52 research outputs found

    The role of internal R&D in operational performance as moderated by intellectual property rights: The Malaysian manufacturing perspective

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    This paper reviews the role played by a company’s internal R&D in stimulating operational performance of a manufacturing company, which is moderated by intellectual property rights (IPR), particularly patents, in Malaysia.The constructs of this paper are based on a comprehensive review of recent literature on internal R&D and operational performance moderated by patents. A detailed discussion revealed implications on policy making, especially for government or related authorities in promoting and enforcing IPR. IPR policy especially regarding patents should be part of a company’s business strategy. Implementing IPR will safeguard new invention, innovation, or processes in the long run. Furthermore, the company may gain benefits in creating new business opportunity during various patenting stages.The environment and conditions for R&D activity have changed significantly in the last decade.Thus, effective practice of internal R&D gives advantage to the company from three different aspects; namely, the ability to develop and grow critical human resource, dynamic involvement in the corporate R&D programme, and the ability to connect information. Therefore, the relationship between internal R&D and operational performance moderated by IPR would encourage the betterment of the company in the future.In summary, this paper highlights the importance of internal R&D toward operational performance of a company moderated by IPR, as well as reviews the latest literature from the perspectives of sustainability and innovation

    An implementation of quality management principles to enhance the organization performance: A case study

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    This paper presenting the findings from a case study conducted on the quality management principles in a Malaysian’s SMEs food and beverages. The objective of this research is to determine and identify the quality management principles towards the organization performance in the XYZ Industry Sdn. Bhd. In order to achieve the objective, a case study was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews with the top managers.The findings show out about a number of quality management principles have been identified as contributors towards organization’s performance.Since this research only focuses on a SMEs and beverage industry (traditional herbs drinks), therefore, the findings could be used to generalize within the similar business in the similar industry.The paper emphasizes that the implementation of quality management principles can be used as a framework to improve organization’s performance

    The relationship between external and internal factors of information system success towards employee performance: A case of Royal Malaysia Custom Department

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    The purpose of this paper is to review external and internal factors of Information Systems (IS) success towards employee performance.The construct of this paper is based on a comprehensive review of recent literature s on external and internal factors of IS success towards employee performance.Detailed discussions follow is to give implications on policy making, especially to the top management of the Royal Malaysia Custom Department (RMCD).External and internal factors of Information systems success largely contributed to the employee performance in achieving the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) as directed by the top management.The information system implementation in RMCD is very crucial due to its duty to collect the revenue for the country.It is also in line with the approach by all government agencies that tries to improve the public services and efficiency in terms of access to information and transaction services.This paper provides the importance of External and Internal Factors of Information Systems Success towards Employee Performance as well as reviewing latest literatures from the perspectives of sustainability and innovation

    Chemical warehouse operations: Experience from SWIFT Integrated Logistics Sdn. Bhd.

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    This article investigated the comprehensive risk management model practiced at SWIFT Integrated Logistics chemical storage operations. The objective is to systematically illustrate the risk factors by identifying risks and mitigating them from the flow of the operation. By reducing or containing the risk factors, we are able to provide a conducive, safe, secure working environment with initiatives toward zero-incident reporting cases. A qualitative research method was applied in this study. Respondents selected for this study were at the managerial level at SWIFT Integrated Logistics with experience working in warehouse operations for more than five years. SWIFT Integrated Logistics management wanted to diversify its warehouse customer's portfolio and accepted new business opportunities in chemicals warehouse storage. The move contributed greatly to the business strategy and finance, but they faced serious risk management issues, which resulted in six (6) incidents and raised the level of anxiety and concern among the warehouse team on health & safety issues. Future studies may look into additional strategies to implement a better warehouse risk management model or plan for a chemical warehouse. This study suggested that regular or continuous training should be provided to the staff. Basic first aid kit training is an example of the mandatory training that should be part of the job standard operating procedure. This paper contributes to the limited existing study on chemical warehouse operations. Experience and measures taken by SWIFT management may provide some ideas to improve the management of chemical warehouse for other warehouse operators. Although chemical warehouse operation safety is important, there is scarce academic research that explores this issue

    Business strategic alignment with Information Technology to increase organizational performance: study on banking sector

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    IT-Business alignment has been consistently rated as one of the top ten IT management concern for last three decades. Theoretically, alignment can be defined as the degree of fit and combination between an organization’s IS (Information System) strategy and business strategy. More precisely, banks operates in a strategic Information System environment, where the alignment between IT and business should be significantly focused on organizational performance. However, this study suggests that technological innovation, strategic alignment, human resources are not an isolated source of improvement, but part of a system which mutually-reinforcing organizational performances. This research followed quantitative approach and survey questionnaire, so therefore, all 46 Bangladeshi bank (excluding foreign banks) were approached, a total number of 40 observations were usable and giving the study repose rate of 87%, which utilized for subsequent analysis. For this research, different type of analysis has been done, such as Factor analysis, Multiple-regression, t-test, ANOVA, where finding of the study is, technological innovation, strategic alignment and qualified human resources on organizational performance was identified to have a significant impact on organizational performances

    Intellectual property right among small medium enterprise (SMEs): A case of food & beverage company in Kedah Malaysia

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    IPR has become the common phrase among industry practitioner when they want to deal business in the international market. SME has to face the challenge of equipping themselves with all the necessary measures in making sure businesses survived and sustained. The issue is more towards competitive and productivity among them. The crux of the matter, this study will investigate the practices implemented among SMEs in the same category which is food and beverage company. The method used to obtain data is through a survey which includes an interview. This involved respective personnel in the company.Previous study will be reviewed to gain better understanding of how the IPR would really enhance the F&B company's productivity in the long run.The ramifications of the findings, would reveal how the practices of IPR among SMEs would yield significant improvement in company revenue. This can serve as a guideline for better understanding of how IPR practices between SMEs being implemented.The study found that use of brand innovation and IPR can increase competition and productivity.However, the SMEs is not using IPR lack of knowledge.Thus, future studies will need to examine in detail what factors, SMEs do not apply to drivers of IPR

    The Role of Innovation: Enforcement Smart Mobile Application (SSMEYEs)

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    The aim of this article is to present the findings of the role played by a Division under Companies Commision of Malaysia (“CCM”) to create an added value on its routine activity through innovations. CCM has initiated a new enforcement project by using smart phone application to monitor all business entities in malaysia. The usage of internet and smart phones on this modern world, broughts alot of benefits to most parties in various aspects. Therefore, usage of a customized smart phone apps by enforcement officers of CCM on their daily working activities especially to monitor the compliance level of companies and business entities in malaysia will simplify the Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) and will increase the number of inspection as whole. Primary data were obtained through original project documents, inteviews and emails reviews which carried out at CCM and evaluated using some data analysis and comparison methods. The effective practise of this smart phone Apps by enforcement officers of CCM, will help them to monitor business entities in malaysia to enhance the compliance level of Companies Act 2016 (“CA2016”) and Business Act 1956 (“BA1957”). The conclusions of this article is CCM find that, it is important to innovate and support an innovative culture in their organisation

    The Relationship Between Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction: Health Care Industry Perspectives

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    The healthcare industry is becoming one of the most growing concerns among people in Malaysia. This industry is expected to provide efficient and effective services to the community. This study is aimed to examine the relationship between the dimension job burnout, which includes emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and depersonalization with job satisfaction among healthcare providers in the healthcare industry at the northern part of Malaysia. A quantitative methodology was applied in this study where 200 questionnaires had been distributed. Only 171 questionnaires were collected and returned back. Out of that number, only 156 questionnaires were fit to be analysed. It was found that all of the burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment) have a significant relationship to job satisfaction. Multiple Regression analyses have found that 2 of the independent variables had a negative relationship with job satisfaction (emotional exhaustion and depersonalization). Personal accomplishment is the most significant and had a strong relationship with job satisfaction. It is recommended for future research to conduct qualitative research to find diversity in the result, emphasising on other professions, including a firefighter, police officer, custom immigration officer, or any other enforcement profession which seems to have an issue with job burnout. It is challenging to conduct this research due to the geographical location since the location for this study is in the northern part of Malaysia. It involves many hospitals, clinics as well as patient-oriented personnel. On the other hand, future research may include a bigger number of medical and healthcare personnel all over Malaysia to get a better generalisation. A wider scope of the population will provide better findings that cover all spectrum of the healthcare provider

    7s Model: Operation Department Transformation of Malaysia Sheet Glass (NSG Group)

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    Malaysian Sheet Glass (NSG Group) responds to the everchanging business environment by putting an effort to do transformation at the operations department. McKinsey 7-S Model is chosen since the model able to asses a company's competitive and strategic position. The model proposes seven key points should be in alignment: strategy, structure, systems, staff, skills, style and share values. Interview session conducted with the Plant Manager, Ghazali Ab Rahman and other analysis, showed that MSG strategy needs some alteration as the field of competition is fluctuating with the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) came into force in 2015. The systems of MSG need enhancement in order to avoid wastage and increase efficiency. MSG staffs are well trained and skillful but they need upskilling for their performance in order to increase the efficiency. Style and share values are MSG forte. Recommendations suggested to transform the performance and efficiency of MSG. MSG need to manage the constraints in their system. MSG is recommended to optimize it processes, workforce, energy consumption efficiency, to manage lower cost of quality, to lower the cost of regulatory compliance and to manage inventory carrying costs in order to drive a better efficiency in its manufacturing operations. To better manage the transformation, three approaches are recommended including top down, bottom up and core process

    Light Rail Transit (LRT) survey implementation in one of the university in northern Malaysia

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    The research aims to study the use of transportation Light Rail Transit (LRT) at University Utara Malaysia College.Light Rail Transit (LRT) is an electric-powered trains and moving on two tracks to offer a comfortable choice to move in a designated area.This research used quantitative case study method in which questionnaire was used for data collection.A total of 152 undergraduate students were selected using simple random sampling method.The study was conducted to making a screening to the student’s knowledge about Light Rail Transit in terms of time saving, cost, and environmental knowledge. The finding shows that the percentage of agreed students is quiet higher.It proves that Light Rail Transit (LRT) is an efficient transport system to use for the University Utara Malaysia (UUM) students