25 research outputs found


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    The article presents research on the erosion of the metamorphic rock - marble by the Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ). The fragmentation of abrasive grains during the erosion process is demonstrated. The effect of the cutting process's most important parameters as traverse speed, nozzle ID, and abrasive mass flow rate, on the maximum cutting depth, is shown. To create a mathematical-statistic model of the erosion process, the methodology of the response surface (RSM) was used for modeling. The polynomial equation of the second degree is chosen for developing the regression model. Studies have shown the optimal parameters of the process, to reach the highest depth of the cut. Additionally, the erosion wear of a focusing tube under different process conditions is presented


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    The paper introduces the study on the cutting of the industrial composite phenolic resin, based on the thermoset materials reinforced with cotton cloth by the Abrasive Water Suspension Jet (AWSJ). The size reduction of abrasive grains during the formation of the jet and the erosion phenomenon are shown. The results of the machining process's critical factors as nozzle length, nozzle diameter, and abrasive mass flow rate on the maximal cutting depth, are indicated. To build a model of the process, the method of the response surface (RSM) was applied. The second-degree multinomial equation is selected for creating the cutting model. The research indicates the optimal control factors of the process, to achieve the best cutting depth performance

    Feasibility study on the use of fractal analysis for evaluating the surface quality generated by waterjet

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    U radu se daje primjena fraktalne analize u jednostavnoj procjeni kvalitete površina obrađenih vodenim mlazom, naročito nakon rezanja abrazivnim vodenim mlazom. Ovom će se analizom omogućiti otklanjanje subjektivne procjene obrađivanih površina. Na taj će se način osigurati točna procjena kvalitete površine kao i mogućnost da se objektivno usporedi kvaliteta odrezanog ruba dobivenog primjenom različitih parametara.The paper presents the fractal analysis application for a simple evaluation of the quality of waterjet treated surfaces, especially after abrasive waterjet cutting. This analysis will enable the elimination of subjective assessments of treated surfaces. This will ensure a clear estimate of the quality of the surface and the ability to objectively compare the quality of the cutting edge obtained by using different cutting parameters

    Research into the Disintegration of Abrasive Materials in the Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process

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    The size and distribution of abrasive particles have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the cutting process by the high-speed abrasive water jet (AWJ). This paper deals with the disintegration intensity of abrasive materials in AWJ cutting during the creation of the abrasive jet. An evaluation of the abrasive materials was performed after forming in the cutting head was carried out and grain distribution was evaluated using the geometric and logarithmic Folk and Ward method. The influence of the abrasive concentration of abrasive materials such as alluvial garnet, recycled garnet, corundum, and olivine on grain distribution was studied. A recovery analysis was also carried out and the recycling coefficient was determined for each abrasive material tested

    Effect of the main parameters of the high-pressure jet water abrasion on the surface quality of cut HARDOX 500 STEEL

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    Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu najważniejszych parametrów procesu przecinania wysokociśnieniową strugą wodno-ścierną stali Hardox na chropowatość powstałej powierzchni. W celu określenia najkorzystniejszych parametrów kontrolnych procesu skrawania stworzono matematyczno-statystyczny model procesu cięcia wykorzystując metodę powierzchni odpowiedzi (RSM). Wybrano równanie wielomianowe drugiego stopnia i na jego podstawie stworzono model obróbki, umożliwiający znalezienie optymalnych parametrów kontrolnych oraz predykcję wartości chropowatości powierzchni przeciętej.The results of investigations of the influence of the most important parameters of the cutting process of highpressure water jet cutting of Hardox steel on the roughness of the resulting surface are presented. A mathematical-statistical model of the cutting process based on the response surface method (RSM) was created to determine the most favorable control parameters of the cutting process. A second-degree polynomial equation was chosen and a machining model was created based on this equation to find the optimal control parameters and predict the value of the cut surface roughness

    Disintegration and recycling possibility of selected abrasives for water jet cutting

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    This paper presented a study of abrasive disintegration in a 400 MPa Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ). Abrasive particle size and distribution play a major role in machining and cutting efficiency of abrasive water jets. Tested garnet abrasive, commonly used in the abrasive water jet treatment, and corundum. It is of scientific interest to observe the disintegration of these particles which have been interactive with uncommonly used abrasive materials. Time impact of abrasive grains on the workpiece is very short and not all the grain in the stream of being able to do the work of cutting, you should expect the possibility of recovering the abrasive treatment. Considerable importance is the increase in cutting capacity crushed grains due to reveal new cutting edges. Based on a feasibility study this paper will present some results on achieved cutting data and shows also wear of the used focusing tube - the main part responsible for the formation of the jet

    Valoración de la desintegración y reciclaje de los componentes abrasivos en procesos de cortes con agua

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    This paper presented a study of abrasive disintegration in a 400 MPa Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ). Abrasive particle size and distribution play a major role in machining and cutting efficiency of abrasive water jets. Tested garnet abrasive, commonly used in the abrasive water jet treatment, and corundum. It is of scientific interest to observe the disintegration of these particles which have been interactive with uncommonly used abrasive materials. Time impact of abrasive grains on the workpiece is very short and not all the grain in the stream of being able to do the work of cutting, you should expect the possibility of recovering the abrasive treatment. Considerable importance is the increase in cutting capacity crushed grains due to reveal new cutting edges. Based on a feasibility study this paper will present some results on achieved cutting data and shows also wear of the used focusing tube - the main part responsible for the formation of the jet.Este trabajo presentó un estudio de la desintegración abrasiva en un chorro de agua abrasivo de 400 MPa (AWJ). El tamaño y la distribución de partículas abrasivas juegan un papel importante en el mecanizado y la eficacia de corte de los chorros de agua abrasiva. Abrasivo de granate probado, comúnmente utilizado en el tratamiento con chorro de agua abrasivo y corindón. Es de interés científico observar la desintegración de estas partículas que han sido interactivas con materiales abrasivos poco comunes. El impacto del tiempo de los granos abrasivos en la pieza de trabajo es muy corto y no todo el grano en la corriente de poder hacer el trabajo de corte, debe esperar la posibilidad de recuperar el tratamiento abrasivo. Considerable importancia es el aumento en la capacidad de corte de granos triturados debido a revelar nuevos bordes de corte. Con base en un estudio de factibilidad, este documento presentará algunos resultados sobre los datos de corte obtenidos y muestra también el desgaste del tubo de enfoque utilizado, la principal parte responsable de la formación del chorro