37 research outputs found
Kritik menjadi fenomena sosial yang menarik dalam kehidupan demokrasi. Namun, seringkali kritik menjadi masalah dalam relasi komunikasi sosial, terutama dalam hubungan dengan politik kekuasaan negara. Dalam penelitian ini kritik dipandang sebagai formula dalam menegakkan kontrol sosial terhadap pelanggaraan kekuasaan. Kritik Mochtar Lubis yang menjadi objek penelitian ini merupakan fenomena demokrasi pers dengan relasi kekuasaan di awal Orde Baru (1966-1974). Fokus kajian dilakukan pada aspek bahasa kritik yang termuat dalam tajuk Indonesia Raya bertopik korupsi dan ekonomi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bahasa kritik Mochtar Lubis hendak membangun transformasi komunikasi budaya kritik melalui penggunaan bahasa yang sederhana, terus terang, tidak ambigu, jauh dari efeumisme dan akronim yang dapat menyampaikan informasi secara jujur dan mewujudkan penggunaan bahasa yang jauh dari akar feodalisme. Frasa ideomatik “republik pisang†dan “pengusaha oktopus†serta kosakata sarkasme “negara garongâ€, “tauke†“penggarongan di siang bolongâ€, “gerombolan kaum koruptorâ€, “banditâ€, dan “cukongisme†digunakan untuk menajamkan maksud kritik. Konstruksi kalimat kritik yang digunakan berbentuk pasif sehingga objek kritik disebutkan secara jelas. Mochtar Lubis juga menggunakan kontruksi kritik pengalaman langsung dan contoh, konstruksi analogi, perbandingan, dan perumpamaan, konstruksi objek secara langsung, dan konstruksi vis a vis kritik. Semua konstruksi kritik tersebut bermuara pada kritik yang tajam, terang, dengan bahasa yang mudah dicerna.
Kata kunci: bahasa kritik, tajuk rencana, demokrasi, Indonesia Ray
; "> This paper aims to describe the different discourses in syariah practices as described in mass media. The method used in this study is qualitative design based on Fowler’s critical discourse analysis. The sources of the data are the use of language of syariah practices from Tempo magazine and Suara Hidayatullah. Some important findings found from Tempo magazine include words such as discriminative, inconstitusional, autoritarianism, collision, enticing Islam constituent, minority group, not applicable, children’s right protection, traumatic, stigma, violent act, and repressive. Meanwhile, word choices found from Suara Hidayatullah were terror, criminal acts, careless conclusion, cynical, simplistic, unprofessional, defamation and anti-Islam. From both choices of words, Tempo and Suara Hidayatullah show explicitand implicit attitude in which the first show anti-syariah with its pluralism democracy,while the latter is pro-syariah which is based on Islam ideology
The Construction of Sundanese Culture in the News Discourse Published by Local Mass Media of West Java
This research identified the construction of Sundanese culture in the local mass media of West Java. Based on the phenomenon occurred, the culture could be interpreted in an accordance with the spirit of time and society. Within the national framework, this issue was not simple because the nationalism that was built on the plots of localism was not impossible to be changed. The research method employed the qualitative method. The data were the form of discourses contained in the local mass media. The results show that the language that is being used by the local media that describes the meaning of low bargaining of political position and national leadership. The construction of the local media in depicting the Sundanese culture is classified as the national, cultural, Islamic, and other aspects of culture. In the context of national leadership, the construction strengthens and affirms the faced condition and the reality. In terms of cultural relations with Islam, the local media shows the positive aspects of the condition and the history of the Sundanese people that has been known as a religious, ethnic group. In terms of the cultural relations with other aspects, the people of West Java are advised to make an inward reflection in viewing the existence of Sundanese culture within the national context. The ideologies that established by the local media towards the Sundanese culture are idealism, primordial, and pragmatism-realistic
This study aims to describe the analysis model of framing on journalism discourse in Indonesian textbooks in Senior High School to be used in language learning. This research used qualitative method with framing theory from Pan and Kosicki as an tool of analysis. The research data is journalism discourse in textbook amounted to 30 pieces of discourse taken from 10 text books of class X, XI, and XII in Senior High School. The results show the following: (1) The discourse of journalism has received acceptance in the world of education, especially in textbooks. The use of journalism discourse in 10 textbooks is very high and very diverse in terms of number, topic, source, and usage. (2) The journalism discourse in the textbook meets the criteria of reporting value, even if not all reporting value is fulfilled. (3) The frame construction of the journalism discourse in Indonesian textbooks is packaged in different angles according to news topics and facts. (4) The analysis model of journalism discourse framing is developed by focusing on the structural analysis of category, syntax, script, thematic, diction/phrase, and rhetoric
Ideologi Pemberitaan LGBT Dalam Akun Instagram Pinterpolitik: Analisis Wacana Fairclough
This research was conducted by utilizing Norman Fairclough\u27s concept of critical discourse. In this research, data collection method is done by collecting parts of texts which allegedly contain aspects of texts, discourses, and socio-cultural practices. In Indonesia society, LGBT is viewed as an illness which should not exist. However, there are still some parties who attempt to be a spokesman for LGBT group, for instance on Pinterpolitik Instagram account and Pinterpolitik website. So, this research aims to investigate how Pinterpolitik Online Media presents minority issues, particularly LGBT group, as the part of this media’s alignment towards LGBT equity, especially in the field of human rights and politics. The editor created an ideology through this report that minority inclusion, such as LGBTgroup, is not a key concern in Indonesia\u27s cabinet. Then, the editor also stated that society should now be free of unfavorable attitudes against LGBT persons. Pinterpolitik is bold to express something against Indonesian beliefs and culture on equality in the context of Indonesian politics.
Keywords: Critical Discourse, Online Media, LGBT, PinterpolitikPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan konsep wacana kritis Norman Fairclough. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mencatat bagian-bagian teks yang diduga mengandung dimensi teks, wacana, dan praktik sosiokultural. LGBT dipandang sebagai penyakit di masyarakat yang tidak boleh hidup di Indonesia. Namun demikian, masih ada pihak-pihak yang mencoba menjadi juru bicara kelompok LGBT, seperti di akun Instagram dan website PinterPolitik. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana media tersebut menyajikan isu-isu kaum minoritas seperti kelompok LGBT sebagai bagian dari corong keberpihakan media online ini terhadap kesetaraan LGBT, khususnya kecenderungan dalam bidang hak asasi manusia dan berpolitik. Melalui pemberitaan tersebut, redaksi membangun ideologi bahwa perlibatan untuk kaum minoritas seperti kelompok LGBT belum menjadi sebuah prioritas utama dalam kabinet di Indonesia. Kemudian, di satu sisi, redaksi juga memberikan sebuah pandangan bahwa seharusnya masyarakat pada saat ini sudah terlepas dari sentiment negatif terhadap kelompok LGBT. Berita yang diangkat oleh Pinterpolitik dapat dikatakan berani untuk meyuarakan sesuatu yang bertolak belakang dengan nilai-nilai dan budaya di Indonesia mengenai kesetaraan dalam lingkup perpolitikan di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci: Wacana Kritis, Media Online, LGBT, PinterPoliti
This research was conducted with the aim of 1)describing the problems of learning Indonesian in the context of the Merdeka curriculum at the SMA/MA level in South Sulawesi 2)describing the efforts made by teachers in overcoming the problems of learning Indonesian in the context of the Merdeka curriculum at the SMA/MA level in South Sulawesi. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires via Google Forms. The results of this research show data that the problems of learning Indonesian in the context of the Merdeka curriculum at the SMA/MA level in South Sulawesi include: 1)teacher readiness; 2)the availability of inadequate facilities and infrastructure; 3) several teachers still do not master technology; 4)teacher creativity still needs to be improved; 5) lack of references related to training in making teaching materials; 6) misperceptions from students. Meanwhile, efforts made by teachers to overcome existing problems include: 1)attending independent curriculum seminars; 2) using an independent teaching platform; 3) joining a learning teacher community; 4) Empowering subject teacher deliberation (MGMP); 5) taking part in independent curriculum training; 6) provide students with an understanding of the concept of an independent curriculum
Preservation of Indonesian language Buttonscarves and Erigo in public spaces (Implementation of Law Number 24 of 2009 and PERMENDAG No. 73/M-Dag/Per/9/2015)
The study in this article describes the application of regulations on the use of the Indonesian language on trademarks already contained in Law Number 24 of 2009 which is supported by PERMENDAG No. 73/M-Dag/Per/9/2015 on local fashion products that enter the international market. The aim is to map the application of the use of the Indonesian language that has been carried out by local fashion products that are worldwide because it can help efforts to develop Indonesian into an international language. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical specifications and aims to provide a comprehensive, detailed and systematic description. The data is taken from the official website pages of two local fashion product brands that are worldwide, Buttonscarves and Erigo. It was found that Buttonscarves did not fulfill the application of the use of the Indonesian language regarding the trademark name due to the use of the English word to make the Buttonscarves brand more easily accepted in the international market, while for Erigo it cannot be said that it is fulfilled/not because it is not part of the Indonesian word contained in in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)
Analysis of Advocates' Speaking Strategies in Criminal Case Defense: Its Implementation and Challenges
This research was conducted due to the importance of speaking strategies that advocates in court should possess. This study aims to describe the advocate’s speaking strategies in court, seen from the plea and exception drafts, and to see how they can be implemented in advocate professional education in Indonesia. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive using a descriptive analysis approach. The data are plea and exception drafts, notes, and court minutes. The data were collected through observation, interviews, recording, and collecting the the collection of plea and exception drafts. The validity of the data was assured by using semantic validity. The data was analyzed by reducing and presenting the data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the speaking strategy used mainly by the advocate at the trial was straightforward speaking strategies with positive politeness pleasantries, which was 52.6%. Meanwhile, the lowest number of speaking strategies found in the draft were straightforward speaking strategies without any form of pleasantries, and it was 9.1%. Based on these data, the concept of a speaking strategy has been implemented, although there are still various obstacles and shortcomings. The challenges that arise include advances in technological development, mastery of the concept of speaking strategies, and digital-based learning components. Involvement and engagement with various elements are helpful for the advancement of professional training of prospective advocates in order to achieve the vision, mission, and expected goals
Argumentation Pattern on Genres of Exposition Texts by High School Students. This article aims to describe the pattern of argumentation in the essays of student expositions based on the theoretical study of Toulmin's Argumentation Pattern (TAP). The documentation technique was used in data collection in sources in the form of expositions of class X students from five schools in Makassar City, namely Makassar 14 High School (24 data), Makassar 4 Public High School, Makassar 9 Public High School, Athirah Makassar Islamic High School, and SMA Tri Tunggal 45 Makassar. The results of the analysis show nine argumentation patterns produced in the exposition essay, ranging from the most basic and simple patterns to the most complex patterns, namely (1) C-D, (2) C-D-W, (3) C-D-Q, (4) C-D-R, (5) C-D-W-B, (6) C-D-W-Q, (7) C-D-W-R, (8) C-D-Q-R, and (9) C-D-W-B-Q
Teknik Penggambaran Aktor Terkait Perundungan Pasangan Gay Thailand di Koran Digital Indonesia
Actors Representation Technique Related to Thai Gay Couples Bullying in Indonesian Digital Newspapers  ABSTRAKMedia sudah semakin mudah membuat dan menyebarkan berita karena kemajuan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya teknik yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia dalam mengeluarkan dan menggambarkan aktor atau peristiwa terkait pemberitaan perundungan pasangan gay Thailand oleh netizen Indonesia dan memaparkan teknik apa saja yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia itu. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritis model Theo van Leeuwen. Penelitian ini menemukan teknik eksklusi berupa pasivasi 4 data dan nominasi 2 data, serta teknik inklusi berupa diferensiasi-indifernsiasi 1 data, objektivitas-abstraksi 4 data, nominasi-kategorisasi 2 data, nominasi-identifikasi 1 data, determinasi-indeterminasi 3 data, asimilasi-individualisasi 3 data dan asosiasi-disosiasi 1 data.Kata kunci: Analisis wacama kritis, Theo van Leeuwen, eksklusi, inklusiABSTRACTThe media has become easier to create and spread news because of technological advances. This research aims to determine whether or not there are techniques used by 5 Indonesian digital newspapers are available in issuing and describing actors or events related to the news of Thai gay couples bullying by Indonesian netizens and to explain what techniques are used by the 5 Indonesian digital newspapers. The method used is descriptive qualitative and uses critical discourse analysis theory by Theo van Leeuwen's model. This study found exclusion techniques in the form of 4 data passivation and 2 data nominations, as well as inclusion techniques in the form of 1 data differentiation-indifferentiation, 4 data objectivity-abstraction, 2 data nominations-categorization, 1 data nomination-identification, 3 data determination-indertermination, 3 data assimilation- individualization and 1 data association-dissociation.Keyword: critical discourse analysis, Theo van Leeuwen, exclusion, inclusio