105 research outputs found
Applied chemometric approach in identification sources of air quality pattern in Selangor, Malaysia
In recent years, Malaysia has experienced quite a few number of chronic air pollution problems and it has become a major contributor to the deterioration of human health and ecosystems. This study aimed to assess the air quality data and identify the pattern of air pollution sources using chemometric analysis through hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), discriminant analysis (DA), principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLR). The air quality data from January 2016 until December 2016 was obtained from the Department of Environment Malaysia. Air quality data from eight sampling stations in Selangor include the selected variables of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM10). The HCA resulted in three clusters, namely low pollution source (LPS), moderate pollution source (MPS) and slightly high pollution source (SHPS). Meanwhile, DA resulted in two and four variables for the forward stepwise mode and the backward stepwise mode, respectively. Through PCA, it was identified that the main pollutants of LPS, MPS and SHPS came from industrial and vehicle emissions, agricultural systems, residential factors and natural emission sources. Among the three models yielded from the MLR analysis, it was found that SHPS is the most suitable model to be used for the prediction of Air Pollution Index. This study concluded that a clearer review and practical design of air quality monitoring network would be beneficial for better management of air pollution. The study also suggested that chemometric techniques have the ability to show significant information on spatial variability for large and complex air quality data
A review of applied GIS based in sustainable water resources management in Malacca River case study: an observation perspective
Water resources have become an issue in supplying freshwater for human to carry out daily activities. The reasons for this problem water pollution occurring in rivers. Among the methods to overcome this problem is the adoption of the concept of sustainability in water resources management in Malacca River. Practicing this concept will require a technology to help in planning as a whole, namely Geographical Information System or GIS. GIS is a tool widely used in determining the quality and quantity of water resources, especially at the river basin scale, to manage water resources. The site selection for observation in this review paper is Malacca River, which have a wide river basin and suitable for study. As a result, GIS has the ability to combine various data and provide an answer for decision making in sustainable water resources management in Malacca River, such as physical perspective data (elevation and slope boundary, landuse data, meteorological data, hydrological data, etc.) and human perspective data (demographic and population data, stakeholders and businesses data, etc.). GIS helps users to develop a new model (for example water quality model) which become a main point in saving and protecting the environment and the human society
Applied GIS in assessment water quality modeling in the Malacca River. Case study: introduction to research study
A research study documents the process of examination, using experimentation or investigation to discover and interpret on certain topic for the purpose of increasing the understanding of an issue. The main purposes of research study are to help people to understand and solve problems, communicate ideas and information to the public, help researchers to make decisions through data collection, and develop new knowledge for humankind. Research may be divided into the first stage (problem statement, research questions, hypothesis or objectives), second stage (literature review, research design, instrumentation, preliminary study), and third stage (data collection, data analysis or research findings, preparation of reports). The problem statement of this study involves river water pollution, while the objective of the study is to assess river water quality in the Malacca River, to determine major source and the factors contributing to river pollution, and to determine a spatial decision support system (SDSS) for minimizing water pollution in the Malacca River. The research design involves a quantitative approach (experimental methods), which collects primary data (water sample from Malacca River and GPS data information) and secondary data (water sample from government, GIS map-based data, and RS data). This data will be grouped together and undergo the analysis process of GIS and RS to develop SDSS. Information and results provided will become answers to the objective and determination of achievement of the research study. Therefore, this study provides new information for other researchers to perform more in depth research according to their field of study
Keberkesanan Faktor Dalaman Menghadapi Bencana Banjir Monsun di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Satu Kajian Kes Berasaskan Persepsi Penduduk
Bencana banjir monsun timur laut merupakan peristiwa alam semula jadi yang melanda pada musim tengkujuh, iaitu bulan Oktober hingga Februari, memberikan impak negatif kepada masyarakat setempat. Oleh itu, kajian penyelidikan dijalankan untuk menilai keberkesanan faktor dalaman menghadapi bencana banjir monsun di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Penyelidikan melibatkan kaedah kuantitatif, iaitu melibatkan soal selidik dalam mengutip dan mengumpul data. Soal selidik dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian, iaitu demografi profil dan faktor dalaman menghadapi bencana banjir monsun. Saiz sampel ditetapkan kepada 400 respoden dan kawasan sampel tertumpu di bandar Kota Bharu, serta analisis digunakan ialah kolerasi antara variabel. Keputusan menunjukkan majoriti responden menetap berdekatan sungai akan membina rumah berstrukturkan kayu-kayan dan lebih tinggi daripada tanah permukaan bumi atau rumah bertiang bagi mengelakkan daripada bencana banjir. Selain itu, responden akan berwaspada jika hujan berterusan dengan membuat penyediaan sumber- sumber seperti makanan, minuman, perahu, dan lain-lain, yang mencukupi untuk tempoh yang lama seperti sebulan atau melebihi sebulan. Walaupun bencana banjir mendatangkan keriangan kepada sebilangan penduduk, namun responden akan berpindah ke kawasan lebih tinggi dan selamat bersama- sama dengan dokumen penting sekiranya perlu. Kesimpulannya, penduduk mengamalkan konsep adaptasi bagi menghadapi bencana banjir darisegi fizikal dan mentaliti, serta memastikan keselamatan dan kesihatan terjamin bagi mengelakkan perkara buruk berlaku
Sungai Melaka sebagai suatu daya tarikan pelancongan baru di Negeri Melaka: satu ulasan kritis
Sektor pelancongan banyak menyumbang kepada pendapatan negara. Kerajaan mempromosikan pelbagai tema dan
program bagi menarik perhatian para pelacong. Kesannya, jumlah ketibaan pelancong ke Malaysia meningkat dari
setahun ke setahun. Artikel ini mengulas Sungai Melaka sebagai daya tarikan pelancongan. Negeri Melaka
merupakan destinasi pelancongan yang bertemakan sejarah namun kini digandingkan dengan pelancongan alam
sekitar yang berfokus kepada Sungai Melaka. Fungsi utama Sungai Melaka yang asal adalah sebagai sumber air,
makanan, pertanian, penternakan, pengangkutan, dan pekerjaan. Kini kerajaan negeri membangunkan semula
Sungai Melaka menjadi seperti ‘Venice of the East’, iaitu sebagai salah satu program pelancongannya.
Pembangunan semula secara fizikal telah menjadikan Sungai Melaka lebih menarik. Perubahan fizikal ini juga telah
menyebabkan fungsi asal Sungai Melaka berubah. Pembangunan ekonomi moden dan pembandaran di sekitarnya
juga telah meningkatkan tahap hubungan manusia-sungai. Pada masa yang sama kelebaran dan kedalaman sungai
turut meningkat. Pencemaran sungai juga mula berlaku. Oleh itu, pembangunan, perancangan, dan pengurusan harus
dilakukan oleh semua pihak termasuk kerajaan, swasta, penduduk tempatan, dan masyarakat bagi mengekalkan
kebersihan Sungai Melaka
How Satisfaction Disabled People Engaging in Tourism Activities? A Case Study of Disability Tourism in Kuala Lumpur City
Accessible tourism is considered new-partially conceptual that being implemented in the tourism industry. This study carry out to investigate and to determine disabled people in engage with the tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur City. This study uses qualitative of face-to-face interview and quantitative of questionnaire survey. Five domains had been set for interview purposes, while questionnaire survey involved with two main parts, namely demographic profile and the experienced of disabled people in expose to tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur city. This questionnaire uses Thurstone scale and Likert scale. Complete collection data will be input using SPSS v.23 for analysis. The result indicates majority participants are positively agreed that infrastructure or services, as well as information map should be prepared in appropriated ways would increase the accessible tourism. The education also plays an important role that able to sustain the accessible tourism industry for longer term. Nevertheless, most of participants are partially disagreed in the facilities provided, which likely to refer to the public toilets and transportations, as well as hotels management that should serve specialty to disabled people. They do opinion that public facilities should be upgrade, as well as comment on the hotel staffs should undergo for training and behave friendlier attitude, which important to provide comfortable condition towards the disabled people. This study suggests disabled people have self-encouraged in engage with the tourism activities in Kuala Lumpur. At the same time, further study in exploratory, understandable, and predictable on accessible tourism are required, especially involved in the sub-urban and rural area that provide facilities and services for the tourism industry
Land Use Land Cover Changes in Detection of Water Quality: A Study Based on Remote Sensing and Multivariate Statistics
Malacca River water quality is affected due to rapid urbanization development. The present study applied LULC changes towards water quality detection in Malacca River. The method uses LULC, PCA, CCA, HCA, NHCA, and ANOVA. PCA confirmed DS, EC, salinity, turbidity, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, As, Hg, Zn, Fe, E. coli, and total coliform. CCA confirmed 14 variables into two variates; first variate involves residential and industrial activities; and second variate involves agriculture, sewage treatment plant, and animal husbandry. HCA and NHCA emphasize that cluster 1 occurs in urban area with Hg, Fe, total coliform, and DO pollution; cluster 3 occurs in suburban area with salinity, EC, and DS; and cluster 2 occurs in rural area with salinity and EC. ANOVA between LULC and water quality data indicates that built-up area significantly polluted the water quality through E. coli, total coliform, EC, BOD, COD, TSS, Hg, Zn, and Fe, while agriculture activities cause EC, TSS, salinity, E. coli, total coliform, arsenic, and iron pollution; and open space causes contamination of turbidity, salinity, EC, and TSS. Research finding provided useful information in identifying pollution sources and understanding LULC with river water quality as references to policy maker for proper management of Land Use area
Pengenalan Rangkakerja Metodologi dalam Kajian Penyelidikan: Satu Kajian Komprehensif
Kajian penyelidikan wajib melibatkan kaedah metodologi yang menggunakan proses perancangan, proses applikasi, dan proses analisis. Kajian literatur dijalankan bertujuan untuk menghuraikan perkaitan tentang kawasan sampel, saiz sampel, dan penentuan pengukuran skala. Saiz sampel boleh ditentukan melalui formula (atau persamaan). Apabila saiz sampel diapplikasikan dalam kawasan sampel, persampelan kebarangkalian dan bukan kebarangkalian akan terlibat dalam menentukan kuantiti dan kualiti pengutipan data-data untuk penyelidikan. Persampelan kebarangkalian dibahagikan kepada rawak mudah, sistematik, rawak berlapis, kawasan pelbagai lapisan, dan kelompok; manakala persampelan bukan kebarangkalian pula ialah secara kebetulan, bertujuan, kuota, bola salji, dimensional, kes kritikal, dan variasi maksimum. Kemudian, pengukuran skala dapat ditentukan melalui nominal, ordinal selang dan nisbah ke dalam soal selidik atau temu bual, dimana keempat-empat skala ini akan menentukan pengukuran khas seperti skala Likert, skala Thurstone, skala Guttman, dan skala perbezaan prosedur Semantik dalam menjalankan sesuatu analisis kajian. Oleh itu, saiz sampel dan kawasan sampel, serta penentuan pengukuran skala penting dalam kaedah metodologi bagi melancarkan dan mempercepatkan proses pengutipan dan pengumpulan data
Applied information system-based in enhancing students' understanding towards higher order thinking (HOTS)
The application of information and communications technology (ICT) had become more important in our daily life, especially in educational field. Teachers are encouraged to use information system-based in teaching Mathematical courses. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) approach is unable to explain using chalk and talk methods. It needs students to analyze, evaluate, and create by their own natural abilities. The aim of this research study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the application information system-based in enhance the students understanding about HOTS question. Mixed-methods or quantitative and qualitative approach was applied in collecting data, which involve only the standard five students and the teachers in Sabak Bernam, Selangor. Pra-postests was held before and after using information system-based in teaching to evaluate the students’ understanding. The result from post-test indicates significant improvement which proves that the use of information system based able to enhance students’ understanding about HOTS question and solve it. There were several factor influenced the students such as students’ attitude, teachers attraction, school facilities, and computer approach. Teachers play an important role in attracting students to learn. Therefore, the school should provide a conducive learning environment and good facilities for students to learn so that they are able to access more information and always exposed to new knowledge. As conclusion, information system-based are able to enhance students understanding the need of HOTS questions and solve it
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