31 research outputs found

    Nutritional Values and Therapeutical Effects of Mediterranean Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants

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    This chapter highlights the traditional use of Mediterranean edible plants, frequently used as herbs and spices in Mediterranean cuisine, and medicinal plants, used as natural therapeutics among the people in the Mediterranean region. The high phytonutrient content and diversity of these edible and nonedible wild plants in the Mediterranean are emphasized and their folk use is reviewed. The herbs, spices, and medicinal plants are vital constituents of the Mediterranean dietary pattern and lifestyle, known as the Mediterranean diet (MD). They significantly contribute to high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory character of the diet and its health and well-being benefits

    Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), also called the “Elixir of the youth and health” by the Ancient Greeks, is a cornerstone in the Mediterranean diet, which has been recognized as one of the healthiest and most sustainable dietary pattern and lifestyle. In this chapter, a brief overview of the major and minor components of EVOO is given followed by a review of their health benefits. In particular, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and cardiovascular protective effects of EVOO are emphasized. At the end of this chapter, the reader would benefit by realizing that EVOO, as a functional food, proves the Hippocrates’s quote “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

    Environmentally Friendly Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Rosa canina L. fruits Using Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) as Green Extraction Media

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    In this study, the green extraction of Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity from Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) fruits was investigated using ultrasound-assisted extraction combined with deep eutectic solvents (DES). A deep eutectic solvent-based on citric acid has been specially designed. Hydrogen bond donors (HBD) such as glycerol and ethylene glycol were used and a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) like citric acid was used. After choosing the best option of DES, extraction of the bioactive ingredients, optimal extraction conditions of the ultrasonic-assisted extraction have been optimized through the Box-Behnken design of response surface methodology (RSM). Total phenolics content (TPC), total anthocyanins content (TAA), and antioxidant activity against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) have been found as 103.37 mg GAE/g DW in DES2, 92.23 mg GAE/g DW in DES1, 3.25mg C3G/100g-DW in DES2,1.31 mg C3G/100g-DW in DES1, and 101.85% Inhibition in DES2, 94.32 %. The results showed that this method is a competitive sustainable, green, and effective extraction of bioactive compounds from Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) fruits

    Ultra-High and Near-Zero Refractive Indices of Magnetron Sputtered Thin-Film Metamaterials Based on TixOy

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    Metamaterials based on TixOy with ultra-high and near-zero refractive indices were obtained by DC magnetron sputtering. The data on refractive indices, extinction coefficients, film thickness, and band gaps, obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry, showed very high potential of these materials as metamaterials. Phase analysis performed by XRD revealed the presence of titanium phases with lower titanium oxidation states resulting from high concentration of oxygen vacancies, which are crucial for such extraordinary jumps and drops of refractive indices. Numerous band gaps for direct and indirect electron transitions additionally confirmed unique properties of these materials

    Wetting properties of titanium oxides, oxynitrides and nitrides obtained by DC and pulsed magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc evaporation

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    Thin films of titanium oxides, titanium oxynitrides and titanium nitrides were deposited on glass substrates by the methods of direct current (DC) and pulsed magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc evaporation. Phase analysis of the deposited films by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) showed the presence of phases with various Ti oxidative states, which indicated a high concentration of oxygen vacancies. The films morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Investigations of the films wettability, either with water or ethylene glycol, showed that it depends directly on the concentration of oxygen vacancies. The wettability mechanism was particularly discussed

    Испитување на хемиската стабилност на потисните експлозивни материи со помош на течна хроматографија

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    Испитувана е хемиската стабилност на еден претставникна потисните експлозивни материи, произведен според стандардот ЈУС Х.ДЗ047, со содржина на дениламин како стабилизатор во граници 1.0 - 1.5%. Хемиската стабилност е определена со регистрирање на неизреагираниот стабилизатор и неговите меѓупродукти, со помош на методотна течна хроматографија..

    Техника и технологија за производство на експлозивна материја „АН-ФО МАК-1“ и негова масовна примена во рудниците за примарни минирања на метали и неметали

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    Во трудот дадени се постапките за определување на неопходните карактеристики на новопроизведениот експлозив (АН-ФО мак-1) како и неговата употреба за минирање во стопанството. Експлозивот е воведен во производство и се употребува за минирање во Рудници „Бањани“ АД - Скопје

    Хроматографско испитување на амонимумнитратните експлозиви кои се употребуваат во стопанството

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    Во трудот се вршени испитувања на амониумнитратните експлозиви. Испитувањата се вршени со цел да се определи загубата во маса на амониумнитратот низ забрзано стареење на експлозивната материја на зголемени температури. По третирањето на зголемени температури, загубата во маса е определувана со помош на течна хроматографија..

    Почитувањето на сигурносните растојанија во текот на транспортот на експлозивните материи како услов за максимална безбедност на патиштата

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    Во трудот се анализирани безбедносните растојанија неопходни при транспортот на експлозивните материи во сообраќајот. Со употреба на одредени математички изрази е определено растојанието меѓу моторните возила што превезуваат експлозивни материи..