43 research outputs found
Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Perekonomian dan Sektor Energi Indonesia
kata kunci: dampak globalisasi, perekonomian sektor energi, Indonesi
Biaya Distribusi Komoditas Industri Di Indonesia
The current distribution system of industrial products in Indonesia does not have a standard nation-wide pattern, although some distribution patterns do exist. Competition among distribution agents is getting keener and keener. This article deals with distribution cost of industrial commodities. Industrial firms in this country feel that competition to market their products involves high distribution costs. Winning the channel is thus a key success factor. Firms learned that they are "required" to give substantial margins to distributors, wholesalers, and retailers.
Manufacturers paid a relatively small portion of the retail price for warehousing, and transportation cost as well. The major problems faced by distributors are inadequate infrastructure and facilities, illegal facilitation cost, and the high price of vehicles. Some distribution channels are so highly concentrated that the corresponding producers enjoy oligopolis tic (even monopolistic) power. Such oligopolists have more control over producer price than that of consumer.
Key words: Indonesian industrytransaction costdistribution costproducer priceconsumer pricedomestic distribution syste
ASEAN Halal Markets Analysis: Regulatory and Harmonization Challenges
This article examines important aspects of the halal market’s development, including halal food in seven advanced members of ASEAN countries. The qualitative method has been used by examining the main aspects of the regulation, a form of institutions, a SWOT analysis, a study of the impact of halal food regulations, and an analysis of ASEAN regulatory harmonization. Data on halal food regulations in ASEAN-7 countries were obtained from literature reviews, official documents, publications, interviews, and direct field observations. The study shows that halal regulations in ASEAN-7 generally are adequate for their purpose but reveal diversity in halal standards, institutional forms, internal and external environmental conditions, and their impacts. The implication shows that the ASEAN can potentially increase halal business and global halal trade. Although various efforts have been made, more synergistic cooperation is needed to develop harmonious halal trade regulations to increase economic, social, and consumer protection benefits for the ASEAN region.
Originality/Value: This study investigates the existence of research gaps between empirical data and literature or theories concerning the trade in halal food products within the ASEAN region. The study on the harmonization of halal regulations in ASEAN and its relationship to trade flows has not been extensively conducted. It is hoped that this research will prove beneficial to both academic literature and the formulation of regional policies regarding the halal food trade among ASEAN countries
Struktur dan kinerja industri Indonesia dalam era deregulasi dan globalisasi
As a country imposing an open economic system, Indonesia will be influenced, sooner or later, by the wave of globalization. This paper identifies, at least, three global waves. Firstly, globalization has accelerated capital mobility which goes hand in hand with a global life-style. Secondly, global investment has led to the growth and spread of transnational corporations throughout the world. Thirdly, global shift has led to the emergence of three megamarkets: ( I ) The European Union, (2) North America, and (3) East and Southeast Asia. Trade blocks have also flourished during this globalization.
The major question is, to what extent have globalization and deregulation changed the structure and performance of the Indonesian industrial sector? The study finds the following evidence: Firstly, the prices of major Indonesian commodities are 22 percent higher than their world prices, implying that Indonesia still cannot compete in the world market. Secondly, deregulation measures have contributed immensely to the growth of manufacturing industries as well as to technological improvement. Thirdly, it is the large scale industries and big business groups rather than the small and medium scale industries which have benefited most from deregulation. Fourthly, the calculation of concentration ratios indicates that, on average the market structure of the Indonesian manufacturing industry is oligopolistic. Furthermore, industrial performance analysis shows that the higher concentration ratio correlates positively with the lower export-orientation.
Keywords: industrial performanc
Current Economic Reform And Its Impact On The Indonesian Economy: Application of INDORANI, A Single Country Computable General Equilibrium of the Indonesian Economy
Artikel ini ntencoba menganalisis dampak ekonomi nzakro dari persetujuan tambahan (Supplementary Agreement)antaraDewan M on ete r Internasional atau IMF dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. Dalanz persetujuan itu ditetapkan beberapa langkah penting yang hares segera diambil jika Indonesia ingin keluar dari krisis ekottonzi yang berkepanjangan. Langkah tersebut di antaranya nzeliputikebijakan moneter dan fiskal yang ketat, reformasi struktural, utang swasta dan kebijakan bagi ekonomi rakyat kecil. Dalam persetujuan itu ditetapkan antara lain perubahan target inflasi dan pertumbultan ekonomi yang bans, yakni masing-masing 17 persen dan -4 persen dalarn tahun fiskal 1998/99 sebagai hasil dari kebijakan pemulihan ekonomi yang bersifat kontraktif.
Studi ini menghasilkan beberapa estimasi makro, regional dan sosial dalant jangka pendek dan jangka panjang dengan menggunakan ntetoda Kesimbangan U11111111Terapan (KUT) a tau Computable General Equilibrium (CGE)11IDORANT. INDORANI adalah model KUT-single country khusus didesain untuk Indonesia yang diadopsi dari model KUT-ORANI dari Monash University-Australia. Ada beberapa skenario variabel eksogen yang ditetapkan dalant model ini, yakni tingkat inflasi 17 persen, penciutan lahan pertanian 5 persen, dan penurunan pertumbuhan perdagangan dunia sebesar 10 persen.
Hasil estimasi nienutz jukkan bahvvaperekononzian Indonesia, seperti telah diprediksikan tumbuh dengan -4.23 persen dalam jangka pendek, sementara dalam 5 tahun ke depan tumbuh rata-rata 3.87 persen per tahun. Perumbuhan rendah ini punya konsekuensi yang cukup berat bagi perekonomian makro, sosial maupun regional. Pertumbuhan rendah dan tingkat inflasi yang tinggi akan diikuti dengan turunnya tingkat kesejahteraan yang cukup drastis karena secara rata-rata penghasilan rumah tangga tidak meningkat sementara harga-harga secara agregat meningkat.
Keywords: computable general equilibriumeconomic growthIMFWorld BankOraniIndoraniIndonesi
Analisis Rangka Pada Mesin Pencacah Kertas Menggunakan Software Solidworks
Mesin pencacah kertas adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mencacah kertas yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi sehingga terbentuk kertas yang berukuran kecil-kecil. Rangka mesin pencacah kertas adalah suatu komponen batang yang akan digabungkan dengan komponen lain nya seperti poros, motor listrik, pasak, sabuk v, pasak dan bantalan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk analisis tegangan, regangan, beban struktur dan beban maksimal rangka mesin pencacah kertas dengan software solidworks 2021. Rangka mesin pencacah kertas harus kuat dan kokoh sehingga mampu menahan beban berat. Ukuran rangka mesin pencacah kertas pada penelitian ini yaitu 3000 mm x 1500 mm x 1100 mm dengan bahan material AISI 304 besi hollow 6 x 5 tebal 3 mm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Pembebanan yang digunakan yaitu 500 N, 1000 N dan 1500 N. hasil dari pehitungan pembebanan terendah 500 N tegangan minimal 2,147 e^(-6) N/〖mm〗^2 dan tegangan maksimal 4,051 e^(-01) N/〖mm〗^2, pembebanan 1000 N tegangan minimal 2,657e^(-06)N/〖mm〗^2 dan tegangan maksimal 8,038 e^(-01) N/〖mm〗^2, sedangkan pembebanan tertinggi 1500 N tegangan minimal 3,985e^(-06)N/〖mm〗^2 dan tegangan maksimal 1,206e^(+00) N/〖mm〗^2. Kemudian regangan pada pembebanan terendah 500 N regangan minimal 2,202 e^(-11) dan regangan maksimal 1,411 e^(-06), pembebanan 1000 N regangan minimal 1,408e^(-11) dan regangan maksimal 2,810e^(-06), pembebanan tertinggi 1500 N regangan minimal 2,112e^(-11) dan regangan maksimal 4,215 e^(-06). Dari Hasil beban struktur terendah 500 N dan beban maksimal 1500 N pada rangka mesin pencacah kertas dapat digabungkan dengan komponen-komponen yang lainnya sehingga rangka mesin pencacah kertas mampu menahan beban maksimal dengan faktor keamanan didapatkan nilai minimal 5,105e^(+02) dan maksimal 9,635e^(+07)
Choice of self-generation in the industrial firm: A case study of Indonesia
This dissertation investigates economic factors that industrial firms consider when deciding how much electricity to self-generate. The study develops and econometrically tests a simultaneous Tobit model explaining the relative importance of several key economic factors. The empirical result, based on data from the cigarette, spinning-textile, paper, fertilizer, crumb-rubber, cement and metal works industries in Indonesia, has demonstrated the interaction of several independent variables that determine the firm\u27s decision to self-generate. The key variables that affect the decision are cost of self-generation, electricity demand of the public utility, and reliability of the public utility. The evidence suggests that for most firms, over a five year period, low levels of reliability of the public utility play the most important role in determining the quantity of electricity produced. The results indicate that an alternative government policy action related to the improvement of the quality of service should focus on utilizing firms\u27 excess power generation. Under this option, the public utility, PLN, would purchase excess power from the industrial firms. The price should be on a level such that neither party is a financial losers. The benefit-cost analysis shows that this type of a private provision is beneficial not only for the utility and the firms, but also the nation. Furthermore, the establishment of a private provision market would help create more reliable and economical electric supply facilities. As a result, this could produce better energy resource allocation, especially in the electricity market, with minimum interruptions and decreases in outage cost. This study has several direct and indirect implications for industrial firms and the utility. For the industrial firms, the study helps to produce a better analysis of the strategy of cost minimization with the possibility of profiting from the power transaction. The utility, with a knowledge of the behavior of the industrial firms, would gain a better understanding concerning decisions on how to improve the electricity service. One way to do that, in the short or medium term, would be to promote potential self-generators to augment the public supply through appropriate price policies and regulations
Talbiyah di Tanah Haram; memoar para wartawan haji
Buku ini otoritatif menjelaskan pengalaman berumrah dan berhaji, serta suka duka mengurus jamaah haji. Buku kaya dengan inspirasi dan pengalaman spiritual di dua kota Haramxxiii, 256 hlm,; 21 c
Minyak bumi dan bantuan luar negeri: dalam perekonomian Indonesia , Ed.1/ Abimanyu
xvi, 109 hal. ; 24 cm