7 research outputs found
Response-locked TF decompositions/wavelets.
<p>Electrodes FC1 and FC2 were used to form response-locked TF decompositions for the 16 different conditions as defined via hand position, spatial correspondence, motor execution and used hand. As a result, FC1 was considered ânon-executiveâ and FC2 was considered âexecutiveâ in left hand responses. In right-hand responses, this categorization was reversed. Please note the difference between the parallel and crossed hands TF plots in the non-executive hemisphere (2<sup>nd</sup> vs. 4<sup>th</sup> row).</p
Results-based theoretical model.
<p>Given that the execution of the motor response and the spatial representation of the motor space are immutably locked to the two hemispheres of the brain <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062335#pone.0062335-Haggard1" target="_blank">[7]</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062335#pone.0062335-Loayza1" target="_blank">[25]</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062335#pone.0062335-Zhou1" target="_blank">[30]</a>, crossing hands (entering the "foreignâ motor space) may impose a conflict. The consequences of an independent allocation of efferent and afferent information illustrated for left-hand responses. In crossed hands only, one hemisphere is executing the motor response while the response itself physically takes place in the motor space represented in the opposite hemisphere of the brain. For right hand responses, the allocation is mirror-inverted.</p
Source localization (response-locked).
<p>Top front view of the activation differences obtained via sLORETA analysis of the post-response ERPs. Crossed hands conditions were subtracted from parallel hands conditions. Only activation differences surpassing the significance threshold of p<.05 are depicted. As indicated by the blue color, the crossing of hands seems to have caused an increase in the activation in Brodman area 6/the middle frontal gyrus. Please note that the activation difference between parallel and crossed hands is bigger in the hemisphere which is not in charge of the motor response execution (red circles). This most probably depicts the post-response difference already observed in the RRPs shown in the right column of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062335#pone-0062335-g003" target="_blank">fig. 3a</a>. The used hand (RH and LH) is denoted at the left side of the figure while the hemisphere (R and L) is indicated next to the respective hemispheres. To further help orientation, black arrows indicate the central sulcus (CS) and the superior frontal sulcus (SFS).</p
Response-locked ERPs and scalp topographies.
<p>Please note that all depicted results are based on CSD-transformed data. Hence, the units are given in ”V/m<sup>2</sup>. A) Response-locked ERPs at electrodes FC1 and FC2. Based on the observed differences, the 16 different conditions were subdivided into four data sets/graphs according to hand position and motor execution (whether the hemisphere underneath the respective electrode was in charge of the motor execution of the response). Each graph contains four individual curves for all possible combinations of used hand and spatial S-R correspondence. As a result, each of the four graphs contains two ERP curves from FC1 and two ERP curves from FC2. Please note the post-response difference between the parallel and crossed hands ERP curves in the non-executive hemisphere (right column). Time point zero denotes the time point of response execution. B) Response-locked scalp topographies visualizing activity at the time point of the negative post-response peak used for data analyses. This time point was individually determined on the basis of the semiautomatic peak picking procedure applied to the data depicted in figure section A. Note that electrodes FC1 and FC2 (black circles) account best for the observed frontal amplitude changes. C) Averaged response-locked scalp topographies each comprising a 200 ms time interval covering the time span from â200 ms till 400 ms. The maps were obtained by averaging the signal of all electrodes over an interval of 200 ms (from â200 ms to 0 ms, from 0 ms to 200 ms and from 200 ms to 400 ms, respectively). Due to amplitude differences, different scale settings were used for the three epochs. Black circles were used to highlight the localization of electrodes FC1 and FC2 which were used for several statistical analyses. In this context it is important to note that due to the process of temporal averaging, the electrodes showing the most pronounced peaks/greatest changes in amplitude are not necessarily those in the center of topographically depicted negativations/positivations (compare figure section B).</p
Visual illustration of experimental conditions/within-subject factors.
<p>The factor âmotor executionâ is depicted in the upper box. In the left section of that box, the executive hemisphere (the hemisphere responsible for the motor execution of the motor response) is marked red while in the right section of the box, non-executive hemisphere (the hemisphere not responsible for the motor execution of the motor response) is marked red. The factor âstimulus-response correspondenceâ is depicted in the lower box. Please note that there are parallel hands in the top rows of each of the four sub-boxes and crossed hands in the bottom rows. In a similar fashion, the left column of each of the four sub-boxes depicts left hand responses (the responding hand is indicated by light grey color), while the right column depicts right hand responses. In order to avoid explaining the obvious, we however refrained from explicitly depicting the conditions âused handâ (left anatomical hand vs. right anatomical hand) and âhand positionâ (parallel handy vs. crossed hands).</p
Demographic characteristics and behavioural parameters for the stop-change paradigm for AVGPs and NVGPs (Mean ± SEM).
<p>Significant group difference</p><p>* p < 0.05.</p><p>AVGPs: action videogame players, NVGPs: non videogame players, RT: reaction time, SSRT: stop signal reaction time, SCD: stop-change delay</p><p>Demographic characteristics and behavioural parameters for the stop-change paradigm for AVGPs and NVGPs (Mean ± SEM).</p
Schematic illustration of the stop-change paradigm.
<p>Circles indicate the four possible target locations, while the lines indicate the three possible reference lines. The red rectangle represents the STOP signal, the presentation of which (SSD) varied according to a staircase procedure (see text, for further details). The speaker icon represents the auditory CHANGE signal, which could be high (1300 Hz), medium (900 Hz) or low (500 Hz) in pitch. The pitch of the CHANGE signal indicates the new reference line to be used to judge the location (above vs. below) of the target stimulus (i.e., the white circle). The figure illustrates the sequence of the events (from left to right) for the GO condition (above panel) and for the STOP-CHANGE conditions (below panel). Each trial starts with the presentation of the four empty circles separated by three lines, with one of the circles becoming white after 250 ms. When no STOP signal is presented (i.e., GO conditionâabove panel), the presentation of the white circle (i.e., GO stimulus) requires participants to execute a right-handed response to judge its position with respect to the middle reference line. GO trials end after the response to the GO stimulus. Reaction times (RTs) on GO trials reflect the efficiency of response execution. When the STOP signal is presented (i.e., SC conditionâbelow panel), participants are instructed to withdraw their right-handed response to the GO stimulus and to execute a left-handed response instead, judging the position of the white circle with respect to the new reference line (higher, middle, lower), as indicated by the pitch of the CHANGE signal (high, medium, low). The interval between the onset of the STOP and CHANGE stimuli (i.e., stop-change delay; SCD) was set to either 0 or 300 ms to create the SCD0 and SCD300 conditions. SC trials end after the response to the CHANGE stimulus. The time required to stop a planned/ongoing response (i.e., stop-signal reaction times, SSRTs) reflects inhibitory control efficiency. Responses on SC trials requires to inhibit a planned, ongoing response and to rapidly execute a different response. Successful performance on these trials relies on the ability to activate different task goals, and to cascade and prioritize different actions [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0144364#pone.0144364.ref053" target="_blank">53</a>]. Therefore, RTs on these trials are indicative of the efficiency of action cascading, with shorter RTs indicating more efficient action cascading. ITI: intertrial interval; SSD: stop-signal delay; SCD: stop-change delay.</p