14 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Individu Dan Persepsi Tentang Gaya Pengasuhan Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Multi Media I Smk Negeri 2 Sukorejo

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    The study result is influenced by many factors, like internal or external factors. The individual characteristic is one of the internal factors, and perseption of caring style is one of the external factor that can influence the student study result. The study result needs a stimulus from internal individual take the case of talent, interest and attitude, whereas an external stimulus (parent) is a caring style to achieve optimize result. Stimulus that given by parent, is applied through caring style at home. To know as far as the factors can influence student study result, it needs to be known from a research. The research result is expected can give a suggestion that support the increasing of study result. The purposes of the research are to analyze the correlation of individual characters to student study result at x grade of MM1 SMK N 2 Sukorejo. Analyzing the correlation perception of caring style to student study result at x grade of MMI SMK N 2 Sukorejo, analyzing the influence of individual characteristic and perception the caring style to the student study result at x grade of MMI SMK N 2 Sukorejo. The population of this research is the student at x grade of Multi Media I (X MM1) SMK Negeri 2 Sukorejo, there are 37 students. The data analyzing is done by using double analyzing regretion with significant experiment F and significant experiment t. The research’s conclution are (1) The individual characteristic infuelnces positive significant to study result’s increasing, it means that,if be high talent, interest and attitude that is brought by the student to learning process, the study result will be higher. (2) Perception about caring style influence positive significant to study result’s increasing, it means, if it is better the description about interaction between son or daughter and parent as long as carrying out caring activity in educating son or daughter, it will be higher the student study result. (3) The individual characteristic and perception about caring style in a manner of simultaneous having significant influence to student study result, it means the student study result ddepends on student’s talent, interest and attitude along with interaction between student and parent. If be higher talent, interest and attitude along with the interaction between student and parent, it will support the student’s learning process., so, the study result increases too . (4) The large of proportion or variable’s supply of individual characteristic and perception about caring style to the student study result is about 27.6 % whereas the residu of 72.4% is influenced by other factor

    Andika Aprilianto's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity


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    gailhkjhjHKhckjgcjymGAHSxam,bzXN nb


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    gailhkjhjHKhckjgcjymGAHSxam,bzXN nb

    Pendidikan Islam dan Tantangan Multikultural: Tinjauan Filosofis

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    Pendidikan multikultural dapat dikatakan sebagai respon terhadap fenomena budaya, sosial, dan konflik etnis yang muncul di tengah masyarakat yang berlandaskan multikultural. Multikulturalisme merupakan sebuah pemahaman yang menerima adanya masyarakat majemuk sehingga menghindari konflik horizontal yang ada dalam masyarakat. Konteks pendidikan multikultural hanya menanamkan tata tertib kehidupan seperti menghormati, berkasih sayang, tulus, serta bertoleran terhadap keanekaragaman budaya yang hidup ditengah masyarakat plural. Tujuan utama dari pendidikan multikultural ialah memproduksi generasi-generasi umat yang memiliki ilmu, keterampilan serta mampu menerapkan kehidupan bersama dalam masyarakat sebagai ummat yang terbaik/khoiru umma

    Implikasi Teori Operant Conditioning terhadap Perundungan di Sekolah

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    Bullying at school is a serious problem in Indonesia. To overcome this problem, the theory of operant conditioning from B.F. Skinner can provide important insights. This article explores how operant conditioning theory can be applied to overcome school bullying. Bullying is aggressive behaviour carried out repeatedly to attack a weaker party. In operant conditioning, behaviour is influenced by its consequences, whether in the form of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, or punishment. Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behaviour being used, while punishment reduces it. Operant conditioning principles can be applied to reduce bullying behaviour, such as providing positive reinforcement for good behaviour and strict consequences for bullying behaviour. Teachers are important in implementing this principle to create a safe school environment. Operant conditioning-based interventions such as social skills training and forming support communities can help change bullying behaviour. However, bullying involves many factors, so operant conditioning theory is only one perspective in overcoming this problem. A comprehensive approach is needed involving various strategies and stakeholders in the school

    Implikasi Teori Operant Conditioning terhadap Perundungan di Sekolah

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    Bullying at school is a serious problem in Indonesia. To overcome this problem, the theory of operant conditioning from B.F. Skinner can provide important insights. This article explores how operant conditioning theory can be applied to overcome school bullying. Bullying is aggressive behaviour carried out repeatedly to attack a weaker party. In operant conditioning, behaviour is influenced by its consequences, whether in the form of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, or punishment. Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behaviour being used, while punishment reduces it. Operant conditioning principles can be applied to reduce bullying behaviour, such as providing positive reinforcement for good behaviour and strict consequences for bullying behaviour. Teachers are important in implementing this principle to create a safe school environment. Operant conditioning-based interventions such as social skills training and forming support communities can help change bullying behaviour. However, bullying involves many factors, so operant conditioning theory is only one perspective in overcoming this problem. A comprehensive approach is needed involving various strategies and stakeholders in the school

    Permainan Edukasi (Game) Sebagai Strategi Pendidikan Karakter

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    Game Sebagai Strategi Pendidikan Karakter. Dimasa sekarang ini pendidikan karakter sangatlah penting ditanamkan kepada anak sejak dini. Kehidupan modern dengan aktifitas sosialnya yang makin beragam dikhawatirkan bisa merubah dan mempengaruhi karakter anak. Penanaman karakter ini bisa dimulai dari lingkungan terkecil dan terdekat mereka yaitu keluarga. Selanjutnya bisa dikembangkan lagi di lingkungan pendidikan sekolah dan lingkungan masyarakat disekitar mereka. Penanaman karakter pada anak tidak hanya dilakukan lewat pemberian materi-materi pembelajaran di sekolah ataupun pembiasaan-pembiasaan saja. Tapi juga bisa dilakukan melalui kegiatan yang menyenangkan yaitu bermain. Bermain ini bisa menggunakan permainan yang bersifat edukatif menggunakan media dan ataupun tanpa menggunakan media. Melalui pemainan-permainan edukatif tersebut diharapkan mampu menanamkan karakter-karakter yang baik kepada anak

    Strategi Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik

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    This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto, the type of research carried out was qualitative research methods. This research approach uses a descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were principals, teachers/employees, and students. In collecting data, researchers used observation, interview, and documentation methods, while data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data presentation, and triangulation. This study aims to find out how the planning, organizing, implementation, and supervision are carried out by school principals and to find out how the process of implementing and evaluating school principals in improving student achievement at SMAN 1 Mojosari. The results of the research carried out are: the management function carried out by the principal is to use planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. Furthermore, the strategy carried out by the principal is to plan programs for students starting from the lesson plans and extracurricular activities, while for teachers to make guided activities and guidance. In the process of implementation, the principal determines school policies, motivates educators and staff performance personnel, allocates human resources, and develops a culture of local school wisdom. Then in the evaluation process the principal monitors all the results of activities that have been carried out from the predetermined plans, measures individual and school performance, takes corrective steps

    Efektivitas Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah Dalam Mengembangkan Kompetensi Guru Di MIN 6 Aceh Timur

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    This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of Madrasah-Based Management (MBM) in developing teacher competency at MIN 6 East Aceh. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. Data sources were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that implementing MBM in MIN 6 East Aceh has generally gone well despite several obstacles. In the aspect of developing teacher competency, MIN 6 East Aceh has made efforts such as providing opportunities for teachers to improve their educational qualifications, developing educator management through internal Teacher Working Groups (KKG), and providing opportunities to attend seminars. Factors supporting the implementation of MBM in MIN 6 East Aceh include strong leadership of the madrasa head, availability of human resources, adequate facilities and infrastructure, and fairly high community participation. The inhibiting factors in implementing MBM at MIN 6 East Aceh include limited classroom space, lack of networks and community participation, still centralized administration, and limited budget to develop teacher competency. To overcome these obstacles, MIN 6 East Aceh needs to strengthen networks and partnerships with the community, seek to increase the budget to support training and professional development activities for teachers and increase the number of classrooms. Overall, the implementation of MBM at MIN 6 East Aceh has positively impacted the development of teacher competency and improved the quality of education in madrasas