh perlakuan penambahan inokulum secara serentak.Kesimpulan: Rehidrasi pulp biji kakao asalan dapat memperbaiki komposisi pulp sebagai subtrat fermentasi. Parameter pengujian, prekursor aroma dan senyawa volatil tertinggi ditunjukkan pada perlakuan penambahan inokulum secara bertahap. KATA KUNCI: biji kakao asalan, fermentasi, inokulum, polifenol dan asam amino hidrofobik
Pengaruh Populasi Mikroba pada Re-fermentasi terhadap Kualitas Biji Kakao Tanpa Fermentasi
This study aimed to determine the effect of microbial populations on the quality of the cocoa beans produced. This research used unfermented cocoa beans and was then referenced by adding inoculum. Three fermentation techniques were applied in this research. First, control (A0), without the addition of inoculum. Second, S. cerevisiae inoculum (FNCC 3056), L. lactis (FNC 0086), and A. aceti (FNCC 0016), each around 108 cfu / g is given simultaneously at the beginning of fermentation (A1). Third, the gradual administration of S. cerevisiae inoculum (FNCC 3056) at the beginning of fermentation, L. lactis (FNC 0086) at 24 hours, and A. aceti (FNCC 0016) at 48 hours with the same microbial population as the second treatment (A3). Fermentation was carried out for five days. The results showed that after being rehydrated as much as 50% weight of the produced dried material, the cocoa beans' composition could be used as a fermentation substrate. The highest population of S. cerevisiae, L. lactis, and A. aceti from three treatments was observed at 24, 48, and 72 hours of fermentation.
Keywords: cocoa beans quality, inoculum, re-fermentation, unfermented
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh populasi mikroba terhadap kualitas biji kakao yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan biji kakao yang tidak difermentasi dan kemudian direferensikan dengan penambahan inokulum. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut fermentasi biji kakao dengan 3 variasi teknik fermentasi yaitu perlakuan pertama (A0) tanpa penambahan inokulum (kontrol), kedua (A1) menggunakan inokulum S. cerevisiae (FNCC 3056), L. lactis (FNC 0086) dan A. aceti (FNCC 0016), masing-masing sekitar 108 cfu/g diberikan secara bersamaan pada awal fermentasi, ketiga (A2) pemberian bertahap inokulum S. cerevisiae (FNCC 3056) pada awal fermentasi, L. lactis (FNC 0086) pada 24 jam dan A. aceti (FNCC 0016) pada 48 jam dengan populasi mikroba sama dengan perlakuan kedua. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 5 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah direhidrasi sebanyak 50% dari berat bahan yang dihasilkan komposisi biji kakao dapat digunakan sebagai substrat fermentasi. Populasi S. cerevisiae, L. lactis dan A. aceti tertinggi dari tiga perlakuan pada 24, 48 dan 72 jam fermentasi.
Kata kunci: inokulum, kualitas, re-fermentasi, tanpa fermentas
Abstrak: Taluk Kuantan merupakan salah satu Kecamatan di Kabupeten Kuantan Sengingi. Salah satu komoditas yang banyak dibudidayakan adalah tanaman kelapa sawit yang dalam budidayanya memerlukan peran per bankan guna menyertaan modalnya. BRI sebagai salah satu bank yang selama ini membantu dalam pembiayan kepada para petani kelapa sawit. Guna menambahkan pengetahuan tentang budidaya kelapa sawit dan bisnis kelapa sawit maka diadakan pelatihan kepada Mantri BRI. Peserta merupakan Mantri BRI dari kantor unit BRI di wilayah Kabupaten Kuantan Sengingi sebanyak 40 orang. Untuk mendapatkan Mantri BRI yang mempunyai kemampuan dalam budidaya dan bisnis kelapa sawit maka dilaksanakan pelatihan budidaya dan bisnis kelapa sawit. Metoda pelatihan meliputi ceramah dan praktek, Hasil pelatihan dievaluasi sebelum dan setelah pelatihan melalui post test. Hasil post test menunjukan peningkatan kemampuan Mantri BRI dalam budidaya dan bisnis Kelapa Sawit sebesar 80% peserta dari seluruh materi yang diberikan.Abstract: Kuantan is one of the sub-districts in Kabupeten Kuantan Sengingi. One of the commodities that is widely cultivated is the oil palm plant, which in its cultivation requires a bank role to include its capital. BRI as one of the banks that has been helping in financing oil palm farmers. In order to increase knowledge about oil palm cultivation and the palm oil business, training was held to the BRI Mantri. The participants were BRI Mantri from the BRI unit office in the Kuantan Sengingi Regency area as many as 40 people. To get BRI Mantri who has the ability in the cultivation and business of oil palm, training on cultivation and oil palm business is carried out. The training method includes lectures and practices, training results are evaluated before and after training through post-tests. The post-test results showed an increase in the ability of the BRI Mantri in the cultivation and business of Palm Oil by 80% of the participants from all materials provided
Abstrak: Ketersediaan lahan yang kecil, pengeluaran yang rendah dan kemampuan pembiayaan, merupakan faktor khas bagi petani muda, sehingga bertanam sayur secara hidroponik merupakan sebuah solusi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tenaga kerja dalam mengembangkan pertanian melalui hidroponik sayuran sederhana memiliki kompetensi pembudidaya hidroponik sayuran. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu pelatihan, praktek dan uji kompetensi sesuai SKKNI (Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia) dengan mitra Dinas Tenaga Kerja Pemerintah Kota Batam sebanyak 30 orang. Pelatihan dilakukan didalam kelas, praktek langsung ke kebun hidroponik. Untuk uji kompetensi menggunakan materi uji kompetensi dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi. Hasil yang dicapai yaitu peserta memiliki kompetensi mengoperasikan dan merawat peralatan tangan, mengenal tanaman, produk dan perlakuannya, mengenal organisme penganggu tanaman dan musuh alami, memilih bahan-bahan kimia dan biologi, menerapkan ketentuan keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan di tempat kerja, menanam bahan tanam, menyediakan prasarana pesemaian tanaman, memanen hasil tanaman, melakukan penanganan pasca panen, memelihara sistem hidroponik, memonitor sistem hidroponik, dan memasang sistem hidroponik. Guna mengetahui perubahan pengetahuan memakai metode test tulis dan lisan dari hasil kegiatan dapat disimpulkan terjadi peningkatan kemampuan tenaga kerja muda dalam Bertani hiidroponik sayuran sebesar 40%.Abstract: Small land availability, low expenditure and financing ability are typical factors for young farmers, so growing vegetables hydroponically is a solution. The purpose of service activities is to improve the ability of the workforce in developing agriculture through simple vegetable hydroponics to have the competence of vegetable hydroponic cultivators. The implementation method is training, practice and competency tests according to SKKNI (Indonesian National Work Competency Standards) with 30 partners of the Batam City Government Manpower Office. Training is carried out in the classroom, direct practice to the hydroponic garden. For competency tests using competency test materials from Professional Certification Bodies. The results achieved are that participants have the competence to operate and care for hand tools, know plants, products and their treatment, know plant disturbing organisms and natural enemies, choose chemicals and biology, apply safety, occupational health and environmental provisions in the workplace, plant planting material, provide plant seedling infrastructure, harvest crop products, carry out post-harvest handling, maintain hydroponic systems, monitor the hydroponic system, and install the hydroponic system. In order to determine the change in knowledge using written and oral test methods from the results of activities, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the ability of young workers in vegetable hydrodroponic farming by 40%
The study aims to determine the effect of adding microbes to the fermentation process of "Asalan" cocoa beans on their quality. Three treatments were applied: the first treatment (A0) served as the control without any microbe addition; the second treatment (A1) involved the addition of NKL and fermipan yeasts at the beginning of fermentation; and the third treatment (A2) included the addition of 1% fermipan yeast initially, followed by 1% NKL yeast after 24 hours. Seed discoloration was evaluated using the Cut Test, while microbial populations were analyzed using the Pour Plate Method. The results showed that at 24, 48, and 72 hours of fermentation, treatment A2 had the highest populations of S. cerevisiae (12.55 x 10-7 cfu/g), L. lactis (12.53 x 10-7 cfu/g), and A. aceti (12.13 x 10-7 cfu/g) among the three treatments. The highest percentage of cocoa bean chips (97.01%) was also observed in treatment A2. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that treatment A2 enhances the population growth and induces a brown color change in cocoa bean
Total of phenol and antioxydant activities of rice bran yoghurt
ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Bekatul merupakan salah satu produk pertanian Indonesia yang kaya akan zat bioaktif, terutama senyawa fenolik dan fitokimia. Senyawa fenolik sulit diekstraksi karena seratnya tidak larut air. Salah satu cara untuk mengekstraksinya yaitu dengan fermentasi. Yogurt merupakan salah satu produk fermentasi susu. Adanya penambahan bekatul ke dalam yogurt dapat meningkatkan efek fungsionalnya, tidak hanya efek kesehatan saluran cerna, tetapi juga efek antioksidatifnya.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses fermentasi terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan total fenol yogurt dengan adanya penambahan bekatul.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Ada 4 formula yogurt yang berbeda pada jumlah bekatul yang ditambahkan, antara lain: 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Total fenol dianalisis menggunakan metode Follin-Ciocalteu dan aktivitas antioksidan dianalisis dengan metode DPPH. Data kemudian dianalisis statistika menggunakan one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata Duncan.Hasil: Penambahan bekatul pada konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi memengaruhi persentase total fenol yang makin tinggi juga, antara lain 0,03±0,00; 0,04±0,00; 0,06±0,00; dan 0,07±0,00% untuk penambahan konsentasi bekatul 0, 5, 10, dan 15%. Aktivitas antioksidan juga meningkat secara signifikan dari 25,77±0,14% untuk sampel tanpa penambahan bekatul menjadi 47,43±0,29% untuk sampel dengan penambahan bekatul 15%.Kesimpulan: Penambahan bekatul memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan total fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan yogurt. KATA KUNCI: bekatul, yogurt, aktivitas antioksidan, total phenol ABSTRACTBackground: Rice bran is one of Indonesia agricultural product that is high in bioactives, especially phenolic and phytochemical compounds. Phenolic compunds are difficult to extract because the fiber can not solute in water. An alternative way to extract is by fermentation. Yogurt is one of dairy fermentation product. The addition of rice bran into the yogurt will improve its functional effect, not only provides the gastrointestinal health effects but also antioxidant activity. Objectives: To investigate the influence of fermentation process on the antioxidant activity and total phenol of yogurt with the addition of rice bran.Methods: This was an experimental study using completely randomized design. There were 4 formulation of yogurts with different amount of rice bran, i.e. 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Total phenol was measured by Follin-Ciocalteu methods and the antioxidant activity was analyzed by DPPH. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and continued to Duncan’s multiple range test.Results: The addition of rice bran in higher concentration showed higher percentage of total phenol, those were 0.03±0.00; 0.04±0.00; 0.06±0.00; and 0.07±0.00 respectively for the addition of 0, 5, 10, and 15% of rice bran. The antioxidant activities were also increased significantly from 25.77±0.14% for sample without rice bran to 47.43±0.29% for sample with the addition of 15% rice bran. Conclusions: The addition of rice bran gave the significant effect on total phenol and antioxidant activity of yogurt. KEYWORDS: rice bran, yogurt, antioxidant activity, total pheno
Abstrak: Desa Sungai Empat adalah salah satu desa dalam wilayah kecamatan Gaung Anak Serka kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Peningkatan produktivitas sagu memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan yaitu pencemaran lingkungan. Pencemaran lingkungan disebabkan pengolahan tepung sagu yang dilakukan masyarakat dengan membuang limbah cairnya ke lingkungan tanpa melakukan pengolahan lebih lanjut. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan membuat nata de sago sebagai produk diversifikasi produk sagu. Nata de sago merupakan produk olahan berbahan baku dari limbah cair sehingga dapat memberikan nilai tambah (added value), meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi dan penyuluhan, pelatihan pembuatan Nata De Sago, dan evaluasi sebelum, selama dan setelah kegiatan menggunakan soal. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat bahwa mitra menunjukkan hasil yang positif dan mampu menerapkan dibuktikan dengan peningkatan prosentase dari 10% menjadi 80% peserta mampu membuat nata de sagu. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat mampu mengurangi pencamaran lingkungan dengan diversifikasi produk sagu. Abstract: Sungai Empat Village is one of the villages in the Gaung Anak Serka sub-district, Indragiri Hilir district. Increased productivity of sago has a negative impact on the environment, namely environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is caused by the processing of sago flour by the community by disposing of its liquid waste into the environment without further processing. This community service aims to make nata de sago as a diversified product of sago products. Nata de sago is a processed product made from raw liquid waste so that it can provide added value, increasing people's income. The methods used are socialization and counseling, training on making Nata De Sago, and evaluation before, during and after activities using questions. The results of community service that partners show positive results and are able to implement are proven by increasing the percentage from 10% to 80% of participants being able to make nata de sago. Based on the results of the training, it can be concluded that the community is able to reduce environmental pollution by diversifying sago products
Abstrak: Kuantitas kakao yang diproduksi di Indonesia telah berkembang secara signifikan, meskipun kualitasnya telah berfluktuasi. Teknik pengolahan kakao yang tidak memadai, termasuk fermentasi dan pengeringan, menghasilkan kualitas yang buruk. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatan mutu biji kakao petani melalui pelatihan fermentasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan 15 Maret 2022 sampai dengan 15 April 2022, metode yang digunakan adalah teori dan praktek diakhiri dengan evaluasi. Metode teori merupakan pemberian pemahaman tentang tingkat kematangan buah kakao serta pentingnya fermentasi terhadap mutu biji kakao secara ceramah dalam kelas. Metode praktek dilakukan dilapangan secara langsung, baik menentukan kematangan buah kakao dan melakukan fermentasi. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan perubahan mutu biji kakao sebelum dan setelah pelatihan, serta peningkatan teknologi pengolahan biji kakao. Mitra pada kegiatan ini yaitu Evaluasi di Desa Sungai Dusun, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau. Guna mengetahui perubahan pengetahuan memakai metode test tulis dan lisan dari hasil kegiatan dapat disimpulkan terjadi peningkatan mutu biji kakao petani sebesar 32%.Abstract: The quantity of cocoa produced in Indonesia has grown significantly, although its quality has fluctuated. Inadequate cocoa processing techniques, including fermentation and drying, results in poor quality. The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of farmers' cocoa beans through fermentation training. Implementation of activities March 15 2022 to April 15 2022, the method used is theory and practice ending with evaluation. The theoretical method is the provision of an understanding of the maturity level of cocoa pods and the importance of fermentation on the quality of cocoa beans through lectures in class. The practical method is carried out directly in the field, both determining the maturity of the cocoa pods and carrying out the fermentation. This activity resulted in changes in the quality of cocoa beans before and after training, as well as improvements in cocoa bean processing technology. The partner in this activity is Evaluation in Sungai Dusun Village, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province. In order to find out changes in knowledge using the written and oral test methods from the results of the activity it can be concluded that there was an increase in the quality of the farmers' cocoa beans by 32%
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