32 research outputs found

    Correlation of Breakfast with Academic Achievement Primary School Student

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    Background : School –age children is an investment of a nation, because they are the future generation. Quality of the nation in the future is determined by the quality of today\u27s children. Efforts to increase human resources should be done early, systematic and continuous. Optimal child development depends on good nutrition both in quality and quantity. This research is done in an effort to see the correlation of breakfast with increased academic achievement at primary school age children. Methods : Sample of this research is students of Integrated Islamic Elementary School of Bina Ilmi (SDIT Bina Ilmi) in grades four and five fifty students dawn randomly. Cross–sectional study design with a quantitative approach using a structured questionnaire. Result : The results showed only 52% of students who always breakfast and most students breakfast at home (96%), the mother is the person who prepared the breakfast (30%). Rarely eat instant food at breakfast (44%) and breakfast consume as much as one serving of food (48%), which is often consumed menu is rice, side dishes, fruit and vegetables (36%). Students sometimes has eat snack (40%). As much as 38% of students felt that the breakfast was very affecting the concentrations studied (38%) and making learning spirit (44%) and health to be good or fit (66%). The school always recommend that breakfast to students (48%). There is a significant correlation between gender and academic achievement. Then prevalence ratios showed that boys tend to have learning achievement above the average 3,8 times more likely than girls. There is no relationship between breakfast habits and academic achievement. Conclusion : Morning breakfast habits of primary school children are still dependent on his mother. Therefore a mother must take the time to prepare a nutritious breakfast so that children can learn to concentrate better so as to improve the academic achievement of children

    Reproductive Readiness Among Adolescent Girls at Senior High School and Islamic Boarding School:which One is Better?

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    Backgrounds : Nowadays, Adolescent health problems are less serious attention. The adolescent nutritional status in general is influenced by food consumption patterns that result in low levels of nutrient intake. This is caused by the limitations of their own food or restrict their food, because they tend to have slim body. The study aimed to compare the influenced nutritional status and perception of reproductive health to reproductive readiness among adolescent girls at senior high school and islamic boarding school. Methods : Cross sectional study was undertaken in this research. Subjects of this study were 60 students of senior high school and islamic boarding school, Bangkinang.Riau Province. Results : Body Mass Indeks (BMI) in generally was normal (73.3% at senior high school and 80% at Islamic boarding school) and prevalence of anemia was high, with over 70% anemic condition (100% at senior high school and 73.3% at islamic boarding school). Moreover, There were significantly different between iron status student at senior high school and islamic boarding school (p<0.05). Reproduction knowledge at senior high school was better than subject at islamic boarding school. Measurement of perception on reproduction health showed that almost of adolescent girls was not ready on mental due to reproduction health. BMI have significant effect on perception on reproducticve health (P<0.05). Conclusions : Adolescent girls at islamic boarding school more ready in reproduction than adolescent at senior high school


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    Tujuan: Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan yang baik untuk bayi terutama pada bulan-bulan pertama dan tetap bermanfaat sampai umur dua tahun. ASI mengandung semua zat gizi yang dibutuhkan bayi sampai bayi berumur 6 bulan. Adanya kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan perubahan ekonomi dan sosial budaya masyarakat yang mengakibatkan pola pemberian ASI sudah banyak diganti dengan susu formula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karaktristik pemberian susu formula pada bayi usia bawah dua tahun. Metode: Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 94 ibu yang memiliki bayi usia bawah dua tahun. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai September 2015. Hasil: Sebagian besar ibu ada pada rentang usia 30-39 tahun (45,7 %), berprofesi sebagai ibu rumah tangga (85,1%), mayoritas sudah menamatkan pendidikan sampai SMA (37,2 %), dan bersalin secara normal (93,6%). Akses sumber informasi ibu seluruhnya kurang (100%), tingkat pengetahuan ibu  berada pada kategori sedang (69,1%). Ibu bersalin di klinik bersalin/puskesmas/bidan (70,2%) dengan penolong persalinan bidan/dokter (94,7%). Pada karakteristik bayi sebagian besar bayi ada pada usia 0-6 bulan dengan jenis kelamin perempuan (56,4%). Sebagian besar anak mendapatkan ASI diselingi dengan susu formula (77,7%). Usia mulai diberikan susu formula pada usia 0-6 bulan (97,8%). Alasan ibu memberikan susu formula karena ASI belum keluar (97,8%). Simpulan: Susu formula mulai diberikan pada usia 0-6 bulan pada ibu dengan karakteristik ibu sebagai  rumah tangga, sudah menamatkan pendidikan sampai SMA, bersalin secara normal, akses sumber informasi kurang dan bersalin di fasilitas kesehatan. Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya ASI ekslusif bagi ibu dan tenaga kesehatan. Kata Kunci: ASI, bayi 0-24 bulan, susu formula

    Contributions Knowledge of Nutrition and Dietary Restriction to Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera

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    Pregnant women are among one of the groups most vulnerable to suffer from malnutrition. Therefore, eating habits of pregnant women should have fitted with the reccomendation of nutrition, healthy, and well-balanced

    Analysis of Implementation of the Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) at Family Doctor of PT Askes in Palembang on 2013

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    Background : Chronic disease management program (Prolanis) is a system of health care and a proactive approach that implemented in an integrated manner involving participant, Health Care Providers (HCP) and PT Askes (Persero) in the context of health care for health insurance participants who suffer from chronic diseases to achieve the quality of life optimal with cost effective healthcare and efficient. The program has initiated by PT Askes (Persero) since 2010. However, the implementation of 19 family doctor prolanis only five family doctor who actively participate by making participants prolanis club. Moreover, the realization of the cost of health care in PT Askes on 2012 increased. Methods : Used descriptive qualitative approach. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, document review and FGD. Informants in this study amounted to 15 people representing from program managers in PT Askes, Family Doctor prolanis, and the participants of Prolanis. Presentation of data in this study used narrative and then made also in the form of a matrix. Results : Interviews with PT Askes and family doctors have been understanding what services shall be provided to participants prolanis. it was a translation of the application in the 7 pillars prolanis family physician in accordance with Directors Regulation No. 121 of 2012 on Guidelines for Chronic Disease Management Program. Family doctors who have not been active enforcement only have 5 from the 7 pillars of the reason there is no place, busy clinicians, and participants are not willing. There was still some problems to achieving the prolanis\u27s goal such as PIC only one person, unavailable place in every family doctor for the club activity and the target participant have not reached. Conclusion : The implementation of chronic disease management program on Askes family doctor in Palembang on 2013 still unoptimal. There still constraints on the input and proses of the implementation. Suggestions for PT Askes to perform additional PIC of Prolanis and help advocate for authorization to use the place for unactive family doctors

    Implementation of Fire Safety Management System at Dr. Sobirin Hospital District of Musi Rawas 2013

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    Background : Hospital has high risk to make victim when fire occure. Beside that, it also effect to building, activity proccess, social impact and hospital imageThis is because hospital keep flammable objects where most of inhabitants are disable patients that they need help when evacuation. The aim of this research is to know the fire safety management system at Dr. Sobirin Hospital district of Musi Rawas. Method : This research used the qualitative approach. Informants in this study consisted of eight informants from Hospital Health and Safety Committee which was representative with each sector in hospital. Method of collecting information through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), observation and review documents. Data and content analysis is presented in matrix and narratives. Result : Management policy have been socialized to all employees through the training. Fire hazard identification haven\u27t been documented well. Fire prevention and control programme also have been started. The Organization have formed the Committee of safety, fire and disaster precautions with a clear job description. Training haven\u27t done routinely. Means of fire protection was still relying Fire Extinguisher. Inspection and maintenance process have been carried out routinely. Fire emergency response was prepared by creating standard operational procedure (SOP) and special diagram when fires break out. Reporting system haven\u27t be done although already it have procedure and report formats. Audit fires already done internally and not routine. Conclusion : Fire safety management system has been implemented in hospital. But still need some improvement in policy sociliazation to patients, routine training, additional protection devices, recording and documenting any activity and incident, and management evaluation

    Hubungan Pengetahuan tentang Gizi Seimbang dengan Status Gizi pada Remaja di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    Pengetahuan gizi berperan penting dalam pemilihan makanan yang baik dan konsumsi harian. Status gizi mencerminkan kondisi nutrisi seseorang, seperti buruk, kurang, baik, lebih, atau obesitas. Kurangnya pengetahuan gizi pada remaja dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan dan produktivitas. Pengetahuan gizi memberikan pemahaman kepada remaja tentang pentingnya makanan sehat dan hubungannya dengan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan status gizi pada remaja usia 15-18 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah Literature Review dengan subyek penelitian remaja usia 15-18 tahun. Pencarian literatur dilakukan melalui Google Scholar dengan tahun publikasi 2017-2020. Hasil dari 10 jurnal yang dianalisis menunjukkan bahwa 6 jurnal menemukan adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan status gizi remaja, dengan nilai p masing-masing (0,000, 0,007, 0,046, 0,044, 0.261, dan 0,006). Sementara 4 jurnal menyatakan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan status gizi remaja, dengan nilai p (0,323, 0,147, 0,619, 0,064, dan 0,165). Kesimpulannya, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan gizi dengan status gizi remaja karena pengetahuan gizi memengaruhi sikap dan perilaku dalam memilih makanan. Namun, hubungan tersebut tidak selalu signifikan karena kurangnya penerapan pengetahuan tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Risk Factor of Measles in Children Age 1-14 Years in Metro Pusat District Lampung Province 2013-2014

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    Background: Measles is a an acute disease caused by paramyxovirus. In Lampung province incidence rate (IR) of measles is 5,89 per 100,000 population and in Metro Pusat it still high (38,8%). Aim of this research is to know the risk factor of measles in children age 1-14 years in Metro Pusat District 2013-2014. Method: This research use cases control design, sample in this research was 102, consisting of 34 cases and 68 control. The sample collecting by taking all the clinical case, while control by neighborhood. Data collecting by questionnaire and observation home environment. Data were analyzed using univariat, bivariat, and multivariate analysis. Result: The results of research that measles associated with maternal occupation (OR 3.2; CI 95% 1,355-7,798), immunization status (OR 3,0; CI 95% 1,242-7,646), history of contact (OR 3.7; CI 95% 1,199-11,545), family income (OR 3,0; CI 95% 1,242-7,464), and density of occupancy (OR 3.3; CI 95% 1,348-8,277). Next the results of multivariate analysis that risk factor of measles is maternal occupation,giving breastfeeding, history of contact, family income, and the density of occupancy. Conclusion: Measles determinants is the history of contact. The advice can be given that this research should be done monitoring and activities counseling , information and education about measles, exclusive breastfeeding and providing vitamin A, then training cadres can move liveliness mother in posyandu activities, and Counseling to mother about treatment of child with measles