9 research outputs found
Analisis Profil Pengaruh Bahan Organik terhadap Konsentrasi Besi Ferro dan Serapannya di Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut
This study aimed to determine the similarity of the characteristics of each type of organic matter in suppressing the solubility of iron in soil and absorption in plants. This research was conducted in two stages. The first stage was conducted in the greenhouse to study the effect of organic matter to iron solubility in acidic sulphate soil. The research used a factorial design with 1 control and 3 replications. The first factor was type of organic matter used, B1 = rice straw; B2 = weeds; B3 = Combination of 50% rice straw and 50% weeds. The second factor was the incubation period of organic matter I1 = 2 weeks, I2 = 4 weeks, I3 = 8 weeks, and I4 = 12 weeks. The second stage was analyzing the profiles of the type of organic matter in order to evaluate the similarity of the characteristics of each type of organic matter. Based on the profile alignment, it was found that the three types of organic matter were not aligned. The types of organic matter had different roles in suppressing the solubility of iron in soil and its absorption in plants. There is a need to do a comparative analysis with Tukey method to the three types of organic matter
Effect of Compost Combination on Methane Emission in Undisturbed Acid Sulphate Soil in South Kalimantan of Indonesia
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the cumulative methane (CH4) emission in paddy soils and correlation with soil redox potential (Eh), soil pH and plant growth. The experiment was arranged in two factorial randomized block designs with three replications. The first factor was a kind of of organic matter, i.e. without organic matter (T0), combination of 50% of composted straws and 50% composted rush weed (T1), combination of 30% of composted straws and 30% composted rush weed and 40% composted cattle manure (T2) and the second factor was the management of water that was continuously flooded and leaching. The methane emission was measured in South Kalimantan using the chamber and gas chromatogram technique. The results showed methane emission in undisturbed acid sulphate soil ranged from 0.05 to 0.32 mg CH4.m-2.minute-1 during the rice-growing season. The methane emission from the paddy soil were lower when the paddy was drained than when it was flooded. Correlation analysis showed a negative relation between methane emission and soil redox potential (Eh) and soil pH in both water management. The rice plant height and number of buds has positively correlation with methane emission with coeffecient correlation of r=0.84**(P<0.0001) and r=0.64**(P=0.004), respectively. [How to Cite: Wahida A and A Maas. 2015. Effect of Compost Combination on Methane Emission in Undisturbed Acid Sulphate soil in South Kalimantan of Indonesia. J Trop Soils 20: 135-141. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.135][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.3.135] 
Pengaruh Amelioran, Pupuk Dan Sistem Pengelolaan Tanah Sulfat Masam Terhadap Hasil Padi Dan Emisi Metana
. High yield and low methane emission are two goals in wetland management systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of biochar and compost on methane emission and yield of rice on acid sulphate soils. The research was conducted on acid sulfate soil in South Kalimantan using a split-split plot design. The main plot was two management regimes which were traditional (S1) and intensive (S2) managements. The sub plot was the NPK fertilization, namely: P1 = NPK 100%, and P2 = NPK 75% of the recommended rate of NPK. The recommendations rate of NPK fertilizers was (kg ha-1) 200 urea; 100 SP 36; and 100 KCl. Sub-sub plots were ameliorants: B0 = Without ameliorants, B1= Farmers\u27 practice, B2= Compost (a combination of ‘Straw\u27 Compost 30% + ‘Purun\u27 Compost 30% + ‘Cattle Manure\u27 Compost 40%), and B3 = Biochar of rice husk. The results showed that the highest methane emissions amounted to 30.40 kg ha-1 season-1 was resulted from S2P1B2 treatment, with the production index (yield/methane emission) of 82.8 and grain yield of 2.5 t ha-1. The highest grain yield of 3.4 t ha-1 was shown in the treatment S2P2B2 with the production index of 438.9 and methane emissions of 7.75 kg ha-1 season-1. The highest rice production index of 788.6 was obtained in the treatment without ameliorant and 100% NPK fertilization. This treatment gave grain yield of only 1.95 t ha-1 and the methane emissions of 2.47 kg ha-1 season-1. This research concluded that the objective of high yield is not synchronized with low methane emission and thus treatment S2P2B2 with the highest yield is remommended
Retention P by Iron Oxide in Acid Sulphate Soil After Land Reclamation
Acid Sulphate Soil is a kind of soil with high pyrite (FeS2) content. Miss management in land reclamation of acid sulphate soil will cause pyrite oxidation that made the soil becomes very acid. Pyrite oxidation on acid sulphate soil will produce iron oxides such as goethite (α-FeOOH) and hematite (α-Fe2O3). Goethite and hematite have ability to bind the anions and cations in the soilsuch as phosphate which produces a complex surface binuclear with model of Fe-OP(O2)-O-Fe. On acid sulphate land because of its association with soil Fe and its solubility alteration during reduction and oxidation processes of land, P is a limiting factor. More iron oxide in the soil, more P is retentioned. Each m.mol Fe in soil will bind P as much as 0,17 m.mol P
Capillary Water Rise in Peat Soil as Affected by Various Groundwater Levels
Capillary water in peatlands has a very important role in supplying water to the root zone of plants. The current water content in the root zone depends mainly on groundwater levels in some areas with shallow water levels. The study aimed to measure the capillary water dynamics in peat soils at various soil densities and groundwater levels which were observed from the changes in peat color, moisture distribution, water content and hydrophobicity of peat soil. The study was conducted in the greenhouse of Indonesian Swampland Agricultural Research Institute, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the bulk density (BD) of peat, namely BD-1 (on actual condition, 0.1 g cm-3) and BD-2 (compressed into 0.2 g cm-3). The second factor was simulated groundwater levels (GWL) consisting of GWL-1 (-100 cm), GWL-2 (-70 cm) and GWL-3 (-40 cm) from soil surfaces. The results showed that the rise of capillary water in peat soil reached a maximum height of 50 cm which was characterized by the increase in water content at the top layer in the range of 105–127% for BD-1 and 141–181% for BD-2. The highest value of water content (308%) was achieved in the treatment of GWL-3 with BD-2 and the lowest (37%) was in the treatment of GWL-1 with BD-1. The rate of capillary water rose progressively corresponded to the increase in BD value because the number of micropores of BD-2 was greater