21 research outputs found

    Communication in Education: An Abandoned Research (Phenomenological Study of Communication of Education in Makassar)

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    This research is motivated by the phenomenon of communication as an essential part of education, but did not get a major concern as part of the education itself. As the most important part of the educational process, it does not develop communication education in teaching and research. So it is necessary to remind communication education as a major part of education, especially for educators and research studies are interesting to explore. This study shows the phenomenon of primary educator in the city of Makassar, which is now not only an educator of teachers in the classroom, but also has many roles to be in lakoninya. On the other hand, a lot of problems going on in the world of education in Singapore is often regarded as miscommunication between educators and learners, but the communication is not taught as part of primary education for teacher educators. This is the background of the underlying communication researchers powerful enough to reveal the phenomenon of education to form and grow at a very strong local Makassar. Culture in Singapore as well as in various regions in Indonesia, affecting the communications made by educators. Conditions and education policy changes to make educators in Makassar deal with the problem of communication, policy, social, heritage that is often discussed in this DIFFERENT. Research using the method of Phenomenology. The process of data collection is done by in-depth interviews and observations, the educators consisting of thirteen levels of education and from the two public universities in Makassar. Several theories support used in this dissertation include: Social Actions, Phenomenology and Symbolic Interaction. The study found a wide range of phenomena encountered as the motivation underlying the education profession as an educator, motivational educators communicate, communication educators generally in the classroom and in the Classroom Affairs, as well as cultural influences communication


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    The purpose of this study is to produce valid and practical educational video media products for use in the learning process. This research is carried out using the type of research and development (R&D) to produce a product. This study aims to, 1) determine the level of media needs for cultural education video media of the Kajang tribe, 2) know how to design educational video media, 3) know the level of validity and practicality of educational video media. The product development model used, namely the ADDIE Model in Husni (2018) consists of several stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This model is suitable for developing interactive media because this model specifically discusses each component described in detail. The data collection techniques used are Qualitative Descriptive Analysis and Qualitative Descriptive Analysis. The subjects in this study were 2 validators consisting of media experts and content or material experts, class X students totaling 34 students and 1 teacher response. The validation results show that the educational video media products developed are declared to be of good qualification


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengukkur kompetensi awal guru dalam membuat media video, mendeskripsikan gambaran pelaksanaan pelatihan media video, dan mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh pelatihan media video terhadap kompetensi guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran di SD Negeri Bara-Baraya 1 Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh pelatihan media video terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam membuat media pembeelajaran di SD Negeri Bara-Baraya 1 Kota Makassar. Lokasi penelitian di laksanakan di SD Negeri Bara-Baraya 1 Kota Makassar. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanya 10 guru dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purosiveI. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan twknik observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji t-test. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan uji ttest maka diperoleh nilai rata-rata kompetensi guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran di SD Negeri Bara-Baraya 1. Setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan media video lebih tinggi dibanding sebelum pelaksanaan pelatihan media video. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan media video menggunakan aplikasi Wondershare Filmora terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam membuat media pembelajaran di SD Negeri Bara-Baraya 1 Kota Makassar

    Fast Food: Gaya Hidup dan Promosi Makanan Siap Saji

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    As the capital city of South Sulawesi, Makassar’s economy has developed significantly. This is accompanied by mushrooming of food industry, such as catering, cafetaria and restaurant, including fast food restaurant, which can be seen from the increase number of such industry in many corners of the city. This article deals with how fast food restaurant has changed people’s life style and how such restaurant is promoted in various ways by different agents. Fast food restaurants have well developed—particularly in terms of variation of menu, taste, restaurant facilities, and services—and this has attracted many, including family and fast become ‘comfort food’ for its customers. People’s eating habit has changed, fast food reataurant is one of the pioneers of such change, from making fast food restaurant just as a dining area to become a place where people can eat and relax.  Fast food restaurant was promoted not only by the restauran itself in various ways (i.e. advertisements, meal packages, payment methods in cooperation with certain banks, internal services, etc.), but also by the family from mother to children (and other members of the family and visa versa) through various occasion (i.e. eating out on the weekend, birthday party, arisan, etc.). The health information which concerning nutrition of fast food is poorly understood by the family. Despite the fact that nutrition and health aspects of fast food are considered, they are not really the primary matter of concern, reflecting the lack of awareness regarding nutricious and healthy food

    Love Affair in the Afternoon

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    Korean drama is one of the most interesting shows for women in Indonesia nowadays. In spite of the fact that Korean drama offers many themes and genres, one of the most popular theme is love affair between married men (pebinor) and married women (pelakor). Even thpugh both are stigmatized, the former is not quite popular as compared to the latter, indicating that pelakor is more stigmatized than pebinor. In most of the dramas, the main actor is a married man, who has an affair with another woman. Using visual material of a selected Korean drama, entitled “Love Affair in the Afternoon” (2019) which deals with an extramarital relations between a married woman and a married man, this article analyses pieces of the scenes in the drama which include dialogues, monologues, locations and symbols in 16 episodes. The study shows that "Love Affair in the Afternoon" demonstrated the character of the main artist that is different from the common attributes attached to female lover (pelakor). As a wife, the portrait of Son Ji-eun's is associated with domestic roles and tends to be less demanding and expression which can be seen from her face, actions and speech. As a lover, Son Ji-eun is portrayed differently, she becomes more expressive in her attitude and action i.e. daring, and more opened. At the beginning she was totally obedient on her life and accepted everything until she finally decided to take a stance on her own destiny, and started realizing that she has an authority according to her own need. This Korean drama shows that lust or wealth is not always become a reason for someone to have an affair, there are many other reasons that make someone to have an extra marital relations. The drama shows that infidelity is not always dominated by men. It can be a man and a woman, but an affair is always considered negative. While mainstream media displays the common characters of female lovers as flirty, preening, and evil, this is not the case in this Korean drama. The drama still shows rejection of infidelity, suffering, separation, and divorce. This indicates that an affair is still something unacceptable. This drama has also succesfully reconstructed the image of the actor as a disturber and a socially hated person to become one who gets sympathy. It shows that media have the strong influenced in changing society’s point of view


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    This research aims to develop an English digital module for students of class V-B at UPT SPF SDN Daya II Makassar as a learning resource in supporting the learning process in the classroom. The problem in this research is the lack of learning resources such as interactive and practical digital modules that support the learning process of both teachers and students. This research aims to 1) Describe the level of need for the development of English digital modules at UPT SPF SDN Daya II Makassar; 2) Describe the design of English digital module at UPT SPF SDN Daya II Makassar; (3) Describe the level of validity and practicality of English digital module development at UPT SPF SDN Daya II Makassar. This research was conducted by using the Research and Development (R&D) research type using the ADDIE development model. The subjects of this study were 28 students and one homeroom teacher. The results of this study showed that 1) Identification of the level of need for the development of digital English modules is in the qualification of very needed; 2) The design of the English digital module uses the Canva application, with the output in the form of an html link that is easily accessed by students. 3) The results of testing the validity and practicality of the digital English module conducted by material and media experts show very valid qualifications. As well as the results of practical testing conducted by one V-B homeroom teacher are very good qualifications

    Manajemen Portalmakassar.com dalam Menjaga Kredibilitas sebagai Media Online Terverifikasi Dewan Pers

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    Portalmakassar.com adalah media online yang sudah terverfikasi Dewan Pers sejak2019. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana manajemen Portalmakassar.com dalammenjaga kredibilitas sebagai media online yang terverifikasi Dewan Pers. Penelitian inidilakukan dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkanbahwa Portalmakassar.com tetap berkomitmen dan konsisten mematuhi rambu-rambu kodeetik jurnalistik sebagai komitmen menjaga kredibilitas sebagai media online yang terverifikasiDewan Pers


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    Abstrak Teknologi yang bergerak cepat, memaksa setiap dimensi kehidupan untuk bergerak cepat pula, termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Kebutuhan bahan ajar sebagai bagian dari proses belajar-mengajar, yang selama ini masih mengandalkan pada buku teks (cetak) tidak lagi menarik perhatian mahasiswa, begitupun internet meskipun ada jurnal online ataupun website, artikel-artikel yang belum terverifikasi kebenarannya masih menjadi pilihan bagi mahasiswa. Kondisi tersebut menuntut kreativitas bagi pendidik terutama di perguruan tinggi. Sinematografi adalah salah satu matakuliah dengan peminat yang tinggi, namun memiliki keterbatasan dalam pertemuan di kelas karena berbasis proyek. Kemampuan buku digital berbasis flipbook ini menjadi pilihan yang dianggap tepat karena tidak hanya menawarkan teks, tapi juga gambar dan video, tanpa membutuhkan internet. Artikel ini menggambarkan proses penerimaan mahasiswa terhadap buku digital berbasis Flipbook yang dikembangkan sebagai bahan ajar untuk Mata kuliah Sinematografi pada Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Artikel ini adalah penelitian dengan deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data utama diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam pada beberapa Mahasiswa berdasarkan Teknik Purposive sampling, kuesioner serta pengamatan langsung di kelas Sinematografi selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung, baik secara tatap muka maupun pertemuan kelas yang berlangsung di group Obrolan Whatsapp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan antusiasme mahasiswa dalam menggunakan buku digital berbasis flipbook sebagai bahan ajar untuk mata kuliah Sinematografi. Hal ini merupakan hal yang baru di Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, mahasiswa menganggap buku digital berbasis flipbook ini menawarkan lebih banyak kemudahan dibandingkan buku teks biasa, seperti lebih mudah dibawa-bawa, ada video tutorial, lembaran yang berwarna-warni, gambar bisa di zoom dan tidak membutuhkan akses internet serta biaya. Kata Kunci: Buku Digital; Mahasiswa; Media Pembelajaran; Flipbook; Sinematografi Abstract The technology that moving so fast, forces every dimension of life to move quickly too, including in education process. The need for teaching materials as part of the teaching-learning process, which so far still refers to textbooks no longer attracts the attention of students. Even though there are online journals or websites, unverified articles are still the choice for students, because that showing fast in Search Engine. These conditions require creativity for educators, especially in universities. Cinematography is one of the subjects with high interest of students to learn, but it has limitations face to face class because it is project-based. The ability of this flipbook-based digital book is considered the right choice because it not only offers text, but also images and videos, without internet connection. This article describes the process of student admission to a Flipbook-based digital book that was developed as a teaching material for Cinematography Courses at Education Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education,University negeri Makassar. This article is a qualitative descriptive study, the main data source was obtained through in-depth interviews with several students based on Purposive sampling techniques, questionnaires and direct observation in Cinematography class during the teaching and learning process, both face to face and class meetings taking place in the Whatsapp Chat group.The results of the study showed the enthusiasm of students in using flipbook-based digital books as teaching materials for Cinematography courses. This is a new thing in the Educational Technology Study Program, students consider this flipbook-based digital book offers more convenience than ordinary textbooks, such as being easier to carry, there are tutorial videos, colorful sheets, images can be zoom and free. Keywords: Digital books; Students; Learning media; Flipbook;, Cinematograph


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    Penggunaan media digital cenderung mudah untuk dilakukan oleh siapa saja, Namun pengguna dengan kemampuan literasi digital yang kuat dapat menggunakan media digital secara etis selain dapat menggunakan instrumennya. Oleh sebab itu, proses pembelajaran secara mandiri akan lebih mudah dilakukan ketika memiliki keterampilan dalam berliterasi digital. Penelitian ini menelaah tentang Literasi Digital dalam Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Angkatan 2021 Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kemampuan literasi digital dalam pembelajaran dari mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling bersamaan dengan pendekatan studi kasus deskriptif kualitatif. Wawancara dan observasi digunakan sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa angkatan 2021 Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan literasi digital untuk mendapatkan informasi pembelajaran. Hal ini terlihat dari cara mahasiswa mengaplikasikan indikator literasi digital mulai dari pencarian di Internet (internet searching), dimana informan melakukan pencaraian pada search engine dengan menentukan kata kunci. Menggunakan pandu arah hypertext (hypertextual navigation), yang mana walaupun informan belum familiar dengan hypertext, tetapi seringkali menggunakan kompetensi ini secara tidak sadar. Mengevaluasi konten informasi (content evaluation), kemampuan mengavaluasi konten pada informan telah massif dilakukan, membandingkan sumber belajar dengan sumber-sumber lain yang lebih berkualitas, akurat dan terpercaya. Menyusun pengetahuan (knowledge assembly), kemampuan menyusun pengetahuan telah diterapkan informan, informan banyak menggunakan literatur-literatur ilmiah. Selain itu, informan juga mencari referensi pembelajaran melalui platform yang mendukung gaya belajar seperti audio dan visual masing-masing informan

    The development of instructional materials on sex education for elementary school students

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    This study aims to develop a picture book and to investigate its validity and practicality for elementary school students. A research and development framework was employed, utilizing the ADDIE model, which consists of three stages: analysis, design, and development. Data were collected through questionnaires and an instrument for validity testing. Product testing was conducted in two stages: (1) validity testing, which involved a subject expert, a learning media expert, and an instructional design expert and (2) practicality testing, which involved five students from a small group and 26 students from a large group. The data were then analyzed by integrating both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Results showed the following: the validity was rated by the instructional materials expert at 87%, qualifying as good, and by the instructional media expert at 98%, qualifying as very good. Meanwhile, the practicality was rated by the small group at 98% and by the large group at 96%, both qualifying as very good. These results indicate that guided inquiry-based animated video media was determined to be suitable for use in early childhood learning