2,131 research outputs found

    Communities Working for Better Schools

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    This report is a call to action for community organizations, reformers, and funders to ensure that communities have the information and resources to create sustainable school and community partnerships that result in high-quality, equitable education for all students

    Examining the role of Scotland’s telephone advice service (NHS 24) for managing health in the community : analysis of routinely collected NHS 24 data

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    Date of Acceptance: 15/06/2015 Funding This work was supported by the Chief Scientist Office, ScottishExecutive (grant no. CZH/4/692). Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Single Cell Origin of Multilineage Colonies in Culture: Evidence That Differentiation of Multipotent Progenitors and Restriction of Proliferative Potential of Monopotent Progenitors Are Stochastic Processes

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    In this paper, we report analysis of differentiation in human hemopoietic colonies derived from a single cell. Cord blood mononulear cells and panned My-10 antigen-positive bone marrow and cord blood cells were plated in methylcellulose medium containing erythropoietin and conditioned medium. Initially, we performed mapping studies to identify candidate colony-forming cells. Subsequently, using a micromanipulator, we transferred single cells individually to 35-mm dishes for analysis of colony formation. Cellular composition of the colony was determined by identifying all of the cells in the May-Grunwald-Giemsa stained preparation. Of 150 single candidate cells replated, 63 produced colonies. The incidences of single lineage colonies included 19 erythroid, 17 monocyte-macrophage, and 9 eosinophil colonies. There were 18 mixed hemopoietic colonies consisting of cells in two, three, four, and five lineages in varying combinations. In some instances, we noted the predominance of one lineage and the presence of very small populations of cells in a second or third lineage. These results provide evidence for the single-cell origin of human multilineage hemopoietic colonies, and are consistent with the stochastic model of stem cell differentiation in man. They also indicate that restriction of the proliferative potential of committed progenitors is a stochastic process

    Psychological disorder diagnosis is no cure for trait inferences bias

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    According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, maladaptive behavior stemming from a psychological disorder should not be attributed to personality. Attribution of behavioral symptoms to personality may undermine treatment-seeking and therapy outcomes and increase the stigmatization of the mentally ill. Although people adjust dispositional inferences given contextual alternative causes, we propose that beliefs in the stability and controllability of mental illness could lead to confounded representations of personality and psychological disorders. In six studies we tested whether people adjust dispositional inferences given a psychological disorder as they do give a physical impairment. Participants made trait ratings from short behavioral descriptions and corresponding contextual accounts. When the putative cause for the behavior was a psychological disorder, people did not reduce the trait inference to the extent they did when the cause was a physical impairment, except when the psychological disorder was presented as controllable/unstable. This suggests a conflation of psychological disorders with personality.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Effects of targeted memory reactivation on cortical networks

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    Sleep is a complex physiological process with an important role in memory consolidation characterised by a series of spatiotemporal changes in brain activity and connectivity. Here, we investigate how task-related responses differ between pre-sleep wake, sleep, and post-sleep wake. To this end, we trained participants on a serial reaction time task using both right and left hands using Targeted Memory Reactivation (TMR), in which auditory cues are associated with learned material and then re-presented in subsequent wake or sleep periods in order to elicit memory reactivation. The neural responses just after each cue showed increased theta band connectivity between frontal and other cortical regions, as well as between hemispheres, in slow wave sleep compared to pre- or post-sleep wake. This pattern was consistent across the cues associated with both right- and left-handed movements. We also searched for hand-specific connectivity and found that this could be identified in within-hemisphere connectivity after TMR cues during sleep and post-sleep sessions. The fact that we could identify which hand had been cued during sleep suggests that these connectivity measures could potentially be used to determine how successfully memory is reactivated by our manipulation. Collectively, these findings indicate that TMR modulates the brain cortical networks showing clear differences between wake and sleep connectivity patterns

    GALA: an international multicentre randomised trial comparing general anaesthesia versus local anaesthesia for carotid surgery

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    Background: Patients who have severe narrowing at or near the origin of the internal carotid artery as a result of atherosclerosis have a high risk of ischaemic stroke ipsilateral to the arterial lesion. Previous trials have shown that carotid endarterectomy improves long-term outcomes, particularly when performed soon after a prior transient ischaemic attack or mild ischaemic stroke. However, complications may occur during or soon after surgery, the most serious of which is stroke, which can be fatal. It has been suggested that performing the operation under local anaesthesia, rather than general anaesthesia, may be safer. Therefore, a prospective, randomised trial of local versus general anaesthesia for carotid endarterectomy was proposed to determine whether type of anaesthesia influences peri-operative morbidity and mortality, quality of life and longer term outcome in terms of stroke-free survival. Methods/design: A two-arm, parallel group, multicentre randomised controlled trial with a recruitment target of 5000 patients. For entry into the study, in the opinion of the responsible clinician, the patient requiring an endarterectomy must be suitable for either local or general anaesthesia, and have no clear indication for either type. All patients with symptomatic or asymptomatic internal carotid stenosis for whom open surgery is advised are eligible. There is no upper age limit. Exclusion criteria are: no informed consent; definite preference for local or general anaesthetic by the clinician or patient; patient unlikely to be able to co-operate with awake testing during local anaesthesia; patient requiring simultaneous bilateral carotid endarterectomy; carotid endarterectomy combined with another operation such as coronary bypass surgery; and, the patient has been randomised into the trial previously. Patients are randomised to local or general anaesthesia by the central trial office. The primary outcome is the proportion of patients alive, stroke free ( including retinal infarction) and without myocardial infarction 30 days post-surgery. Secondary outcomes include the proportion of patients alive and stroke free at one year; health related quality of life at 30 days; surgical adverse events, re-operation and re-admission rates; the relative cost of the two methods of anaesthesia; length of stay and intensive and high dependency bed occupancy

    Treatment of primary headache in children: a multicenter hospital-based study in France

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    The aim of this 6-month, prospective, multicenter study of 398 children and adolescents with primary headaches was to collect data on headache treatment in neuropediatric departments. Treatments were compared before and after consultation. Prior to consultation, the acute treatments that had been prescribed most frequently were paracetamol (82.2% of children) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs treatment (53.5%); 10.3% had received a prophylactic treatment. No differences in either acute or prophylactic treatment with respect to headache diagnosis were observed. After the neuropediatric consultation, paracetamol was replaced by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in about three-quarters of cases and by triptan in about one-quarter of cases. The number of children prescribed a prophylactic treatment nearly doubled, whereas there was a 5-fold and 23-fold increase in psychotherapy and relaxation training, respectively, between pre-referral and referral. We conclude that specific treatments were underused for primary headache