1,686 research outputs found

    Where tradition is a way of life: traditional knowledge in the U.T. (Union Territory) of Lakshadweep, India

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    Foods and Methods of Eating in Moral Literature

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    The literature that emerged after the Sangam literature is the post-Sangam literature. This period is said to be the refinement of human life. The Moral literature of this period provides information about the food and eating habits of the Tamils. Therefore, food is an essential part of human life. Therefore, this study examines the food and eating habits shown in the moral literature

    Kalithogai in the study of structural perspectives

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    A scientific approach is being adopted to apply various new theories of research to the manuscripts. Anatomy is one of those principles. Its impact marked a turning point in Western performance. It is considered one of the best research methods of the 20th century and is being used in various fields of social science. One of the most powerful scientific methods in the field of human culture today is structural science, which is an influential scientific method of research in the fields of literature, linguistics, folk culture, sociological politics, and psychology. This method of research is performed today on the story literature that appeared many years ago. Similar studies are currently underway in Tamil. Our ancient Tamil literatures have their own traditional structure. This article sets out to explore the basics of learning structurall

    3D- Discrete Cosine Transform For Image Compression

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    Image compression addresses the problem of reducing the amount of data required to represent a digital image called the redundant data. The underlying basis of the reduction process is the removal of redundant data. The redundancy used here is pschychovisual redundancy. 3D-DCT video compression algorithm takes a full-motion digital video stream and divides it into groups of 8 frames. Each group of 8 frames is considered as a three-dimensional image, which includes 2 spatial components and one temporal component. Each frame in the image is divided into 8x8 blocks (like JPEG), forming 8x8x8 cubes. Each 8x8x8 cube is then independently encoded using the 3D-DCT algorithm: 3D-DCT, Quantizer, and Entropy encoder. A 3D DCT is made up of a set of 8 frames at a time. Image compression is one of the processes in image processing which minimizes the size in bytes of a graphics file without degrading the quality of the image to an unacceptable level. The reduction in file size allows more images to be stored in a given amount of disk or memory space. Keywords: 2D DCT, 3D DCT, JPEG, GIF, C

    Application of a radial basis function neural network for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus

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    In this article an attempt is made to study the applicability of a general purpose, supervised feed forward neural network with one hidden layer, namely. Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. It uses relatively smaller number of locally tuned units and is adaptive in nature. RBFs are suitable for pattern recognition and classification. Performance of the RBF neural network was also compared with the most commonly used multilayer perceptron network model and the classical logistic regression. Diabetes database was used for empirical comparisons and the results show that RBF network performs better than other models

    Randomized comparative study of safety and efficacy of oral and vaginal misoprostol in the termination of second trimester pregnancy at tertiary care institution

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    Background: A prospective randomized study was conducted in 72 pregnant women, with gestational period between 12 and 20 weeks, to compare the efficacy and safety of oral versus vaginal administration of misoprostol for second trimester pregnancy termination. The study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital (KMCH), Chennai, South India from November 2012 and November 2013.Methods: Women aged 18-38 years requesting MTP for maternal reason, foetal congenital anomalies and intrauterine foetal demise were randomly assigned into two groups.  Group A (n=36) had misoprostol orally while the Group B (n=36) received misoprostol by vaginal route. Dosage regimen was similar in both the groups that was 200µg every 4 hrs until the abortion occurred, maximum up to 6 doses. Efficacy included induction to delivery interval and safety included maternal complications and side-effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and abdominal pain and results were compared.Results: The percentage of women who delivered was significantly higher in the vaginal group than the oral group (94.44% versus 66.67%, P <0.03018) within 24 hours. The induction to delivery interval and incidence of side-effects were noted.Conclusions: Vaginal administration of misoprostol resulted in a higher success rate and misoprostol is safe and effective drug for second trimester pregnancy termination

    Nattar Food Habits

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    National food system has regional differences and continues to eat traditional food systems as national food system. Rice is a staple food in South India and Southeast Asian countries. Therefore, the culture prevailing in these countries is referred to as rice culture. Kindi eats rye, cappi, millet, horseradish etc.&nbsp; After soaking the pulp, it is put in a bag and put back in sour water, so it is safe for a long time. A mixture of curd and ghee is called Orina. Although it is referred to as 'Kammanchoru', it is pulpy.&nbsp; The supply will be rice. Diabetics can eat it as it is low in sugar content.&nbsp; Three Work Meals Tamil Nadu Tradition One can tell by the food one eats which work meal it is. The guests are served on banana leaves. Lotus leaves are also eaten. Thekilla is used in hilly areas. If you attract pumpkins, you will also get stitches. Palm leaves are used as bark

    Clinical study of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in tertiary care centre

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    Background: A true definition of polycystic ovarian syndrome involves a blending of the morphological and histological ovarian changes with endocrine abnormalities associated with these changes. Objective of present study was to detect the differences among women with PCOS and without PCOS.Methods: Twenty-five subjects with PCOS were included in the study on first cum first basis and twenty-five non PCOS subjects just next to each PCOS cases were included as control group.Results: Mean age of PCOS and Non PCOS subjects were 42.68 and 43.88 years respectively. Sixteen percentage of PCOS were from higher socio-economic status, which was statistically significant. PCOS subjects had 96% hirsuitism, 48% acne, 4% heavy voice and breast atropy which was also statistically significant.Conclusions: Women with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance and metabolism problems that may affect their health and fertility, we found PCOS subjects are more in urban population with strong family history. Lifestyle modification and dietary modification helps for the long-term health prognosis. women who are at risk of PCOS to be educated and managed for the continuing health risk and planned potential therapeutic strategies. Further research has to look into possibility of genes linked into PCOS
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