27 research outputs found
Proportion of significant correlations.
<p>Boxplots of significant correlations of expression for duplicated genes (blue), non-duplicated genes (orange) and randomly-selected genes (yellow). (<b>A</b>) Correlations for all groups of genes. Means with a different letter are significantly different according to Student’s R t-tests at <i>p</i><0.05 (n = 3320, 2760 and 13605, respectively). (<b>B</b>) Correlations according to the number of genes within groups. For every group size, the means of each type of group are significantly different (p<0.05).</p
Distribution of the number of groups of duplicated genes according to number of duplicated genes.
<p>BTA: <i>Bos taurus</i>; CAF: <i>Canis familiaris</i>; DER: <i>Danio rerio</i>; ECA: <i>Equus caballus</i>; GGA: <i>Gallus gallus</i>; HSA: <i>Homo sapiens;</i> MMU: <i>Mus musculus</i>; RNO: <i>Rattus norvegicus</i> and SSC: <i>Sus scrofa</i>.</p
Statistics on DGD content.
<p>For each species (<i>Bos taurus</i> (BTA), <i>Danio rerio</i> (DER), <i>Canis familiaris</i> (CAF), <i>Gallus gallus</i> (GGA), <i>Equus caballus</i> (ECA), <i>Homo sapiens</i> (HSA), <i>Mus musculus</i> (MMU), <i>Rattus norvegicus</i> (RNO) and <i>Sus scrofa</i> (SSC)), the numbers of peptide sequences used in the analyses (only non-redundant) are reorted here with the number of peptide sequences initially available (total).</p
MOESM2 of Dosage compensation and sex-specific epigenetic landscape of the X chromosome in the pea aphid
Additional file 2. Genome browser view of remarkable autosomal and X-linked regions displaying sex-specific and non-specific FAIRE-seq and RNA-seq signal. A, D: female-specific regions around the genes ACYPI003071 (uncharacterized protein) and ACYPI001644 (cuticular protein 44). B, E: male-specific regions around the genes ACYPI080359 (uncharacterized protein) and ACYPI081672 (uncharacterized protein). C, F: regions in common between males and females for the genes ACYPI000061 (ATP synthase subunit beta) and ACYPI006656 (molybdate-anion transporter). The RNA-seq and FAIRE-seq signals have been made equal between males and females for each region
Application of Chemical Modified Electrode in Drug Analysis
甲嘧啶(Sulfamethazine, SMZ), 磺胺二甲氧嘧啶(Sulfadimethoxine,
SDM), 並對其在藥劑, 食品中的真實樣品做偵測. 茶鹼為強心, 利尿
劑, 亦有支氣管擴張, 冠動脈擴張, 平滑肌鬆弛功能. 以往皆是以層析方
法分析茶鹼, 本研究以化學修飾電極, 配合方波伏安法, 藉由修飾電極裡
的Ru-oxidePyrochlore對茶鹼的催化性, 以達到微量偵測的目的. 最佳的
方波條件為: 振幅30mV, 頻率45Hz, 預濃縮電位0V, 預濃縮時間15秒, 其
線性範圍為2至100uM, 偵測極限可達0.103uM(S/N=3), 再現性方面, 10uM
標準品連續偵測12次C.V.值1.34%, 並對紅茶, 綠茶等樣品進行標準品添
加校正曲線實驗, 其現性相關係數高達0.999. 本研究利用上述催化電
極, 進行對磺胺二甲嘧啶(SMZ)及磺胺二甲氧嘧啶(SDM)的偵測.磺胺劑為
常加在豬, 牛等家畜的飼料中以增加對疾病的抵抗能力的抗生素. 本研究
亦利用方波伏安法進行偵測. 偵測線性範圍分別為2-30uM, 2-25uM, 偵測
極限可達0.118uM, 0.129uM(S/N=3). 再現性方面, 20uM的SMZ與SDM標準
品連續偵測12次C.V.值分別為2.21%, 1.26%. 在實際樣品的偵測方面, 我
們選用了豬肉和牛奶來作實際樣品的偵測, 由於豬肉, 牛奶中可能未含有
磺胺劑, 或含量可能少於本實驗方法之偵測極限, 故並未有訊號出現. 但
添加少量磺胺劑後, 就有電流訊號產生, 且有很好的線性關係, 証明此電
Visualisation of sequences deleted by the manual curation after alignment (ClustalX 2.1).
<p>The sequences highlighted in blue illustrate examples of sequences removed from PHYMYCO-DB. The compromised nature can stem from erroneous sequencing (e.g. repeated gaps), wrong annotation (e.g. sequence corresponding to another clade), high numbers of undetermined nucleotides, homopolymers insertions, erroneous alignment or reverse complementary sequences and presence of long insertions and introns or presence of deletions.</p
Flowchart of the data in the PHYMYCO-DB.
<p>The arrows indicate the flow of gene sequences extracted from the GenBank database, through the automated and manual curation steps. All the sequences made available to users has passed the 2 curation processes. After each upgrade of the database (i.e. 4 times per year), expert manual curation is performed.</p
MEME analysis of boundaries of the predicted MACS2 HdIV amplified regions.
MEME analysis of boundaries of the predicted MACS2 HdIV amplified regions.</p
List of the peaks predicted in <i>H</i>. <i>didymator</i> genome scaffolds using MACS2 algorithm.
List of the peaks predicted in H. didymator genome scaffolds using MACS2 algorithm.</p
Read depth of HdIV loci on each scaffold of the <i>H</i>. <i>didymator</i> genome.
Read depth of HdIV loci on each scaffold of the H. didymator genome.</p