17 research outputs found
Referensi tentang hubungan filogenetik marga Litsea dan marga-marga yang berkerabat dekat masih terbatas. Pohon molekuler yang dihasilkan berdasarkan sekuens External Transcribed Spacer (ETS) dan Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) dari studi sebelumnya memperlihatkan topologi pohon yang berbeda dan beberapa klaster yang tidak memiliki nilai dukung atau nilai dukung rendah. Karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi penggunaan ETS wilayah DNA ribosom inti sel untuk analisis filogenetik dari Litsea dan kerabat dekatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 jenis Litsea dan 16 jenis dari marga terkait. Jenis-jenis ini sebagian besar berasal dari wilayah Malesia dan beberapa dari Jepang. Sekuensing langsung dari produk PCR tidak memungkinkan bagi sebagian besar jenis yang diperiksa, maka dilakukan kloning untuk memperoleh sekuens ETS. Hasil sekuens ETS dibandingan dengan sekuens ITS yang diperoleh dengan sekuensing langsung dan kloning. Multikopi sekuens ETS dari setiap jenis tertentu Litsea dan marga terkait tersebar di pohon molekuler. Selain itu, sekuens ETS dari jenis yang berbeda atau bahkan berbeda marga ada yang sangat mirip atau identik. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa evolusi serempak (concerted evolution) dari ETS di marga Litsea dan marga terkait belum lengkap. Akibatnya, untuk menyimpulkan hubungan filogenetik antara jenis dan marga dari kelompok tumbuhan ini berdasarkan sekuens ETS menjadi bermasalah. Sekuens ETS tidak cocok digunakan untuk memperkirakan filogeni dari marga Litsea dan marga-marga yang berkarabat dekat
FLUSHING PADA Amherstia nobilis Wall. DAN Brownea capitella Jacq. DI KEBUN RAYA BOGOR
Phenology is a study on periodicity sightings of plants in relation to climates, such as flowering time and flushing. Flushing means the growth of shoots/ flush simultaneously. This study aims to observe the shoots and leaves growth in response to light intensity under the difference of growing positions and environmental factors. This study used purposive sampling as a descriptive method. The growing positions of flush were on terminal and axillary of the plant, both in exposed and shaded conditions. The growth pace speeds of Amherstia nobilis Wall. and Brownea capitella Jacq. in exposed condition were faster than shaded condition. The rate of growth was accompanied by a change of color. The changing color of A. nobilis leaves were faster for two months than B. capitella. This study showed that light intensity and growing positions of the plants (terminal and axillary) influenced the growth of both species
Gunung Halimun National Park (GHNP) is one of the remaining tropical forest in Java, still has high interaction with people who live in the surrounding areas.Eventhough there were some studies on ecology and ethnobotany in this area,it is still lacking of information on these subjects.This paper presented the results of ethno-ecology studies at several areas in GHNP such as East Halimun sector (around Gn.kendeng) and South Halimun sector (around Pangguyangan). The studies were carried out through vegetation analysis with Random Quadrats method and Participation method with interview technique.By these methods data were collected for the Important Value Index (IVI) and the Use Value Index (UVI) of species.These values showed that rasamala (Altingia excelsa), for tree stage, has the highest IVI and UVI but for the sapling stage the IVI is low. Kianak (Castanopsis acuminatissima) for tree and sapling stages the IVI is high but the UVI is low, while for maja (Magnolia macklottii), the UVI is high but the IVI is low for both tree and sapling stages. Based on these data, analyzed was done regarding the presence and the prospect of these species, in the context of the lifestyle of the villagers
The Plant Expedition of an Endangered Giant Flower Amorphophallus titanum in Sumatra
Bunga Bangkai Raksasa Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc., tidak pernah luput dari perhatian banyak orang karena bentuknya yang sangat unik dan merupakan tumbuhan endemik Sumatra. Saat ini, kondisi populasinya di alam sangat mengkhawatirkan akibat aktivitas pengambilan umbi secara besar-besaran untuk dijual sebagai komoditi ekspor dan tanaman hias. Aktivitas pengambilan umbi dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya lubang bekas galian pada saat survei lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil survei pada 5 - 31 Oktober 2020 di wilayah Sumatra, ditemukan 162 individu A. titanum salah satunya ditemukan dalam fase generatif dalam bentuk bunga di Sumatra Barat dan bentuk buah di Aceh. Sebagian besar individu ditemukan pada fase anakan yang berasal dari bekas cacahan umbi yang ditinggalkan oleh pengumpul. Selain itu, juga ditemukan beberapa lokasi baru bunga bangkai raksasa di di kawasan Lampung, Sumatra Barat, Sumatra Utara dan Aceh. Upaya konservasi terhadap bunga bangkai raksasa dan habitatnya sangat diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya penurunan populasi yang akan berujung pada kepunahan
The practice and plants used in Besale ritual healing by the Anak Dalam Tribe in Nyogan Village, Jambi, Indonesia
Asra R, Silalahi M, Fijridiyanto IA. 2020. The practice and plants used in Besale ritual healing by the Anak Dalam Tribe in Nyogan Village, Jambi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 4529-4536. The Anak Dalam Tribe (ADT) is an indigenous ethnic which inhabits the center of Sumatra, especially in Jambi and South Sumatra Provinces, Indonesia. The ADT communities still maintain their traditional rituals; one of them is the Besale ritual healing (BRH). This study aims to analyze the diversity of plants used in BRH by the ADT in Nyogan Village, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The study was conducted with an ethnobotany approach through surveys using interviews and participatory observations. The total number of informants was six persons, namely the leaders and performers of the BRH. The data were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive statistics. The BRH is carried out by a dukunorsidi (shaman), bujang pembayun (dancers), biduan (singers), and inang (assistant). They combine ritual and treatment simultaneously to cure people who have severe illnesses. There are 21 species belong to 20 genera and 12 families of plants used in the BRH. The plants are used to build a hall (place for the BRH), "bird" ornament, and offerings. The most widely used part of the plant is the flowers (34,61%). The plants used in the BRH are fresh materials, which are burned, smoked, hung, and eaten during the ritual
Climate change, including warming and drying, is currently the biggest challenge for plant regeneration. We conducted two experiments on how temperature affected the germination of Pittosporum pullifolium and P. spicessens, both endemic to Central Papua highlands. P. pullifolium habitat temperature at night could reach 8°C whereas P. spicessens habitat temperature ranged from 19°C early in the morning up to 26°C at midday. The first experiment was to understand the effect of chilling on P. pullifolium germination initiation. Our study showed that P. pullifolium was dependent on cold stratification for its germination. Without cold stratification the germination was absent even though the temperature range of sowing environment is at ca. 13–26°C (Cibodas Botanic Gardens). With a cold stratification at 6–8°C (constant) for more than a month, germination of
P. pullifolium occurred, with better germination rate under a light. Subsequently we carried out extended cold stratification for a month and interestingly, the germination still occurred but now it is better under dark condition. For P. spicessens, the germination at its habitat temperature range (Wamena) and in the warmer environment (Bogor Botanic Gardens), both occurred at more than two weeks after sowing
An assessment of vegetation variables in the reclamation area of the ex-gold mining at Ratatotok, Southeast Minahasa
The reclamation area of the ex gold-mining PT. Newmont Minahasa Raya (PT. NMR) will be used as a botanic gardens. This study aims to assess the reclamation program's success based on a variable vegetation of the ex gold-mining area of PT. NMR for the basis of the next management. Observations of vegetation on each unit of area was done by nested sampling system, where plots were placed along a perpendicular transect in a contour line. Vegetation variables were recorded among other: species name, individual number, plot numbers, coordinates, temperature, humidity, canopy cover, and land cover. The effect of vegetation on both of two variable regions, revegetation area and non-revegetation area, was tested using discriminant analysis. The results showed that the vegetation composition of the ex gold mining area of PT. NMR was still dominated by introduction species i.e. gamal (Gliricidia sepium), mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla), and lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala). The diversity of understorey vegetation was middle category. The vegetation structure of the revegetation area was still in its infancy and has not yet reached climax conditions. However, revegetation efforts PT. NMR has succeeded in restoring the composition and structure of vegetation resembling to vegetation conditions in secondary forests. For supporting the ecosystem stability and promoting development programs of botanic gardens, were the enrichment of native vegetation and endangered species is needed
Jernang rattan (Calamus spp.) is an essential source of income for the people of Seko Besar and Taman Bandung Villages, who live near natural forests in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi. The skin of jernang fruit contains red resin, which has high economic value as a raw material for medicines and natural dyes. This study aimed to explore the biodiversity of the species of jernang in these regions, examine the differences of each species, uses, traditional processing of jernang resin, conservation efforts, use and cultural values. The method used was direct interviews based on specific criteria (snowball sampling) to 40 respondents, participatory observation, and documentation. Use values were calculated using Use Value (UV), and cultural values were calculated using the Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). The research result showed four species of jernang in Seko Besar and Taman Bandung Villages, namely Calamus draco Willd. (jernang rambai), C. micracanthus Griff. (jernang kelamuai), C. maculatus (J.Dransf.) W.J.Baker (jernang bengkarung), and C. didymophyllus (Becc.) Ridl. (jernang burung). The jernang was traditionally used as medicine for several diseases and handicrafts. The community carried out conservation and cultivation by planting jernang in rubber gardens around the house yard and harvesting the fruit without damaging the parent plants. The highest UV value was 1 in C. draco and C. micracanthus and the lowest was 0.85 in C. maculatus. The ICS value of C. draco and C. micracanthus were 18 while, C. didymophyllus and C. maculatus were 2.5.Rotan jernang (Calamus spp.) merupakan salah satu sumber penghasilan yang penting bagi masyarakat Desa Seko Besar dan Taman Bandung yang bermukim di dekat hutan alam di Kabupaten Sarolangun, Jambi. Kulit buah jernang mengandung resin merah yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi karena bermanfaat sebagai bahan baku obat dan pewarna alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi jenis-jenis jernang di daerah tersebut, mengkaji perbedaan dari setiap jenis, mengetahui pemanfaatan, cara pengolahan resin jernang secara tradisional, upaya pelestarian dan mengetahui nilai guna dan nilai budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara langsung berdasarkan kriteria tertentu (snowball sampling) terhadap 40 responden, observasi partisipatif, dan dokumentasi. Nilai guna dihitung dengan menggunakan Use Value (UV) dan nilai nilai budaya dihitung dengan menggunakan Index of Cultural Significance (ICS). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan empat jenis-jenis jernang di Desa Seko Besar dan Taman Bandung yaitu Calamus draco Willd. (jernang rambai), C. micracanthus Griff. (jernang kelamuai), C. maculatus (J.Dransf.) W.J.Baker (jernang bengkarung), dan C. didymophyllus (Becc.) Ridl. (jernang burung). Pemanfaatan jernang secara tradisional oleh masyarakat yaitu sebagai obat untuk menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit dan bahan kerajinan tangan. Upaya pelestarian dan budidaya yang oleh masyarakat yaitu dengan menanam jernang pada kebun karet di sekitar pekarangan rumah dan pemanenan buah yang tidak merusak tanaman induknya. Nilai UV tertinggi terdapat pada jenis C. draco dan C. micracanthus yaitu 1,00 dan terendah C. maculatus yaitu 0,85. Nilai ICS rotan jernang C. draco dan C. micracanthus yaitu 18, sedangkan C. didymophyllus dan C. maculatus yaitu 2,5
ヨウリョクタイ ト カク ゲノム ノ ヒカク ニ モトズク マレシア チイキ ノ ハマビワゾク ( クスノキカ ) オヨビ ソノ キンエンゾク ノ ケイトウガクテキ カイセキ
京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(理学)甲第14433号理博第3430号新制||理||1501(附属図書館)UT51-2009-D145京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻(主査)教授 戸部 博, 教授 工藤 洋, 准教授 永益 英敏学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of ScienceKyoto UniversityDA